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Show Kreautler, Valley View principal, second vice president; Edith Schlappi, teacher vice resident; LuAnn o Olsen, secretary; 2J S32 '73 CHALLENGER, RAD IALS and mags. New black $2,300 or best 3368 after 4 00 p.rn. paint, 467 offer. 033 1L 70 CAMARO Loaded Highest bid takes pitch the Tigers to a win over the Cards and Hansen had a double in a win over the Brewers. In minor B play the dWheeUDuv TF B33 FIVE cars and only ust take over 3 drivers, payments on '78 Olds Regency 4 door sedan andor '75 Chev Monte Carlo, 262 8533 or 521 2720 C32 2B 1978 OLDS CUSTOM cruise SW. Cruise, power, tilt, a.c., luggage rack. Excellent condition. Wholesale, $4,000, HELP! '79 JEEP CJ 7, 50,000 mile transferable warranty, 966 7876 or 967 5462. Y32 4F 1970 Best 966 JEEP WAGONEER. reasonable offer, 3846, Doug B33 IQ C32 2L '62 CHEVY NOVA, 25 miles gallon. New seat covers. Ra A33 2L dio, $150, 969 1222. '77 TOYOTA COROLLA, lift back. Air, auto , AM FM, A 1 condition. 00 DATSUN '71 owner. One after 6 263 0081 R33 TL HIGHEST PRICES PAID OR LOANED On used VW's, Toyotas or Datsuns. MAGNA AUTO CENTER re- WAGON, Freeman, treasurer and Arbra Johnson, parliamentarian. Commissioners in- 13-- 6 Braves while the As nipped the Royals 26-1- 2 built motor, only 10,000 miles. New tires, suspension, carpet, clutch. Good eco nomical car. $940 13-1- tion; Noreen Webster, membership and Marsha Herbert, individual development. LEGION Is Filled Kearns Monday will host East Granger Wednesday. Granger coaches are Bob Shober and Jerry Hobbs. Cyprus has already had a taste of Legion Did you realize that the Antarctic region has no indigenious human inhabitants? Ann Culllmore Decker and Tony Larimer will appear "Call Me Madam opening tonight ot Lagoon Opera House. LEADS . . . roof. 1972 NOVA, 4 6, N33 1L speed, sharp. Excellent interior and exterior condition. Call 967 6267. S33 2L 1977 VOLVO radio, air, 4 speed, 4 door, 28 mpg highway. Excellent condition, assume 7 interest on lease, $4,950. 972 3272, B33 2D '76 GRANADA, 4 DOOR, V 8, air, power, new tires, stereo, 36,000 miles, $2,250. 266 6817 S33 2B sell. payments. Call over Take 968 6829. MUST F33 4D CHEVELLE DELUXE. Excellent condition. One owner, 50,000 miles New ex1973 Lagoon To Open Show IT ruckslforlSal e! Ford. 6 cylinder, gas saver, $600. Brinton Elec4700 South State, tric, 1969 B33 IQ '59 CHEVY PICKUP, $150, M33 IQ '72 INTERNATIONAL TON pickup, 4 speed, FARMINGTON. The music of Irving Berlin, Meredith Wilson and Stephen Sondheim will be featured in three pro- Va low mileage. Good condition. Dual gas tanks, sleeper, custom stereo, interior, Call 969 2336. '70 318 $900. ductions' M33-1- $795. 969 6580. Excellent condition, 255 The season gets under way tonight (Thursday) with the opening of Berlins Call Me That producMadam. tion will run through June 28. Opening on July 7 will be The Molly Brown and the final show, Side By Side By Sondheim, will begin Aug. shell. 2888. C33 1L haust, wiring, brakes, shocks, tires, radiator, 1673. $1,100.268 R33 1A runs '71 DODGE CHARGER, good. $300. Call evenings. R331Q '65 CHEVY SEDAN, good running condition. Best offer, 943 8053. R33 4D dump bed. Call 1974 SUPER BEETLE VW, M33 IQ $2,400,968 8859. R22 TL '74 PINTO RUNABOUT, auto., AM FM, dark green. Good condition, $600, S33 IF 1969 CHEV CAPRI, runs fair, $200 or best offer. Call N33-11817 968 anytime, '75 TR7, REBUILT engine. Asking $3,700, 968 4352. motor. Runs good. 1955 Jeep, trans. with overdrive. Both for $75 or offer, 1955 JEEP W33 IQ Wendy Hanson of Hunter has been selected queen of Job's Daughters, bethel 10. QUEEN $725. 