Show LOCAL CORRES correspondence PODENCE san pete MANTI jan jad 1853 MR MB EDITOR on sunday last dinst the mail arrived in this cat city for the first time tins this year brought by artemas M millet ket resi resident d ent of this city his j loute was from nephi I 1 to the severe thence up to Alai manti itt and travelled comfortably comfort fort ably with an ox team why can we not have a mail once a month at leaston least sn this route in the winter W WP e could it if government would make appropriations ED 1 alie lie mail brought to us your over welcome news to tell us what is going on in the he various departments of the beehive bee hive the world and that the of the lord is lolling i ol 01 ling tb throughout r the nations after we hai have er been locked up lip i in D the icy embraces of a deseret win ter for two mont months h s it is ti uly cheering to the saints in manti to read I 1 lie news when president young was here last spring lie he directed the millers to give the indians what wheat they needed and grind it for them which has amounted to io 50 bushels or moie moi e at 2 per bushel what w wheat beat is worth here and this is the way the president fights the indians arid and saves powder and lead gad the indians were in need at the time and took most of it in about 2 weeks arid and went on their winters hunt large quantities of salera tug earth have bave been boiled down for the purpose of making soap a portion of which did not succeed for that and was converted into the springs 4 miles south yield a heavy per of sale ralus easier procuring in wi it t than to bring it from independence rock we e have had an open winter in manti though r the snow my may have been from 2 to 4 feet deep we have not felt its effects as we should have done had it been I 1 foot all the time many cattle have wintered themselves and ars doing well A L SILER P S two deaths in manti since april last one fi aiom om drowning one fi aiom orn a tall fall which broke his skull and not a case of sickness except sister reported we are so high ghigli the miasma never rea readies elies us some comfort for being in a high altitude for the news great salt lake city feb ath 1852 MR EDITOR SIR in consequence of some difficulty between the inhabitants of fillmore the indians I 1 was instructed by his excellency b the of indian affia irs to repair to that fic VC inage and settle the difficulty I 1 left this city january ath in company with dame and thompson th t to 0 the governor I 1 I 1 from summit hotl agrees ben creek the sylow snow was from I 1 to S fee feete irja from thence to I 1 the basach wasach no snow to the spear mint creek in millaid Mill ald county coasty the snow was very deep I 1 found on arriving al at t fillmore the indian whom they had coniner Con confined ined had made his escape and that all ail the Pati had gone on a hunt about 50 miles southwest south west I 1 in ce dentally met with a family of utes whom I 1 hired tp to o in search of the Pah Pati I 1 on t their heir third out and when I 1 bad waited 8 days they returned with Ko rapha Para th the two chiefs I 1 au an 0 1 I and four braves the next day I 1 met them with the tb authorities of the city at th imse af ofero arb bartholomew when the chief ju groe 4 d made a correct statement of the whole afas aflato 61 the ati citizens zens said laid was as as they doald have done this chief Kon we 6 suppose ed appears to be a man of good goj memory sound mind and has been candid and decisive through the whole affair the indians appeared willing 0 to do any I 1 thin thing g to have the matter s settled and agreed 0 that the abe indian should give tro bro robinson n ten days work and that should bury the hatchet never more to be dug up the spirit of the lord seems to be with wah lem m they say the great spirit tells tella them mauf mannings ings by dro dreams Ams and they want to know more 1 I 1 found the saints doing well they have a good saw mill and grist grisi juill aill ne nearly ready for operation ope ration and alre ae lapa I 1 aring to f farm arm ex ten they tha y havea I 1 lost any cattle this winter there is a good spirit among the saints sainte on I 1 found the an snow ow much bhea I 1 went and quite of indians it at Petete bad a talk and found them feeling well and anxious to see the superintendent anxious to farm with the whites and the corn creek chief finds bindi fault with the inhabitants of fillmore because thea not go and settle on his land he says he is is getting 0 old but his boys shall work yours respectfully D B huntington we aie are in need of more we need them in every settlement and for the want thereof ganv many difficulties arise brethren if I 1 I 1 you have a gif t for interpreting cultivate that gift learn to talk with the natives thereby you may promote a good understanding perserver per serve peace and shun war ed eda ton ten acre lots shall they be abandoned I 1 or will the proprietors enjoy the benefit of them if so they must fence them we have taught cattle to be by miserable fences and thrown away our labor quite long enough pursuant to notice a meeting of 61 the proprietor eton of the ten acre lots west of the state road was held it in the ward school house on the ath dinst on motion of E snow geo allin alien was called to the chair and A L faulhner appointed ap pp ted secretary the chairman stated that the big field having been subdivided sub divided by the general meeting last nov november aber the present meeting had been called to make arrangements for fencing that division consisting of the tes tea west of the state road I 1 the question was as warmly discussed whether it 9 should be fenced in blocks or idline in one joint enclosure and whether the addition on the south surveyed bj b what is commonly called the english company company be included or not it was finaly finally deemed expedient for the present year and resolved accordingly to feno all in one joint enclosure that the proprietors