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Show Our Classified Advertising Buying or selling . . . CLASSIFIEDS Work! Department Works For YOU! Valley View News Thurs., JuneS, inni I I LHelplWanted LHelplWontedJ LET ME do your wedding flowers for a fracflon of the cost. Silk, fresh or dried. Call L31 4A Sherry, 250 6969. SCRATCH PADS, 3"x5", 15 cents each, Murray Printing, M22-T155 E. 4905 South. SOFA - EXTRA long, brown evenings. nylon, Permanent Full Time Openings E28-T- In DAVID R. LINN Attorney at the following areas: Patient Counseling 968 6241. divor ces from $150. Other at legal services reasonable rates. VALLEY WEST HOSPITAL 487-597- 1 968-906- 1 1600 So. Main Street ext. 220 L28 8F P33 IL HARLEQUIN ROMANCES, 15 cents S33 IF each, BIKE TRAILER, $275 or otter, coal heater, $165 or of- - ter, V33-1- CU. FT. G.E. 19 frost-fre- $225, refrigerator, C33-1- HARD back books each. (as is) - sale 10 Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West D33 IQ Jordan and Tooele. BOOKS etc., lecraftkits, Instruction. SUSAN'S SUZUKI SCHOOL laundry attendant, and Salt Lake Now taking students Violin Cello Viola 467 Group Instruction Ages 3 & Older areas, F32 TL Occasional weekdays, hourly work, physically and verifying Inventorying serialized merchandise at retail stores in Murray. 967-373- 3 H33 ?F Box 105029, Atlan- 967 9831. quick response and the re- sults you want. CERTIFIED TEACHER will tutor 1st 9th graders. Math and reading skills. Call Jane, E33-2- TUTORING IN elementary subjects by certified teacher. D33 IQ Call MATH TUTOR For all ages. $5 per hour, will furnish all EXPERIENCED con C33 ?F set. a G33 1F SEWING IN my home, wedding or misc. No alterations or mending. Call Linda, HOUSEWIVES, SMALL business out of your home. Sales and management. H33-4a m., 278 0117. MiHEIMTO BABYSITTING I HOLLADAY area, Monday through Friday. Morning to 5 p.m., 18 months to 2'j years, S33-1- R33 IB PIANO AND violin lessons, area, patient, Taylorsville thorough instruction. $3 - Vj R33 2L hour, 967 7771. WILL TEND children home, Lakeridge phone, 250 6885. a in my area, L33 2D 266 8332. FREE $70. - L33-1- . G33-1- free W33-1- FREE KITTENS to loving homes. Cute, adorable. Box trained. Super with kids. Male and female available. Wont last long. Call S33-T- AKC DOBERMAN pups. Excellent blood line, $100 to . $10. . L33-2- EYED PERSIAN 6 weeks old, box trained, $10 each, 250 2620. E33-1BLUE PUREBRED ENGLISH cocker spaniel puppies, $100. Tails and Dew claw docked, shots and wormed, Thayne Dr. (3935 967 1361. (Ideal (or church, fund raising CARPETS CLEANED $150.250-2085- B33-1- COIN PITCH platform. 4566 So.) M33-1- func-tions- C33-1- JACKETS AND vests - ladies light weight jackets and vests sale 99 Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and by Professionals - Tooele. D33-1- furniWASHER, DRYER, ture, toys, children's clothcoats, ing, other clothing, Harlequin and other books, toilet, basin, skis, boots, golf shoes and bag. 1279 Darby Circle (1279 E. 5510 So.) Saturday and Sunday - 8 to HARD back books sale lOf each. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West D33-1Jordan and Tooele. BOOKS (as is) FOR AVERAGE ROOM Scotchguard Carpet Protector Available - EXERCISE BIKE, $65. Boys 20 inch bike, $25. Push lawn mower, CALL BBC $25. 