Show RETURNED lionie nome ANN AN ELDERS enders experience IX IN TIIE THE SOUTH we received a call yesterday afternoon from elder james A Eldredge Eldrede of bountiful davis county who returned from a mission to the southern states last friday night lie ile left here april loth aoth 1883 and spent the first three abree weeks in tennessee from thence lie he went to kentucky having been appointed to labor in that state in simpson Si warren and allen ailen countie counties lie ile remained there about eight months trying to open up a anew adew new field held he rie baptized two persons and made numerous friends A 8 spirit 1 r it of bitter opposition was ar aroused 0 us pd e especially manifested in alien cou county ti r knef the iders elders learned t hat thal a ipox was there to drive them out and they concluded it more advisable to leave without waiting for t that hat process to he a ampil applied e d in consequence eider hider eldredge eldre elore ge proceeded proceed edin in december 1883 to amner county tennessee where he continued his ministry until last august in that part of the country the opposition was n not nol so virulent as in the part he h had ad deemed it advisable to abandon in august he lie went to wilson conny county y tennessee where lie he baptized one person and rc re baptized another lie ile was one of the elders who in that part of the country received a threatening notice to leave on pain of meeting a similar fate to that of elders eiders gibbs and berry the incident was published in the NEWS some time ago in the latter part of october at bairds bairas mill elder eldredge Eldred ere ele was waited upon by a mob of armed and masked men who called him out of the house wh where ere he was stopping lie went weilt out in accordance with their demand being only part partially lall dressed as he had h ad retired before t the a arrival of the unwelcome visitors when elder eldredge Eldr edge emge made his appearance pe arance the brandished brandishes bran dished their pistols and their spokesman said are you vou the I 1 mormon elder yes elyes do you believe inthe horrible doctrines taught by the mormons cormons Mor mons and do you not intend to ren renounce Qunce them 1 I believe in the doctrin doctrines cs tau taught ht by the latter day saints and I 1 hope I 1 shair shall never so far forget my duty as to renounce what I 1 esteem to be true 11 the mormons cormons teach prostitution and all L kinds of wickedness ad ald we demand that you leave tiie tile country if bring clergymen and andrise wise if they prove the doc brines I 1 believe in to be false I 1 will a agree to leave the tho country you are mistaken about the mormons cormons Mor mons teaching in or practising practicing immorality we will vill rive sive you ten days in which to leave and it if you do not depart with in that time we shall shail kill you the mob then left and elder eldredge d reentered entered re tiie tile house at which he be was lod iod lodging gIri and slept as peacefully ully as if nathl nothing had occurred just about the titue the tell teh days had expired brother eldredge was called into chattanooga by elder robberts he lle remained at the onice there for three weeks acting as clerk pro term temm in place of elder JG J G kimball pending the hitters lat return irom from colorado whither he conducted a company of Ini immigrants migra ants after he returned to chattanooga elder eldredge having been in the tile meantime released started for home |