250 5946 D33-1- DODGE DIPLOMATIC wagon, loaded, 11,000 miles. Under new car warranty. Excellent condition, $5,800. '78 G33-1L- '66 , SCOUT 4x4, 4 cylinder Very economical, pickup. $550, 966 3355. Pioneer Holds Vote GRANGER. Im really looking forward to the coming school year. We have a terrific C33-1- '76 PINTO WAGON, factory air, p.s., p.b., auto, trans., stereo, $2,450 966 3355. C33 IQ '71 MONTE CARLO, auto. V-vinyl top, air. $695. Von, B33 1L PONTIAC CATALINA. Good for parts, $150 or offer, '62 H33 IS G33-1- MAKE OFFER - Appointed 1962 M33-1- WITH REVOLVING IDEAL FOR BRUSH BOAT, CAMPER OR STAIRS REG. $79.95 69 95 repair all makes of vacuums. We Jan 4081 W. Tel. 5415 S., Snow board and are anxious to try some new programs. Specializing in: Eureka Kirby Hoover Bison Genuine parts, bags fc belts and brush rolls. $A.T. ENTERPRISE MAGNA. An open installation of officers for Jobs Daughters of bethel 10 will take place Sunday at 3 p.m. in Masonic Lodge, 2618 So. 8950 West. r, 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK, 4 speed, cassette, AM radio, air, clean. $700, 266 7393. Jan Snow, PTA presi- dent for the 1980-8school year at Pioneer elementary, is sharing 1 if- - KEARNS 966-141- 6 those feelings. Mrs. Snow will be assisted by Pauline Hill, vice president; Charles officers will include Denise Conrad, chaplain; Rochelle Brady, treasurer; Connie Hodges, recorder; Mona Ross, librarian; Holly Hughes, first messenger; Andre Kipp, third messenger; Karla Juglar, fourth messenger; Lynette Lofshult, fifth messenger; Laura Juglar, inner guard; Sonnet Starbuck, outer guard; Lisa Sovereen, senior custodian and Peggy praag, junior custodian. Installing officers will include Vicky Miller, retiring honored queen; Pam Hanson, sister of the new honored queen, will be guide; Janice Gaines, marshall; Janet Alkire, recorder; Eilene A s!toairp itflea McCuDEodhi Wraparound chain PRO MAC 610 wFREE extra chain brakehand guard a system Electronic ignition Anti-vibratio- n a Muffler shield Automatic & manual bar & chain oiling Large volume muffler wspark arrestor screen 16&20" bar & chain Carry case available $10, 364-771- queen is Wendy Hanson, daughter of John and Carol Hanson of Hunter. Chris Ross will be senior princess; Cindy Sovereen, junior princess; Kerri Ann Bollsch-weileguide and Joan Daniels, marshal. '69 PONTIAC CUSTOM, auto., 6 cyl. Bronze color, good condition, call 969 9954. sell- are available at 464 So. Main or by calling Single show seats cost $4. Broadway audiences were delighted in 1950 when Berlin came up with a smash score for ing for - The new honored C33 1F Season tickets for the three productions, Bethel 10 Will Install N33-1- SELL OR TRADE, 1974 Ford Torino wagon. Loaded with extras. Excellent condition, 2. . . . On Sunday PTA At sum- mer. H33 IS '76 CHEV 16 TON with at Lagoon Opera House this DODGE V2TON pickup, condition, engine. A-- Ethel Joan Vila, Merman and Howard Lindsay to go with Russell Crouses story for Call Me Madame. The idea was borne of a play about a lady who is rewarded by the president for her campaign contributions as an ambassadress to the little Duchy of Lichten- - chaplain; Stringham, musician; Shurlyn Bird, senior custodian; Judy Praag, junior custodian; Ann Nicoson, flag bearer; Arlene Beddingfield, narrator; Shirley Pad-eBible bearer. Babe Ruth The installation is being dedicated to fathers whose daughters are members of Jobs Daughters in bethel 10 and throughout the burg. There is, of course, a love story - two of them. The assistant to the ambassadress falls for the fair young princess. And naturally, the prime minister falls for the Lady Ambassador. The show contains lots of laughs and numerous -- songs, including Youre Just In Its Love, a Lovely Day To- Use and to Dance Can You Any Money Today day, Something About. One number, Like Ike, They became popular until the works banned it when Eisenhower became a serious candidate for the presidency, but the Republicans played it often during the 1952 net- and it campaign became one of the popular campaign songs of this century. Starring in the production will be the Ann Cullimore Decker. ever-popul- AMERICAN theme will be a quotation by Rinder, Nothing is more wondrous than a human being when he begins to dis- - cover himself. All the colors of the rainbow will be the new queens colors, her