Show I 1 HISTORY or OF JOSEPH SMITH 1837 about this time elder P P pratt who was Ja laboring boring in n new york published his voice of warning t consisting of pages I 1 started from kirtland on the of september in company with brother sidney rigdon to fulwil fulfil I 1 the mission mission appointed us on the irith of september by a Oon conference ference of elders in establishing places of gathering 9 for the saints brothers william smith and vinson knight accompanying us october elder lyman sherman was elected high counselor at kirtland in place of jared carter removed to far west october and 2nd samuel H smith was wa s e elected lc acted pr president of the high council and the council voted that if a counselor absented himself from their meet a excuse he should be be reported to the church as a delinquent the high council of Kirt kirtland laud voted that their clerk ant grant licenses to the members of the council who wished to travel signed by the president and clerk we arrived at terre haute indiana indian on the about midway from kirtland to far west my brother hyrams wife jerusha F smith died on the of october while I 1 was at terra haute haul and her husband at far west ivest she left five small children and numerous relatives to mourn her loss severely felt by all she said to one of her tender offspring when on her dying bed tell your father when he comes that the lord has taken your mother home and left you for him to take care of she died in full fall assurance of a part in the first resurrection 0 october the high priests quorum at kirtland decided to take doat av ards ardis ard Is license until he returns and make satisfaction and the high council concurred october the high council and presidents of the different quorums qu qa met in the lords lord s house samuel H smith presiding and after 1 a lengthy 0 discussion concerning existing evils agreed that it was time to commence the work of reform and voted unanimously to meet again in the lords house on monday evening eveking next and invite the different quorums to meet at a t the same time and commence arun prun pruning pg i the vine vine of god in kirtland and thus continue the work evening 0 after evening until it shall be wisdom to stay the hands PHINEAS RICHARDS clerks clerk H C sunday the church in kirtland dis shipped 22 brethren and sisters until they made satisfaction for uniting qunitin za with the world in a dance the thursday previous october the high council of kirtland appointed luke johnson reynolds cahoon and john gould a committee to visit john joh 11 johnson junior and see if he would desist from selling spirituous liquors to those who were in 1 i n the habit of getting intoxicated and report to the authorities of the church those members who mig might lit drink spirits at his house also voted that the see that all difficulties and differences be settled as speedily as possible and that unruly children be reported to their parents and if they neglect to take suitable notice of it then the parents shall be reported to the authorities of the church and dealt with accordingly voted that we discountenance the use of ardent spirits in any way to sell or to be brought into this place for sale sale or use RICHARDS clerk sunday october nine more of the brethren and sisters were reported to the thel church as having been enola engaged 0 aed in the recreations of the dinst 1 and 11 1 I 1 bof of the 31 that had veen been reported d made confession brothers noriss brewster and others presented a plan for the better organization of the church in temporal affairs to the high council on the october stating that moroni had appeared to collins brewster ac the council decided that it was a trick of the devil most moat of those who were com elainee of for the recreation on the and had ad not confessed acknowledged their fault to the high council on the first of november and the remainder were required so to do or be out cut off from the church november 2nd and the high council voted that tha t loungers fo about the streets should be attended to t forthwith and appointed a committee of three for that purpose the church in kirtland voted to sanction the appointment of brother phineas richards and benben bedlock Hed lock by the presidency to transact business for the church in procuring means to translate and print the records eafen taken from the catacombs Cata combs of egypt then in the temple having arrived at far west some time in the latter part of october or first of november a meeting of some of the church was called on the ath to counsel on some affairs of the church which I 1 attended with brothers rigdon and hyrum smith there were present elders I 1 thomas B marsh wm E McL elliD lyman E johnson Will william iaiA smith and vinson knight bib from ohio the high 0 council of the church and some other elders prayer by W W phelps several topics were discussed when it was unanimously voted that it be recommended to the proprietors of the corporation of far west to petition the trustees of said cor horation po ration to alter the streets or lessen them so as to make each block contain four heres acres of ground and each block to be divided into four lots also voted unanimously that it is the opinion of this council that there is sufficient room in this country for the