Show tr comais mais sphere spere c by one of the sex aw the food we hat eat the question of meals which is to be discussed in this column every week will be one of simplicity and the endeavor shall beg be not to invent new and surprising dainties but to talk over in a quiet rational way some of the many sensible ways of preparing wholesome and suitable food for the dear families who look to the mother hands to prepare and the mother brains to devise that which shall be both toothsome and healthful we will take up a few menus or programmed pro grammes as it were for the three meals of the day and give with each one the accompanying recipes but just jast now I 1 am very anxious to set myself right before you all in regard to the mistake which was made in last weeks cooking department that of the plum pudding I 1 sincerely hope no youthful housekeeper repeated my own sad experience of many years ago by taking that fearfully muddled recipe as her guide and thus thu spoiling her temper the tee materials and the dinner I 1 dont tow whether to put the blame on the printer or on my own rather poor handwriting nand writing I 1 guess like a reasonable creature I 1 will share and share about SW and each of us will take half of that blame however there is my deputa tation at stake and I 1 hasten to correct the that you may believe that I 1 am neither careless nor a fool try this plum pudding buddin r x lb ib of suet chopped to powder lb of bread crumbs X ab B of flour into which has been sifted i teaspoonful of yeast powder i teacup of sugar i 1 tt of currants i th ft of g ft fb of citron and same of lemon peel e 1 i a nutmeg 4 eggs well beaten M mix ahyou would cake batter did any of you try to make your dressing for the turkey this christmas with oysters if so I 1 hope you did not use sage also as I 1 once did for that would take all the taste out of the oyster flavoring and your dressing would lose its distinctive feature about roasting the turkey perhaps some of you ou intend to have this for your new Ms years dish and if so a few suggestions will not come amiss in roasting any fowl you must first ascertain as near as po possible sirle its relative tough toughness ne feel of the end of the breast breastbone bone and if it is is flexible you may be sure your bird is still in it tender youth and you can deal gently with it but if the t tip IS is hard and brittle then I 1 should a advise vise you to put him ori on in the steamer or in the boiler if too large for the steamer and steam or parboil him for an hour in doing so take care to save all the drippin droppings drip pings as that will go in the baking pan YS I 1 have now one of those fine double baking pans which saves me any trouble of steaming no matter how old the fowl may be A young turkey weighing eight pounds will need nearly three hours to roast one hours steaming and three of roasting will make any but the most obdurate of gobblers tender and delicious chickens of course coarse do not require so much time chop up the driblets drib lets use bread crumbs butter or chopped suet salt sage or oysters eg eggs and stir with either milk or water 1 always use milk the clothes we wear EURS the sensible fashion of wearing large and and comfortable shoulder capes has remained in vogue this winter it is a very wise wise and practical fashion and those who have purchased expensive capes will hope that the custom will remain main long in good taste some delicate skinned furs made into shoulder capes tear out very soon but this is owing mostly to the elastic bands which hold hol the cape in place about the waist if those are cut there is very little strain on the skin of the fur the long feather boas which look so pretty but are so tiresome because of the boulting moul ting qualities of that same article are losing favor so likewise are the long boas of all descriptions coats are now trimmed in fur lined near the edge and with fur collars and cuffs some sensible girls who have wearied of their boas have trimmed their last winter jackets with the afie boa thus securing change and economy at the same time the dealers in furs are showing pretty little collars of fur far with the head and even the claws of the tiny animal as an ornamental clasp the collar of feathers especially of cockle feathers is neither pretty nor in in good taste they make one look very cheap and dowdy and have a most impe impudent dent air of pretense about them muffs are still popular and are still small and therefore not so comfortable as they might be CLOAKS there seems to be the greatest latitude in the matter of choosing ones winter wraps that could well be imagined in years gone by all the stylish people had a certain new and very swell wrap cut much in the same form while the would be stylish people were straining every nerve to get one of those swell affairs just as soon as possible and the others you can pity them were just going about with the cloak of three winters back spread upon their stolid shoulders now however a walk down main street re veales the curious fact that there is no particular swell garment for outward wear some have on the long ulster or newmarket some wear the shoulder cape and muff some have cute little fur trimmed jackets and others wear the ugly but popular russian blouse in heavy cloth what next