Show THE BOUNTEOUS HARVEST this is emphatically a time of plenty and peace one hundred million bushels of grain can now be had bad in the northwestern states almost at the buyers own price while nearly nearl y BB as much has been shipped since lust july so bo bountiful has baa nature been in that district that in the more remote sections where transportation to and from is limited and difficult corn is cheaper than fuel and the semi bar practice of burning it for that purpose is engaged into in to a deplorable extent the indications so tar far we are advised point to a still heavier yield next year and the problem of what to do with it may become a perplexing one it is the same in utah we are blessed with an abundance of everything needed for uie sustenance of man the horse and the ox as well as all other domestic appendages and the comforts and delicacies are neither few nor difficult to obtain we almo alao fire are promised a full return for the labor of the husbandman the coming year and we shall thus have enough and to spare but will it always I 1 e thus with us and our neighbors it is contrary to reason to believe so the earth is a kird mother to us but she must have her periods of rest and in order that these may not interfere with our well being gives us more than we need for pre present ent purposes so that the surplus may be stored away against the time when her fruitfulness may be suspended for a season how many observe this condition for such it is rather than a theory and are so BO arranging things that if the time of shortness in crops were to occur a year or so hence they would be fully prepared for it A great deal of the breadstuffs bread stuffs raised in this country find a rn arket abroad last get year years a crop was taken up more actively and to a greater extent than any adv other for many years the chief cause of this being that the very condition herein prefigured pre figured overtook without warning one of the nations wh ich up to that time had bad been our chief competitor in the markets of the world russia the famine was not spread over the whole of the empire or it is questionable if all the surplus in existence would have afforded the needed relief as it was we accomplished the greater part of it and could have done as ag much more perhaps several times more the proper time to prepare against a scarcity is when there is abundance abunda oce and this is even uch much a time |