Show BROTHER MIDDLETON middletons MIDDLE TONS ls FAMILY by letter 0 gilbert belknap sexton of 0 oden 0 den city we learn leam tur for ther particulars of this distressed family sunday morning jan Joshu aJames died aged 11 2 years 7 months 17 days flesh above the waist roasted william died on monday not so badly burned aged 5 years 7 months 22 days joseph M died on bues tues day aged 8 years 6 0 months 22 days sister middleton and daughter aged about 15 still survive arid and though badly burned it is hoped that by the unremitting tin 9 attentions of their neighbors and friends I 1 they may recover clothing and furniture were damaged but the house saved we e have e omitted t much of brother I 1 belknapp Bel knaps letter as 1 it appeared in substance in our former pope paper brethren while you sympathize with and assist the he afflicted learn to take care oj 01 your airee |