OCR Text |
Show f UP Bee? 5-- Emm U; - - ? Sumac- 14 rc?rr v.r Ahc j fn fob Aiwmi $.4 6U0 Mom- - i?7 57$. Or, Floyd pncod Ihuy a ti hs p II wj 1est oarsns ewno Bttrr r4' )ft tow laM, r A' na OH hr, Service 4 1 -- X lodX 7 pet Li S'JG AR 0t 3435 West &- - Granger ) 2s tws nees FORCED TO SEU AT D'STRF'w PRICES In A mtllViB Aownx prlvatily Owned rental aryl homes HOUSE OPEN 275 4684 REALTORS -4 Wost 4200 South REALTOR 457 5401 PM. 21 UNTTS arga in estabi5bd rantal bdnm f carpets dn . appis Built 17 In 74. pn front rrvny 4c IMPERIAL REALTY tor appre-577, Errol, office, OPEN HOUSE 1097 E Wooster (V430 So) IV ) PLUS PLUS PLUS 5, Pl)S tuhViy rm , ben,-- pot tood storage rm , wo k -- hop. plus a large kitchen, IRUO so. patio Pus a gar ape and f no living that sparkles lust like a new home. S3S900. warty, SHFLBY REALTY 3 OPEN Beautiful new homes to Cttoom 4 3 bodmrw, 2 beOrtTW from n Ramblers. 1240 . te HOLLADAY 437-812- 272LKN 10 j FLEX AW bdrm units, K4ND and 2 i Louise, Call 272 4r to tod. ri-- ee 36WA5) Mike, Barbara, AVEInW: LOCATION Cwrm'lcftl Ijrick buikttfttj tor toe ftv Avfue on hard to com ttoft B4 lonifto ftd tuihY toasoo ww 0 ftw roerf ttM BuMdlnq h front Softer than overaos rtwp OPEN HOUSE 2 til dark Howard Or (9509 S.) Your family will love this fantasticIn 2 baths, luxury K'me sufclivlston bendy s American Villa Iftvostmcftt CALC RCN on You II be dellgtded with the itn'n tf$43 tovrile 1KW fsmMy INGAOS 8. ASSOCIATES. INC. Tft rto many plus tellurs PvMlKTS so bring ri 777ft SCuL MUST we that says M In too offers Priced In toe tew Peter Bramijy 561 MIX SIC DUPUK $47250 Call H E A RTLANO REALTORS eonr--at 2 tadraoms flrwlaca wetw fumAoe air cftftd Nw 2-- 5 Vjfth So7ft and RwtoaMi Commerdet Vwd EYicft potoftt'ai! S Office 2535 E4AINP AVE. in Abovo Bvd ,rf main bdrm ux Oupict Olu urrtt hm i bath aftd hrth ir to Have pst (to Bfftnfltut, 85 W 5(9 kg end trrepl , VHw tyt vM picad at J&8.75Q Cali Marilyn E 453 flrvrn rcx. ft & OPEN BIRDSONG TWO YEARS WEW BILL RING, REALTOR AVL SOUTH) to 5 PM. Hk Sparkling n 4 bdrm home, , firanl , nsw carpets, fuml y coverad pato, new kitchen, Price rrnd 30's gKA9 (1820 OPEN 1 tocitOft. OrtN Realtors, CaH fret ' 'iM R Sg BVOWNC rt iA r- ) Pcxt-fMmh ierti V rr T rT inf?J 6 ItmF OV brtrrts , 1 tfwner 2 A, ri WbkJ'arid 5 TO 11 La hv, I v I tv 3 Ret 9 $28fS0O $28,100 Noon 'til Dark Daily 1 83 West 5900 So 4 268-447- So. . t Down 8V4 Pet Financing Available with 20 one baths and Russ. .277 5.P..9O0 05. North it from take i!k Cutiicrul'n f n,y eas( to M.nn Street then turn Ml 10 800 North Main 2 Frtt information rail Ccktost t. A C enter.-ill- PARK CITY CONDO Y1 tw 9t. bdrm duplex Math'. Ansunmsta VA martwineat- -gf 178 fmf et Ih ptl.. Price mxrit riX!.-af 4.W.5M fill Lauranre Sun Stone Rostty, or 1 2 &. Ayers UtxtHon tlraewce with FHA VA T u) BEST BUY IN SALT LAKE town and ot Cwtfrset f rm and ctonr fv5Ty or $107500 U. t, & 91 or TEVlTOa hf f- -ra are Proven Cw. tr Mrm && evslh - wwn - tr Tri t'W rCS tXCULETrfi pn iiriJ-- Fem. irai Sit on vtt ), Ot TW Towrs 24S Vtn It vtng botfc Lt t ,, i9tial w 1Gi ImvtTow 7 t tyto vr i HLAS UWlX'LSSlT- r rx akrOLt cs f- . MISt'ilt y, Awt Um Uy M-.r- arsryfnmg. CH j OmsmGw Jjtty, ; ....VoC'tiSh-- TODD 224 down and you can move into all this Apple-gat- e luxury... at 8 Y ny- - Mortgage rate. (8,88 annua! percentage rate.J Magnificent Clubhouse Beautiful Greenbelts Refreshing Privacy American Wood Council lenl (OH Om m Ol SUMMIT PARK LOTS ; the