Show primary fair I 1 shortly after nine this morning the primacy fair was formally opened by prayer offered by elder B F cummings jr the display is highly creditable when it is r remembered red that all or nearly all the articles and specimens on exhibition are the handiwork ot of children samples of sewing embroidery crochet work carpentry penmanship drawing mechanical skill F in a various lines bread pastry preserved fruits etc in great variety are on exhibition to say that the fair is worth a visit is to mildly express its merits merit the skill and ability displayed ls la the production of some of the articles are positively astonishing considering si the ages of the children producing them parents should go to the fair and take their children the ad mission admission tee fee is but a trifle 10 cents for adults and 5 cents for children and no adult nor child could well visit the fair without deriving in pleasure tind ad profit many times the cast of admission those who go are lending practical encouragement to an excellent move the sisters who have labored to give this fair at the head of whom is sister ellen C clawton Claw soa stake president of the primaries deserve the thanks of parents and children for their efforts M the fair is being held la ia ellas elias morris new building nearly opposite the sout to to the temple block from 9 a m till 7 p m |