Show bavis D avis stalle stare conference davis stake conference was held at K kaysville Kays ay ville city an on the uth and ath dinst B sides the local priesthood enera were wele present with us apostles apostle I 1 1 I richards and john IV V taylor and el der derah B 11 roberts on saturday satu batu iday and on sunday elder chas IV Y penrose the bishops reports tend to show that while some are ca careless reles and indifferent f fer elit eilt the he majority of the people of this his stake are trying to live in e pure lives ilves and to keep the commandments of god the statistical report shows that very ver Y nearly one third of the population 1 is under eight 1 years yearb of age and also that out oi of a total of persons there are arc only 73 who iho are drawing any support and a part of them are only partially supported the sunday bunday schools according to the report rt superintendent N T porter are in a very ery promising condition elder B 11 roberts in reporting his field of labor spoke of the great similarity of the coming forth of the gospel in ill the days of jesus jessus and in the present dispensation jesus was the son of a poor and unlearned man so was joseph smith the poor accepted the gospel in the days oi of jesus and so they do today to day ile he spoke of bf the persecution heaped upon the elders and paid a high tribute to the integrity and heroism of the elders who are laboring under his direction in the southern states apostle john johl W taylor occupied tile the afternoon lie he spoke of the follies of running after the vanities of the world as so many are doing and spoke III in scathing scanning scat ning terms of the habit many of the people have elave of beng being always in pursuit of pleasure warned the young to shun the seductive influences that are aru in our midst and counseled them also if they desire to be happy and contented in wedded life to marry within the circle of the church brother penrose on sunday forenoon gave a very ery cry interesting discourse on fhe ehe the duties of the teachers and priests among the people showing mat that where their labors are properly performed er formed iniquity cannot exist in trie the church cautioned against backbiting back biting and passing judgment on a brother or sister bister and counseled families to live in love and harmony so that gods blessin blessing can ean be always upon them the afternoon was occupied bythe by the administering of the sacrament the presenting of the authorities by the clerk and a discourse in continuation of elder Pen roses subject by apostle F D richards who s spoke oke 1 with plainness of the TI duties tt es of those who are arc called to labor ai among 0 the hoople spoke of the different organizations which are in every well organized I 1 ward and said that they are all designed to be helps to the bishops in controlling and directing the energies of their wards also of the stand the catholics take against round dances and in giving the history of how dancing commenced among this people wished that it might the good purpose f for or which it was at first introduced wished the authorities of each ward to f furnish amuse ment for their young people so they will not be under the necessity of supplying 1 themselves and perhaps choosing afi what kat hat will be harmful to them president president wm wid it 11 smith spoke of the arrangements made at the stake priesthood meeting in november whereby the recreations in each of the wards of the stake will be governed by I 1 the same rules aud will be presided over by some one under the direction of the bishop of the respectfully vours yours J H WILCOX clerk |