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Show - Church and at their in Granger since 1961. August Women's Group Taps Leaders GRANGER. Installation of officers of the Christian Womens Fel- at Granger Christian lowship Community church for take 1980-8- place will 1 Tuesday night. The installation will be under the direction of Geneva Schwartz, a member of the Ogden Christian church and executive director of Utah Girl Scouts. The new officers in- clude Joan Ewing, president; Ann Lam-pher- e, vice president; Jan Kelley, secretary and Sue Hurst, trea- surer. Sharon Lowell is study chairman; Gerry Breiner, worship chairman and Carma Darr, service chairman. Rev. Royal Ewing will have as his sermon topic during the 10:50 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Disciples Belief - God. Sunday school will be at 9:30. A prayer meeting Wauhobs railroad automobile be held at the church at 1:30 p.m. today (Thursday). author unknown, will be discussed by members of the Literary club Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Carolyn prayer meeting will be held in her home on Tuesday at 10 a m. A Vacation Bible school will be held June from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The theme will be Jesus Loves Me and 16-2- 0 children will be for from kinder- garten age through sixth grade. Pentecost Is Being Celebrated VETERAN . . . Granger resident Art Wauhob, in home setting of train pictures, has worked the past three decades In railroading. For Granger Man KEARNS. The second Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated at 8:30 and 11 a.m. services at Trinity United Methodist church Sunday. The topic will be Winners and losers. The will be the story of Jane by Margaret Slack Merchant. Family worGRANGER. When ship is being encouraged at Trinity, with the Locomotive 844, the only children staying with steam engine still their families in the operational on Union Pacific Railroad, was in family pew during summer services. A nursery town over the weekend, is provided for infants, its old friend, Art with a special activity Wauhob, was on hand to for the 2 and keep its firebox going. A work day will be The engine, brought to sponsored by the men on Salt Lake for a special Saturday, begining at 8 weekend run, was built a.m. The project for the back in 1944 for use in day is to complete the passenger service. It rock and curb work. was about 25 years ago Dorothy Ramseth, that Wauhob began his Vera Huffman, Rev. assignment with the big Bronston Greenwood black engine as water and Carrol Greenwood tender, sander and fuelwill serve as delegates ing her up with oil back from Trinity to the an- inSalina, Kan. nual conference, MonIt was a more comhe day through June 13 in plicated engine, Fort Collins, Colo. recalled, referring to his u Steam Locomotive Skills Still Useful A mini-sermo- y UL- - FENCING 4x4x8 Posts 42 289 QC 2x4 Roils 42 1x4x6 Cedar 42 69 Cedar Bender Board Bftfrfow'ft BUILDERS 968-212- 3555 MART 1 W. 3500 So. Awards Go To Pair n duty with the coal but I soon burners, learned by sounds what needed to be done. He grew very fond of the steam escaping from the valves and the gasping of the engine, sounds he lived with until 1957 when the great wheels and huge belly of the steamer, the tall smokestack with black smoke issuing forth, the eerie whistle that could be heard for miles, was replaced by the shiny black powerful diesel engine. The iron horse of the 40s and 5os, a thing of the past, required someone with special training to keep its steam up. As a st- ationary fireman, Wauhob was just that person. His services were required when he accompanied Variety Offered Engine Las Vegas for six days to help celebrate El Dorado Days. I have to make sure the fire is O.K., that there is plenty of water and keep the fire up at all times, he explained. The Wauhobs moved to Salt Lake soon after the diesels came along. These new engines could go 500 miles between pit stops. They chose the Salt Lake area because Mr. Wauhob had previously 8444 to told accident. Doctors said hed never walk again, but with prayers, determination and therapy, he did walk again and was back to railroading. Some of the jobs havent been easy, but Wauhob philosophized, A job is what you want it to be; loving and caring and taking pride in your work makes the hard work easier. The hardest work, he anticipated, will be in six years when hell have to quit what hes enjoyed doing for so many years. Until then, hes doing what he used to do for old Engine 8444, providing the right amount of oil in the burners and the right amount of steam for the diesel shop at 8th North and 5th West in Salt Lake. The Wauhobs have two daughters. Julie is married and Sara attends West Lake junior high. Its lucky W'auhob was on hand to service the old steam engine since nearly all who have the know-hoand the certification to work on the big iron horses of the past have retired. The book, The Kneeling Christian, classes At Granger High days seemed over the following year when his legs were crushed in an will Duncan. 