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Show r o Students Gain Awards UTC O (January 20 February 18) An urge to set out and about to visit friends, go places and see things is scheduled for this week. Be careful not to over-spen- the during awards ban- awards banquet held last week at the college. Included were Les Ashton, Susan Bogen-rieMyrna Borg, Scott Clark, Dave Crook, Danny Dixon. LeeRoy Eschler, Roxann Ferguson, Glenda Garcia, George Gibbons, Sandy Rick GraGillespie, quet. The honorees were chosen for scholarship ability, participation in academic and extracurricular activities, citizenship and service to the school and for their PISCES (February 19 - March 20) Avoid money dealings with friends. Romance or marital tensions could be connected with finances. H potential for future achievement, according to Curtis Smout of the (March 21 April 21) Ideas and the will to carry them out come to you now. The promise of accomplishment could be lost in your haste. TAURUS College Center. Mr. Smout introduced the ement schools AQUARIUS MIES TAYLORSVILLE. A host of students at Utah Technical College were honored for achiev- outstanding students during the annual f, Marilyn Kalm, Kevin Likes, JayMacVean. Also, Jerry Morrison, Joe Shelton, Janilyn Snarr, Carol White, Jill White and Mel VanZe-ben- . Named outstanding senators for the school year were Glenda Garcia and Jill White. Also commended were Kyle Jensen, ham, Jerry Cal Bywater, John Cor-bridg- e, Dennis Huston, Panouses, Bill Smith and Wanda Russell mem- Outstanding bers of the Points West school paper staff were Joe Shelton, editor and Mel VanZeben, photographer. Also cited were Kevin Riley, sportswriter and Sarnie Black, Ode Boehme, Tim Harmon, Richard Smart, Trudy Smith and LeeRoy Eschler, writers and photographers. State VICA winners were Lorna Anderson, Scott Ken Deborah Ashby, Broadbent, Young. Beta Lambda was Susan Markovich. Of the 800 students on the graduating list, 13 who were registered for under 60 hours, earned. Burgers, Linda Dunham, Rick Graham, Wade Howiett, Ron Knowlden, Myra Kramer, Harley Leavitt, At Banquet Leschurg, Charles Nuesmeyer. Others were Kerry Oldham, Lyle OLeray, Danny 3.95 Ortiz, Joey Richardson, Derek Sellars, Wayne Sheffer, Lynnette Smith, Calvin Spencer, Darryl Spencer, Robert Trujillo, Taylor Twogood and Jill White. State DECA winners included Les Ashton, Susan Bogenrief, Jeff Counts, Dave Crook, Camille Scrip, Mark Takos and Dean Pettit. State winner for Phi grade point ave- rages or higher. They were Sherlene Baker, Gary Beckstrand, Sandra Briggs, Gregory Hamilton, Gary Ivie, Sherri Lynn Moffat, Mary Ann Mortensen, John Newberg, Kurt Noakes, Scott Porter, Jay Potter, Rebecca Raybould and Anna Thacker. Thirteen more earned 3.95 or better who were taking more than 60 hours, including Les Ashton, Annette Curtis, Valley View Newt Thurs., June 5, 1980 Haselton, Kathryn Keller, Steven Lewis, Allen Lytle, Brent Drusilla Mooney, Becky Mysch, Peter Saleh, Donald Smith, Arlen Welch and Russell Wright. Selected standing club members were Tammy Roundy, Circle K; Susan Bogenrief, DECA; Gloria Leonard, DPMA; Jim Lewis, Carol White, LDSSA; Phi Beta Lambda; Ron Knowlden, ski; Brad Casper, skydiving; Sheila Cottle, SLAP and Jill White, VICA. Winner of the sports-(SeePage- Col. 9) 4 (April 22 - May 21) This could be the turning point in a financial or personal matter. Take the time to examine options carefully. GEMINI (May 22 - fit June 21) Some see the wisdom of going separate ways while others forge agreements. Things could get complicated now. will CANCER H86 (June 22 - July 23) Pleasant domestic vibes, music, visits from friends and neighbors highlight a sociable week. LEO (July 24 - August 23) Your enthusiasm can help you handle necessary details, then carry you through a convivial week. VIRGO OUP ACCOUNTANT ORDERS 750,000 REDUCED PRO,VI OUR INVENTORY REGARDLESS OF USS (August 24 September 23) Home and family matters are emphasized. Many are working on an artistic project. LIBRA Sfc (September 24 - October 22) Eratic, sudden situations may arise in connection with a cohort at work. Choose your words carefully before you speak. NOOM'ttoCRGflKfJ NOotu-vcaizef- BAP ST80U SCORPIO (October 23 November 22) To others you may appear abrupt or arrogant. Look both ways. SAGITTARIUS 45 CO. 23 F0PAY OWE 6 you find it. CAPRICORN (December 23 January 19) Dissatisfaction with