tag af Psrkiy Canytriv BuMtd namesltes m lit HOB down. 70 yrk to rv Kmiwri i &4Uv3r We w'Tnted a place of our ovn one whch would rrePe some money wlten w deeded to movo We dkjn t want a house, so we bought an ARiAgato And the way condominiums have increased n fur A h mtr tw value recently, well, it's proven to he a geat investment " fro town $ minutes ABvtVE SMOKE AND FOG Writ ftnwws tf U)y at ymn faaw1 Meruft iwteid iampm Urf on (W Hm tower meit pre4lnBWi new t l 5 Inc fcA4 4X7 V.es f Call Ou1 & 5X0 Sout? St build tha shaft taka It from fhra own labor, vou can ao 10 OOfti For kw. ??! ftif m (PiwtoW'it - f v ytl By using ywr save as much tail 4RMI38 or acpe-dra-fer of tow na w tXrs n 6. BfiOCKbA$k RPAtT LLwttiow cssac tow totsrwst toana auahl. Ewi for mu low or IndlwlwiA call tori 7ur-s- d rf fuWKttey OetoaeawMMv aojtjo costs Of fwntovm FifwneruOh, b'Akira. ftoT NCLLoeD fW! frontsyiw nrar try fufur Mr 46o4t y linjtrtiroraBnt 5t! T r !t, lih 84107 Le OttoOBM .1 6 TO PM D, . i . y - - r -- t t V J Js at A3-).- j6 or, . i fuTly iritovTcniTPyTSYi tx) un W mmA to sy-j- yt- i v k' (. r VVrin. Rtow vi bM,uJmg ESTATE t utl's 8uY Tanns. Cvit af posh, i LOTS 4T9 54ft 17BJ Wmat fcsr lrg Protokctiv CTwnssnl ttowr ri h doVt I 2 aram. 'T m.STY I Wk ft&kt. V. 4ft houe and , 5, 1 erB3n30t 5831 6 $10,000 Exraltent Yaw Are hryirwM. fuflv ifftpnavi oft nmaK $11 terftifaj lewen 1 - ra (Save up peyem onrf pereaiuay mepoel WeueM me link. 13 le dork Wmjeh efmn toerth vtrte Sftree ftntl TpiepivYe (801) Houpa 10 AM ut s 0cc -.' RHONE I 277 QppICQQte Tft Ent nV X( IP30RTH HILL LOTS !T PIONEER REALTY 33a Sc, s. AVAILABLE, Gia Soter, r'l 278-540. BY OtiftHLR 5 Large lots, basutltol custom homg orea Sguthaast SLC 8 pri financing with small dowto cvoftobla now BaHet tiurryil , 5 H-- j 6, LOTS OR now or We Mr . and Mrs. Joo Llartln Knov !!'- - hri 5ft loket ftas 9 tfad crfflc WL--I 64vC-f- kW$GfrmommM Inc. aiXUPY'cuiis. oxekWy eri S tu9. 9. 5 R av Brown, tri Co., vi. SPECTACULAR VIEW via' 2 Wf niwfi !trv t 19M)fiar4t r,PVl Baa Jt Hut to best eondonw tudeyl 467-947- or rofNstd 531 7 l Hev 4 0TS - W'nfHf Won 0fy 1 . favt ftftftQ PRO EhfTERmSES ALL to Orrtr Cfrnynn Crest , SJj util fur" If terms, rmif. 77i you ward .'.nw ma AxJC WW16 OT ffrarbsoa tot tn Be. ecr area lorwt tor animals , iaroe 3 trirm hou' hallar with kt of featgnW. Call; : Karen today, 4(5934 A NUMriER ei1 y eM Vi g to and oera kft whh Inrioa-- t tow toft! tkm rri wetor Omy Vi TOO Also 6lh Vi Fu4l uHH , oaodl 1 im. $orftt CcftJGttiiflium 2aW9i6 of ukS ; HORSE PROPERTY l)Qh,e APARTMENT r j REALTY", Ridden MOOtL BACK1GR st tHS J taSrm j HYLAND itflstssmm w, I 816 709 Rrt 12 509 Point Quail Of tww Elomontary cBstam Khgo! and dturrii For ImO call or Oat Jim j Complete Ayers 467-947- Ea-- Mow LOW, LOW Lak7't' fr'hHXMNlUA j Prto 467-947- 5 hf Qj 7W So. So. 4799 or 369, Wkt Stawffar Lang La-- to Great Yew ? to bdm. tor'ixra htountolm. rmN apollancw Pavutatos SAwe. tot t $32,9COm $37,900 ' Design for Better I ivmg Awanj f 1 IU too t I For nena information rah 36M5M. f or E 8 WFtrs Salt Laka'a (yderi Realtor, SOUTHEAST AREA 1013 I Locghxt tn uwgtg rsa whliln wlk- - ''iv,' t V --T'2!. Swimming Pool Tennis Courts 772 REALTORS EAGAN 5 1 I' t of salt Lake f ion Countyl TERMS AVAILABLE tor Ol J.iflyri buyer! Asking 812S.TOI Call Call tor mom totonruttton! DaRLENC DWIGHT z rrramtii? ?! GALLERY Aid. Industries Mr bTTwc r'5'uxTr'5T- l5ir W- o tymfraet w ih ?i(M73 S'lwr. - TRACY Sgueie 2S.66 ACRES! 