Show delose Daga agu errean final notice we shall positively close our Gal gallety leiv between the and of match for six months month or longer or lill all we receive a new stock those who may want pictures and will not take advantage 11 of this notice will please not charge th to us when they are visited b by IV d death eat th or the absence of friends or when they dis discover coer that they aamot obtain likenesses equal to those we now offer to take come now if you want likenesses dont wait till the last moment and then be disi pointed we wish all parties to distinctly understand that we will take only cash and sore S ore pay and wheat at 1 per bushel and flour at 4 per cat cwt in all cases payment must be made before delivery so govern yourselves accordingly CANNON AND SMITH 85 s REWARD TRA OR STOLEN from the range west S STRAYED of jordan one red and white OX mostly red branded on the left horn ROWER 4 years old ia in a the spring any person bringing said ox to the 8 subscriber I 1 ving living i in the ward or to J cam cain at the post office or give information where li he may be found shall he be entitled to one year s subscription to the deseret news af A C BROWER STRAY COW r baken UP ul by the subscriber two miles below 1 jordan mill west jordan precinct a brindle cow brockler broc kled face with a young calf she has bas a small bell but no perceivable b and the owner can have said cow by pa baying raying ying charges charge and tal taking ing 6 her away U C LEI GIlTON f fobil eh 11 7 H i C G D WATT REPORTER 1 IS on hand when called for to make verbatim I 1 1 reports of the blessings of children confirmations sermons lectures ae ac ac and may be found in in the presidents Pres dents office north west corner of the counsel couns 1 house up stairs P S when any ot of the wards call a meeting for the blessing of ef children it may he be found for their I 1 benefit to have G D W present on on such occasions 1 I TO THIE THE SEVENTIES iwah wih to say to the S seventies ev enties that owing to the urgent press of public business had the im immense amount of labor required i making improve I 1 merits fencing building budding houses and barns in MI ill pa parts arts of the territory I 1 have determined to sus sos feud operations open tiona on the S seventies ev enties hall for the 1 present j I 1 As there is is a large quantity of cd lumber m in the flie cotton conwood kanyon kanon biere the will mill is located locate df for the benefit of that building I 1 still wish to nive have that work go on the road nide and perhaps another ill built the lumber will be essential and ifft if it could be I 1 obtained now would become advantageous to lo the I 1 I 1 te temple m oe j if not to the hall hal I 1 propose to the seventies and all others who now do 0 or r may hold shares in in ahe hall that whatever I 1 I 1 amount they pay on 01 their shares to the tit h ing office for the immediate use ot of the temple or otherwise will be credited to the hall and eapen expended d on the erection of that building as soon as cir cum eum stances will permit also lumber or any other material received lom that source will null be so credited and andre repa pad d it is is my intention to prosecute the work of the wall around the temple block and the foundation for the temple as rapidly as possible and to this end I 1 wish to concentrate as much as possible the public labor and means the hall will also be erected and completed in m good time lime but all things in in their proper order and wisdon wisdom i seems to dictate that tl this is is the course to pursue A at present BRIGHAM YOUNG feb 19 I 1 NOTICE I 1 IS S hereby given to all whom it may concern that application will be made at the next sitting of the county court of great salt lake county by the subscriber tor for the exclusive privilege and grant of the kanyon commonly known and desi besig 0 bated as dry kanyon in in the east side of the west mountain in in said county being the first north from ginghams Bing hams liams kanyon kanj on in in said mountain at which time and place any person knowing any reason why said privilege should not he granted are requested to make the same manifest B L ADAMS ADAM S CITY TAXES ALL A LL persons that have not paid their city tax M for 1852 are notified that unless they settle them immediately there will be further cost and I 1 shall be compelled according to lo my orders to levy upon property and sell the same at auction for tax and costs the names of delinquents will also alao be published in m the deseret news bishops Bib hops are requested to g give I 1 ve notice in in their bardsl wards will take corn wheat flour butter batter potatoes lumber store and acty C ty orders and gash cash office in in house of eleazer miler ward I 1 2 bl blocks oc ks south and 3 blocks east of tithing office J C LITTLE assessor and collector of G S L city C ty 7 am ain STOLEN OR STRAYED WO boneys 4 years old each one a bay mare marc T TWO white face long black tail and a saddle mark on her back the other nn an iron grey stud poney I 1 branded with a V on the off shoulder has 2 or 3 white while feet whoever w 11 bring the same to the subscriber or give information where they can be found will be rewa rewarded crded WILLIAM A PICKETT tooele thoele county 1 OST between and this city a