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Show Kearns American one-hitt- Craig Stauffer 9-- homered for the winners. The Indians beat the behind the Tigers two-hpitching of John Saxton. Todd Hill had the lone run batted in. The Red Sox beat the In- 1- it Play KEARNS. A gem pitching highlighted action in the Western Hills League during the week. Nathan Tiffany and Jason Quintana combined to hurl a not-hshutout for the Astros who ripped the Dodgers 24-Quintana enjoyed a 4x4 day at the plate. In other action Red Sox belted the Dodgers 19-- 1 in another peewee encounter, with Joe Trujillo, Scott Evans and Brad DePew pitching. In the final game the it Astros Orioles Hitting 7-- doubles were Fail, Shen Young and Kenny Carrillo. The Royals beat the with Troy Tigers Duckworth and Tim 8-- 5 Mills having extra-bas- e hits, offsetting two homers by Tracy Gallo and a triple by Mike Holfeltz. nipped the 3-- 2 with Quin- tana and Tiffany again sharing duties as Ryan Nye scored the winning run. In majors play Robert Gardner hurled the Yankees to an 2 victory over the Orioles. The Dodgers clipped the Red Sox 10-- 8 with David Sherrill and Sean Fernandez belting homers for the winners. The Red Sox beat the Orioles Richard Burrola pitched the Dodgers to a 3 win over the Yanks as Fernandez clubbed another homer. In the minors the 7-- 6-- belted the Dodgers Dennis Royals Franks rapped a base hit scoring Chris Todd in the Red Sox 3 win over the Angels. 17-- 4-- Astros 27-the Cards edged the Dodgers the Rangers beat the Twins 10-As beat the A Expos Loss 12-- 5 win Rangers to a over the Cards, striking out 10; the Rangers beat the Braves 13-7-- 0 7-- 3 Terry Malloy batted in in the Red Sox 20-- 6 victory over the Tigers. The Royals nipped the Troy Tigers Duckworth homered with a man on to provide the margin of victory. In a Red Sox win over the. Indians Kehoe, Malloy and Young had doubles.. In the minors the White Sox nipped the 3 on a key Yanks single by Jason Johnson and the Orioles Sam Jensen had a pair of singles and a trible while Robbie Carrillo doubled home the winning run. The Yanks drubbed the Orioles 19-- behind solid hitting by Kevin 9-- 3 4-- 8 Staley and Dusty Shane Ames was credited with a nohitter in a 3 White Sox win over the Mets. Todd Hailstone and Darrin Dailey smacked doubles in the Senators victory over the Angels.. Adam Heineker pitched a two-hittand had a pair of hits himself to lead the Orioles to a 2 win over the Angels. Troy Kelsh smacked a double in a the Yanks Moody. 9-- 5 9-- 5-- 4. 8-- 4 KEARNS. The three West Valley American Legion teams are slated to start Valley League (Friplay tomorrow day). Kearns, coached by Greg Rolfe and Gene Bechthold, will test South in a 6 p.m. contest at Derks field. On Monday Kearns will host arch-riva- l Granger and Wednesday will play at Bingham. WE DELIVER Marc Ingram of Kearns awaits throw as Guy Watts of on first base In County League test. down bears Murray KEARNS. Strong hitting and pitching car- - Kearns League To Sell Wares Win KEARNS. Saturday the Kearns American League will conduct a garage sale to help raise funds for required improvements. The sale will get under way at 8 a.m. at the field, 5803 So. 4270 West. Requirements were handed down by the County Planning Commission when the league obtained permission to add a peewee field at the site. The league will also e hold elections for Kearns it shutout and Shane Snyder smacked a dou- ble as the Yanks in International win over the Little League play. Dick Affleck also pitDanny Ramsey had a double in ched a shutout as the the White Sox victory Pirates crushed the 4 19-- 0 and Steven Rasmussen was on the mound in the Red Sox 0 win over the Indians. 