Show superintendent TATES REPORT the following official correspondence reporting upon tile the condition and prosperity of the deseret gold and silver mining Minin gand and milling company is published tor for the reason that somo some of the readers are heavy stockholders in the concern and that it has been requested by some of the officers of the 0 meady MARYSVALE dec 14 1892 to the board of directors of the deseret gold and silver mining and milling company gentlemen I 1 beg to Subal submit tit the following statement of facts of the work done don by the company under my supervision vision and the present condition of the companes comp compa anys nyss properties the company compan V own eleven miulan mining 9 claims one gool mill site and a towa site the branch elsie elate dalton mary hill side bide and big fraction form a group of claims on the north slope lope of the mountains mountain and OU on the south side of pine creek and near the county road the rho calico gal na rol an 1 lucy morrish lay to the southeast of the branch and on the same slope the rho branch mine is a large fissure which shows at places where it has been or crosscut to be fully forty feet wide between well defined walls the strike or course of the ledge is nearly north and south with a strong bold outcrop traceable for more than a mile the inclination or dip of the ledge is to the east about eight degrees the formation is quartzite quan zite porphyry aid a id ore veins show along the surface in this outcrop of the ledge which essays assays from 10 to 1 in a gold and silver per ton the elsie branch and mary are on this erme ledge making about feet of ground on this valuable lode belonging to the company my work for the company for the year ending with this mont hhas been in developing the branch mine one of the many promising raining mining claims owned by the deseret company mainly the work of opening the mine has been done by adit levels the position of the hill bill being favorable adit levels driven I 1 in n on the ore was the moist moat economical way to do the work five tunnels have been driven on the ledge including the main or working tunnel at the foot of the hill the main tunnel or tunnel no 1 has been driven in feet tunnel no 2 ninety feet above no 1 is in feet and cou connected with no I 1 ky by shaft abaft and also connected by shaft with tunnel no 3 tunnel no 3 is 18 in 60 50 feet tunnel no 4 is in 99 90 feet tunnel no 5 Is in 87 feet adlof all of the tunnels have been driven in on ore in the upper tunnels nos 3 4 and 5 the ore vein is regular and is from twelve to inches in width and to is good quality assaying from 10 to ounces finsilver in stiver silver arid and from 5 in gold to the ton in addition to this vein of ore partially opened by the tunnels 3 4 and 6 5 there are three other veins of ore core in the outcrop of the ledge one of them nearest the west wall of the ledge is 12 inches in width which shows shown an average assay value of 50 in gold and silver per ton between this vein and the one opened by the tun nels nelor 3 8 4 and 6 5 there are two strong veins of ore each two feet in width the average assays essays from two veins of ore run ran 20 ounces silver and 5 in gold these ore veins are well defined and separated by quartz more or less leae impregnated with manganese of iron it has been demonstrated by thu the work in the main tunnel or tunnel no Is 1 that these four ore veins have concentrated into one large ore vein vain this verifies prof tons opinion who made a very good report on this property to further quote his report he said the ore was split or stratified on top that in depth the ore would concentrate in one ore body and when water level is reached high grade ore would be encountered and I 1 believe this is mr harkness opinion also on dec 20 1891 the tunnel at the foot of the hill known as tunnel no 1 was started arted Bt the first feet was driven through debris then 90 feet through irao irac hyte then through por hyry byry casings casing and broke into the ledge A small vein of low grade ore was encountered when into the ledge a short distance at a distance of feet from the mouth of the tunnel we encountered ore that sampled from 8 to 20 in gold and silver per too ton at a distance diat anoe of feet it the ore had bad increased iu in width and was considerably wider than the face of the tunnel at feet in I 1 ran a crosscut towards the east wall to ascertain the width of the ore which proved to be b seventeen feet wide an average sample ot the ore showed thirty two ounces silver and 1 in gold per ton at a point feet from mouth of tunnel an was run through to tunnel no 2 90 feet this was driven through ore from two to three feet in width all the way from no I 1 to no 2 tunnel this ore vein will average 40 ounces silver and 5 in gold geld per ton the main tunnel was driven feet from the point where we crosscut to the east wall and at that point near the face of the tunnel I 1 r ran a crosscut to the east wall we out cut through six feet of ore lying next to the hanging wall A sample taken across the ore assayed 42 ou ounces noes silver and 20 per cent lead at a point teet feet in where the crosscut was made to the east wall I 1 have had a shaft sunk on ore to a depth of 60 feet this ore carries a good percentage of copper we are now crosscutting to the west wall from the bottom of this shaft and yesterday broke into hard gray ore similar to some of the ore in tunnels 