Show A GRANGER cries out against the increase of taxation editor deseret news I 1 am a farmer I 1 own a farm of twenty acres and a water right of fourteen and a half bait acres A so called water right to is two hours use of a certain portion of water per acre every fourteen days just now new it would take me three days at the present low stage of water to water one acre of lucera lucer jq I 1 hold the water on my farm three hours less than two days so you can see that ifould tart me one day and three hours more to water the acre of lucern than the time I 1 hold the water this year I 1 kad had eight acres of small grain in six in wheat and two in oats i paid for cutting and bandin binding 9 fifteen dollars in cash besides feeding team and men the time thy weve wee cutting it not counting anything for the use of a horse on the binder that belonged to me the grain is not thrashed yet but I 1 will wili take sixty bushels of wheat and fifty bushels of oats for my two stacks of grain I 1 have four acres of lucera I 1 have paid or will have to pay about 12 for cutting and raking 3 tor for help in hauling and I 1 will take 11 tons of lucera formy for my stack that holds all this years cutting I 1 have two small orchards on the place that will cover one and a half acres two fifths of the trees have died for want of water the fruit that is left anybody can have for 30 I 1 have about two acres of potatoes that may average one third of a stand that I 1 will take bushels for now but by the time I 1 dig them may take 75 bushels and not a very big measure at that this is a correct statement as far as my knowledge and belief goes in regard to my farm for this season let us see what we have got sixty bushels of wheat fifty bushels of oats that has yet the exi expense tense of threshing to come out and every farmer knows what that is 30 an in fruit and as we cannot sell it green we will have to be at the expense of drying it eleven tons of lucern and bushels of potatoes in the ground now you have one farmers increase for this season I 1 will tell you what I 1 must do with w what hat I 1 have made on my farm this year I 1 must support two families of my own for I 1 am a polygamist of course the law will not permit me to live with my own family but I 1 must support them all the same I 1 have an invalid mother to support and take care of but all that to me is only a pleasure and a double pleasure at that but now comes the tug of war and that is the front and the offense of this long preface I 1 must pay my taxes oh dear let me just rest tor for a moment while I 1 take a breath to be paid in taxes territorial county city school water and other taxes beside 40 per cent that I 1 hear bear some board of equalization has added to the county and territorial taxes it seems to me that the mormon question is about to be solved at last taxes will do it the gentiles must take our possessions we cant keep our homes they the iare ylare too expensive the progressive ideas of our late legislature and our present city councils will evidently settle the mormon a question ti estion as far as utah Is concerned I 1 have lived and struggled with this people a great many years I 1 expect to live and struggle with them a great many more but I 1 cannot do it long under my own vine and fig tree the taxes will do it the progressive progress ive ideal idea has done it bonds and sewers and buncomb have done it the homes of the saints will have to pass away for fer lo 10 the sheriff them in front of the county court house bouse tor for the granger is too poor to pay taxes on extravagance ans and he is without a home and his bis children creeth on the street that is the road we are going can we will we turn back 0 israel OLD FOGGY |