4-- (SeePage Col. 7) WI DELIVER WE DELIVER WE DELIV I t two-(Se- 7, Col. 6) Page 7, Col. 6) Pecky Cedar 1x12x6 1.89 ble for the winners in that contest. Berriochoa also turned in a solid pitching performance on Saturday, going the distance as Kearns romped to a Kearns Claims Four Victories Mike KEARNS. Peterson hurled a two-h- Twins - Senior League Yanks In Kearns Page 7, HURRY BALL . . . against Murray. If that (SeePage 7, Col. 7) 0 (See VfNs... season last night defeated the Cubs 4-- 2 FENCE BOARD tured second place in the state 4A tournament is nearly intact for the Legion season. Former Kearns standout Mark Johnson, now playing at BYU, will assist with the pitchers. Granger, boasting a very young team, with most of the players being those who captured the state automotive crown last year, was slated to kick off the In Curt Patrick doubled and Andy Hill belted a triple for the winners, who had to shut off a seventh-innin- g Skyline rally to win. Granger scored in the bottom of the eighth to nip Jordan after the Sandy squad had scored twice in the seventh to forge a 4 tie. Jerry Howe belted a pair of doubles for the defending state champions. East scored six runs in the seventh inning to 1x4x6 The veteran high team that cap- 0 errors. SALE! 18-- 5 28-2- WI DELIVER Magna squad scored twice in the third and single runs in the fourth, fifth and sixth, taking advantage of six Skyline PEMCJ Senators. over the Mets. In Peewee play the Twins beat the Athletics the Rangers beat the the Astros 19-- WE DELIVER runs in the seventh. Kearns battled back with three in the second when Brett Chidester led off with a homer and base hits by Montoya and Lucero helped send two more runners home. Lucero tripled and scored on a single by Todd Park and Marc Ingram singled home a sixth-innin- g run. In the Cyprus win, the school 5-- n 12-- 5 Cyprus won its only outing, nipping Skyline Granger split a pair of games, beating Jordan 4 in eight innings, decibut losing an sion to East. In the Kearns loss to Murray, Tom Sankovich started, but was a victim of wildness, allowing two runs on wild pitches in the first and yielding a bases loaded Play Eyed Stauffer and Troy homered while Carrillo and Vince Lucero had - Legion triple play Duckworth tripled for the winners, while Brent Parker hit a homer for the Indians. QiPQDmrs pitched the Area Teams seWest triple in a KEARNS. cond. teams Valley managed Ronnie Montoya got a pair of wins in County Baseball (Automotive) through one inning, but gave way to Frank play during the week. Rain was a problem Lucero after Murray as only 15 of a scheduled scored twice in the fourth. A host of errors 36 games were played. Kearns fell victim to allowed the Murray score. team to score four more Murray by a four-ru- Richard 10-- Player highlighted the Royals win over the Indians on a bases loaded play from left to home to third to second. Craig 12-1- peewee Murray Deals Kearns Squad the 5-- dians and Randy Shurtleff had four runs Highlight Of Rangers belted doubles No-hitt- er County League Play Thurs., June 5, 1980 Cards topped the Expos 14-the Dodgers beat the Braves 12-the Fail, Kehoe Pace Sox Win KEARNS. Troy Fail pitched a while Troy Kehoe paced the Red Sox at the plate in an 11-- 0 victory over the Indians in Kearns American League play during the week. Kehoe belted a double and hit a homer. John Saxton ruined Fails bid with a for a single. In other majors action during the week the Royals beat the Red Sox Valley View News 4 ried the Kearns Senior Babe Ruth League team to four victories during the weekend. The team from Kearns thumped and then Granger 10-- 2 on Saturday, turned around the next day to defeat 14-- 4 and Ogden Brad Hughes cracked a home run and Gene 8-- 2 added a ground rule double to pace Kearns to the 10-- 8 over decision over Granger. In the first game of the day, Kenny Renteria provided a strong pit-chi- game and Duckworth led the offense with a triple as Kearns recorded a 10-- 2 victory. WE DELIVER WE DELIVER WE DELIVER WE DELIVER WE DELIVER WE DEL 10-- Duckworth win 14-- 4 Ogden. Their hitting enabled Danny Shurtliff to pick up the mound decision. Earlier in the day, the pitching of Billy Lay led Kearns past the Ogden team. Mark Berriochoa had a ground rule dou Put yottf electricity budget on a diet. 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