8 4 and 5 1 I cannot as yet tell the extent of this new strike I 1 think you will agree with say my opinion that it 11 to is an important strike as we have a strong body of ore going down and we are more than feet from the surface ore continuous throughout the workings several old practical miners who have seen this property fay ay that it to is the best mill proposition they ever saw there to Is such a large quantity of ore in sight eight and the facilities for working the mine could not be better an average of four or five tons a day to the man can be taken out in ift and the ore can be dropped through chutes to the main tunnel and moved at a very small cost few mines have such advantages with a good mill site right at the mine A mill could be built where the ore can be dumped into the mill from the mine saving the expense of hauling the ore there is an abundance of good mining timber on the mining claims owned by the company near by and there is ft good stream of water the year round within feet of the branch mine I 1 estimate thre thore is tons cons of ore in eight in the branch mine which will average 40 in gold and silver per ton A good plant for the working of this ore is a fair proposition and with proper management the be property would soon be paying dividends in addition to the branch the elsie elate dalton and mary adjoining the branch auld w uld yield considerable ore from developments already made and the calico when opened a little more will prove to be a valuable mine and greater producer and the lucy morrish in the near future will prove to be a very valuable claims claim as there has been found recently some of the richest gold quartz that has been discovered in this country near the lucy morrish side line after examining the ground thoroughly I 1 am convinced the gold vein although covered with debris will be found crossing through the lucy morrish claim I 1 will call your attention to the fact that the bully boy webster mines with the same quality of ore as tuat taut in the branch elsie and mary has been paying for the past three years because they had bad a mill to work their ores here the superintendent mr ferguuon told me he be could not run the mine without the mill rod and the cost of mining and handling the bully boy webster ores was much greater than it is with us in working the branch with such a large amount of ore already in sight eight and which as the work of exploration and development advances will prove to be immense in the extensive properties owned by the company it should not be difficult to raise ample funds to prosecute the work and to erect a large plant capable of working fifty or sixty tons a day with irith which in a few months 1 run after starting a dividend of two or three cents a mouth month on every share of stock could be declared I 1 have had twenty seven years practical experience in mining and am known by a number of mining men to in salt lake city park city and bingham and I 1 stake my reputation as a miner on the correctness of this statement every item of which I 1 stand ready to verify t j the satisfaction of any expert the company may choose to send down to examine the properties in conclusion I 1 would recommend that the company by all means drive the main tunnel ahead and if it is in their power to erect a plant for the working of the ores very respectfully yours youra D C mining supt bupt of the deseret 6 S M M co after reading the above report from supt bupt tate I 1 cheerfully endorse his conclusion as to the great value of the deseret companas comp anys properties and aa mill proposition u it is one of the very best beat 1 have ever seen in my mining experience covering more than twenty years last june as a mining expert I 1 made a thorough examination of all the claims lodes veins outcrop outcroppings pings tunnels elss shafts ore bodies mill sue site dumping grounds ground es mining timber water powers power mining supplies oto etc belonging to said company and must say I 1 never before saw as fine and promising group of properties surrounded with so many and such great natural advantages I 1 will add that the vein of ore in the main tunnel of 0 the Branch which is a true fie fiegure fi Baure sure oan can be f followed as easily as one of the streets of salt bait lake and that I 1 have known lots of nearly as valuable as the ranch branch alone sell for a million dollars it is also my sanguine opinion that very soon after the erection of a suitable plant for red reducing boing the ores these mines can be male made to pay a handsome dividend on the capital invented I 1 would say may by all means put in a plant MARTIN K HARKNESS SALT LAKE CITY utah december 17 1892 the undersigned undersigner under signed having visited marysvale Marys Mary vale twice during the current year for the inspection of the workings and findings in the branch mine and otherwise in the interests of the dose rot ret 0 S M M co I 1 can say without equivocation that Su tate has not in a fiagle item overestimated the value of the deseret companas comp anys properties as a whole nor of the merits ant and status of the branch mine in particular not only can the dividends as stated by mr tate be paid it if a suitable plant be put in but it is also aljo my sanguine opinion that the branch property alone can be readily bonded or sold for ton ten or fifteen times the cost of all the properties put together respectfully etc C li THomp THOMPSON sox |