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Show Library In Kearns Sets Slate Granger - Photo Contest Set At Library GRANGER. A photo contest is under way at Granger Library and will culminate in an awards program June 13. 25-ce- on The persons name and phone number is to be written on the back and may be taken to the library during regular hours. The winner will be given an enlargement of the top picture as the prize. The award will be made during a 2 to 4 p.m. program which will also include the making of photograms, a form of photograph made without a camera. Those desiring to participate in making BIBLE SCHOOL . . . Preparing for the Westvale Presbyterian Bible school are Barbara Alexander and her children, Jennifer and David. PER GALLON and pay a fee. The contest is under the direction of Vivian Williams, childrens librarian and Tina Tim-kyoung adult librarian. Registration is under way for a class that will be offered at the library June 17 through July 22. Two separate classes will, be offered. Class A is for elementary age on Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Class B for junior high and high school age will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The instructor will be Glen Mackay, martial arts teacher, who may 5 be contacted at for further information. 11:30 Wednesday mornings. Opening the series Wednesday will be a program presented by a County Recreation Department magician. o, weeks tour This features some of Utahs oldest self-defen- The county will present a program on June 18; Elaine Daniels, storyteller, will entertain on pioneer settle- ments, a spectacular view of the Great Salt by the Donner Party. Tour begins in "Based Ogden, takes X 20 one or two days range 1 of on 16 miles per gallon 320 mile gallon tank per tank. Mileage is estimated for tour only, so please tank up before you head out. tank gas. A program 966-557- made( 7$' refreshments. Nursery care will be under the direction of will be kindergarteners Polly Panos and Debbie Bauman; first and second grades, JoDelle third Frenchik; and fourth, Debbie Wagner; fifth and sixth, Bonnie Garcia; the youth class, Rev. Milton Ensley. director The music will be Ruth Walker and directing the recreation will be Barbara McConnell. Shirley Ensley is in charge of refreshments. Shirley Poate and the nursery class will be taught by Barbara Alexander. Handling the Over-al- l director of the school is Mary Cas-slewho said the registration fee will be $2 r, LDS Musical Production To Infants 63 Presented ba presented by Granger stake on June 13 and 14 at Kennedy junior the Kearns, Granger and Hunter communities welcomed The musical production will begin at 7:30 both nights. Admission will be $2.50 for adults and $1.25 for children 12 and under. Tickets are available through ward bishops, as well as members of ward activity committees. The family entertainment will be directed by Joan Christiansen. It is a story of life in Order-ville, Utah in 1875, written by Carol Lynn Pearson, with music by Lex de Azevedo. newborn babies during the week ending Sunday. of the inThirty-twfants were girls, 31 were o boys. Babies were born to the following: Ensley '1' 10'... 