Show penitentiary report following is marshal dyers penitentiary report lor for the year ending june 30 IM UNITED STATES PRISONERS number in m prison july 1 1887 number received from ti om july 1 1887 to june 99 total number in prison during the year number discharged from july 1 isaio to ft june 0 A number remaining in prison july 1 1888 discharged CHARGED Drs DURING THE YEAR by expiration of sentence ct 2 IS died 2 pardoned 2 21 I 1 discharged by first t court 20 discharged by third district court 24 total of 01 those received during the year ending june 80 1888 CRIMES OR OFFENSES Or number committed for violation of revenue lawse laws law sf aw 1 number committed for counterfeiting 2 number committed for violation of postal laws i 1 number committed for other offenses chiefly tor for unlawful cohabitation 0 95 total NATIVITY number born bom in the united states number loreign boru born total 2 99 SEX number males number females 13 total COLOR Number white number black I 1 umber number chinese 3 total SOCIAL RELATIONS number married number single total HABIT OF LIFE claim to be temperate admit themselves to be intemperate 93 total I 1 EDUCATION number who could read and write number who could read only 2 number who could neither lewd read nor write r 13 total To tUl convictions number in in prison for the first time number having heretofore served imprisonment 12 total acre WHEN ADMIT mid td number gumbei under 20 debrs rs of 8 age e 8 number between 0 20 o and 30 years of age 41 number between S SO and 40 years of age 57 number between 40 and 50 years of age 61 number over 60 years of af age r 9 total 29 |