Show DIED in this city january WILLIAM BENSON son son I 1 of william and martha Fer Fe religh elih aged 9 days I 1 had to lay my first born beneath the prairie sod his spirit pure and untarnished las has again returned to god I 1 though many tears in sorrow oer my infant I 1 have s shed hed but I 1 cannot recall him he is humberd num berd with the dead sleep on sweet babe in peace and ake job I 1 will proclaim the lord and and blessed is his bis name died at summit creek utah county jan 1853 FRANCES BELL daughter of benjamin F and melissa B johnson aged ax months and eighteen days died at springville Spring ville utah county dec 1852 MARGARET ELLEN daughter of george W and caroline johnson aged 5 months and six days adieu my dear daughter adieu for awhile we will soon meet again afkind if kind providence smile where our sorrow will ceasie on that bright sunny shore with our friends and our oar kindred who have gone on before |