Show HAIR HAIRS HAIR 1 nn BUSHELS HAIR wanted irined immediately aate I 1 y JW J W at the public works the brethren who are killing their hogs will confer a favor by saving all the hair and bristles and brin bring g the same to the public Work Works for which they wui be ali allowed awed a fak price on their tithing fela D H WELLS burt PW H HEMP E 9 HEMP EMP HE subscriber offers four figur dollars per T JL good hemp seed and twenty cents per ib for good clean hemp or flax in store pay at 0 H Cog swells or by the subscriber in the ward bring a all 11 yo you it c can an whether in large or very small quantities ova D FARLIN HERDING TOP THE HE subscriber wishes to give five notice to the citizens generally that he be is prepared to keep a herd os of cattle on the west side of utah lake and on the finest range in tl country he will be ree responsible pon sible for all cattle plat placed ed in his charge should they be lost or stolen terms 2 cents per head pei day aua PHILANDER BELL HOUSE SIGN PAINTER THE HE undersigned undersigner under signed respectfully informs the citizens of great salt lake c city ty that he has c commenced om in the above line of b iciness and is now ready to take work and finish it in the best eno english style on the most reasonable shop next door to J E reeses keeses store lumber produce prod nce ac taken in in pay WILLIAM K BARTON TAILORING HE subscriber wishes to inform the citizens of THE TG G S L city and vicinity that he has re com fenced business in the above line and is now prepared to fill all orders committed to uis his charge at mo moderate lerate prices cutting done at the shortest notice and warranted to fit if made tip lip correctly shop in the ward on first north te temple incle street THOMAS COLLISTER WM JACKSON TAILOR w to inform the public that hf he is pret T pared to enter fully into the above business and will execute all orders put in liis his charge with neatness and despatch N B cloves made to order also cutting done on the shortest notice work done for public hands for church orders workshop at the house of 0 F mead in the ward having a boot and shoe sign on the roof no nov 27 1 tf HERDING HE subscribers wish to give notice to rr THE the citizens generally th that a I 1 they hey are prepared to keep a herd for cattle on the south side of the salt lake boele valley and on the finest range in the country we will be responsible for all cattle if branded placed in our charge should they be last or stolen TERMS U 1 a I 1 cents per head bead per dav ELIZA WILSON JOSEPH WOODWARD JOHN BARNES oct 1852 tf if GOLD E would inform the citizens of utah that we WE W have effected an arrangement with the banking house of page bacon co by which they are authorized to draw on us from either eitnier san francisco or sacramento cities persons having friends in california from ahou they expect money will do well to inform them ol 01 the fact as they will find this a safe and speedy way to make remittances auga livingston KINKEAD STRAYED FROM athe ROM cottonwood range one yoke of oxen the nigh ox a dark red with white line across the side terminates to a point near the back behind the shoulder sony sonia white about the flanks and hips small white spot in the face branded slightly on the nigh shoulder with the letter J the other a red ox white face red spot on the left jaw black speck on the upper lip long horns standing nearly straight up some white about the flanks and hip ana branded like the other one has ear barks not recollected the other has none any information respecting said oxen given to J C wright south cottonwood ward will be thank full fully y received MRS JOHN BROWN OU OLD SOLDIERS AR 1812 and 1813 and 1814 you are entitled W WAR to land or money call and I 1 will assist you to get it pension is due all who have in the least been disabled in the service or by the service of the united states S M BLAIR SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP HE subscriber wishes to take a herd of one THE Tt thousand housand sheep on the shares or such other conditions as may be agreed on having had fifteen years experience in england in herding berding sheep and considering tooele thoele county the best place for that kind of stock he has seen in america he flatters himself of giving general satisfaction 0 jo o all concerned for further particulars apply to WM A PICKET tc hoople ale city aug 13 1852 auf BEAUTY AND ECONOMY WILLIAMS L 0 T 0 J ta tailor i or and R renovator respectfully informs the citizens ot of great salt lake city abid vicinity that he be is prepared to clean clothing monday arid and