4. J33-1- M33-1- GARAGE SALE - June 7th 10 6 p.m., 4978 So. 1)30 Kitchen West, Taylorsville. chairs, table, stereo, household Items, bed, frames, dishes, many clothing items. E33-1Size 1 - up, etc. NEED DOLLS tor nursery? Have 7 beauties. Very reaS33-1sonable, cleaning 277-511- 5 YARD LOOK LIKE THIS?? )tl KITCHEN dishwasher. BUMPY? $75, built-in- . AID Superba Needs repair, Call H33-1- -- BEAJIIY COLLECT el m G.E. WASHER and dryer, $350 or best offer. Call after H33-18 p.m., HOTPOINT DOUBLE door Mtak il like titid SMOOTH It Summit EmQbmi SpeM ROTOVATING 200' $150. Super 6:00,968-4640- refrigerator, sharp. Call after . L33-1- MANURE 262-134- 3 NOW! coppertone Weed Cutting Grading & Yard Clean Up Gardens & Lawns Tilled SAVE DON JOHNSON 262-815- 0 Call 328-327- 4 INTO BASIC GRANTS You may bo qualified for this Federal Aid. Call the school closest to you for further information. LOOK 5490 So. 4220 Kearns-969-344- W 6 Valley Fair Mall Granger 7579 So.Redwood Rd. W. 968-248- 1 Jordan-328-327- 4 Cottonwood Mall Hotladay - - 2784631 , Icemaker, 6048. M331F GOLD FRIGIDAIRE dryer. Excellent gas condition, $125.262 0930. tilt cab, 5 speed - 2 speed rear end with 16 ft. insulated van. Excellent condition. For sale or trade. 64 GMC, 2 TON, 967 9329. B33-1- v32iL 487-876- 2 DUPLEX NEAR Valley Fair Mall, 3 bedrooms, fenced yard, drapes wd hookups, storage, $310. Call bedroom, $205 with option to buy. Valley Rentals, 487 8762. V33 IQ FREE RENT furnished or 2 No deposit, unfurnished. bedrooms. Kids okay. Fireplace, carport, utilities paid. All modern apartments. Management plus salary. Valley Rentals, V33 IL M30-4- $150 water included. Just remodeled - paint, drapes & carpet. No pets. Heat 255-276- 8. or 6 934-260- 3 3F tals, ANTIQUE BUFFET cabinet, at least old. Make of- fer, 262 6107. C33 1Q TOP DOLLAR paid for gold and silver, used or new, broken or not. Fillings, jewelery, rings, diamonds etc. Any large or small, amount. For free appraisal, 487 8762. V33-1- GARAGE, FENCED yard, Utilities paid. Good $120. area. Best hurry. Valley Rentals, V33-1- KIDS, PETS welcome. Bigger 2 bedroom just $150. No lease required. Valley Ren- - tals, V33-1- FOOT HILLS privacy. Huge bedroom with fireplace, garage, fenced yard. All modern. $225, utilities paid. Valley rentals, 2 BLACK NAUGAHYDE love seat, like new. $500, best offer. Call after 6 P33-1p.m. 262 7407. BEAUTIFUL QUEEN size headboard and frame. Call couch, B33-1- NEW SOFA and love seat, 100 nylon, $110 piece, DESKS - Masterpiece, all wood construction Sale $229.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and D33-1Tooele. CHESTS - MASTERPIECE, all wood construction, 4 drawers Sale $99.88. Economy, all wood construction, 5 drawers - Sale $64.88. Economy, all wood construction, 6 drawers - Sale $82.88. Before you buy, shop D.l. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and Tooele. D331Q BUNK BEDS - All wood, Sale $119.88. posts Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West D33-1Jordan and Tooele. ROLL-TO- HIDE-A-BEDreupholstered, all new coverings Sale $299.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and D33-1Tooele. ROLL-TODESKS Master-piece- , all wood construction Sale $229.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and DJ3-1Tooele. CHESTS - MASTER PIECES all wood construction, 4 drawers - Sale $99.88. Economy, all wood construction, 5 drawers Sale $64.88. Economy, all wood construction, 6 drawers - Sale $82.88. Before you buy, shop D.l. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and Tooele. D331Q BUNK BEDS - All wood, posts - Sale $119.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West 033-1Jordan and Tooele. HIDE-A-BEDreupholstered, all new coverings Sale $299.