Show REPUTED REFUTED BY THE FIGURES IT iq i surprising to learn that shout about one halt half of the adult mormons cormons in utah are still living in polygamy that the number of indictments indictment against polya amista is larler larger than the convictions that scarcely one of the parties arties con aided vided pays i a flue and that nearly 10 per cent of the convicts have been pardoned the above from a pennsylvania pa peris similar to other remarks la in it would be ing it one ought to be surprised at anything said by part izan papers I 1 just previous to an election or at anything published in re relation laton to the mor mons but bui it certainly is not true every statement contained in the Para paragraph grabb is a falsehood this Is verified by figures in official reports but the story was started for political use and the truth will have no effect upon the fabricators fabricatore fabrica tors there have been 16 convictions for polygamy in utah and tor for unlawful cohabitation the bum of 20 has been collected for fines and costs the pardons have been rare and only on the recommendation of the prosecuting officer the judges and other officials and prominent citizens we do not know of but two cases in which object objector ou has been saiyd here even by most virulent anti cormons mormons 91 The President has been exceedingly cautious and has exercised the pardoning power in these cases without any Cira extraordinary ordinary stretch of clemency As we view it pardons might have bees been granted ranted in many other oter i cases lithot without any violation of official duty or discretion but in strict accordance with the dictates of justice and human ity the first assertion in the paragraph we have quoted has bien been refuted by statistics so often that it would be indeed surprising to see it repeated in a respectable paper if it were not for the fact that the press generally 1 ignores 9 nor the ibe roost most complete answers to ral raso auti mormon assertions and pre fers fera to repeat the nonsense and falsehood that pander to popular notions and antipathies antipa thies the story was told by fred T dubois before a congressional committee and was branded en an the spot as a palpable untruth rath it was intended to prejudice the committee but when exposed worked the other way so it ought to be with every shameless falsehood of a similar character the facts and figures in relation to these matters will come before Congress and then we beall see how many papers which copied the lies will give place in their columns for the truth |