1 ex. vsns s 12 ?Xu2fc rorra! 81f to Bhirrtkve e OSATf? APT MGTiL. In ttf P6u fjf Awry i ft ratiuJ to4 isx Ly a , i -,7 F- - k r jl) jT I F in. Frft AUrixt 2 6 ' i SmT&viSt C(P SO, 8 nr ftOuAirCC ub.riSlTV ECALTV "Fs. 9 B7A9J Best to Alfrtna Horses allowed Ken, Call John 224554, ere Office, JUfrtt, 2?Svj22) just usrto EXCEL l E NT 1 FANTASTIC yvMINHIM WITH IW VIEW OF C'TY. t FORMS.ROOM LIVING et rm , on inyci Y? aft F hm Cuttoj APLeXT?, f end . Ammj yd 9 9 Catmr'na W to trirt frerin tor duptexen, He Wt &M.ZJL 4 price rati'Avd un In Veyoo ,'u, owner will ex conrrerf Cerarat kerf Eitcto, id Ltr- - ril Ty Ptovu. WnnF to trsuentm 2 tmangr utsTy tn-- . R0a Call oav !7 491 By" owner, slJe Ly v ' duo te-ExcA. rnrner tot tarsi R a Tenet I Oft) to torisveyred - 4 t eT2T TCMra-IO'Jf- too nrmri m 14 tw , (MAKE OFficRl PRICE REDUCtOI CMcS 1 nr-- T AWn kft Excilnt bvtc"i3 rihA pm 322-433- 3. L ii Am. REALTORS OONDOMlNm Open s. TRf oe A&B batos, tontvd dmlng ftwgmd. eomptelely d Wicnen. i Ro oasts spared tower 4T5t TY fKC Buf EXCLUSIVE VIEW LOT. Thl ary ttrtrd acra idf Krutod In CtymrxjS a fantadlc City vww Hills, ha Tf 71 buy fer P4 3W Celt Realtors drepeM i Mrm. in hnCVfrrbt. eV w DJFTXm-- y - okl tn ST MARYS PARK Unigue Street Ds gn Includes irm malic curve and am at cuidesaes of Our tot design be preserved mes-Aft the exisrinq stately tmes ar hue end power teleohone lenda , Iful undergroimd m capad entrance and exit gate ron y Priced proyioo top tecurlty , For nwe Information-- S16SJ9 Deri conttact Breckenridye . or Use Silver at 8 I LOTS EXCLUSIVE VIEW Being wkmerJsUfidfY mere vr burtd for you ae this groat view ta8 (xsatod In grant S E. Bench Ce.1 Pent Priced 399 2 bdrate- 2'' HAUG, Superior Raato soi-n- s trui tor dl Oww-ayan- m 64! r0W rm Wwment dlmhp EDELWEISS 42, 277 U vrtr-W- jwn ot conao. Gump cue om , In-to- wn 4M5TT 24. FOUf'TAlNS t irc In WATBRBURY soacious Exarutlve 1290 condo It now avallaole for lease to Prows-woo- d toatnrbu-- y Community s PAhiORAMA APTS. 7 ham, tormal dining to 1 & 2 edrrra.. swimming pod, outsInttatled area, all appliance droned and kitchen, fully caipeted tanding View. 3 blocks from Hotel $250 per month For further InforUtah From $22900. H'llslde Main, Sato mation call the Prwwswcd 32l7B3JHnattogJlV8llabl6 OHice 2732T8 Waferuury tocstjl BY OwnIrT 2 bdrm , 2 bath, hi South, fust off Van on 5k tovY Capri Park, 36 So Vtto E.4 7 For Ipnse .4g! Exomsrrs tfkxe pc ami easft bsm, Asswnto or reYiftdrice. with M wrtr ie rierd rrarft 556 0u9 eucA Phone 5 Private health spa. FIRSTSECURim REALTOR JSOGrf, Build ynu" location. $35,000 jerry Floor, 4rf iTrpARATE 4PLEXES to Mftto t area GoM reMarf 467-947- nKrrMnduGtrtgs 909 DONNER WAY Aost pmsttnious In S L C 73 609 2 l ft 6 txlrms APRS TO MUST SEE 58 W5 1u aoot VILLAGE III TOW14HOUSE Deluxe end unit 3 tm txtrms.. 3 4 bethu din rm , tm ret- - i m. wiyl Pkwh carnet, draoes (toiy be 2731996, see call To 6IJ09. Spacious designs. Indoor pool. Spectacular view. TarbrtjwiTNdjWj 277 ? 