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and D33-1Tooele. ROLL TOP DESKS - Masterpiece, all wood construction Sale $229.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and D33 1Q Tooele. CHESTS - MASTERPIECE, all wood construction, 4 drawers - Sale $99.88. Economy, all wood construction, 5 drawers - Sale $64.88. Economy, all wood construction, 6 drawers Sale $82.88. Before you buy, shop D.l. Deseret 4485 So. Main, Industries, Murray and at West Jordan D33-1and Tooele. BUNK BEDS All wood. posts - Sale $119.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West D33-1Jordan and Tooele. SLOWDOWN Publishers Notice real estate advertised this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin or an Intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. All house, completely furnished with TV, stereo, garage, fireplace, washer and dryer, $200's. rentals, Valley V33-1- In HOME with fenced HUGE yard, fully carpeted, draped, Bills paid. (Share,) $60. 8762. 487 Valley Rentals, V33-1- MEANS FAMILY own. Exclusive Granger area. Extras! Enjoy two fireplaces, 1? room. baths, dining Ron Molen design ! built-i- Whirlpool $53,900 ances. Call Mike 415 Cal! REALTY WORLD RED ROCK 298-2495'- appli- per month. East 7800 South $365 967-278- 8 Mgr. Office owneragent. deposit E33-1- AND J FISHING BOAT, 14 t. 9.9 hp Chrysler engine, trailer, can- vas cover, etc. 968 4433. Phone R33-1- FT. FIBER GLASS boat, 35 HP Evenrude trailer. Electric start. Rebuilt motor. All accessories, $750 or best . E33-1offer. Call 14 Motorcycles '73 BMW, R755, 19,000 miles, fairing, saddlebags, custom double seat. Back rest, ride off stand. Excellent condition, . - 350 HONDA, $400 or best 14,000 offer. 031-3- 0 rent, low down, 2 x 12 mobile 60 Great condition, T33-1- DL 400 B YAMAHA low miles. Excellent 641 condition, $700, P32-2West 5987 South. '77 HARLEY DAVIDSON FXE super glide. Will sell dressed or custom. Excellent . M32-2condition, KAWASAKI DELUXE OFFICE space over looking golf course. 700 sq. ft. avialable. Secretarial answering service. New carpets and blinds, ac. Utilities and lanitorial paid. Phones In. M31-4- EAST MAGNA AREA bedrms., I1? baths, carport, acre lot. hookups, No $250. ? pets. $100 255-815- 7 WE WILL LIST WITH BOAT trailer, 15x7, 60 hp motor. Reduced to sell, $1,600, 266 1550 or W33-2566 1730. 1969 miles. A3I.U. 2 ex- - S32 2L 486-205- 6 571-400- BUY LIKE home. tras. 225 P29-5- Ace Avery Assoc. Realtor bedroom 1974 BELL BOY 21 ft. omc motor. Many deluxe 1970 566-743- 9 WU-T- JUST LISTED. 3600 sq. ft. family home in lovely Murray area. Save by buying from owner. 4 bedrooms with 2 more possible. 3'2 bath, formal dining room, microwave, fireplace, recreation room, air conditioned, garage with Genie, sprinkling system. Well maintained, must see to appreciate, $98,000. Call for appointment after S p.m. and B30-Tweekends, MIDVALE HOUSE, $35,000, $500 down, 12 interest, $370 month. Conditions force sale. Would like owneroccupant or who needs home, BoatsJ&JSupphes 1975 Eves 3f QUICK CASH for equity in your home. Western Realty, H33 1979, 1300 CC, 6 cyl. driveline, water cooled, 800 miles, $4,000, 968 3322. J32-2- KAWASAKI 1972 350 S2, $300. F33-1- KAWASAKI, $500 or . B33-1best offer, 1969 HONDA 90 cycle. Gets good mileage, $275. Call 1962 R33-1- 750 - HONDA MOTORCYCLE. Loaded with accessories. Must sell, $1,600. 668 C33-1W. 5465 So., 266 9637. 