thursdays are the days for cleaning 17 public hands can have their clothes cleaned for church orders cutting and making done on the shortest notice SHOP up stairs over the tithing office TAKE NOTICE ca troyed from the subscriber on or about the 0 J of october three cows and abid two heifers heffers hei fers the oldest cow auw was red and a white spot in her forehead white on the flanks and expected to come in about the or of nov the next oldest was a pieced cow of the same size size and larger horns and the other a three year old cow dark speckled sides black noshi nose and teats and very short little crooked horns the heffers heifers are two years old one black with white on the flank and black specks in icv it and a white spot in the forehead the other is a red line back with a star in the forehead and larger horns than its mate any person giving information at the post office or to the subscriber on little cottonwood where the above cattle can be found shall be liberally rewarded deell R W STRONG DAFT A HAGUE OCK GUNSMITHS and manufacturers of LOCK L cutlery wish to inform the citizens of salt lake and surrounding country that they have opened their establishment one block ani and a half south of the tithing office and hope through their attention to merit a share of public patronage grinding and repairing executed with despatch ac 1 am TAKEN UP N pleasant grove utah county utah territory I 1 IN one middling size dark red ox 6 or 7 years old some white on his belly and on the bush of his tail with half crop out of each ear and branded F D on the left hip the owner is requested to call and prove property pay charges and take him away nov 27 1 tf GEORGE S CLARK THE VAST LAST CALL CAIA LL persons indebted to thomas S williams by abote A note or otherwise are requested to settle the same without delay and save expense P C MERRILL JOSEPH CAIN post office nov 27 1 tf LOST THREE YEAR OLD BLACK HEIFER A with a white mark at the root of her tail branded with a mule shoe whoever will bring the same to J cain at the post office or to the subscriber bub scriber will be rewarded I 1 jan janle 5 am JOHN SHERRETT 8 ward I 1 I 1 exchange ac h a n e 0 on j m S st t L louis 0 u i s HAVING AVI N G en entered te r e dg in into to a arrangements r ra ng em en ts w with i t b the welt well known bankers page and bacon of st SL louis mo we are now prepared to sell sights or time bills of exchange on them in in sums to suit suil purchasers we are also prepared to pay on presentation en eA the drafts of page bacon and co tankers bankers of san francisco and sacramento we wig also purchase certificates of deposits of money or bills of exchange on the eastern cities or any parts of europe livingston KINKEAD sepa 22 tf IK D richardson I 1 PHYSICIAN and surgeon would respectfully inform the citizens of this place and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand his celebrated physical Vege vegetable bitters and pills adapted to the cure cfall of all diseases which arise arise from an impure state odthe of the blood arid and stomach which imparts lasting strength and vigor to the whole system see handbills hand bills for their utility medical advice giden given free of charge also I 1 have oo on hand trusses spinal abdominal and uterine Sn supporters AGENTS JUs Js J s lewis parowan carowan cit city y isaac mor ley manti city lonn farr ogden city isaac higbee provo city N E corner of W temple and ad south stir ward auga aft S HOTCHKISS M D I 1 residence west side of ward D Dopp opposite osite sheriff Ferg mens novle I 1 HOLLIDAY WARNER WILL VV TILL receive receive and open for sale by W wednesday tie d da I 1 25 dinst their stock of goods for the t season which consists conflicts conf lists of a general assortment of staple Q and I 1 Gom domestic estile goods BOOTS and SHOES PAINTS I 1 and OILS GLASS HARDWARE and CUTLERY NAILS ac which added to their present I 1 large arge stock will render their assortment complete thankful for past patronage they solicit a continue ance odthe of the same P HOLLADAY WARNED augel 1852 21 tf I 1 TAKING A HERD HE subscriber will take cattle to herd on reat rea t THE Tso terms also cows on shares JACOB HAMBLING tooele thoele county P PS S I 1 will be at the council house every other saturday in in the forenoon tf KINKEAD inform their friends and the citizen sr WOLD generally of utah territory that they have authentic information from their train of dize which states that it will arrive arrive in in this city by the lath day of august we will then be prepared e d to offer for in inspection s p eci ort and sale our usual large