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Show lake Tribune, Sunday, J xitu.'irv Tlic Sail I ft 12, 1975 TTl ILPetermmation Helm Burden bh By 1 Jol.n Wlllli aid Huku Burden improves v ih ogi ci.'d his vJue as i (ulk gi,.i f the .W Ik. ?.- k.i T - 4 U j fi i t I As Vi. V w A'' to sit down aeon md reevaluate ms Mlmdion (1l!i i i,is innioi eai wilt n tilt prolessional scouts ai e ( ( rtain to up their ofteis lot him to leave the r.- $ ' r v S 5 I I lies Burdin was wtighmg pro offers as late as August and dsn fact seveta! pio chins have been smiting Bui den this winter How i lose were tne oltei s last sumim r to the money had expected'" Bin den smiled Pietty (lose I imagine I w ould has e no ti ouble gctiing im prue alti r this Sfhi ,4 J'7 ft mat i.au $ 'x. ' j. t 3 J s- VC V t ' f t i ( Vs'"' .J 1 Theres time for relaxation "Would I sign then and pise up my final scar of college competition' Again the and snule detail children, Tinone, the ground after losing my parents and then I sutlcred a knee iniury and the world came down cm mv head the second Unto." Burden ic-- It will lx a tough decision and one I II base lo think out lit dearie c really enjoy college It s lxen my life and my dream since I was a on the playgrounds of Albany N Y 1 "On the otlier hand. I a Tg. - left, with his wife and .Nahlam, on game a have broken privileged family, home and 1 lived in ixiseify m the ghetto I don't want that for my wife and kids, either the answer to the , "So question of my turning pro after the tournaments in March would have to he possibly, depending upon a lot of things which I'm not considering at the present." Burden may feel that much of his life lias been spent m ' "figuring tilings out and m world to the get try mg perspective "My family broke up when I was seven " he recalled. "My mother died two years later and my dad tried to raise the five children, but it wasn't m the cards ut Albany. He finally divided to go back to his home m Florida, but we kids didn't want to go "My high school coach intluonred me to stay in school in Albany, so my older sister legally adopted the a at days student-athlete-fath- home, 1 Johnson pushes his time. Need a Coal "It makes life easiei it you goal, so you can rcahe you are one step, or one block or one mile closer to your goal at the end of oik h day Burden continued Although he had his .share of personal problems m his formative years. Burden had his goals winch kept him lrom the trouble some of his h.iie R admits being but Ticky er courts, maybe until 10 or 11 o'clock at night When it was cold. I shot baskets wearing mittens." Burden laughed "Baxketnall was my immediate goal and my idea! was Jerry West of the Lakers I didn't pattern my game after his, but I always wanted to be uble to shoot as well as Jerry "The iniury made me adjust ray thinking I really asked my self. What do you think you are here for. to have a good time or to make your future hie better for yourself tny head on straight while pondered what the future held for me I had to decide what would happen to me if nn m in ry (lidn t allow me to play basketball again and get a scholarship for an educa ailed "A number ot colleges and turn universities were after me to "That's when I knew I had come to school and I was leaning toward UCLA Then to get an education Maybe the Bruins signed Andre the poisonal problems I had McCarter fiom lhilly and I during those years made me knew they couldn't use both grow up faster, but 1 always of us hung around the older guy s "When I hurt my leg, "Each when I was m the everyone stopped recruiting fourth grade I w as play ing on me I met Coach Bill Foster the teams with the seventh in my junior year and when and eighth graders he wanted me to come to "I always had goals Like I tali I giabbed the scholar- wanting to lx a good basketsi ip ball play ei I'd shoot baskets Time of Decision e and play right "But. meanwhile, while my after school, rush home for a leg was hurt. I had time to get bite and be back on the a wife and two children to support I m from an under- a buddies found. I hung out with some real good guys, he remembered "Even though we lived in the ghetto and were poor. I tried to be a straight guy and the others looked up to me "My sifter mother had dropped out ot school when she was m the 12th gi ado She worked at the Veterans hospital to support all of us Boxing Family "Her husband is a piofes-siuna- l boxer named Vincent Austin, but he hasn't had the connections to get any big money tights. Even though incent was always training and sparring, I never w antes! to be a boxer My only dream was to be a good basketball player," Ticky said "1 was a good student in junior high school, but when my parents broke up. that alfec'tod mv grades