Show CACHE VALLEY doings of deputies and others in that region the deepest snow that cache valley has experienced for several years is now beautifying her broad expanse A J Sin monds of chyde park was arrested on a ai indictment charging unlawful cohabitation samuel price of wellsville was brought before commissioner goodwin on saturday charged with assault with a deadly weapon lie he gave bonds bonas in john Wyat fand W N thomas being his sureties the case of hans christen hanson came up before commissioner goodwin on thursday he was bound over on the charge of adultery to await tue the action of the grand jury the same bonds continued annie Annier jensen the alleged second wife of hans christian hansen was before Commissioner goodba Guo dwinon 0 n the inu charge of fornication fornica tiou on T thursday r she was bound over in the sum of to await the action of the grand jury johanas anderson derson and abe jorgensen signed her bonds on january frederick yates of Mil iville was arrested on the charge of unlawful cohabitation he was is held in the sum of 1000 mr martin artin woolf was arrested at the same time and place ailace on the charge of assault jete ite was ats held in thes the sum of to appear before fief ore commissioner good win F A who was arrested by deputy debuty whetstone on the charge I 1 unlawful cohabitation on wednesday evening was before the commissioner on friday morning laor W M maughan appeared for him the complaint covered two years vears of time and the afie examination resulted in mr alp New berer beier bound over to await the action odthe e grand jury his ben bondsmen damen are seth A langton langion serge F bailiff a and n d charles frank elizabeth F new berger was as placed unde john widmer and john lederman Lc derman sureties eureti es A correspondent writes to us that on wednesday two boys about eighteen years of age named d respectively byrn ara halversen and hans W bading were ar ravened before justice bevens be vens on the ane charge of st stealing esling the article stolen was a keg kag of beer belonging to aadrew andersen the boys pleaded guilty to the charge and abd were fined 15 cachia eluding costs halversen paid his bis fine but beading Wea ding not having the wherewith to settle was committed to the city jail until friday when his father gave security for his bis fine and he was released friday after afternoon neon john A kid manof Peter was before commissioner lom missioner goodwin on the going charge mr poulsen mrs kra kidman and C M N bevens appeared as witnesses after the evidence was all given mr W W Maughan counsel for the defense made an able argument in favor of his client and showed very distinctly that no evidence had bad been adduced that would warrant the defendant being bound over the commiss commissioner ionar briefly replied to mr Maug baughans maughans Ma hans argument at af ter ler which tie lie took the matter under advisement until 7 in the evening at which hour he rendered his decision which was that mr kidman be discharged on saturday fred of lo 10 ga gap dp I 1 was arrested on the charge of adultery altery on monday he had hla his examination before commissioner goodwin and was bound over in the sum of 1 1000 his bondsmen were jens jehs nielsen aud and L R ma lineau tl neau during the examination of one of the witness esit was necessary to ask a somewhat deli Aft after erthe the question bad had been asked a amro ME B R D roberts ho berts who was present spoke ii up and said aid that if his bis wife should be asked such acques a question he would kill tue toe interrogator tho commissioner fined him 5 00 and imposed one days imprisonment for contempt 1 utah journal |