Show southern nevada J W crosby writes as follows from overton lincoln county nevada under date of the uth instant the winter thus far in southern nevada has been mild no snow or frost to speak of we have hoped for a railroad but it is seems slow W we e have salt and gypsum as well as gold and silver mines as also agricultural produce to su supply ply the railroad the roads are horr horrible ble in these parts hence the necessity of a railroad A one fine mill has been recently recent lv finished at gold basta basin about forty miles from here and great things are looked for in that direction al present the mill is shut down but I 1 hear it is about to start again there is known to be gold producing rock cropping out in many places all along the colorado river for miles or more above and below the Gold GoldBas Basin ln there are silver mines opening west of us the same that were worked thirty years ago by the mor mons near vegas Spring sand others so I 1 am told mr A G campbell is opening these mines or others near by it seems a railroad is to be opened from salt lake city to southern california aud we want it to come near us but must bide our time |