the routine prompts a yen for the unexpected. Complications could spring out of nowhere. (Doreen) Rowley, Hopefuls Joseph Magna; Jordan; A grand- 19 children; greatg- randchildren; brother, sisters, Al, Mrs. Milton (Della) Orr, Mrs. Ken- night at Orchard 6744 neth (Phyllis) 3800 Souuh. BURIED. Marcella Laurel Johnson Farnsworth, 36, Granger, on Saturday in Valley View Memorial Park, follow-in- g Sponsored by voting the 4, meeting will get under way at 8 oclock. According to a spokesman for the ses- representatives of various GOP officeholders in the area, as well as those aspiring for public office this year, are expected to be on hand. County and state Republican delegates JUST 54 INC44- - MARC. IN TIME foP-VN)1- 7 PECUNER to. c&lao china styles CUoaSE- - PeofiA Taylorsville 18th ward. She died May 28. Born on Dec. 1, 1943 in Mur- ray to Newell and Dorothy Rasmussen Married to Johnson. Glenn Farnsworth on June 25, 1964 in Salt Lake LDS Temple. MATCHING' Member of LDS church. are being encouraged to attend. A question and answer period is also included on the evenings program. The meeting is open to the public, it was noted. Those in charge of the session also plan to serve refreshments. Further information is 250-502- WWER ROCKER services at sion, available by calling or Hep-wort- h, all Granger. W. districts vm hw . Mrs. Keith (JoAnn) Williams, both West 21 fkwJ'Ttatfcegtert-- - &) VbOfL (Marion) Williams, Meet the Republican Candidates session for Legislative District 32 will be held Monday elementary, wu- - size recn (Louise)Mrs.Carter, ms k HwtJ-vace- on Paul Mrs. Granger; To Gather At School HUNTER. J Burtk FT-- WMATT0E5S December 22) Travel, pubic parks, flea markets, conventions and expositions are a source of unconventional, delightful hours. Take pleasure where (NovembeT NooM-CtecgA5- W- cy&Zrt 0 husband, Survivors, TABlES ANP CHNES AtSo sons, Granger; daughters, Darin, Troy, Nicolette, all Crystal, Granger; parents, Granger; brother, CHooSE PecLCgp. sisters, Keith, Bennion; Mrs. Jay (Shirley) Barton, Granger; Mrs. Elwin (Bessie Rae) Talbot, Magna; Mrs. David (Carolyn) Hanks, Burley, Idaho. MAW ONE Or A KlMP ITEMS he, tAMA6eDWT?ISCOFlTlNUEDS MUST 9 250-078- BURIED. Venice BURIED. Johnsen Strong 64, Granger, Ethington, on Friday in Salt Lake City Cemetery, following services at Granger 14th ward. She died at home May 26. Born on April 12, 1916 in to Idaho Mary Tracy Simpson, 66, on Tuesday in Mount Olivet OBITUARIES! Grace, Peter and Maren Knudsen Johnsen. Married to Gilbert Ethington in Salt Lake LDS Temple; he died in 1971. Member Surchurch. vivors, daughters, Mrs. Karl (Sharon) Burge, of LDS Cemetery, following services at 255 So. 200 East. She died at home Friday. Born on March in Salt Lake to 10, 1914 Hugh and Elsie Guiver Tracy. Married to John Survivors, Simpson. husband; son, daughter, Jay, Salt Lake; Deloris Morgan, Fort Worth, six Tex.; grand-children- three grandchildren. ; great- BURIED. Vernon D. Hillman, 28, on Monday in Lake Hills Cemetery, following services at Taylorsville; Mrs. McDougal Funeral 28 Jerry (Joyce) Clark, Granger; Mrs. Douglas (Connie) Evans, Hunter; 11 grandchildren; sisters, Mrs. Mohleta Fisher, Salt Lake; Mrs. P. J. (LaRue) Freeman, Hesperia, Calif. Valley View Memorial Park, follow-in- g at services Funeral McDougal Home. He died Saturday. Born on Dec. 4, 1899 in Granger to David and Mary Ellen Jackson Warr. Married to Olga Allen on May 2, 1925 in Salt Lake; she died March 1, 1977. Former steam engine operator on threshing machines. Member of LDS church. Survivors, CMEST q.E co.pn Trans-America- William BURIED. Leslie Warr, 80 , 3634 W. 3500 South, on Tuesday in Home. He died May in Minnesota. Born on April 16, 1952 Ben-in Kingman, Ariz. to jamin and Adline Morlis Married to Hillman. Rebecca Blackham on Sept. 12, 1969 in Salt n Lake. Film Co. employe. Survivors, widow; sons, sons, daughters, William, Hunter; Mrs. Clye jWWSMAV CX Adam, Matthew, Michael; mother; brothers, Joe sisters, (Darlene) Rose Hansen, Mark, both Salt Lake; dan; Connie Miller, Glendale. BURIED. (See Page 7, Tyrone Col. 7).. ONLY Ml Mrs. Bag-sha- Mary, Ben, Darrell, all Granger; Mrs. Ron (Dawn) Roberts, Murray; Mrs. Michael (Linda) Power, Hunter; Elizabeth, Boise, Idaho; Mrs. Corwin (Loretta) Butler, Phoenix; Judy Margetts, South Jor- K?" 6 I O ONtV AtVQ " AIL ITEMS SUBJECT OREM "1 PRIOR SNC GRANGER rearms UK Wi TO BE salt WELD AT ! a i |