5 Jndutrls OAK CREST Wonl store M fl'W td BcMt Carol Ttsl So. aVl wtn no VlLlE Cr-43- QTY RESORT 14 brick unit wfth tour 2 Mrm ants., tutor rusted, meet mntnct act imanest Cell axs umptlon at Louis 467 43o8 ar Saa Stoxe Rasttv, B49 E 91 467-947- SOMfeft-- Privacy. Security. Underground panting. wto ki uvino toormaster bod oom 5HS rrl" Ugjr'i warn NR M2 Cnrdftftft'um 7873, Max Harper Ua bark ra Or 1 TUCKER HOUADAY Oicw luxury avftliaixe ievt lower we 01 dally Ray rs-87- 7 caTt !nrliK-- 01 erf 5dr-9J- . Can JACKSUX tion prttoloii Tmcw bdrm. wrtt CRESCENT RIDOF) plus tome toft excetimt privacy. morioao Asumy CRESCENT RIDGE) J bdrm. with the best view in the protect THREE KINGS) 2 (wrms on the golf course, part clubhouse etc CALL Bit L cot EMAN of Hal Tay-' lor and Associates, 5LC Hmmmibswik . SPRNOHItL 2 down J Our Quamt Colonial n fnc n II Two tesu lUtinoat mom mn rtwovs PHOT 5Ji43 pt t tul 2 prVtos wito ccnvwrsAfUsn hfvrfactt too Pno or ticony BLAUnFUl CWSTONE 3 really sftjru units trom 224 9(0 Oniv 2 avaliaWel I to emhousa Iro tlv rm 467-97- 5 Mrm, 2 CIS dm araa wh tireolec. tufl untm nr Isfted bsrrt ComtomlnlumJndukt-ieslduplex type2-onrsM on 2 bttis Uv rm . d'n owner OEORGETOnun" 5UUASB tuil btmi Lovo to w'H or mam plu tae toasetontian, contact, call Mr Hanks, 2LTH snow you Drastlcai'Y patio, ?, drnpe, 6M3. reduced io $24i)00 IMPLRiAJ. REALTY CO a FnS TbriN, 2 RTS NICE EasJ Sot! limited nunwar 7V FOUTTTA'NS t.AST Kestlde V?w oft CODO Hitorori'. r vxio fringe tencted TM wide or tT .Tto has East. This s t. TOWER CONDOMINIUMS 467-947- 5 TME it Time Offered Aasjfftd lAN 486- - ?M1 tPAJRK W - HETX5S ervwrft roo w. 5 UNITS 17t6l. Ab S, 1253 E. 21Sd UNITS RuSfc PARK UNIT. Ray Britlpa CMKtrpcttog Entev the simplicity TAX S3 5! it ic BONNEVILLE CO. secuHtt BuiWiftfl cir trad. Cak HLM.TORS J 7 22' 9 P M. PkObd.lv HOMis yftH Wft oft ti, -- quf fxr continuing vrtWrtOri,.rlu gee ell out ads urriw at geetton No. 43A lake Ktventege Wr (roe locator service. call Bi CoiefYwn of Hal Tayior $X.C, S2 8t3l Of Mh Assodetos. 8181 Collect 119 54 92 HILL bedroom designs As Little as 5 lrl CXTLY $1,500 CASH and loan Pays art doum paynwot twdrmi-. , I I o , no COrs- - New 1 IFH burs, oonckxm unit onIf Capitol ADULT CONDOM W IM Fri 438 center S . No. blocLt t view tor Lincpry Call surtty in tor Slick sale ?r n) drwnhwrn m at h'qh c ss log nnt Wwukoayk F5 30 PV tie grvwnootJ Opn 12 to gumc 5t 32H So Opeotou , Sunday FricUy thgrKiay 487-095- 3 $20 PUR MOf YTH or 363 3345 14 2 bedroorrw, MAINTINANCt fire-or- e 303 "A" STREET tkiitis, la ye Iv no room withMARY Mdew med eftor i 2TS!44 47V1194, Construct ion Res V YN ?75riSl81 1 Poo! tennis courts. biook and ponds for quvt walks and everything necesxiry to enjoy sophisticated country living priced m the thirties 5 Ccndpmniumjmluklr ! bdrm. lakIT 3y bedmom, 2 bath aoarttnenf, that HIOGEN Unit 369. ran ba separated Into 2 mmarato ffiw Open House. living areas Hotel operation ertfh 262G779 complete manaremem Maidt and BEAUTIFUL.' tbiee Fountains Exao block Pool, saunas rental eenvtr Suite Priced below aooraisel. Modal ' open utive North of kl terminal -4 ctodudil saving INFLATION - . PARK OTY MAIN ST. TM ftv Urpt dtvetoorwrt pro erty remfrim hi on Mom St 18 Ft frofttsoo pm tt tots, excel, wtoft f 40, Krf 4 Prik-- W lrrrf $ ld iwcer fle cftfttrjtct Joey 4&sm MMS SJi STt7 h. 537 S9 . CNtstrudhon, or toymti-itor- 46 S460 So 540 So. C E 121 W4o-9- oi SUN araa, 2 bath. Mto 50s Catt Otg TSSriWt 1694 6 or Hans 28-K- l Seriuded 8 year od, 4 bwroomn Msny Trar9-Wtbnck eoxtemoorary baths extras w'th boauh Wtod on 1mJ HejftX. tovnl Priced under sdOMl FOR SALE HtAkfLAwO At M ke Conk Bur and Stoak Hot 44? 97! x, nfcntnvn re uuwl Nr W USIhHj., ny cwnhut r 14 A FuntriL 3 15 tmi 07 W 00 New owner tLdtd Irg. iwe-osp m , 3561 39 Ubh ougkik, arcs 0.x-- - t like home or feu ftM w aifTto hs1 47 A'C i, to (LS DiyI wosltif 'W'ishilt D ytvr Tcish CiVlifRCKTor f'M:10Vjl Family condonrniums m a perfect combination of traditional architecture and innovative. 