stock consist consisting i ng of eve ry description of staple dry goods such as Shee tings shirting stripes calicoes cali coes rotto nades sati ac also boots and shoes hats and eaps caps nails groceries ceries ac ae all of which are of the first quality and will be sold as low as they can be afforded in this market auzy horses cattle mules and sheep A A RE purchased by us at liberal prices those wishing to sell will call on W H hooper at our counting house or john williams at our herd on the weber who will attend to all calls in in that line HOLLADAY ewarner octa 24 am BROOM MAKING THE ament HE undersigned undersigner under signed has just opened an establishment for the manufacture of f BROOMS and is ib prepared to exhibit as goad a quality as can be made in in the united states he also will make brooms on shares tor fox who have the corn on hand bind SHOP in the ward adjoining the resi residence ofA of A randall call Cal landsee and see an apprentice wanted octa THOS mcmillan WEAVING WEAVING HE subscriber is is prepared to 0 o receive yarn to T THE weave into jeans cloth flannels Satti or blankets from conr quarters wide to twelve i quarters wide if required plain cloth and Flann Flannel elat tt 12 12 1 2 cents per yard for four quarters wide ac i in in proportion to the width jeans and Satt mette 15 cents per yard AU all kinds of turning in in wood or iron done at the woollen factory we expect our fulling mill ready in in five wee week s I 1 I 1 nova 26 tf MATTHEW GAUNT I 1 s 4 WILLIAM NIXON a I 1 W WOULD respectfully inform the citizens 0 of I 1 this valley va I 1 ley that he ha is is prepared prepa zed to do to or I 1 I 1 der all kinds of small fancy turn ng in in brass s J horn bone or hard wood at reasonable charges umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired also I 1 lie he has on hand a splendid assortment of gold golda old jewelry consisting of finger rings ear rin rings g gents bosom pins shira shirt studs ac together aie 4 with a small stock of small wares hosiery laces eddings edgings edg ings dress trimmings ac all hi will sell seh cheap for cash wheat or flour shop at jacob houtos house bouse on orl the southeast south east cor corner corneff of council house and emigration street opposite opposites et to mr orson spencers spencer s deell 2 at 1 ATTENTION atthe quorum of seventies being deserf 11 L ous otis to know the situation of the quorum ant not knowing what has become of my seniors I 1 take the responsibility having been advised by the cirit presidency odthe of the seventies of calling upon the members of the quorum to report themselves to meby letter at fillmore city hoping I 1 may meet yov at the next april conference and if there are any who formerly belonged to the quorum and havo been promoted or otherwise left the quorum they would confer a favor on oa me to report the same NATHAN B BALDWIN prest fillmore city nov 21 1852 LAT 40 45 44 LON 26 34 DESERET NEWS published every other saturday at five dollar per annum payable invariably in in advance I 1 single copy 25 cents papers delivered at the post office which will I 1 bar open each sabbath from 12 to I 1 p m TERMS OF advertising for a square of 10 lines or less insertion LN 1 aft each subsequent insertion 59 50 FOUND AND LOST found and lost articles from I 1 to 3 lines in inserted once 25 casi AGENTS I 1 city bishops for their respective wards north weber LEWIS HARDY 1 ogden city brownsville Browns ville ISA ISAAC AC CLARK 1 1 agdens hole LEMUEL MALORY kays Kay ward sWard wm win KAY ar north cottonwood LYMAN HIKMAN Hii iMAri I 1 cherry settlement A B CHERRY I 1 sessions settlement JOHN ajoian STOKER I 1 I 1 tooele thoele valley M 1 a south cottonwood J C WRIGHT big cottonwood E EAI Z ERIE L lex LEE little cottonwood SILAS RICHARDS mill creek REUBEN MILLER I 1 west jordan JOSEPH HARRER HAKKER evansville utah valley BISHOP EVAMS evaris american fork bishop L E harrington HARRING TOK t battle creek find and pleasant grove G S CLARK provo city ISAAC HIGBEE Spring springville ville and spanish fork AARON I 1 payson C B HANCOCK I 1 Summit creek B F JOHNSON k salt creek T B FOOTE manti city san pete co nelson Hi i fillmore city millard co ANSON CALL I 1 I 1 parowan carowan city iron co J C L SMITH 1 I coal creek HENRY LUNT I 1 santa clara and rio virgin settlements I 1 john JOHND D V sin san Barni dino california R R HOPKINS st louis mo and the states J I 1 ix H a s v ELD generally 5 new orleans MAJ 3 BROWN texas and southern states PRESTON THOMAI ajona I 1 I 1 I 1 all remittances re es in in the states may be made to eldredge st louis I 1 mo I 1 I 1 |