4 4F BEDROOM cottage. Quiet Draper area. Beautifully landscaped. All appliances, garage, 262 8747. TWO SELL YOUR HOME FOR ONLY T33-1- SIX BEDROOM executive home. Great outdoor living, 3 $450. full T33-1- FENCED LAUNDRY facilities, 2 bedroom, $210. Refrigerator, stove, 2531 So.' 1860 West, or Commission Call for W33-2- AIR details WILLYS JEEP 283 V 8 motor, tow bar, roll bar, B33-4winch, $1,600, 1963 IF YOU dont use It - Sell It with a Classified ad. Call to place your ad. CONDITIONED laundry facilities, 2 bedroom, $215, West, 969 4305 or BEST REALTY 2531 So. 1860 W33-2- - all new coverings 486-441- 4 DUPLEX, 6740 So. 9th East, Ray Bennett carpets, drapes, 2 S33-2- TWO levenhagen 884-631- 5 Refrigerator, $225, 7260. 966-383- 0 Gary bedroom. 8 33 IL BEDROOM Granger townhouse duplex, 1W baths, refrigerator, dishwasher, dls posal, air conditioning, car petlng, fenced yard, $265 Phone Deposit re V33-1- MAGNA, basement apartment. One bedroom. Wd hookups, $185. 973 2874. M33-1- ANIMALS, $200 KIDS, okay. bedroom, fully carpeted, draped, equipped kitchen, $149 now. Valley Humongous bedroom, 1 bath, hookups, carport, no pets. 6660 So. 1300 W. 2 rentals, 2 487 8762. 3 LIVEowners. Straw, alfalAlso a full fa and grass hay. line of feeds. STOCK W32 2Q TWO BEDROOM duplex with full basement. Granger area. Carpetsdrapesap-pllances- , wd hookups, $275 or to $300 month, 250 7931. M32-2- V33-1- SANDY LOCATION. Unique bedroom. Pets okay. V33-1- land. garage, $195. Two No A-- l FT. CABOVER camper, condition. Stove, heater. Ice box, . big C33-1- low FT. CABOVER camper. Furnace, hot water heater, chemical toilet. Jiffy lift, 968 2829. S3T3L RANCHO EL RAE, BW ft. overcab camper. Sleeps 6 adults, lots of extras. Terrific buy, $1,000. Call B33-1- '72 CAVALIER 22 FT trailer. Tandem Axle. Equal Izer hitch. Furnace, oven refrigerator, sleeps 6. tubshower Like new, $3,200 R33-1- JET HOUSE trailer, . Excellent condition, '73 20 ft. C33-1- Valley Rentals, TWO-CA- 8 Has $200. 486-666- 1 CONTRACTORS, R33 T33 IL D33-- provide 3 bedroom custom duplex homes for families if you desire to purchase a home of your We Contemporary TWIN HOME Kitchen Cabinet Estimates! Great condition, home. 262 8747. MUST SELL 16 ft. fiberglass boat, 75 hp McCoughla motor. Tilt trailer, super condition, $1,500 or best offer. TAMLEE $100 of the monthly rent the can apply toward down payment on your dream home. 263-150- 6 & BUY LIKE rent, low down, 2 12 x 60 mobile bedroom V33-1- FOOD STORAGE. Rainy day food, supply, $499, Designs FLEETWOOD 8'x44' FIXER upper. Located In adult park in Murray, but can be moved. Good rental or starter home. Ideal for recreational property, $2,500, firm. Call after 6 p.m. 263 1052. H31-T8 WIDE 40 LONG - set up in Trailer City Trailer Park, . A331L $1,500. Call bedroom FOUR HUGE qulred. sale $445, FOR SALE - 14x65 mobile home. Majestic Oaks, adult section, $12,500. Contract possible. 972 8944 or P30-4- PRIVATE APARTMENT, no lease. All utitlities paid. Only $100 monthly. Valley Ren- - by DUE 268-01- 12 4649 SOUTH 400 WEST mai.i.ai V33 IQ IN COPPERTON D33-1- etc. me. Rentals, BACHELOR APT. B31 at-t- f t M30-4- DURING BUILDING Trays, matching End Panels CMMET okay, FINE. Cute house and yard. $150 mon thly. No lease. Also Sandy 2 EAST - for information G33-1- ALL KITCHEN CABINETS Full range of sizes plus Lazy Susans Pull Out fireplace, $350 KIDSPETS VALLEY RENTALS SIDING. ROOFING, patio covers, rain gutter, window and awnings. Trade for anything of value. Call D33-1Tooele. MUST GO - elegant queen bedroom set. Like new, $400 or best offer. G33 IL NEW WEST JORDAN SCHOOL 2th de- S33-2- ray and at West Jordan and 7579 So. Redwood Road Call for now. Valley GROUND FLOOR duplex, older couple or person, $135. 