winter may bring us a matter yet too far ahead for speculation but for this season at least we can content ourselves by wearing out last years cloaks in peace our children can anything be more discouraging at times than a mothers experience with a houseful of noisy and restless boys more especially is this the case with mothers who have not the art or tact of government it is so often that friends and relatives sit in judgment dg on such a mother and keiu tell her with the cold coldest lest frankness that she will sup much sorrow over that child before he is raised or that by the time that boy is is grown he be will turn you out of house and home well what is to be done it is considered absolutely necessary for a young man to get some sort of an education for his life work and the boy who would seek to build a house before he had spent years at the bench would be properly jeered at but these young girls oh yes they can get married can bear children somehow can rear them up somehow and if they turn out well somehow as a very shrewd woman once said to me if they turn out well it was because they had such a good father and if they turn out ill it is because they had such a poor stick of a mother it about time that the latter day saints woke up to the fact that there is need of educating our girls to become mothers let them learn housekeeping on scientific lines the bearing and n nursing ursi ng of children from a hygienic point of vie view w and then oh then let them take a e ull full course in the training and government of children I 1 would establish schools where little children could be made the materials on which our young girls could practice under wise tutelage the government and proper training of mind and body I 1 would have every young girl take a course in kindergarten teaching ali ah well ah well the millennium has not reached us yet and I 1 hear the weary mother say so plaintively but what shall I 1 do now I 1 have a houseful of children and I 1 neither understand scientific modes of work nor have I 1 ever seen a kindergarten sit still little mother of the noisy boys while I 1 repeat to you the words of one of zions wisest women my dear she said to a distracted mother who could could not make her noi noisy boys keep still nor her careless gir girls remember instructions be patient and faithful teach your children above all things to love god and to be honest tell them what the gospel is and show them its beauties if they begin to show signs of dishonesty if they tell a lie or steal make that of the very gravest importance talk with them pray with them and use your highest and deepest endeavors to get rid of that sinful fault but if they are sulky impudent wilful careless lazy destructive or generally mischievous do not make yourself continually miserable over your failure to correct all those unhappy traits of character do the very best you can and leave the rest with god he will aid and forgive you will that cheer you as it did that overburdened mother if you are not a mother let me urge you to keep your opinion opinion as to your friends management of her child reato yourself or if you must speak offer a suggestion that will help not a criticism that will hurt and speak in sweet kindness too our ailments there are ganv small ailments as well as larger complaints which can be discussed between us and prove of mutual benefit I 1 was particularly struck with the remarks made by an ex editor in his talks in this paper last saturday night in which he spoke of the increasing number of doctors in our midst and the habit of calling in a doctor which can like any other habit grow upon a person until it passes the sensible into the ridiculous years ago if one had a fever or a cold or had any sort of common ailment aik nent common remedies were put into active use right here I 1 want to tell you that I 1 believe there is a deep foundation of truth under neath the teachings of christian scientists A person who has no experience in these matters can scarcely conceive much less believe the wonderful power which mind can exercise over matter it is one of the laws of the universe are we not told that by faith the worlds were made and that b by and through faith all things can be yone done which are done I 1 wonder how many of you mothers here I listening to my voice know khow that it is the faith you put into the medicine or in the doctor which is the heaviest factor in the cure of your child we have all been given one safe sure speedy means of cure n not ot 0 only n y for sure b big and nd i important octant cases of s sickness ic kness but also f for 07 the every day ailments of life if we put our faith in this sure means 0 recovery god will keep his promise and a renewal of health will be the result again however let me say that I 1 do not think it very wise of us to be like little children eating poison or that which acts as poison on our individual systems and then calling continually upon god to heal the sickness thus engendered these are matters ot vital importance to us dearest mothers in israel israe but I 1 dont know that you are interested in talking about them and so I 1 will pass on to the next chapter and see zt what we can do when we or those about us are afflicted with some sickness and what we ought to do instead of running