and I was a B student in high school where placed football, basketball and baseball "I was getting my leet on "I go back home the summer and m minutes all the kids are on the playground to play basketball with me I jive with them and they understand me Une facet of college basketball bothers Burden. "It takes a lot of time to be a good basketball player," he noted. "You speak of dedication and human sacrifice, and that's what it is "I figure I have given up eight-1hours a day to basketball and that puts pressure on your college work Aon have to admire the athlete who also is a good student, because you know what he's sacrificed for both Takes Time " And the sport takes time away from my wile and youngsters. Nahtarn and Tinone You have to have a good lady by your side if you're a married athlete." Ttckys wife winks in the registrar's off lie on campus and the youngsters spend the working hours in a day care center. in 15 0 d 1 Burdt n con- I had the educ afion was there t! vou had the ability and determination to gel it If the teacher lv!t you were trying he or she would go m erbourd to help think the !eu hmg in the black schools may be be tor m some cases, because the teachers try hat del " he said More Points On Ins basketball caicci this season and his rating as No 5 scorer in the nation Burden admits, Personally, I could be avei aging a lot more points if I wanted to be selfish I'm sacrificing some lor the team, but it is worth it because we are winning I have always been a team man. am way "I knew d we were to win 1 had to score more this year, but have been deng other things, too like playing good defense, passing and re- 5.' 5 - - xx iiv i" r . 4 i g'xidies' "That's one reason I came to Utah, because Coach Foster and Lou Gxtz played it straight with me I didn't get the bigtime treatment and thev told me right out they couldn't buy me a house, a car, or a chunk of the world They offered me a chance to gain an education and play in a good basketball program and that was good enough foi mo," Burden added. And Burden has been plenty good enough for the Utes, too It may be that in the months to come Ticky will find a pro offer that meets his price But he's paid the price for his greatness and now it may be time for someone to pay Ticky s price Made Promise Whatever happens, though. Burden has promised his coaches and friends, he'll finish his college courses and get his degree That's a contract he knows he'll need after the basketball wars are finished a ; -- v ts that everyone is out to stop me. every time we play, and i like that challenge It's a challenge for Ixith of us always had the determination to play major college basketball and now that Im realizing that ambition 1 can t let one person on the other team stand m my x , yv HW . I , 1 vl - " Y 1 way Defensiv e Plans "Most every team has imio defensive plans lor me. but if I m hot it doesn t matter it they are playing man for man or erne." Burden predicted Coach Jerry' Pimm added Thevve tried everything except turning out the lights on Ticky. They've tried the defense three times this year, Dlayuig two men on him. ?one and mrn lor man, including bringing in a fresh man to guaid him every few minutes "He could score a lot more but hes staying within the framework of the otlense which has contributed to oui success Team success is one ot the most important things toTickv. Pure Shooter It has been w ritten many times that he is one ot thopure shooters in the college game, but those of us who watch him in practice day after day couldnt agiee more with that statement "People have come to him to make every shot. Pimm added "How long has it been since a guard shot ()0 percent from the held' he challenged -t 'w CC ' L" $ mN ) V Ticky Burden Poetry in Motion oil Biu'den. but he s an out standing shooter, a pure shooter We tried to keep him under 50 percent accuiacy and stillgivo him his k " points Columnist Jim Hamer oi the Ashville (N C Times, vuote, " . Ticky was uneasy as he tiled to answer a black announcers question about racial problems in Utah They're the same every where,' Burden said. I am out there to get an education and play basketball as the best I can " Detroit PKlon? Bm! oil Shelf - DETROIT (API Captain Bing ot the Detroit Pistons is sulfermg from a sev ere sprain to his left ankle and did not play in Saturday night's National Basketball As.sn game at Atlanta, a team spokesman said. Bing suffered the injury m the Pistons' l v ictory over the Milwaukee Bucks Friday night and returned to Detroit tor treatment The Pistons' spokesman said it was not immediately known if Bing w ill w ill be able to play m Tuesday's NBA Game Dave Racial Problems asked Burden about racial problem a black man lrom the East faces m the I