Show slightly off A gent gentleman lemin writes from preston Pr eaton cache county as follows it is claimed that mercury will freeze before it reaches 50 degrees below zero fah but bat it has tailed failed to do so by the marks on my plate I 1 have a eter that marks about 60 degrees below zero and on i examination ion OB sunday morning at 8 it was found en incapable of performing its f functions unc as the mercury bad gone down into the bulb the only reason for its not going lower was waa the fact that there was no hole la in the bottom of the glass the gentleman is evidently mistaken as to so the marking on his bis plate as all thermometers in which mercury is used mark only to 40 degrees below it if his bis instrument is marked as claimed it certainly Is a fraud for testing the temperature of the air an any aay season mercury cury freezes at 39 degrees below zero and in fact is not reliable even in the best beat instruments under 25 below as at that point it becomes sluggish A very verv low temperature is indic indicated abed by spirit thermometers which have never been known to freeze |