churches to continue gathering from abroad also that the building of the e house of the lord be postponed till the lord shall reveal it to be his will to be commenced adjourned until early candle light and met accordingly when remarks were made by many of the au authorities ties present upon the previous disposition of the town plot the purchase of land ac ac and all difficulties were satisfactorily settled except a matter between oliver cowdery thomas B marsh and myself which was referred to us with the agreement that our seit settlement lement of the affair should be sufficient ent for the council W W PHELPS president 0 COWDERY clerk the high council and bishop of kirtland met in the lords house on november ath to discuss the question who presides when the presidents are absent but upon discussion discus sian were not able to come to any conclusion thomas burdick was appointed high counselor in the place and absence of phineas richards harlow barlow redfield clerk for the time being president joseph smith senior proposed that brother phineas richards be ordained under the hands of president john smith and bishop whitney and he was ac cordino cordingley 0 ley blessed for his mission PHENIAS RICHARDS clerk minutes of a conference at par far west missouri november ath 1837 at a general of the church of latter saints assembled at par far west to take into consideration and transact the business of said church elder thomas B marsh was chosen as moderator and oliver cowdery clerk after I 1 singing the moderator addressed the throne of grace in in prayer after which president sidney rigdon explained the object of the meeting giving a relation of the recent reorganization organization re of dae the church in kirtland the minutes of said meeting 0 w were are read by the moderator who also nominated joseph smith junior the first president of the whole church to preside over the same all were requested male and female to vote and he was unanimously chosen he then made a few remarks accepting the appointment requesting the prayers of the church in his behalf president smith then nominated president sidney rio rigdon don to be one of his counselors who was unanimously chosen he then than nominated frederick tt williams to be his next nest counselor who was objected to by elder lyman wight in ia a few remarks referring to a certain letter written to this place by the said F G willia williams ms also elder marsh objected to president williams older elder james emmet also objected to prest williams bishop E partridge said he seconded prest williams nomination and should vote for him and as to said letter he had heard it and saw nothing so criminal in it president david whitmer also made a few remarks in president williams favor elder marsh made further fur aber remarks elder thomas grover also objected to president williams president S rigdon then bomil nominated wed president hyrum smith to take president williams place he then called for a vote in favor of president williams who was rejected I 1 he the called for abote in favor of president hyrum smith which was carried unanimously some few remarks were made by president david whitmer and sidney rigdon bigdon david whitmer was nominated as the president of this branch of the church and was objected to by elder marsh bishop E partridge Z said he should vote for president whitmer elder wm E mcclellin Mc Lellin made 9 a few remarks elder george M hinkle made a few remarks in favor Prest Whitmer also elder king follet elder caleb baldwin spoke against prest whitmer also elder seymour brunson elder elisha H groves spoke in favor of president whitmer further remarks from elder Mo lellin by request of president whitmer 1 who made satisfaction for him remarks from president t joseph smith junioe who called for an expression which was carried by almost a anani vote in favor of president whitmer president joseph smith junior then nominated john whitmer for an assistant president who was objected and elder marsh spoke in opposition P position to him and read a list of charges from a written document against Z him and president phelps president j john ohn whitmer then spoke a few voids by way of confession and was followed by elder isaac morley the vote was called and carried unanimously unanimous lv the meeting adjourned for one ome hour meeting convened according to adjournment a hymn was sung and a prayer offered up by the moderator IV W phelps was nominated for an assistant president for this church by president joseph smith junior he rose and made certain remarks on the subject of the charges referred to above by way of confession also when the vote was put by president rigdon and passed unanimously elders john murdock Murd solomon hancock elias higbee calvin bebee johnm hinkle thomas grover and simeon carter were unanimously chosen high counselors lyman wight was nominated and objected to by john anderson andersen who went aside to converse newel knight was unanimously chosen george M hinkle was nominated and objected to to by elder james emmet because he was waa too noisy by king follet because of his military office and by james durfee D arfee because he was a merchant elder hinkle made a few remarks the vote was called and was unanimous levi jackman and elisha 11 tl groves were unanimously choson john