West and he admitted. have no problems, either among my teammates or lrom the tans They appreciate good basketball in 8'l-h- I .All-St- Praise After Ticky scored scored 41 points against North Carolina at Greensboro. Carolina coach Dean Smith admitted. "We tried to shut Future Hope mim hope to go into the field communications and work I Burden shows son, N&kiam, proper basketball grip, but son enjoys football instead. of mm rr Go Fir ft Cabin ;:rt- vr Go Cluffifiai W4 ' Tar W V i This is a chance of a lifetime to join the Electronic Amusement industry that last year grossed $250 million and has a projection for the next 12 months to be Si bi'iton dollars, as quoted by a national financial newspaper (Name of media given upon 1 r9 ? -- i ALL CASH BUSINESS Full or part time No selling accounts prcvded under contract in maOr motels theaters airports universities and hotels with very high prof ts As an example units f 5 colleges in a world famous movie theater have averaged $550 a week One unit in a Hilton hoel has ' 1 averaged S1 12 a week for the last 6 months In fact S yields cf wed over $100 a week average are no p unusual p Applicants must aspire to high week'y earnings J and have minimum cash to invest of S2.395 (sec by jh F if jqup I vvdh a very high wpey net re'urn i rf t i Mr. Ed Ycrkcy (821) 2T5-305- 0 p!eM iwluJt pl'ont miffcff) Srisfoi Mvstr-, s Ci. 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Level ground, rolling hills, or high pine covered mountains, all to suit your individual preferance Not only is it a smart idea to own a part of the west but an exciting one as well is desigred to fit your every outdoor need Snowmobile, ski, nde horses, or is located many other outdoor activities 46 rni'es from S L C. and 32 miles from Ogden, m Summit county personal Family tour, sfe Greg wiiii ad t4 i policy UmiMd number of lots. W; ExccMent f LIVE AT THE SUMMIT Low frwk V" r? SPLENDOR O Firwnctng yt p OTflWHITi Eoy Trm request) h so working, where does he get the "1 know Wins amt He TA' said $S0,600 o yea? insemo 2tv'j1 V? T- ' t) NESTLED . . . Writ lirte di appointed the 'te ot some of the crovg the 'a.,ttwo years but with us plavtng for the champioiishp and the con! crane games on the docket. I behove well be playing to full houses from now on down to the w ire " How about ai! the reports of cheating we read about in Burden was the paners asked Is this a true picture oi is it exaggerated Detector Tests "Man " Tick's lace broke into a huge grin. if they ever get everybodv taking those lie detector tests to see if they have been cheating, the courts sure will be lull "You look at if this way A kul is dead broke, same as you are Then in a lew days he shows up with flashy clothes and a new car and maybe lus folks got a coloi "1 was a in fc 1 Or -e 4 r bounding with kids when basketball is over." he added While Ticky still ponders his pro offers, he feels Moses Malone of the Stars made the Admired By Kids right choice tn mov uig directfrom high school to the ly of "Hie vounger kids soil admired me, I felt, and I had pros an obligation to them I saw Different Situation too many of the really good "In the case of the big, tall players from my neighbor-h(Mman, it s different, because nnss out on college and he feels as good as any man then start hustling on the him. but the shorter facing streets for a living guy needs added skills to get by in the pros, skills he must They'd begin to get high on marijuana and pretty soon develop because he wasnt bom with many ot them. they were on pills and shootBurden added stuif stronger ing Looking back at his school When they tempted me Burden doesn't teel his days. and asked me to go to a party, class work was handicapped. I'd leave them and go to the basketball court where I got high shooting baskets." he four of us bf Utah and the WAC and ti at s what we aIryng to cue them a , 1 Saff Photos bv Lynn Tribune I - I i , fix' that" notice tinued . Another Decision I.oidiii Trffgrsy ft 1 A was onh three yearx aao th.d Bui den saw his wm Id tome to an end tor a sou'ik! time uliui he was lorted to sit down .aid take a ham look at Ins iuture. it . i. s basketball player 1 auwdingly 5 , p nivcrMty ol 1 tali and a p( tuntial pro tar goes up t i -- I Lutbei dill Ixx'ks p a pi edo Career U ..11TQ &.. Lands Teachers have heard and real m those that tlic tcd'her schaos wtue not as gixxl as tin' teachers m the while d,c!n t classrooms, but lkcum'Hul.ib'fUoiiVs okl I - at miumitiy black school dihii F Ja. although he attended Mooiiev ribuno sports fS f 4f V"" 43v221 EXT. liv in 0111 wTT - CALL TO HOW God's country ti I V: 374.S275 53 -- 1 1 '671 Sa't Livs H i V DAY N2 V o'rr tr - . i - !- - ANDlEST CAN BE YOUR RANCH 906-209- 1 S- -f Lax- - Cgd?n 1 i i J l |