2. 3 and sett 495-- US E 5M9 So. A irtC Rti-- town rouse 2 8 PM JWO So v.. 8t rs 189 wod Z 57 Owd Now Duplex AY HOULE-HOLID- Atr & A COUNTRY PLACE 6 R8 Intoreft AVENUE DUPLEX ' Gump Prop it fhrou;H ott 467-947- 2 House OU!Tt USTWGS EfttoLM7T2 ffEADY FOS YOU MUST SaL $45,000 tw UU Wtf 49t5 Souto Lb''toy home, with full Jtrirm 114 bath extras. nto E 2tot3p. Call svt ui In, bimt Many 489394) 'k APTS.-- M? 12 UNITS 16 UNITS 19 UNITS 17 UNITS Ray Bertott 437 2218 LrttHv room sjfTdtrftwce OPEN TODAY vis grant SE Ml tor tow ftoa P? livlrtfl room, Inj kltcfttft REALTOR tit w O or Gordwn I . FASHION Git Clf TOWER wthMFIPEpLACE ANO OtlllNw 14 UNITS OARAGE. CONand 3 VENIENT WEST M 0. 8 P WITri AU. ftteri rent el unit la a lUlLT-INS- . KJION crura, and dtps, dumaxe Weft ms. U rtt 1,7?! me. Lrg kitchen with ALL APfclF JNOri.EY 1 has 3rd bdrm finished to ML TZJ-bxmf arS" ts yecknt Priced to Will i. rtkfto at toJdsO. C.MI V (MPLRiAL REALTY 56tri)8v8. to ..... SUPER SHARP UNITS 2151 DO'AnNGTaN Flort il CofPtnv) Mwm-e- Ue IMPERIAL TAX Realty S4,SSSSSSH4S.'BSri4t6aS rtt Cx T COHinfeR CONDOMINIUM MAmONAL TENANT A C oorci tor ToctoYornftWOJHl O 04& S woctsi'd !V4drf99B Best return on your Invested dollar. tM iyto Fine building on eecellenf comer mm rpw My IH townhou ltvrv r lot on Ms'n street. Price, Utah. with Business Is boemmg. For detain Mor oo d iry i3 ftB-SNttorWp i tor call 3 Xua6, that ff!t1ftfr or ALDER, WALLACE, 278 2816 577 5 486-945- REALTY $5 OCfl THE RFAilJTSTATCRS CHIDESTER Realto- - SPECIAL Norma, 1612) dwto with tuft Can be bwmftf an centrart It went lest lot 4 this tow See It et once e 155 East tTth So., or call tor epot. Hle K.m 487 INTERSTATE REALTY lijRTS via yn 1 4668734 to 5 p.m. onftnlshed 1 V hen Stucfr VolWy L ft pO YwnHouxf Ti 5 bj 278-633- 8 1 for Immed fl9 ocrucnnvv iiX, will 272-193- HAPPY NEW YEAR DRIVE 2920 East 4760 South KubScMjvw C rvHJi MOO H Mnher Beriroom At terrcls tm: 2 Lonq 5 bomt 6 SL TO 5:30 OPEN 2.30 .. . jama. o. . realtors MONAtRCH lAssocla'es . S. lake s Imwst op pianmd fstymtinl mwrt Urqoty fttt,md to It view) iruqe Fool ar4 po Luilt Cweo Autt h inurcitee and scnoola. Low to insure better uv oi y8 Priced at Mi Vl club hoote Cal Dan 278 7 S4 i73 or CONCORDE PL ACTIOS Jf7 synxrft T iwVNOLt'P hoh tKirm , wm parnirnmlr v w J ? bslfts sxTXtetfck balcony wln vdH oavrfMe cmmo t eDM w option or storsuo area. j43 m DIFFERENCE Ctr erfm sJTto iiwryl J jtrs, . I iw track. 95 mcmhFv Brick Tri-PTwo J4drm w!Hr Cw two Buy this 18 unit apartment plus $20 700 down and a eonthen tell tor six id years tv, ,rsctj will Lrg. erf this spacious brick remtier Bet a 25 ect IRR We toftdtd Wltft and to srt down and, review pyt lot Muiti Mt! Amy glad tfonjftU? orloe. f gures with you Call John y thene or cill Cell y Thj4CLTHl) t bis Imtjrpd frv IVtlxjn It To YcHjoeif Ow fo Bee T be 1$ You MONTE CAKlO errfnosiasHcl Ts Yju toatuHftf evdllaW cofHio wreugM Iron oaion a wwTjgr d and rm Hy. iovnjy tmtot dtn, tonefonat kHcnen w'fh main flow' Jam rm , master bdrma 1 Hm BEAUT1FVU.Y and to eril at DEC CHI ATS D. Priced Andrew 56,900. Cart Louise AVENIES $5000 DOWN INTERNAL 25 fATB OF RETURN 30 to DARK 2011 EAST ALLISON CIRCLE 1 (4109 So Oft Lincoln Ln D-(all to bring Mott to see her room on main floor Stwlng-'sundr- 1 YOUR PRIVACY fnr Kit eecfrle eva Proed in RLs- - Mrs. Hanks rowxtt. OP3T 1CSJSE 2-- 5 P.M. 15900 