anderson then took the stand and made his objections to lyman wight after which elder wight also spoke the vote was called and he was unanimously chosen the twelve e were then called namely y thomas B marsh david W patten brigham youn young A heber 0 kimball orson hyde william E Mc lc Lellin parley P pratt william smith luke lake Joh johnann naon orson pratt john F boynton and lyman E johnson and were unanimously chosen bishop E partridge was nominated to still act aa as bishop and was unanimously chosen who then nominated isaac morley and nd titus I 1 bigings for his counselors who were unanimously I 1 u chosen elder isaac morley was then unanimously ul nani appointed patriarch Patri aTch of this branch ranch lo of the church elder john corrill was chosen to be keeper of the lords store house elder isaac morley was then ardai ordained U ed to the office of patriarch under the hands of presidents dents joseph smith junior sidney rigdon bigdon and hyrum smith the congregation gre gro gation after a few remarks from sidney rigdon unanimously asly voted not to support stores and shops selling spirituous liquors tea coffee or tobacco A vote was called on the subject of the lh presidents of the seventies and those who have recently been appointed to that office were unanimously received the congregation then united with president sidney rigdon who the closing prayer called upon their lord to dedicate dedicator this land f tor or the gathering of the saints and their inheritances bthomas THOMAS B MARSU MARSH moderator attest OLIVER COWDERY clerk far west missouri november 1837 at a general Ale meeting alerting eting of the ordained members of the church in i Us this place elder thomas B marsh opened the meeting by prayer and president S rigdon read the memorial of the bishop of kirtland and his counselors of september 1837 to the churches churchea abroad me lie then laid before the meeting the s subject uba act of laying off cities of consecrating for public purposes for remunerating those who laethem lay them off ac when it was unanimously voted that all city plats hereafter laid off after remunerating tho those sefor for their labors who may be engaged in appointing and laying off the same shall be consecrated sec rated for the public benefit of the church for houses for or such other purposes as the church shall say president rigdon then read the prospectus prospects ecta of the elders J journal which was unanimously received it was then unanimously voted that the persons present use their exertions to support said paper it was then voted that the town of P far ar west be enlarged so that in contain four sections that is two miles square voted that bishop partridge and his counselors be appointed a committee to appraise the land adjacent to the plat and see that tha t it i ia enlarged according to the above vote provided the present holders of those lands will take such a price for the same agthe above appraisers shall think worth and that the same be then disposed of as is voted above A call made for those whose circumstances were such as to permit to go out to preach to prea ent themselves there were twenty three who arose sylvester H earl henery jackman Jacki aaa trison hattison Ha sagers and john W dark clark were ordained emers elders and william J levans was ordained a priest president rigdon then closed the meeting by prayer T B MARSH Mo moderator devator attest OLIVER OLIVE R C 0 W DERY clerk abo about at this time I 1 left far west on my return to kirtland kirtland november the sigh 1 gh council met in the lords ho house use john smith presiding reuben bedlock preferred the following charge against zenos H brewster Brow ster jane brewster collin bi brewster brewster rew ster D 11 dustin and wife mores B R norris and wife eliza norris samuel bar net te gemima mima kutler butler butler and rox bos anna for giving gi vill heed to revelations said to be translated fron from the book of moroni by collins brektser and for entering into a written covenant different from the articles and covenants of the church of latter day saints and following a vain and delusive spirit two were appointed to speak on each side the writings and revelations kept and received by the accused were presented and read by the clerk of the council the accused plead not guilty brother fol F qa shaw was called forward by the plaintiff who stated that he bd bad visited the accused and labored with them according to the law of the church that the accused justified themselves seeing the church had not lived according to the former revelations and they considered the high council and others were ih transgression and that most of the accused appeared to be determined ter mined to pursue their own way whether right 0 or wrong 1 I brother allen alien spda sai d the ac accused used appeared t to 0 manifest a hard spirit against the presidents of th the churda and the high council brother dunn concurred brother sawyer stated that he heard brother norris say that those abos e in authority were against him and if he could not establish an order of things I 1 here to his I 1 mind he would go out oat among the gentiles and do it brother bro ther knighty 0 confirmed the foregoing g 0 i testimony the lue accused called brother freeman who stated state d that he had attended a |