of th tb addition on the south make and maili maintain tain the feria fenc survey that the tier tiei of blocks laying oi 01 the state road make the east line fine the reat rear lots j oinie with the front ones so that each shall fence opp his own lot that the north line and ana one half tb line fence on the west tie be apportioned among the tt it maini in tons tens resolved Reso Tved that lat there be a ditch fence four feet 0 and three feet deep with two large poles on top the entire field provided provided the committee may authorize double ditch ness of less dimensions whee bhae they may abw advisable the ditching to be done by the first nl april and poles on by the first of may resolved that geo allen alien james craig and josefi wright be a committee for this division empower empo ere to assign the place of each mans fence to approve 01 disapprove the same aud and in case of delinquencies to sell or otherwise dispose of the lots to secure portion of fence the proprietors of said division are therefore refer red to either of said commil commatee comm itee tee for any further anfor mation on the subject what say ye brethren slid we have a fence that will ft ill secure out our crops this yearl year GEO ALLEN chairman of committee great salt halt lake cit city feb I 1 ta 1853 53 4 editor of the desert deseret news nem I 1 dear sir we beg leave to make 01 annual report through your valuable papery paper the names and residences resi denees of we the presidents to an members of the second quork n of Seven seventies tio as follows president edson barney is living in vi county takes the news I 1 nelson higgins is living in san pete count agent for foi the news I 1 presidents alexander whitesides lei robbins bobbins wm F cahoon harrison burgesi and elijah F sheets with members I 1 pond john Pal charles Pula ipher he ri W WA burgess jr oliver B huntington charles hales stephen hales samuel R aita aitken lorenzo brown daniel S cahoon andr andral I 1 I 1 cahoon gideon gibbs jesse W fox fos john alger franklin neff elisha H davis I 1 nicholas T Barna barnabas bits merrifield elliott I 1 I 1 heartwell beason lewis walter thompson derrick richard C gibbons james holt mahonri Mahon riM M cahoon john N coward john needham and homer brown are living in great salt lake county simon baker lorenzo 11 roundy boundy are living ina in davis county osiah josiah H perry ira K spaulding are living in weber county david savage win H perry wm D huntington david dickson iraj ira J willis and wm vin S S willis are living in utah county cyrenus H taylor is living 0 in san pete county lenon lemon bronson is ia living in millard county claudius V spencer richard cook are on a mission to the british isles william taylor is on a mission to germany chapman duncan is on a mission to china levi savage jr is is on a mission to siam ephraim green is on a mission tu to the sandwich islands jessed grosby crosby is on a mission to nova scotia francis A brown is on a mission in the eastin states sent from dantford attwood bufus patrick insane david aa M gan gamut rut george wilson are living in count county Y ralph I 1 coates is livieri living in i illinois willard fisher is livin living ln in wisconsin franklin B cutler 3 thaddeus cutler are living livin in missouri john jan S fowler philander Phila niler coltrin Ool trin george W moore are in california Calif 7 I 1 john boyce ace hiram F dayton daytha Day toa wm S smith and david boiman are requested to report themselves forthwith to the undersigned undersigner under signed in great salt lake city and if any of the saints know of the standing st andine or whereabouts of these men and report the aime same to the quorum the information will be thankfully received those of the quorum who live in in this city are delige t in meeting regular every sunday night I 1 an i i have felt the benefits of the sa same me their th air minus minds have hav e been instructed and enlightened in doctrine and the principles of the gospel preparing themselves for the great work before them unity among r the brethren and they feel happy in the enjoyment of each others society and the spirit of god is with us all the time ALEXANDER whitesides LEWIS ROBBINS I 1 WM F CAHOON HARRISON BURGESS ELIJAH F SHEETS presidents of the 2nd and quorum of seventies WALTER THOMPSON clerk we cheerfully comply with the request of the presidents of the ad quorum of seventies by inserting their annual report in our valuable paper and we would be pleased with the of doing the same for all the quorums Qu we would like to know where all the sevenths deveas are am and what they are are about we lve ars are pleased with the good report of the punctuality of the members in attending meeting sunday evenings that they are united a and ud searching after doctrine and principle and preparing themselves for i the great work before them and with equal propriety it might have been added to their credit that three of the five presidents who signed the above report and twenty four members out of forty seven living in the territory are subscribers for the NEWS but we are a little at a loss to divine how the other two presidents and 23 members know the news to be valuable if they do not take it the brief explanation of 25 more names of those in the territory belonging to the quorum on the s subscription list of the news would relieve us from all those doubts aad ana the quorum would have a double claim on the ival valuable ti sheet for the publication of thel their next annual report the object of the is to instruct and edify the saints and prepare the elders for the work before them and will they not be likely to get quite as much intelligence by spending one evening in a I 1 week reading that which is directly communicated ifor I 1 for their benefit as byet by attending tending meeting one evening ain in a week and sure there is time to do both and no I 1 i good thing should be ue neglected 91 acted I 1 I 1 |