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Show SAYS SHE by Im basking in that exhilarating feeling of being right. a bit of disdain for those who lived and died by what happened to Phil and Tara or whoever and whom- You know the feeling. It comes right, you feel like the smartest being on earth. According to reports out of New York, several days ago I correctly to Nielsen), we became dicted who shot J. R. Now if youre not a Dallas fan, youre probably wondering just who the heck is J. R. and why would anyone care who shot him. Actually the fact that I am a Dallas fan comes as a surprise to me. It horrifies my mother. Weve never been big on soap operas in our family. In fact, Ive always had was, Sue is in the first season you hated, but who during the second season became the shows heroine. Dusty supposedly perished in a plane crash, although the body was not found. Therein lies the clue. Of course Sue Ellen will be blamed, but there were at least half a dozen others with good reason to shoot J. R. You see, J. R. is the classic villain. Hes rotten to the core. Its hard to believe the character is acted by that loveable, darling captain from I dream of Jean-ni- top-rate- well-writte- When they made it a permanent series we were delighted and when it became one of Amerd ica's shows (according e. J. R. and the whole Ewing clan are filthy rich. And they didnt get that way by being totally honest in their dealings, though J. R.s doings frequently go beyond the normal bounds of dishonesty. Such was the case the night he was shot, which was obvious to even the casual viewer that that was the R. Now for you top-rate- non-fan- s, Ellens lover. Sue Ellen J. R.s wife, a character who suffered some when it moved to Friday night, since during basketball season I work and am forced to miss the first 20 minutes or so. And often my social schedule and my responsibilities with school plays swallows up other Fridays. But like all soaps, it is pretty easy to follow, and there is always someone to fill you in. You can also glean a lot from the previews. Im also at a loss to explain why d Dallas is a show. It really isnt all that While the acting ranges from fair to good, it doesnt rank with Masterpiece Theatre. But would you believe that in staid old England there is such fascination with Dallas that bookies are taking bets on who shot J. R.? Which brings me back to my original point. The other night while watching a rerun (one that I hadnt seen), I predicted that Dusty shot J. rt pre- ecstatic. I ever. Being a working girl Ive not had much opportunity to become hooked on the daytime dramas. Nighttime soap operas really arent new, and they dont really have a lot to offer. Witness Payton Place of the early Sixties. Dallas is out of the same mold. Few, if indeed any of the characters, display the ideals I grew up with and still revere. Thats probably why my fascination with the series perplexes my mother. It all started when the show was introduced as a five-pamini series A group of six of us became engrossed in it then and suddenly it became a general topic of conversation whenever we were together -in exactly the same fashion as soap operas are with certain housewives. when you spout a theory that may or may not be sneered at by your close associates. When your theory is proven A Michele Bartmess Dusty is, or while watching that rerun, looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. My friends looked at me as if to say, "Sure Michele, its been a tough week and you were out in what little sun there was for a long time. Thats why Im basking in the limelight now. There was a report out of New York Thursday that somebody had talked and that Dusty is the guilty party. The only problem that leaves is that the producer, who will likely fire the person who talked, may now be forced to change his mind and replan the entire program. Then Ill never know for sure if I was really right. Theres one more chilling possibility. The leak may have been a plant. If it was, remember, you read about it first right here. In the meantime, well all just have to wait until September. Last year Dallas was about the last of the shows to start its new season. I just hope he producer doesnt chuck the whole thing. After all, us soap addicts have needs. end of the current season. Last year Sue Ellen was involved in an auto- mobile accident and spent the summer clinging between life and death along with her baby that may or may not have been J. R.s. It was, we learned in late January. I came up with Dusty because he was not among the obvious supects, since he was supposedly dead. Inasmuch as the show is pretty predictable, it was obvious that Sue Ellen was not the guilty party, despite the fact that she inserted a revolver in her purse and was in the building (J. R.s office), when the crime (?) was committed. Bobby is simply too good to have done it. Cliff wouldnt do it that way and the pair that J. R. had bamboozled out of millions, again, are obvious. That left Kristen and Allen, who would have been good long-showith the London bookies. I cant really explain how I arrived at Dusty. I just blurted it out ts V. Leaders Named Bennion PTA Holds Election BENNION. Jan Condie will serve as president of the Bennion elementary PTA for the 1980-8school year. She will be assisted' by Marj Loomis, first vice president; principal Robert Warner, 1 Kearns Stakes Eye Fireside, Book Review KEARNS. Members of Kearns North and Kearns East stakes are being invited to a fireside at 7:30 Sunday