So.) 163 Cannes WbvCONDO INC FREE MARKET APPRAISALS Rka'ior 6i61 Highland REALTORS OPftN MMT5L 3411 So Honeycul No. 4 (1845 E ) units at Capstone . TWO choice TOWNHOUSE - 3 bdtms, 7to ba'hs. tm (IV rm , dh area with n re- 2 bdrmw place DUPLEX TYPt2 oaths, rg try. rm , dtn. ama with level. Both on main All (irepiaca have full bsmts , dirt. gar. wim otfto R Realtors E 21st So Bctom 1 Livingston H&H 1 wdipwtw Pwabna and cosSWJia w ms 430 ooy bright plus or 322 2850. OPEN ConvefTnf GOOD RcTUR for lull basemer- -s Low down payment mft-- to downtown CS1 at 1km 5Infor atori interest. Low Oft this soft dftd ft 9ftiy iror Sn. 9159 O ff t so SC9, let us show you owort unity. frofable Call Hwxrtd m 4778. eve. Joftft 467490, Duvt East 150 Sandy or office 27B 9336, Betty Bruce 2oo20& 2d2 0iua , Dock 0 bmse - 04- HOTEL, GUMP & AYERS 9 5Z1-- t! ft i so snece Cart EXCaiiliMT tfsTESTMENT j?o C0 8 UHiTS GROUND FLOOR, toc 15 belrms Of Ha 27727X14 SALT LAKE J bdrm or trade Terms FOR LEAGE WAREHOUSE CLOSE N AvaHabia tor immediate oncupavy - I vaw r6Lfc6F-AAl95L-- bomes In 3 txlrm Beach, Calif. 31 000 oqultv In property tor income 363 Realtor per With Inflation between cent and taxes eating up your earn, Iras like an alligator Ask yourself Wits ' What Is my money earning in plus this, That's right You are plus the bank?" I have a newer trift ol losing groundi S E S L C that you ciki toots plex In tot 500 Good income, $24 assure Call In the rtoft good location A start Call dhection Prlred at mc-- 1e X.Informa-fioDan at 278 75-- 4 tor on tins and others or COts- - to 5 1 mt FjNrts J atoreat "d TWO HOW'SD AMUNCS04 Put Your Money to Worki 3868 Hallmark Block south ot Valley Fair Mall, 1 L- REALTOR P M. (2640 W tMHF? W CHY 467-947- V Cncwrnlurnjndtjstrl?$ I'K. VTLLA5L til CVvtO Oft Enjoy Qb et eto Murry On tb qiwoca with 5 oedrn'n', 4 luatnous dectx dem 2 cat tirrare, tl shed bvof to and swttinsr, Crey Good Cond smlnlum Living Attn a View Saft Associates 357 E Realtor irf ( 278-132- ACE AVERY OPEN priced $35 900. m 531 1352 30 to 5 PA Clf SECLUDED &! 'AMxryj Mnw?-Ao- 84 MJJ I''1 jj, 1 bdrm. and ly carpeted tbrcnxihout Annual sryJntt units bdrm and decoratod $4 incor GALLERY CAPSON'S 1 r CHARV1N, Immarulstt TRI1H.EX Ufrf on a 'enutes oonr LOS m rxir tiue stone cwwtrvtcn L,OVE A BARGATT H DOESI prices EVERYBODY -See eem too high, don 1 despair TAX SHliTER 2 bedroom, th spin foye- - home MEDICAL BUILDING ONLY with many extras, plus room tor YEARS OLD, ONE BLOCK FROM 20 s Ts In mid Priced 1 -- eutel expansion HOLY CROSS Ht'SPiTAL. see call Joan Lyman un ts under leases wltb no vacanor Carole 272 1439 cies. masonry and concrete construction with parking under toot. For frrthor Information piesse call Jim Strong. OPEN IN HQLLADAY tt Out of Townees ImiBV ; elt " e.er.4 riW, 5 r "Often M r um y ii you jt a obih.' with a ?JlH iiyvfifti pewt STgkfrees um1rr $hao Inn rKP AWVlH Cun' anl NOVA VILLA ewvd&nw um ohIW M Wrtl T tmiti oopwi tt Wakji Cfirt exit put and tif n ewt to ivyg Sovni 2t af etiAi YVest Bouctrtjl ?2 3 i THE TERPACbb MOUNT OLYMPUS ti Pet. Money Available. Prlc itarti at $56,$00 O f0TXC( iw J16T LISTLO TRtCY PM it rash M n tr0T ftrrfihed and modeti fnsoectlan Immediate vour tnoiosntv We VH SSSfWO at Colt seven (7) 'wpiexes cancomplex not be beat as a tax shelter when be PURCHASED AS A PACKAGE owner & taka advantege of acceleron For detail ated oapreclstion income analysts, call John, 447 295-9577) Wi Peter, June, Ctf.ce, 1 - A 16 by ktv VS! 3 2 acres zoned Exceptional Master planned for 190 units at Dormer Was and Kennedy Drlvs. of Rodio Paqe- 487-7C4- &riy L4 hr sU 2LLjfX.!envfrZT (nwk UNiQUE ATARTWCNT CONDOMINIUM SITE IN OAK MILS remondous Tax Shelter 1 '1 vom PaGHA BOB arts 7 by HSW2TY NEW REALTOR assume loan Solid tat ton Call Peter, 464 2812, Tony, n 33- -j So. JUST COMPLETED AND FULLY 45E RENTED unH, rs per This gross MOTU each. mo morthty Income, slM Extra sharp Irg. Beautl'uf Weber vallw Rustle, cennlctk units plus J units W'h laundry, dose to town. ter ol town with and Coder to be completed plus tovWy J Mrm Brick 2 bus line. tort. manage s quarters end office Will common courtyard, tract terms Wth Irg down, trsdo, consider Salt tax pmoerty Eves . A --king offer yaor refinance, call Lea 571 2222 or Mike 45-l$45,000. CaM Bob, M. Olvmoos Rsaltv, Inc. mid 20's Lew dovyn on Contoct, FHA or VA tv. Ekcopfionaily ciesnl 3 bnrms., frpl , carport w fh extra batns, parklno, enclosed peto end beajtF fut lardsceplns CaB 3ack - 8 LHTS GARDNER HOUSE bdrm. irH ' 7034 SO CHRIS LN (1760 E) 7187 SO 17th EAST 2 brk-homes 3 end 4 bdrms One at $34 050, other et $48 900 Take your p ck Kathy 2"7 STB OF HOLLADAY 4 rl tA, 7f ctYL nutrmnlna airwnq orny p avuwOund Comiw wtn nj r,4 JM 'r a t'MSi' rr4 adO 1 Van W rwia S Kprar'nv Draped Fireplace , .. by e1w xl rnri Oafrwrumi Ccsrpcfsdl Lnk, morfnaoe on vour ouf of town home for down unfit vow ea" troc,':r t,lr-r,We have same arranoemenH tor much tormr tn rarman est prlm lrrte-etsums M psrcxrt oonirad Cra'd 26A4&40 Y. CHe Bruce balance 753. Ace Torkelwn J5IMSB4, Nancy HOLA'OUIST AND SON Lent, 777-- 3 tB, Jack Sett Lake area larMif REALTORS, 328-696- 1 bulkierhome custom lorlw 277 Wif John FUTURE ARMS - In Towners Sd barms , 7QQ - 2455 AN y 420 HEX'S YOUR CHANGE Harvard Parte Dr East) Over homo with f H 4 Mrm t rcF ba errent ccmpkla y lm shed All dW k rne, 2 f ropluces nwcie-- n oartiOf tandsceoed bod fenced yo ;or mid 49 Immec4 ht 437-411- 1 "REALTORS" tfdrly showtmj call Woyno 40oh5(j76 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX kXXXXXXXX 387 - The MOST OOaCrlO'JS ComJomtnkims in ft HX UM, REALTORS SON, ATAW251tJ2owner, W ft of 30 days left Oopleetf, ne comp 4 pi exes, l!virg soace Large epmxes, bjn? ns tkeplftcn, 2 car garage options ana more Hotietley prnvete week Com Can move In within homes J and 4 Mrm. Assume kw out today Sotting in low 30$. Cali Int cantr5ct$ with very Mgh cash agutrlat returns, 6w contract Larry 434 703 cnerp, 272 4006 1539 So 10th Tost real Dont one foolw Is This 8 UNITS mse seeing nslde Newly rwno BUY on oonfrsr near brl'Y 3 bchrm, 2 batns, oeied ttirouQUoyt 11.100 monffsy fncame formal dininpr bsmt Se tns one tenants pay yttKties. tnday No dewn va or lew down 16 UNITS FHA Call Una 262 5II2S 2 EXCELLENT to. E location $255,000 new brick plexea FREE MARKET EVALUATION OftN tywfv- 6350 IllGItlAND Nfc SALt, TO eve r- siw HoHT"wrLS?I5k U one Ivmme trj EX V , U1 - abew-- 4i$twimfdm to 438CatfewWorai AT BJI , 1WN OJIST trnony unBipBrhMj R 277. 8465 So. 8 prLLte otok kml rvrfn Mam Broker fa oisotitlnve snc-i- f, An J L'1- HIRt J ORICNTFO W4hf Wc- HOUSE PUBLIC NOTICE frost tow tfl vaue Set! ng In tow Big 4 bdrrm, full bsmt See today Call nuw John (4?f4 price 2YS- Wit S'lr. 01 t CF3 ! pv-ar- t. y l AA oj st a t F' ttv flhe'St rH, to s wo'i a fcmv-- finish n Morn nviy fat) la town Kw mpwt fktttf tvt &,awrH ? twi na KLTUfcN cwitrBCl. 