to a doctor I 1 propose if possible to obtain most of the information for these talks from one of the best and wisest doctors in the church and so you may rest quite contented knowing that what you thus read is from the best medical authority but before beginning on these lessons or instructions I 1 want to urge you all to read what is told us in the doctrine and covenants sec 42 verses 42 45 try and see if the lord will not hear your own prayer first then if your faith is is not strong enough call upon your husband and if you both cannot get sufficient call in the elders and then there is still time enough in the rare cases where it is necessary to call medical aid this trial of sickness is a sore one and things we think we would never do we do under the pressure of fright and cruel anxiety while that which we have decided we would do in such cases becomes a forgotten part of our memories and slips away from around us like ropes of sand pray for yourselves dear sisters while you and yours are in health that you may have faith to stand firm and calm when sick ness approaches a physical valture altare there is such a wide and deep interest in this subject of physical development among all the women of enlightened nations that you and I 1 dwellers in zion cannot shut our eyes and ears to the importance of its teachings therefore let us commune together as to methods forms and modes of work in this field and see if we can discover some personal application in all this something which will help you and me to be better and happier women wives wives and mothers after all that is what we are striving to be every moment of our lives whether we find that happiness in serving others other or in serving only ourselves if we are happiest in serving others surely we should want to know how to preserve our lives and health in our bodies to be of the utmost service to those loved ones and of course the selfish person wants to be as healthy and pretty as is at all possible said ewd a bishop to me the other day do not my girls gt get all the exercise they need in sweeping and washing in in sewing and scrubbing yes I 1 replied if your girls and their mother never wore heels on their shoes nor corsets on their bodies if they sit as they should walk in the natural manner stand properly and if every move they make is as free and easy as that of the indian in the forest that is what mean sto bring us back to nature back to sit at the feet of that gracious mother whom we have al all 1 men and women deserted these many years going away after the lusts of our own hearts and forgetting sweet mother nature and all her wise teachings if any little child shall be brought up without a heel to her shoe an earring in in her ear a scrap of artificial or unhealthful food without a constriction upon her limbs or body without one pound of weight unevenly distri distributed distribute but upon her dwy body and if she or he be aall allowed I 1 wed to run and romp without one word of rebuke from madam grundy then and only then can I 1 agree that such young person is prepared to encounter the future without need of special instructions as to walking riding sitting standing and exercising the very work the woman does is done more than often with the wrong set of muscles and nearly every one expends twice the energy needed every time they move there is much to be learned in unlearning things we think we know now and ot of all people latter day saints can least declare themselves satisfied with the old and false theories but above all people we should say come truth thou of the shining face and beneficent hands beam upon my soul and cast thy gifts over my body I 1 am open armed and full of welcome at thy presence thou wilt find nothing but eagerness when once thou hast proven thine integrity then to test that claim let us proceed to examine the different schemes and plans of physical culture and meanwhile we will wait without prejudice and without scorn interests outside the home THE RELIEF SOCIETY the work we do day by day who can judge of its importance here is a small army of women working quietly and modestly week by week meeting talking 9 one to another cheering each other up exchanging experiences doing charity charit in sweet lity and yet how few of them remember that they are making history and that too of the most important kind the work they are now doing will be eagerly read of the records will be persistently sought and sacredly cherished when these hands now so busy are folded away I 1 often think of this when I 1 see my sisters gathering so quietly and unobtrusively to meet and work or meet and pray can you not think joyfully of the true strong and steady souls souls who tread this righteous path when your works shall follow you and you and they will stand before that beautiful white throne oh happy time there is one branch of work in connection with our relief society that I 1 would like to see established and that is a sort of labor exchange bureau if the people who need work and those who want work done would or could come together I 1 think a much greater field of work could be covered than is done at present I 1 know there are oftentimes women who would like to get sewing to do or other work and there are many women living in the same town women who do not |