brown L VICTORENE please leave it at the post office alf BENJAMIN BENIAMIN DALLOW STRAYED YEi smallish mallish sized dun coloured STEER 5 years As A old branded Y A on the near hip pretty horns widespread wide spread rather wild looking whoever has found said ox and will bring him to the subscriber shall receive a liberal reward for his trouble H C KIMBALL STAYED NE black HORSE 4 years years old about 14 hands 0 laih one hind foot v white hite strayed on or about the ath of november 1852 no other marks re recollected whoever has found him will receive are a reward wardon on rv returning turning to mr lemuel blind man or to EDWIN GRIFFIN griffa N kays creek LOOK OUT IN possession h have ave in in i my posse possession assion a red COW with white I 1 face and belly short cropt coopt horns a crop olf off the right ear branded E S on the right horn calf ten days old also a grey brindled HEIFER with white back and bily grey face no brand calf 3 weeks old call on george allen alien fourth ward pay charges and take them away tf GEORGE ALLEN STRAW BONNET AND HAT MAN ars 0 REED begs to inform the inhabitants K of great salt lake city and its vicinity that she has commenced the he above business one door north of the california bakery and hopf hoefs a by punctuality and attention to merit a share of their patronage and support AKEN UP off the range west of jordan a JL COW with a young calf the cow is red with some brindle mixed a white s spot pot on her forehead fore heed a small white spot on her left s shoulder houlder a white spot on her left thigh short tail the end white no marks CHARLES A FOSTER alf ward BEETS tare emhe HE sugar works situated on the lie temple square JL are now in in successful 0 per a ion ion per persons sons having beets that they are desirous to exchange for sugar can now be accommodated care shou should d be taken to keep the beets from alje 11 e frost WOOD WANTED we fire are des desirous sirous to purchase a few cords of wood for which we will w sll pay in sugar 7 at JOHN TAYLOR LOST A k BLACK PIG 2 months od in the ward adlease A please leave information at the lie post office or W mckinnies McKIN waid garden seeds for sale 1 f LBS sugar beet also rutabaga or swed LW ish turnip carrot parsnip onion radish lettuce early june jane pea cucumber melon cabbage with a variety ot of other garden seeds the above were raised inettear Inet ast year and are warranted ol of good quality and will he be sold at moderate prices lor for cash or exchange for grain flour or any other country produce EDWARD SAYERS feba C G at ward 10 REWARD STRAYED Q a dark red steer 4 years old horns J lop down large white star in the face had shoes hops on all his feet part of the long hair on the end S of his tail cut off any person finding said steer and returning it to the subscriber within forty days or to wilson lund in the I 1 eth ward shall receive the above reward eward if not found until after the forty days the finder will please leave it with the church ALEXANDER at FOR FOB SA LE FEW of vol 2 deseret news for which A wo wk wheal batter sec vw vill ie taken in in ex cx liar deall hf if I 1 arrival and departure odthe HT the U S and to G x 8 JL office I 1 the eastern mail leaves for mo the of eael each i month aj 0 a dr arrives the last day of each mati flit op p in the western mail leaves for SaeS amento G cit it california the he 1st ast day of each month at aa a im ax arrives the last day at 6 p a the oregon mail leaves for the dallas the st of 61 dec feb april june aug and oct at va i ib arrives the last day of nov jan march may and sept J at 6 p m 1 vie the above will be closed at al 4 p m the last akst day of each mouth month the Browns brownsville ville and millers creek mail leaves every monday wid thursday at 6 a m I 1 arrives every tuesday and friday at 6 p m the southern bouthern ou thern mail leaves every monday at 6 a M bay for american fork provo springville Spring ville payson creek and manti post poat offices and returns every saturday arday at arp p m 14 io t regular idail to fillmore city or parowan carowan Pa rowan when wilt will the mail close how late cau car I 1 get a letter atter in this mail please read the above and not trouble rouble the yost post master to answer sach 4 k TRAVE D from the subscriber a cow with S STRAYED red sides white belly line back white face with a little red round her eyes tolerable high horns marked on one horn with C L in two places about 7 or 8 years old she was last seen in clement tl ement any person finding her and returning her to me at the tithing office shall be paid all renson ble expenses THOS WRIGLEY feba 6 tf A FEW monk LIEVY e WE ae have still on hand a fine lot of fur bilk plush cloth and glazed caps which we will sell cheap also a quantity of rough and ready wool hats hals also a variety of other goods which m must list be sold without re reserve rye call and see at our r tore store ath ward JOHN NEEDHAM 5 at HOME manufacture THE ta HE subscriber has opened an establishment 2 12 1 2 blocks south of the counci council house near String hams butcher shop forthe for the deture of carpenters penters and shoemakers tools from ii his as I 1 long on practical acquaintance with the business in sh she y field eng eg and this country he feels confident that all orders entrusted to him shall