3585 So. 5th East, $299.88. Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Mur- Cosmetology Course 1 automatic coppertone, $350. 266 Sale , Opening June Call 967 8212. 19 CU. FT. refrigerator-freezer- HIDE-A-BED- Maiter on our FOUR YEAR Kenmore washer, $200. Small compact Coronado refrigerator, $100. N33-1- ADORABLE KITTENS to good home. D33-1- $125. W33-1- PLACE. 7617 puppies, AKC. Shots and health check. Very C33-2reasonable. FREE DARLING black, gray or tabby kittens. Will B33-1deliver, RABBITS, 6 MONTHS Old, NEW. Best on market, retail, $195. M33 IQ Sale$145, 973 2874. 78 TRUCK CAMPER and H33-1misc., 969 0721. PREWAY FIREPLACE model 36-(energy miser) still in boxes, $425. Courier-Gladiato- r CB, never used, after 5p.m. $15 to kittens Call 262 D33-1- prices. Free estimates. Phone Call TZU SHIH WEDDING SAVINGS, wedding dress and veil, size 8, $80 or best offer. Call reasonable AT BLACK homes. after 5 p.m. light weight vests - sale 99 Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and Z31-4- PAINTING home. good good $5,968-2480- 1 dish- male. T33 ID H33-1- Tooele. USED BUNDY clarinet. Excellent condition, 968 6889. W331B S12-T- FREE KITTENS AT 4136 West 2925 South or call ScramSCHWINN MAGS bler, $120. Mongoose BMX, JACKSON'S SEWING machine repair, all makes and models, 4534 W. 5615 South, J4-TKearns. 968 2757. BALL JOINTS, kingpins and our specialty. alignments, M.J.B. Tire & Call Automotive. M43TF YARD Service, LENNY lawn care, hauling, grass cutting, trimming, etc. Call 967 2783. F30 4D WILL HELP with luncheon or dinner party. Annie, available. tails. S33-1- call Richard, Monday through Saturday, W33-2- ladies jackets and lessons, $15, East 5600 South, Melodie, I to HEAVY duty trailer. Fully wired. Electric brakes, $250 or best offer, JACKETS AND vests 966 4749. B331Q $200. ADORABLE KITTENS, free B33-1- LESSONS, M32-4- $50 Murray, 2551. SAXAPHONE, maha, used 3 months, $200. S33 1F Paid $350. 266 3914. THOMAS ORGAN, 5 years old. Best otter over $600. W33-1- can steam clean $175. 262 COCKER FREE, THE cutest old kitten, all white 5' x 8' SUPER BusinessjOpportunities G.E. washer, $119.95. ditioned warranty. Brinton Electric, 4700 So. P33-1- condition, 250 1752. $149; Recon- R33-2- Rinse-N-Vac- . 6682 262 old, Spaniel, buff, female, Three months old. carpets the professional way at a fraction of the cost with Rent at Allied, A33-16400 South State. S32-6- weeks 966 2273. P33-1- YOU NOW 7 AMERICAN condition, Excellent rabbits, giant cartons. $100, sults you want. BEGINNING GUITAR lessons, ages 8 to 16 In my Mur-raJ32-2home, WILL TEACH beginning piano lessons my home or yours. Michele, 266 3730. PUREBRED FLEMISH A33-1each, 968 4310. FIRM QUEEN size mattress 10 971 mo- GOLD BEAUTIFUL living room drapes, lined. Excellent condition, $75. Two gold Velvet swivel rockers. Excellent G32-2- FREE: SMALL male pupcat. pies. One After 5:30 or anytime weekR33 IF ends, white Coolspot range, Ya- Kids, animals. Do hurry. Valley V33 IQ Rentals, FOUR bedACREAGE room, 3 bath, 3a car garage. Big warm horsesanlmals ADC Welfare Discounts H33-1- S33-1- bring quick response and the re- L32-4- SWIMMING J MOTHER wiTi tend. Vicinity 4100 W. 60th South. P33 2D Any age. Gibson ALTO per month on $160 up. C33-1- PUPPIES, small, 8 weeks old. MF. Call NEW cartons, all wardrobe sizes, Sears AN AD in Classified will PIANO, VIOLIN, Suzuki violin lessons. Experienced teacher with music degree, S. MOVING - Q33-1- G.E. REFRIGERATOR, chord MAGNUS ELECTRIC organ. Make offer, Duplexes from FREE M33-1- LDS sultanf for Micro Proc essors, S6 per hour. More information 967-561- 7 D33-4- 969 3051. F32-2- 1 program, P32 2Q children, 566 7864. FREE DARLING kittens to good home, box trained, G32-2- REBUILT PONTIAC 400 tor. Make offer, box B31-3- STREAM King fiberglass wall and tub unit. Harvest gold, $100. Call AGES Great days week, 268 2995. 