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Show The Thunderbird Monday, October 17, 1983 Page 15 Mens athlete of the week Gary Mason, Craig Hilton, and Jess Cox all win over played so well in Saturday's 32-2- 1 Southern Colorado that we didnt have the heart to pick one over the other two for Male Athlete of the Week honors. Hilton caught two touchdown passes, while Mason led a fierce ground game with 84 yards on 1 4 rushes. Cox spearheaded the defense with three quarterback sacks and 1 1 tackles. Good job, guysl HOYLE INSURANCE James Hoyle, agent, Terry Hoyle, agent 164 West Center, Cedar City mens athlete of the week Sherry Burrows, a junior setter from Florence, Ariz., came up with some offensive and defensive gems in SUSCs three game volleyball sweep Friday and Saturday. She is our Female Athlete of the Week. Congratulations, Sherry. Thunderbird classifieds may be purchased for 50 cents for each 24 words Ads must be completed on the proper form and paid for in advance at The Thunderbird offices, across the street from Jumper Hall, at 529 West 200 South. No ads may be placed over the telephone. There is no charge for lost and found ads. Notice: Any individual dishonestly or joktngly placing an ad in the name or telephone number of another will forfeit his or her fee and the ad will not be run. The Thunderbird will attempt to corroborate questionable ads. ANNOUNCEMENTS UCSF; Community Presbyterian Church. 100 E 200 N. Sunday worship. 11 a.m. Student Worship (UCSF) 6pm Program resources which apply to Christian living. Students help determine the agenda. PERSONALS HELP WANTEDB Earn $500 or more each school year. Flexible hours. Monthly payment for placing posters on campus Bonus based on results. Prizes awarded as well. Lutheran Church. Sunday Trinity Worship at 9 a m. Sunday School at 10.30 am. 491 S Mam. Plaza Mall. ROOMMATES roommates not finding need a more convenient compatible; Share a large, bright, winter residence? newly carpeted home next to SUSC with a transfer student from California, own 5 late room and bath. Call evening or early a.m. Keep trying! Women FOR SALEB Must sell. Yamaha 550 Maxim, 1982, still under warrantee, only 4700 miles, $1 700 or best offer. or 586-3- 1 90. Call Paul Ward at Solution to todays puzzle . JK Have you ever thought about stuffing envelopes to get rich quick? CE Larry, my name is Ethel, talk strange it's true, I'd rather talk funny, than go around making passes at married people like you. JK. Ebony loves you, can have another dog9 CE Frankie: Mommy says can go out and get my night, if play tomorrow homework done But. have to be home 1 1 by pm.IT and D STATE BANK OF SOUTHERN UTAH 26 North Main Street, Cedar City 'Your home town bank' Deer Hunt October 22 Licenses ADL $259. Remington 30-0- 6 TOO available 00 243 cal. Camping Equipment - Orange Hunting Clothes Bradshaw Home & Auto (Bradshaw Firestone) Downtown Cedar City 586-809- 1 For Jest Ready just in SUSC BOOKSTORE Guaranteed: 11:30 For Luncli O&e-Jc- st 5 minutes PM. 0 or your nextines free. Personal Pan Pizza available 'til Developing & Printing 579 South Main Cedar City, Utah 84720 COLOR PRINT FILM FROM KODAK, FOCAL, FUJI, & 4 PM Pizza, Pasta & Salad Smorgasbord , AU you cart eat, only 38 586-989- 6 FOTOMAT FILMS Save $2 or $1 on Pizza WITH THIS COUPON-- ur. the regular price of any large Hut pizza or $1.00 off the regular price of any mednr sized pirn. PRICES GOOD ONLY OCT. 17th thru 21st 12.00 off Pizza POT TSUt Present eou, on vftanontartog. perperaonper wt between 20 One coupon 4 PM at portoprgl Offer expra Dee. I, J9$J PizzeHutmtaurarts Cash redemption value 120 cent Notvahdn comdr-jowrth any ofc er Pizza HA offer Five fiwHAe guarantee atxea ti our two selections tor orders of five or lessper tabu or throe or less per 1983 Pu.i Hut. Inc. cerryout customer AM .S cent cash redemption value EAT.ULV FEAST ANY LARGE PIZZA AND PITCHER OF SOFT DRINK $9.95 Save to IMS up One coupon per pizza per vis at any paroapaong Pizza Hut restaurant Not vafcd with after coupons or discounts. or carryout 1. iftSJ I; I BUY 1 GET 1 FREE Personal Pan Pizza I i WITH THIS COUPON --buy one Penoneij Pan Pizza at the regular price and get a second FREE From 1 1 a.m. to 4 jl pan. Mon thru Sat I I I I PttTI ffut, . Present coupon wften ordering. One coupon parson per vwi per AM and 4 PM at between parbopetn) ' Pizza Hi castaants Offer extra Dec. I, 1961 Cash redemption value 120 cent Notvwon cnmbeiadonwh any erfher Pizza Hut offer Frve mnute guarantee appfces to our two selections lor orders of five or lessper table, or three or less pw customer carryout 1983 Pizza Hut, Inc |