flower will be the daisy and her motto All the wonders you seek are within John Deyourself. (From Page 4, Col. 4) year terms of office on Saturday and persons with children involved are being urged to cast ballots. Pirates defeated The the Angels 10-- 2 with Robbie Lambert belting a double and Andy Isbell handling pitching chores. Scott Bills had a double for the Cubs, but Jack Hutton held his teammates in check as the Pirates nipped the Cubs David Inskeep had a but Charlie Baldridge and pair of Walker Johnny countered for the Cards 13-- 3 win over the Bees with Tommy Montoya on the mound. The Angels had a triple by Jerry Ricketts and a double from Craig Vargo in a 2 win over Frankie the Tigers. in a reception downstairs that will be featured immediately following the installation ceremonies. Mary Miller and Stan Daniels are bethel 10 guardians. 13-- Bryan was the winning Cory pitcher. Snodgrass had a double for the Tigers. . . (A Division of McDougal Western Ante) 4085 17. 5415 So. 966-309- 2 automobile accident. Born on April 30, 1943 in Price. in 1974 divorced. Salt (From Page 4, Col. 9) down Granger The West Valley team held a 8-- 4. edge at that time. Five Granger errors didnt help the teams 2 cause. Action today (Thursday) will find Granger hosting Viewmont at 6. Tomorrow Kearns will play Jordan at 6 at the Smith. Affleck pitched the victory over the Twins, hitting a triple in the contest. A Steve Rose catch in center was a highlight of the contest. In minor A play the to a Pirates 3-- 2 Ernest BURIED. (Bud) Milton Turpin, 71, Granger, on Monday in Elysian Burial Gardens, following services at 8090 So. State. He died Friday. Born on Feb. 1, Atkins. Married to Barbara Taylor on Feb. 9, Lake; Garrett Freight Lines driver. 1909 in Granger brother, Boyd, all Fresno, Calif.; Wayne, daughters, Mrs. Michael Salt Lake; sisters, Eleanor Gage, Chris, (Janice) Bowen, Ken, Dave, Charlene Robins, Kent, all Salt Lake; nine Ore. grandchildren; brothers, sisters, Vern, Vernon Elmer Clark, Magna; Roland, Mrs. Elizabeth (Sis) Taylor, 61, Kearns, on Wednesday in Murray Mrs. Arthur Cemetery, following services at 4760 So. BURIED. Luella Kay Bradshaw, 67, 3515 W. 3500 South, on Tuesday State. He died Monday in a Salt Lake hospital. Born on July 7, 1918 in Colton, Idaho to Elmer Wasatch Lawn in Memorial Park, following graveside services. She died Saturday. Born and Hannah Weeks Married to Clark. Leona Billy. Veteran of WWII. Survivors, on 17, Sept. Marvella; Dicksie, Bradshaw on Feb. 9, 1968 in Las Vegas. Sales clerk for Utah Liquor brothers, sisters, Marvin, Taylorsville; Alice Buckley, Kearns; Yola Commission. Willden, Su- Granger; rvivors, husband, Ercel, Sandy; father, Granger; stepson, Salt Lake. four Hunter; Daniel, grandchildren; Michael BURIED. brothers, sisters, 11, Raymond, Woodrow, LaMar, Mrs. Paul (Jackie) Perschon, Hunter, on Wednesday in Sunset Gardens of the Valley, following services at Hunter 12th ward. He died Sunday. Born on Aug. 3, 1968 in Canoga Park, Calif., to William and Jacqueline Hall Anderson. Student at Orchard elementary. Mrs. Don (Vera) Cross, Mrs. Alan (Reva) Maser, all Salt Lake; Mrs. Joe (Grace) N eeley , Barkdull Meadow, Utah; Mrs. Pete (Norma) Haupt, Fresno, Calif. CEDAR FENCING Babe Ruth field. and Cyprus Granite follows at 8. On Satur- day Granger will play Holladay at West high. Monday play pits Granger atagainst 6 and Hillcrest Kearns against South at the Babe Ruth diamond. Cyprus plays Murray at Price. 