6B H W1H 466-665- NEW HOME 2300 E c.vpiy f AMllY COMCXUMS v&-- e'vn i 2 t mat CIS Sunday, January 12, 1975 &A-- ba nctp-- 761' GOOD DUF5JTX REAi.1T 4 e one buy bdrm rruti bmm fwu D$nrf Caff 41 14 tnre for rtxi e iTi) jo 10r 4057 S W ekcfV K I 41 REALl65 ci on. wftn 1800 East 2129 Itntuoire V lttf LClpn itus o it for a eat t(r'd t9 S Jft PARK PLACE MONTE CRISTO mum. CTPLEX Redded by 1 Wt 10 yrs. okJ $lde by side, 2 berms, earn sky, ft (I tr ni 2 car weca Asnwe TILL DARK 1 REALTOR 6744 CNTR f r0 H erjjjr EP1CK OPEN Exfarv OPEN 456sa mdnav AVERY iS7H Tr6J XAXAXXaXXXXXXXXXXXXXA Ave. For lovyrs of tovely ano wii acw! 2 bcKms on miin tm iv kpt twd w tn y t hi bsnrt , cone rwrentton and 2 more bedrooms p d fcj 9 Looc"Y r yt - 2 I A8SOLUTFLY room a d Doobe garne, iwTo, landstapeo yard this horrv! CAN T Dv t m caM DAP' ENS la1-Earir rB-or DWIGHT 2 2 2NJ3, 83 N0RAA 25283 VERL 486-137- TARA GARDENS sit Feait-r- CWICEt s'hq OAN$ ciuN ad Ashcla 4"?-5- (2980 SOUTH ClPI'v'S wt rs at n realii jk AC 4 P.M. 294 tost Cordelia IS LOCMiON ar ut puc5Lt rajua'j tftn f lel, YEAGARrS Open House X u t33-C8W- Apft. Cendsmlniyms 74455 rne o caisiRuaioM realty Q6 Holmes Realty Af'Vt J oo v tr'v rN mH and cbt ralctrt and wc h t ccima m$ty i t niv trr lw to 50c DAILY vs5w so ? r ) ,. O. ) ttOke 433 -- CeirfWat8 V?ii fre FO K CHOKE T .: qtniify oulit ramo'rs nvoly ft1 a rfttl! Help with uu TA Pr?rt 413-l- w rti tn v Hi Dorrttiy 5o8D cH TN Tft's Yvhat BY S4S tfor t 4vDft DPIVE 5 H t rw looay (cnr POSSESSION btn OPS c IMMEDIATE cot fVfirf I GVtR 6A Pa. xtt at two-bqorwitton ixkxI In a d nc co jo ii nM r (K?f Wi t'oi 9 v&r et! twc ikfyJy tn C ne' It iav4 ni trwa, rrvt att n Ahw Mrmvyv a sr'Wt'n y to mJ Of aX tUNvk 4. AAortaqa aip( H Ana from ? T 'i rt U. a 5 rtjcJ v NY My rf pavmBd HANSCN ATOSS nrivHJ irrfn'?Mt (XT aV"C TrnRrS a i IniwsTii tfconyj V) 1'549 Sneth 4?tn 3 ft ufo ia. cu tem Bwu u rondiKni Mai a tmoor rt It own S'vS-frmal eirfiv oU mriy mor CV y b?t so? w N ki VO HifW i,fy. trwmiywi afra! f"W M3 $ 2 fh t iritTfrir ectivf Or 46r4W ar(rfyn bMU-otW on fOR SUItK 2 MOPE lOCATCN: t 3 PrKK m if'ttA b r Wv REXiwT In A,pin6. 'KL L W Of EN DAILY T4 BAHii tsCFt-LFKAy4 Cwthn'ixjry YownHtAj'ica. ?vo Swd m fcU.D'WOOD 3 luvurlouft lurr &ra7btvl I bdfwnt IS 17 HM.MCSO SECURtY (t r Pi M 3hliKT Df at 5 0 o') i6aj 6 5! 4M-and 4 otocc? erf rpw homes trr duolox unts, WWK, wisnd trM car ?1RDr5T intriHd at ocojftKv Enwotf TOO pets, cPanasH ftaojaoa bVv o 'n-ni. firtmt, E '".. yv p jftM fcrWW t'MVJ K4. &) kt nmo na. m wo no 7 wo 1 3 tEW IN SANDY y tw'tv rrs n.yl SbIIot sonkllno svstom, Chot'e-u Idpr 4 w I ijrcnefv IrnoycRnBO J1 VH prt IwwM s, pd In '!. ivsar i im or 14 lor ojsilw Itjmpe Biv nd v ctu tn me$ metdv to rnovO A an rev 4np'W On contrar Oood ax from f37 'YK) into SECURTW feAtAACfcO La-- i or Uv fcaroiyn GPJN BY APF1M Q7? 5 An Ctwfc this qood corH-abuv $3 OJQSE-1cown wiH oa vou into mis bore 4PV744I FrtmH M tSS W. 10 Toial pfira O' MS lyimed fy nfl $ 2 hftutl parcontaoa rale 3 bdim. Dv m 'kHilJf Of Four tAt tcMCTI or r orftted a troioh ngwf 746j SHISEBiJT WE TA J1 1ST liTTD! TRADES In A Inroo WAfc'FD 1 DUPLEX Carla 2&83H Torkel CHOICE SO EAST will rBb Craig Lafca jvd lc 'rt barms by nci unit W Mh, Nancy 33iV3, tn. irti raNr bomea Ownership . loon M Tt 7i6 3iM brick, pood Biov.e Acs tnat I prenerty rov Mid 70s. CmI bon, !?99o4. PCI 408 4! 30. Way ,6 M45 So ) TaKe a chru 4 vxj llftt ng tie iniflftt ne kvj ng you v Ivoe K frc ipft, 3 fairn a b id rfti !l hrnti MS-Ucs- v |