1957 present location At Westminster SALT LAKE. minster College WestCon- tinuing Education has announced a variety of summer class offerings. Classes in photo- graphy, Shakespeare, wine tasting, identifying edible mushrooms and workshops in tennis, journals and divorce adjustment will be given at varying times throughout the summer. Information on times, fees and registration is available by calling his wife Ada, Someday Id like to live there. Theyve been in Utah since Westminster College Continuing Education at 484-883- Patterson was cited as a national merit Kretz received the Sons of the American Revolution and Julia Kelleher, Daughter of the American revolution awards. The Danforth awards went to Sandra Throck- morton and Dennis Winterton. Among students honored ROTC alternate; 45 55 LITTON MICROWAVE Dary-le- e LEARN THE MAGIC OF UofU, deans BYU; Teena DeNovellis, academic Weber State; Jeffrey Dickison, academic Ricks; Thomas Eads, presidential Sue BYU MICROWAVE COOKING FIRST HAND BYU, ROTC. Attend our Cooking School FRI. JUNE 6th 6:30 P.M. deans Ferrin, Jospeh Fritzsche, ; athletic-academi- Ricks, c athletic-academi- Snow, c ALL MICROWAVES academic BYU, Elks; Carrie Green, athletic Snow; Karen Hart, leadership UofU ; Sherrie Huber, Girls State SUSC; Carrie James, vocal music USU. and Accessories on Sole DOUGS appuance Granger Store Only Lisa Johnson, forensic Theresa Jones, honors UofU; Julie Kelleher, honors UofU; USU; Call for Appointment 968-905- 9 3505 South 3000 West Eric Kretz, honors HALF HOGS RANGE-WH- 65 TO INCLUDES FRESH FRESH lb. LmJ Cut and Wrapped HAMS, MEATY PICNICS, FRESH SIDE, SPARERIBS BUTT. FRESH NECK BONES, TRIMMINGS 75 LB. WEIGHT RANGE AND WRAPPED FREE. CUT OLE U.S.D.A. CHOICE LAMB FURTHER NO CURING Cut and Wropped JOWL, PIGS FEET, HOCK, FOR SAUSAGE MAKING AND BACK FAT WILL lb. BE PROCESSING OR SAVED AT FOR HOME. SMOKING. SAFEWAY SELECTED BEEF SIDES 300 t. 325 lb. WEIGHT RANGE while you're shopping, we'll pull the cases and have them ready ORANGE JUICE FROZEN 48 count 6 ox. cans SCOTCH BUY at the checkstand. NAME ADDRESS CASES ORDERED PHONE Everything you want from a store. more Es-chle- r, Steven Peterson, honors PORK CHOPS. $f 0 0 LeeRoy Roxann Ferguson, George Fuller and Clayton Johnson Cited for being outstanding staff members were Viola Briggs, assistant food service manager of the downtown campus and Jim Gardner, food service manager, main CEU; scholarship honors Davis, Cary WHOLE OR HALF 160 LB. WEIGHT RANGE Drake, Casey, academic LDS Business College; HIND QUARTERS TO (From Page 3. Col. 9) person of the year award was Les Ashton, vice president of finances for the student body officers. Other nominees included John Weber; Lori Backus, leadership UofU Kamn Bringhurst, deans BYU. David Brooks, honors and leadership UofU, debate SUSC, Air Force FRONT QUARTERS 150 c, Alldredge, debate CHOICE LAMB 150 TO 160 LB. WEIGHT RANGE the during evening were those receiving college scholarships. They included Barbara Abney March of Dimes and Weber State academic; James CHOICE BEEF LB. WT. Eric finalist; Valley View News 3 Thurs., June 5, 1980 UofU; Dayna Poulsen, (See Page 7, Col 7) Aca- ada-demi- The two awards are given each year to outstanding athletes. Rochelle Guard demy, Naval Academy, West Point Academy, BYU Air Force ROTC; Donald Lewis, Dixie; Ronald Lewis, adademic Dixie. Patricia Loertscher, March of Dimes, academic Ricks, deans BYU; Michelle Marcek, meteorology UofU; Linda Meik, leadership UofU; Scott Mietchen, honors UofU; Linda Mills, academic Dixie; Kim Morawetz, leadership USU, Diana Page, academic Dixie. Rochelle Patterson, state Elks, national merit BYU, trustees; BYU; Carol Ann Perkins, leadership UofU; Lisa Perkins, general high. CHOICE BEEF TO UofU, Coast GRANGER. Carrie Green was given the Woodbury award and Joe Fritzsche earned the Ned Winder award during the annual honors banquet at Granger PRICES COPYRIGHT GOOD JUNE 1980 4-- 1980 RETAIL QUANTITIES SAFEWAY SYORES INCORPORATED |