evening in the east chapel of the Kearns North stake cen- ter. William Hartley of the church historical department BENNION . . . New officers of the Bennion elementary PTA Warner, Marjorie Loomis, Kathy Pamhorst, Jan Condie. k are Robert KEMCJS SALES will be the guest speaker. The book Real Pioa history of neers, Kearns North stake, will be distributed to those with receipts. The book includes a detailed history of every ward that has been a part of the stake. SEOTISG second vice president; Becky Harrington, teacher vice president; Kathy Panhorst, secretary and Pat Gonzales, treasurer. Mrs. Condie and her husband, John, have five children. They are Curtis, 15; Dale, 13; Dana, 12; Scott, 9 and Christopher, 6. A Sunday school picnic will be held after the service. shooting, and cars, pecially RVs. Perfect attendance awards and certificates of merit will be presen- recipient of a BYU scholarship in industrial education. ted. Games and prizes will follow the picnic lunch. The church council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Central Stake Fathers, Sons Slate Outing KHS Lad VICA Re-elect- ed KEARNS. Ruth Muir will serve a second term as president of the Kennedy junior high PTSA. She will be assisted by Judy Larsen, first vice president; Dr. Loren Burton, principal, second vice president; Mike Vaughan, teacher vice president; Cori Hansen, secretary and Margaret Bryant, treas- lanta, in Ga. June the school Lager beer is a light German beer so called because it is kept in a (German lager storehouse) before use. DRUwAuCNbTflkHmcuimaJI 3601ISM2706TWestValleylFailMall The youth competed two areas of the SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS EVERYONE SAVES ON PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS ON AT HEINZ WALGREEN PHARMACY. vice at Quality SerPRICES! Compare and LOW, LOW SAVE! Name Brand 100 count Generic 100 count Hydrodiuril 50 mg. 8.39 ACTIFED ' 7.49 ELAVIL 25 mg 12.70 DIMETAPP 12.89 PAVABID 150 mg. 13.40 h : . Generic Generic Generic Generic Generic Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent 2.89 2.99 7.28 3.65 4.27 Prices Effective thru June 15, 1980 com- munity on our PTSA board next year, Mrs. Muir said. Anyone interested in serving may call Mrs. or conMuir, tact the school, other activities have been planned for the Thurs., June 5, 1980 group. In past years, from 300 to 400 have attended, it was noted. This years outing is under the direction of Elwood Peterson of the stake high council. 23-2- Mrs. Muir and her husband Ronald have seven children, Tami,-Todd- , Shell!, Sherri, Troy, Debbi and Dana. We would like to invite anyone interested in serving in the PTA next year to join us. We would like very much to have people from all of HUNTER. A father and son outing for members of Hunter Central stake will be held tomor Valley View News 2 Won KEARNS. Mark McDougal, a Kearns high senior, is preparing for the national VICA contest, to be held in At- urer. areas is the McDougal row (Friday) and Saturday. The camp will be held three miles north of the East Canyon exit off Parleys Canyon road. The stake will furnish a dutch oven chicken supper beginning at 7 p.m. tomorrow. On Saturday morning, wards will furnish a pancake breakfast. Games, hiking and Trip President Of PTA - es- 969-137- 969-627- Healing Theme Being Explored In Sunday Talk KEARNS. Martin Dr. Lee will conduct worship services Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Pauls Lutheran church. The sermon title will be Healing for the whole person. A and SATURDAY June 6 9:00 A.f.1. to 5:00 P .13. FRIDAY & 7 Leaders ll VICA contest held at Brigham Young University, job interview and auto body and fender. He placed first in job interview and fourth in body and fender. The youth is the son of Richard and Carolyn McDougal, Taylorsville. His interests include sports, hunting, Women Elect At Westvale of the president womens association at MOISTURIZER LOTION 4 oz. 51 INSULATED STYROCUPS assistant parts buyer and inventory clerk at Garretts. Their four Westvale presbyterian church. Serving with her will be Barbara Alexander as vice president and Carol Petersen, secretary-t- LJ 12 oz. can COKE, TAB, SPRITE reasurer. AT SUBSTANTIAL mm reductions mMjs will fa available All Hems Are Set-u- p We Will Accept earns Sales & & Serviced Trade-in- s Service (A Division ol McDougal Western Auto) 4085 West 5415 So. ( state - GRANGER. JoDelle Frenchik is the new lil Mu 'k McDougal 966-309- 2 Named members of the nominating committee were Anne Marie Lewis, chairman, Carol Hanson and Edna Dorsey. Appointed posts include Liz Burke, local church service; Adeline Fowler, Church Women United representative; Bobbie Clayton, wedding consult and Polly Panos, sewing chairman. Mrs. Frenchik, who served a term as president of the organization seven years ago, has also been a circle chairman. She has been a member of the congregation for 12 years. Mrs. Frenchik teaches third and fourth graders in Sunday school and is a deacon. She also works as a licensed practical nurse on the maternity floor at LDS hospital. Her husband David is T 29 $ II BEER Ramblin ROOT KODACHROME Slide Film KR135-2- 0 JoDelle Frenchik children include Jim, who is a draftsman; Jer, who graduated from Granger high this spring; John, who will be a senior next year at Granger high and Jennifer, who will enter West Lake junior high this fall. Reg. $2.29 20 Exp. I USE YOUR BANK CARDS HERE STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fr- i. 10-- 9, Sat. Closed 10-- 6 Sundays |