Show SUNDAY SERVICES religious services were held in the i tab tabernacle er nacle salt lake city sunday september 10 1888 commencing at 2 p in president an M cannon presiding the choir und and congregation sang Ouro Our fiod agod we raise laise to thee thanks for foi thy blessings tree free wo we here enoy enjoy prayer was offered by elder geo F gibbs the choir sang 0 god th eternal father who dwells dw ells amid aenid the sky I 1 the priesthood of the nineteenth ward officiated in the administration of the Sacra sacrament merit E LDER ELDER JOHN n M KELSON was the first speaker he e said it was nearly three truee years sine since e he was called to go on a mission to great britain to preach the gospel leaving this city october 13 1985 lie he was assigned to the london conference where he labored till september 1887 when he was tranA transferred erred to the conference and remained in tile the latter lattell district until released to come home in his bis labors lie he was thrown amon among 1 strangers stran gerb and being without purse 0 or 1 scrip ois his experiences were sowe somewhat what peculiar ar hut but tiu lie trusted in god and he I 1 gave him peace and encouragement this wati was not noc his hid first mission lor for before coming to utan he h had bad been inthe ministry six years in his labors as an E elder ider he had bad learned to know that gud god lives and had endeavored to preach the gampel ot christ in plain plainness nebs he tesi ihna to the of tile Gro groppel aud and exhorted the saints to be singing conic come all ye yc sons bon of zion and let us prairie ic the lord loid ULDER JOHN MORGAN also addressed tile the congregation lie ile testified that trie the la hattei ater day saints had e espoused to sed the principles ot of eternal lite t hat J seph benith was a prophet aun and th lt it gods kingdom would stand and be upon the earth this ims rave joy to the Sa saints ilits and strengthened them thein in their course notwithstanding the untoward circumstances cum stances by which they were surrounded the lord told joseph jo epa smith that mac nisi nis naine should ue DC oad had lor good aud and evil in all tile cartel dtta that the principles would woul t az be received uy by the honell eaheart na la heart who would gather from the various nations to the land ot zoo on tae rue very idea was wilily wildly v siona iv lium lioni a standpoint vet t als Is I 1 was before vie t ie world toe great art it truths reve revealed alea through p josepa josepn smith tire are today re revolutions z I 1 lag the hie deml ious world they are aie breading prea ding toleration and religions ioui liberty libel ty lu iu all the notions nations fitly years a 0 o joseph declared dic lAred bv itie voice f prophecy ophee op hec that mails 11 6 would im bt taken and ami the people be lavea irom from place to place because of the promulgation of the principles of 0 the he gospel ave have reit I zed the I 1 literal eral of this in the shedding of the blood of the awers aud and tae experiences of tae Saints 4 it is this means that religious liberty will be establish d in the earth As god lives that time will come when men way may wor ship him accor cling to the dictates 0 of their own consciences through the labors and sufferings and heroism of the saints will this be brought about inthe provide provi dences rices of the lord the faints are not alone in the struggle abr for the liberty of mankind in far off russia where exiles are panting for freedom and wherever oppress loa lom rules will this feeling permeate until it brings about their deliverance may god speed the day when true liberty will be accorded all of his children and peace reign from the rivers to the rids ends of the earth the choir san sang 11 the anthem 0 give thanks benediction WAS pronounced by elder arthur stayner |