Show in I 1 C 7 W 17 0 sowo 0 TV a cn 2 rn Z C ac 2 BC rn THE GEST this medicine combining iron with pure pura vegetable tonics quickly and completely lures cures dyspepsia In digestions deaunes We nunes aunes impure blood Mu laring chills and and Neural rin nin it 11 Is an unfailing remedy for diseases of tha the kidneys and lver it Is invaluable for diseases peculiar to women and all who lead sedentary lives it does not injure the teeth cause headache or produce constipation other iron fron medicine medicines 8 do it edi edd riches enriches and purifies the blood stimulates stimulate 3 the appetite aids aida the assimilation of food relieves heartburn and belching and strengthens the and nerves for intermittent fevers lassitude lack dack of energy P ac it has no equal aar air the genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper take no other T |