20 No Rain Chock Prices Earl, Kevin, 5409 Lewis and Clark Anderson, Mark, 3685 W. 5575 South Petersen, Mark B., 5436 Kathleen Ave. Kline, Tom, 5907 Sesame St. Ray, 6129 PaiuteDr. Larsen, Orvil S., 2186 South W. 3100 Jrapest, 4605 So. June PTA At Monroe Holds Vote Susan Vining will serve as PTA president at Monroe elementary for the school year. She will be assisted by Penny Edwards, first vice president; Dr. 1980-8- 1 Johannsen, second vice president; Alyn secretary and Lorraine Courtwright, treasurer. Mrs. Vining and her husband Terry have a, four children, Kimberley, 10; Scott, 9; Brent, 6 and Mark, 2. Our goal is to get the parents and community with the school. We plan on working along with Dr. Johannsen in an effort to make Monroe into a community school, she Harris, Donald, 5905 Glumbago Quigley, William, 4138 W. 3000 South Atherley, Danny, 3357 Royalwood Dr. Boren, Ronald, 3678 So. 5725 West Blunt, William, 4894 West Point Dr. Austin, Duff, 4575 Sunstone Road Bradshaw, Stephen, 3194 Hannonton Cir. Stewart, Daniel R., 6775 So. 2000 West Callaway, Kevin, 3953 BenviewDr. Mann, Daniel, 4309 W. Tidwell Bullen, Brian, 4731 W. 4985 South Larsen, Margo, 3249 Eskesen Dr. Day, Michael, 4207 Stratus Sorensen, Kennard, 4451 Early Duke St. Hogan, Steven, 7029 W. 3870 SOuth Atkinson, Riker, 3591 So. 8400 West Wilkinson. Kent, 4597 West Point Way Boys New, Fredrick, Kathleen Dr. S 4678 mu a I Barson, Larry CAM! and NOW $499 ONLY CREELS M., 9Vj"xl5" overall size with snap-opepockets. three Adjustable carrying strap. Nylon netting at both ends. $1499 NOW ONLY CHOOSE A HIGH GRADE SNELLED PUP TENTS 2 GALLON COOLER FISH HOOKS 1 2 $999 ONLY Two mighty useful containers for the warm weather season! 5'x7'x3'6'' overall size. Lightweight nylon construction, mesh door with storm flap, sewn-i- REG. 28.99 CARD OF SIX $1 999 LIMIT LITTLE CHIEF 5 - PER CARD 10 CARDS RANGER CANVAS HIKERS HICKORY SMOKER 3685 Cleated sole and heel, padded canankle collar. Heavy-dutIn vas upper construction. A great sizes outdoor shoe! and Smokes cures up to 20 lbs. of meat in 10 to 12 hours; other flavors dishes in 2 to 4 hours. Inexpen sive operation y all-arou- 2. 9.99 REG. $1 n $29 REG. 3.95 WITH 2 LBS. HICKORY FLAVOR i24 REG 34. KIDS DELUXE INSULATED 'FRISKO Has steel shank, cushion insole, non-sli- p pocket. South White canvas oxford with hard rubber toe, deck-stylsole, cushion insole. In sizes 4 to 6. e Michael, IF South Atkin, Thomas, 4405 MeadowgateCir. Carlisle, Michael, 5618 Honeysuckle Way Macleve, Robert A., 4868 Heath Slinker, Kenneth, 4525 So. 3820 West Bottsford, Michael, 2001 W. Stonecreek Dr. Nielson, Duaine, 2162 W. 3100 South Jenkins, Debbie K., 4929 So. 4900 West 4808 W. 5400 PERFECT They're made of tough denim fabric; have healarge vyweight, Stylish pockets. black color. In sizes 33 1o 50. A 9.95 VALUE! 120-vo- 2 FRY GRIDDLES -- ) n 1 Garage Sale Is Set In Kearns -- JT -- lbs. of W7". Clean, choice pieces to choose from. All sizes, shapes and thicknesses. fine Guaran- teed not to crack, warp or peel. 8 99 REG. $1 999; ?x!SneA. 3x80x80 ttj99 kin9 2x80x80 22 EEKBcnmna: cnDmTMmD 1x24x72 1x30x72 1x36x72 1x48x72 1x54x76 2x24x72 2x30x72 DEVOE 2.99 3.79 4.49 5.99 7.19 5.99 7.49 2x36x72 8.99 2x48x72 11.99 14.29 8.99 11.29 13.49 2x54x76 3x24x72 3x30x72 3x36x72 l??o 4x24x72 IT 99 83!:::::::::::!!:!? 4x 48 x72 4x54x76 5x54x76 $289 405 POLY MATTRESSES NON-STICKIN- G grain steel. SV'x Sealed type roller bearings, operates on AC. Sturdy handles for easy carrying. Other larger generators available at great savings, too! 29 $1888 8Vz or: JEENS' WADERS cleated, sole and tackle 1350 GENERATOR HOMELITE LEE TENNIS SHOES CHEST 4011 Thrifty shoppers read the classifieds! colors. ALLIED 3271 KEARNS. A garage sale and election of officers is planned Saturday by the Kearns American League. The sale will be held at the ball field, 5803 So. 4270 West. The sale is to help raise funds for improvements being required by the county at the field. It will get underway at 8 a.m. Elections to two-yeterms will be held that day also. of good qua) Assorted ity. 4740. OR A CANVAS M., Gudmunson, Steven, South Bounden, Dennis, 4441 Christopherson Dr. Glade, Scott, 5423 Colter Dr. G. Blair, Bracken, 