be done in a workmanlike manner JAMES WELLS N B knives scissors and razors ground saw sharpened carpenters tools repaired aa old files and steel bought or exchanged for ad cutlery t ac I 1 jana PROVISION MARKET I 1 aniie HE undersigned undersigner under signed wallace palmer have en JL into the butchering and provision business on the corner of said wallaces lot ward facing the public square where they intend to keep constantly on hand and for sale everything in the above line and will pay cash for fat cattle ho hoga sheep butter eggs cheese ae ae the the utmost pains will be taken to accommodate those who may inay favor us with a call GEORGE B WALLACE deell decu FRE FREDERICK DERICK PALMER LET EVERY evemy MAN AAN belij HIS NEIGHBOR A 1 in in G S L city rl JL davis count county y W weber eber ogden box elder cottonwood cotton wood utah and southern settlements that ca cannon non smith have decided to use up the bal ance of their stock in hi taking lifelike life like likenesses at G greatly r batly reduced prices forcash forc for cash asb wheat fux fox skins CASH M one person on a ninth plate 1 I 1 2 50 two persons 4 ac one person on a sixth plate 3 00 two persons cc it 4 50 third fourth and filth fifth person 75 crits each additional one person on a quarto plate 6 00 two persons 11 it 7 50 third fourth to ninth person each additional likenesses taken in in clear cloudy or rainy weather on any day not delivered except paid for they will operate only in 0 S L city so come along quick I 1 fox alkins wanted between this aud april I 1 ast 1st st jana 4 41 CATTLE WANTED J IVE HUNDRED oxen or cows wan fed for FIVE which the hir highest liest price will be paid either in cash or merch merchandise anjie by the subscriber jana 0 H COGSWELL NOTICE JUMPED into my enclosure one red yearling 0 heifer crop os off each ear I 1 want the owner to call and pay charges prove property and take her away L D YOUNG HAVE HAV E in my possession a red cow with white face and belly branded T W C on the right horn 6 or 7 years years old a calf ten months old aid the right horn lops also ft a black cow white belly and horns white in the face branded P on the right hip and D on the left hip five years old the owners will do well to call prove property pay charges and take them away GEO ALLEN fourth ward YEAST BREAD CR CRACKERS ae C von con JL scantly on hand and for sale at the california bakery opposite J E keeses reeses store tf 0 NE NEl large arpe red stag sta white wiy belty and white spots I 1 vj on forehead t top op of horns sawed off 1 six year old spotted ox red and white horns bored I 1 four year old red ox white belly an and white star artar on forehead band handsome soine horns I 1 large red ox white spots on sides long horns I 1 small nall brindled agag 3 years old short horns I 1 rive five year vear old atack cow white line on back and white belly I 1 two year old dark brindled heifer short horns all marked with a small horse shoe ane on an left hip points of shoe aboe downwards except the last points upwards most of these were last seen in big field and about cottonwood dott cottonwood onwood the cattle or information avill be received and a suitable reward given by mr joseph cain post office or or THOMAS D BROWN tr ff NOTICE 1 TS hereby given to the severities seventies and ar all others othera JL interested that the ac accounts counte of indebtedness ont oa subscription for the ere erection 0 tion of the seventies ball are now in my hands together with the names or of subscribers I 1 do not deem it necessary to the list of names and indebtedness at this trine a very every person must necessarily know whether he owes anything or not but I 1 do request and eveia every one who knows that he be is is to inform me immediately how bow and in what manner he intends to discharge the same if irr in labor what kind whether mecha mechanical or common bommon and what branch whether team work can he be had distinguishing whether it will be hauling timber lumber stone I 1 lino lima or sand I 1 I 1 it is my intention to lieve the made apon api I 1 0 n the ground consequently will require the hauling ng of t the be clay from the low lands to mix with the dirt and gravel on the ground now before the si spring ing work commences commence a is the time to do this as aa I 1 well as the slone sione hauling as soon as they can be 1 quarried I 1 wish the brethren who will do this kind I 1 of work to notify me without delay that I 1 may be enabled to direct them as I 1 w wish ish to place the he material upon the he ground in such manner manner as an to obviate I 1 handling all aboe who intend fo to pay in cash prod prad aoe noe nails j glas glaab 11 oil paint door trimmings stock or lumber i j an and d have it now on hand are hereby informed that I 1 am now prepared to receive and credit the same saine on 11 subscription of stock to the halt hall As you have in made de me your building committee I 1 desire the particular attention of the brethren to this call for information format I 1 ion as respects their designs as I 1 shall also aiso expect their prompt attention at the pra proper per time as the eason for buil building dino advances advance sto to fulfil fulfill and perform the same accordi accordingly gly that the work kiby may progress all AH property properly as |