8 on AWARDS (From Page 5, Col. 9) academic USU; Caralee presidential Rigby, Jodi Romero, leader- ship UofU; Louise Rundell, honors UofU; Karla Sorbe, honors UofU; Paula Sorbe, scholarship UofU; R. Brad Taylor, presidential BYU, national Julie PEAT MOSS 4 cu ft DECORATIVE BARK 3 cu. ft. PAX WEED 'N' FEED Covers 5,000 sq ft. U-DO- -IT HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 8:00 to 7 Mon. Sat, -- Turner, leadership 967-918- 0 4760 So. Redwood Rd. BYU, leadership Weber, leadership USU; Cindy Ursitti, TIES RAILROAD leadership OVERHEAD DOOR PROBLEMS? ship CEU. for Repair Students honored Les Paxton, retiring counselor and Service of ALL OVERHEAD acting assistant principal, with a plaque for his years of service to the school. DOORS Commercial or Residential $20 per hr. plus parts 8:00 to 7:00 DEATHS (From Page 3, Col. 2) Power Atkins, 37, 3858 Dean Dr., on Tuesday in Madera, Calif., follow- - & 967-933- 5 GENERAL OVERHEAD DOORS Have you met your neighbors at Convenient Continental Bank? Open 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. f in widow, Kearns; daughters, Cassie, Married to George SOUTH REDWOOD The sensible thing to do is record your wishes in advance. McDougal Funeral Homes will gladly provide you with a free booklet to record your wishes. Stop by or phone 968-380- 1912 Mona, Utah to Gilbert and Sylvia Kay Kay. 9-- We Never Talked (Jean) Westover, all Salt Lake City 15-1- HOME sons, Larry, Mrs. Pat Barnard, Sacramento, Calif.; Warner, Philomath, BURIED. Granger; widow, Marc Mar-sin- g Astros ripped a double and Jeff Hansen and Sean Ferrine turned a double play. The Tigers edged the Brewers 7 despite a pair of doubles by Tim Ritch and a Steven Kierstead double play. Kyle Hansen and John Zambos combined to FUNERAL Isaac parents, Madera; Mrs. Todd, nipped the Rangers to and Lucy Drage Turpin. Married to Martha White on Jan. 4, 1940 in Survivors, Granger. language UofU; Sheila Vance, leader- and Brian Hodges Frances Anderson, Madera to Ted and Laura Mae Crumley 6-- 2 V 4330 COUNTY - UofU, LLEAGUE (From Page 4, Col. 3) Curtis Roberts belted a double for the Sox. In other action Chris McClelland pitched the win over Cubs to a the Yanks, backed up by from Ricky grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Damron, Magna; Mrs. Thacker, honors UofU; Rey Thayne, Elks, leadership UofU. Sandra Throckmorton, business UofU; Dale Thurber, presidential BYU; Jeffrey xi yffeP'Cuqat Funeral Home. He died Sunday of injuries suffered in an Shawn Damron, merit, Elks; 2-- nvers I Want To Live will be her song, and the Bible verse on which she will base her activities is II Corinthians 8:11, On with it then and finish the job. Be as eager as you were to plan it and do it with whatever you have. Jim Hanson, a brother of the new queen, will present a musical number as part of the program. John and Katy Hanson, a brother and sister-in-lawill be host and hostess for the home to host Highland Wednesday. - - KEARNS. George McQuiston rapped a triple while Jimmy Mitchell doubled and Cody Skinner pitched a solid game as the Dodgers defeated the Cards 13-- 1 in Kearns Babe Ruth action. Mitchell was on the mound in a tense 0 victory over the Braves. and returning Monday, BYU. About That . . KEARNS SALES & SERVICE ar Pitchers Hold Victory Keys state. Installation Simons Russell Wadsworth are again at the helm. The return of Dave Peck from last years squad and now a SUSC football player, is expected to bolster the pitching. The Magna team will test East on the UofU diamond tomorrow and play at Brighton on Musical 244 DL, AM FM '79 STARFIRE, Dale 250-715- 4 after Call 968 5953. play, having p a in a tournament in St. George. The team won one and lost two. In McDougal church. Survivors, son, Following the test of M33 1L Call Rick, 966 6455. 1977 DATSUN 280Z, spoke wheels, cassette tape, air, sun - field. GRANGER. A new board member has been assigned in the Jordan North stake Relief Society organization. Linda Maynard has been named homemaking leader. parents, ing services at Survivors, Hunter; Member of First Southern Baptist (From Page 4, Col. 3) contest fell victim to rain, it will be played tomorrow at Ken Price Relief Society Post belted the Giants clude Beverly Bateman, services; Linda Gillette, health and welfare; Carrie Johnson, educa- 277-511- 5 m 1980 10-- 4 Et-suk- '75 BLACK MONTE CARLO, sunroof, loaded, real nice, $2,400,969 5717 after 4 p.m, News Thurs.;June5, Continental Bank 5352 South 401 5 West Member FDIC |