5163 Pieper Blvd. Hauser, Dennis, 5351 So. 5495 West Eaton, Edward, 6788 W. 3860 South Plant, Gary L., 5239 Cherrywood Lane Overby, Gerald, 4221 So. 3760 West Billonfield, Dewaine, 5917 Horn Silver Cir. Graham, Gordon J., 4110AndraDr. Tucker, Scott V., 6231 W. 3670 South Johnson, Scott, 4743 Hoffman St. Several types select from, all slightly blemished but to $1999 $399 JACKET FOR FOR Includes reel, solid glass rod and 100 yards of high line. strength Great for the beginning caster! So. 4310 W'est Boyd, $1 TOTE Mu, 3537 Lake Jemmett, ANY SIZE OUTFIT Park Cir. W. 4490 oxford cloth with covered, waterproof Pad pockets. ded shoulder straps. Ask for nylon floor. 5243 W. 4935 ftSLEEPING BAGS Heavy nylon pack seven style LB. 4 atat SPIN CASTING 4081 So. 6400 West Roberts, Kendall, licenses sold 8.00 VALUE! 4925 So. 4380 West Caldwell, EdgewareLane Susan Vining limited Quantities Effective 4750 So. 2200 West Lonnie LOT-- sizes. Higgins, Peter L., 3133 So. 4760 West Rowley, Clyde, 5820 Cinnamon Dr. Schmidt, Jeffrey, 4458 Twilight Dr. Richards, Kenneth, Dalton, ONE FRAME BACK PACK Just right for water sltiin, boating or any activity in or around the water. And at a bargain price! ype,sr,',Vnd members of the Westvale congregation will conduct a service at Golden Living Center at7p.m. Sunday. Mus, Country Hills Dr. Eigelow, Lynn, 5021 Elaine Dr. Johnson, P. Andrew, 3588 Kathy Ave. Davis, Wayne, 5154 Silvertip Dr. Wilson, Phil, 4430 W. 3650 South Pitcher, John, 2126 Quailbrook Dr. Cowling, Gill, 5504 Townsend Way Browning, Mike, 3841 Hummingbird Tsouras, Chris, 3503 Leys-tr- Rev. Blackburn, Paul, So. 3200 West Girls Barton, said. 3555 W. 3500 So. LIFE JACKETS b - families in Sixty-thre- e high. GRANGER. per child. A daily offering will be taken which will be donated to Utah Girls Village. During the 11 a.m. worship service Sunday, communion will be served. Rev. Ensleys sermon topic will be of The Dispensation and the Holy Spirit the childrens message will be Hearts and Hands. Sunday school will be at 9:30. ALUMINUM COAST GUARD APPROVED FISHING FLIES Area Families Greet Newborn GRANGER. Rehearsals are under way for The Order Is Love to involved MART DOUBLE CUT GRANGER. Jesus, I Believe in You will be the theme of vacation Bible school which will get under way Monday morning at Westvale Presbyterian church. Sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to noon through June 13. Activities will include worship, Bible study, singing, recreation and principal, BUILDERS 968-212- 1 tToplQualityiA tlLoweriPricesWmBlThatslAllied'slPromiseU 35 School Starts Monday Sherman BaftlOK'ft is availfor teen- - able this year HAND TIED p.m. June 30. Next months programs will include a film festival on July 2; folkdancers, July 9; Roving Players, July 16; films on July 23 and a surprise on July 30. the KEYS Westvale Be rs 25; a puppet show, Creepy Castle, will be presented by Pioneer Craft House on original Mormon Pioneers and and Play-make- June Lake and a portion of the trail taken Thurs., June 5, 1980 agers who can earn records for reading, commented childrens librarian Mildred KEARNS. The library here is inviting children to attend a series of summer programs to be held at VACATION photograms are to preregister at the library Original photos taken by persons of any age are eligible to be entered and pictures can be black and white or color. THIS YEAR GET MORE Valley View News 8 23.99 28.59 35.69 REDWOOD STAIN A penetrating stain for use on exterior wood siding, fences, shakes, shingles and rustic e woods. Use it, too, on interior beams, lumber and similar rough surfaces. Easy cleanup; drying time. rough-saw- n REG. 6.65 $499 CTQDCCHHB ceced caoemgro |