6218. litter KITTENS, trained. FEMALE MEDIUM size dog, part German shepherd, part collie. Good with NEW through 5, low rates. HOUSE-KEEPE- wanted, D31-3- FREE YARDS NYLON multi colored carpet. Excellent condi- S31-3tion. 262 4747. SWAMP COOLER, window mount, 4800 CFM, $250. Call 250 Washer needs minor repairs, $175. 268 3488. Call Monday Weds, or Thurs. after 5:00. B33-1- area. Great $300. H33-1- FREE KITTENS. 30 F33-1- - 132 4F ta, GA 30348. DEMONSTRATE FOR C8.B, $300. Kit free. Special bonuses in June for hostesses, D32-3Karen, 967 8262. NEED LADY for sales in Health Care Supplies. Cali for appointment, 272 4253. 033 IF WANTED: TEENAGE boy ) vicinity Murray for parttime iob. Light yard R33-1work, 266 9409. AN AD in Classified will bring Also Sandy 9446. I PENCREST washer and dryer. UPRIGHT PIANO, needs a little work. Call B33-1- HARD back books sale lot each. (as is) Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and Tooele. D331Q QUALITY DAY care. Vicinity 6200 South 3200 West. B31-3Call 966 2345. LOVING CARE my Taylorsville home, under 2, full R33 IF time, 966 6079. LDS MOTHER would like to tend, any age. Full time. C32 5Q Call 266 6615. CHILD CARE in my home. Fenced yard, ages 0 4, vicinity 3500 So. 4800 West, MATURE INDIVIDUALS with recent work experience. & materials. WiMUm W33-1- UHL alters. FOR horses. ACREAGE Fenced land, 3 bedroom, INCOME HousesApt. NEW GETZEN trumpet, with case, $250. Call 968 3306 ition, $200. 943 9450, 266 6224. BOOKS W21-15- white. Good condition, $299; FIXED washer, pot scrubber, 3 years old. Excellent cond- P33-1- R33-1- NEW SELF defense invention. Sales representatives needed for this area now. Part or full time. Between 3 C31-3and 6 p.m. 262 3629. FEMALE MATURE coin &y raining Private 8539. 561 6 STRING CLASSICAL guitar with case, $75. R31-3- USED KENMORE Series 600 dishwasher, $50. Needs some work. Will work now how- C331F ever, 967 5617. G.E. REFRIGERATOR, $75, G.E. PORTABLE (CANONDATE) 35 mm camera. Vivitar flash. Excellent condition, $65 set. ADD to HOMEMAKERS your household income part time. Earn S10 to $12 per hour demonstrating need cu. 17 N32-2- State, CANON Sell It IF YOU don't use it with a Classified ad. Call to place your ad. FROSTFREE ft., $250, COLDSPOT freezer, - each. $12.50 Hassock, drapes, condition, entire collection, S31-3- kitchengarage, Excellent $190.250 5946. JACKETS AND vests - ladies and jackets light weight vests - sale 99 Deseret Industries, 4485 So. Main, Murray and at West Jordan and P331Q Tooele. WHITE METAL cabinets for Requirements for openinqs include: Typing skills Good public relation ability General office knowledge Uncontested N QUEEN SIZE box springs and firm mattress with frame. Excellent conditien. Collections Billing Port time opening at switchboard Law gold $75. Maytag wringer washer and . tubs, $85. Queen size AIR conREFRIGERATED ditioner. Like new. 24,000 BTU's, window type, $250. S31-3Call 967 1285. In our Business Office PORTABLE KENMORE dishwasher, 1980 fenced bedrooms, lease required. Valley Rentals, V33-1- 1969 FIREBALL TRAVEL 16W ft. Call 484 0963. trailer, P33-1- LINE 8W ft. cabover camper. Gas fridge, lacks, sleeps four. Excellent condition, 033 IL COAST |