Show PETITION UNDER THE tiie AUSPICES OF tile tiie BLUE knnox association iSSO CIMON elmon to T the mayor va and and aad city council 4 hf salt lake city no one who is i really eail cail y interested in the present and future welfare of our city can fall fail to be alarmed at the wide dread which results from flom the liquor traill traffic in our midst thene rheme open hatoon saloon with willi their attractive appointments and powerful influence are the train training ingols schools of a generation ot of drun drunkards ka young men by the hundred upon whom will soon devolve tile the responsibilities of government ern nent ment under the influence of these liquor saloons are forming hab its which w will I 1 11 soon demoralize any community and so strong is the influence of these places that many who attempt to reform are drawn back again to intemperance besides the pauperism crime and suffering directly caused by this illegitimate business and placing burdens upon us all grievous to be borne now believing that the city charter as amended by the legislature of 1882 gives you the discretionary power of granting or withholding licenses to sell liquor and also gives you power to punish all who sell liquor without a license we as citizens and voters hereby earnestly petition your honorable body to exercise in behalf of the welfare of the city the power conferred on gou iou you by the tile legislature and close all the saloons saloons and liquor st stores ores when their present licenses expire first giving six months public notice of the time fixed upon for such closing we can readily anticipate one objection that some will urge against the granting of this petition namely that it will deprive the city of several thousand dollars of revenue revenues and the burden of taxation would be thereby increased to that extent but such an object is not in harmony with the facts one reason why we urge the granting of the petition is because the liquor traffic in this city increases the burdens of the taxpayers in a way that is very unjust for it has been found by actual expert experiment merit merkt that by far the tile larger part of the tite expenses ot carrying ton on the government 0 of f a city in irl which the liquor tiami Is al iov lov edin directly caused by that traffic takejur take for fur example the two bitic of Viti viii viaud elaud in edjer evand yonkers on oil the tile hudson pi places ices hav ing a population of between betwee ll and each yonkers having some ome dow dom more inore til in in ill eland uland no liquor is allowed to be sold boid in yonkers there them are aie over one onu hundred liquor saloons in 1882 it cost the taxpayers of for a police force a police courland cour tand for pauperism 54 4 Oj in vineland these ame frame items cost the taxpayers the new york wren even ing iny lost bost Is the nuth onty for these ind and taking the cilles clue sot of the ceu cauntay lit tit ry as a whole ill in which aich liquor saloons aloon sare saie aue are tolerated we e belleve believe it can be demonstrated that out of every 1 of taxes paid by each sober hober and anti industrious citizen are dela dein of them thein in consequence of the liquor traffie trammie but from ait nit economical considerations side rations we e nige nise you to exercise our lawful and stop this cause of so ho much crime mischief and suffering by refusing henceforth to license inen weil to poison and destroy their fellow men lnell to heap heavy bur bens upon the shoulder of the sober and to bring poverty and terrible suffering into happy and prosperous li homes onles onies and to undermine tile lile good name the prosperity and welfare of our city and thus will your peti ever pray i should your honorable body consider the time mentioned in ill the above pet put petition too short to bring about so imbor taut tant tanta a change your petitioners petition ers ear earnestly n request that you ou will immediately pass tass huch auch ordinances as will secure the present limitation and as soon as I 1 possible ossi ibie ible the entire suppression of the liquor liquor traffic in this tills city |