Show PAROWAN STAKE hold held in parowan carowan meeting house sunday and monday dec and 1892 on the stand aland were president uriah T jones and counselors morgan rich and francis webster high councillors councilors Counci lors bishops and other presiding brethren sunday 10 a n after the usual opening exercises president jones briefly reviewed the stake reporting report og the condition financially and spirit u illy as progressive and applauding the saints for their liberality in contributing of their means towards completing the salt lake temple counselors richards and webster corroborated the report given by president jones and gave good instructions on a number of subjects closely allied to our spiritual and temporal interests impressing the importance of looking after and providing for the poor in our midst that none be allowed to suffer from want of the necessaries of life also providing food and shelter for the dumb animals during the severe weather 2 p ax m bishops charles adams of parowan carowan Pa rowan william E jones of para glonah joseph B dally of summit and bishops counselors john B R chaffin of cedar and myron S roundy of Ka narra gave satisfactory reports of their wards and spoke words of exhortation to the saints elder george Q eyre who had bad just returned from a mission minion to england gave a very interesting account of his labors and experiences while traveling and preaching the gospel for the past two yea years re in that land landl p m the sunday school union held their conference at which the sunday schools in the stake were reported stake superintendent joseph H armstrong and assistant joseph T wilkinson each spoke and in the course of their remarks they highly applauded the superintendents and tia teachers chers in their respective schools for the good work being ed in those organizations monday 10 a m the time was occupied by elders john parry wm Holy holyoake oske john eyre and bishop walter granger of st george each spoke in an earnest and instructive manner treating upon a number of subjects suited to the condition of the saints 2 pm the statistical report was read and general and local officers and lintot list of home missionaries presented and unanimously sustained by vote the speakers were james 8 apley Bt thos durham hans hana J and joseph T wilkinson Wilkin Bon the subjects were the first principles of the gospel prayer sacrifice temple building the force of example etc president J 0 nes nee was waa thankful for the good feell feeling ig manifested during the conference advised all to think over and put in practice the instructions given the parowan carowan choir contributed largely towa towards rals the enjoyment of our conference the weather was quite severe and many of the saints were thus prevented from participating in the rich flow of the spirit of the lord made manifest during our conference wn wlliam lux H holyoak HOTi stake clerk |