Show KEEP THE TOCSIN SILENT lake champlain to is a historic body of water having been made conspicuous by inci incidents dOWS of the revolution upon and near dear it it divides a portion of new york and vermont and extends a few miles beyond our boundary into canada making it a convenient flold for hostile operations on the part of our dominion neighbors if they should see fit to make any they could embark at their end and sail right down among us for cometh something 1 ng like miles while by keeping well to the middle it would take the best of guns to reach them from either side although the lake Is in little more than a huge river through a treaty with great britain entered into several years ago neither country is permitted to construct or float vessels of war on this lake or any of the great lakes which are all the common property of both but an armed cruiser is not a man dian of war in fact it does not come within the list of inhibited craft at all and yet it could do a terrible amount ot of damage if it set met out on such an errand naturally enough the appearance of two or three of them from the british division would put the people on our border in a state of alarm and their alarm would vibrate throughout the land thus showing how thoroughly in sympathy and how perfectly in touch with all of the country is every part of it why one such circumstance contains more puissance than all the ironclads iron clade we could construct of course the flurry of a week or two ago has subsided because our neighbors I 1 had cad no hostile intentions that their cruisers or ships are armed means no doubt that they are to be equipped for all emergencies not offensive bu but t defensive ones except of course when on the trail of pirates or smugglers but the discussion of our helal hel pl frontier PY continues it is shown how w hostile ship or two could gall all up to lake front cities jay them und id tribute board all carry on that w wi valuable and portable and th the reduce them to ashes before resistant a of sufficient power could arrive 14 andl k then comes the urgent demand tah ift we erect more fortifications fortification sj build equip more fighting ships and p t fc country generally more nearly on n war footing than th a n it is at present those wao talk thus do not hav have e en dore ement from the whole counte country 11 i h any means nor from any considerable bl part of it chicago is as much in into 11 ested in this subject as any other pla phi can be perhaps much more so no be becaj ca of its immense front exposure to all michigan yet its press do not as aal rule either sound an alarm or echo one already sounded one of tl it papers tor for instance thinks that 1 9 there is anything this nation geelt nee jo I 1 than a big standing army it to is gi standing navy it contends f there is in no justification for theeb deture of he millions by the pr preal administration on our naval estabi ment and naval affairs and that it is the most un american id ever advanced in tue congress of free people what do we need a alot lot of gutib gunboat il to fo i it asks to keep peace beaw nations if it been for of w war v r in commission in a ariena friendly I 1 n in time of peace that anfor chilean incident could not hi occurred with all the charges of bull bul in ing that ahn we subjected ourselves ger every v y czar and potentate in air abou arou ridden europe is grinding off t fi faces face of the poor with the plea pica armani ants on land and at are necessary to prevent bloodshed did you ever seea boy with a chip Q his shoulder to keep kee from getti nir li a fight there la Is certainly philosophy logic in such language the teat leat W w to provoke irritation is 18 to be ir the sure plan whereby a neigh neighbor brA power can be brought tj a war fod foitl to is to get in that shape ourselves i let it le understood a treaty cun olinta j nothing when the first hostile hos tilee bl has been struck on either side treat are made for the purpose of es est ta ablie bli jug ing an understanding and there the civilized and peace enlighten ei ee method of dealing I 1 inter D ter nationally s g the first cannon ball thrown aar across 0 as dividing divi diug line blows the articles 43 of pe into thin air the example set the world by united states of arbitrating our U r n butof out of vexatious difficulties is apol of as a lesson greater than ships aad guns can teach this thie revival of military spirit sounds its knell are going to find f nd places for more m whose function it is to commit I 1 leg iced manslaughter the haught Jk most unapproachable set of human ings inge that ever gave the lie to theory that this is a nation of ir tree i equal citizens our coten gives the advice to not build al bi but build up moral sentiment 9 W 1 is hateful and ana inhuman it ma widows and or orphans phane nothing but I 1 laah of civilization makes a navy necessary lets be civilized civilize dAV 4 in like tone and of similar import an article in another la ft the tee lake city it thinks the idea that by constructing war vessels for the lakes canada or great britain reveals an intention to attack the united states la Is a wide stretch of the imagination we concur admitting for the sake of the me argument that the bull building ding and launching bunching of such vessels to is a violation of the treaty stipulations they still do not disclose a war purpose and the remedy for the infringement to is first to coiling calling the attention of her maie mal estyle government to it not as it seems at this abl distances distance in getting alarmed and trying to spread the war spirit throughout the land let us have peace or rather lot let the peace at cresent prevail ing be undisturbed |