Show CATTLE WANTED HUNDRED oxen or cows wanted for FIVE I 1 which the highest price will be paid either in cash or merchandise by the a subscriber I 1 0 11 COGSWELL 1 i 1 I 1 af SADDLE HARNESS AND SADDLE alte manufactory 1 ahe V HE subscribers beg leave vo to inform the citi citizens ens X of Great Salt lake city and ane surrounding country that they have commenced the above business sill ess in all i Us is various branc branches three doors north of 0 0 if Cog swells store where r th they ey will keep con constantly scantly on hand sill all kinds of work in their line persons wish wishing fing to pur purchase chate any of the above articles will do w wll II to give us a call for our motto is SMALL PROFITS AND READY HEADY PAY BECK GODDARD N B also hides wanted in exchange for work 1 tf FARRIERY ENRY POWELL respectfully announces to H HENRY the citizens generally that he is prepared to operate in the line of his profession as FARRIER having had 40 years experience in the above business he can confidently ensure satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage all the diseases of HORSES and CATTLE CAMU sors sor 3 bruises sprains distempers dis tempers ac attended to with promptness and care charges moderate residence at A B Lamb sons ward nov 97 1 gin NOTICE i JUMPED into my enclosure one red yearling heifer crop off each ear I 1 want the owner to call all and pay charges prove property and take her L away y L L D YOUNG LOST in the eity city a pocket book with 25 in gold and about 25 cents in silver please leave it at the post office and receive a reward I 1 jana na 4 at ward NOTICE aaboe A LL persons holding bolding due bills drawn by us pay JL able in merchandise are requested to 10 present the same immediately for payment and all persons knowing themselves indebted to us are requested to call and settle HOLLADAY and WARNER at NOTICE HAVE in my possession a red cow with white I 1 face and belly branded T W C on the right horn 6 or 7 years old a calf ten months old the right horn lops also a black cow white belly and horns white in the face branded P on tile the right hip and D on the left hip five years old the owners will do well to call prove property pay gec harges charges and take them away GEO ALLEN fourth ward FOUND N THE big field a rifle the owner can chave I 1 i have it by proving property MATTHEW MANSFIELD 3 at ward i PROVISION MARKET RHE HE undersigned undersigner under signed wallace palmer have en JL into the butchering and provision busi ness on the corner of said wallaces lot ward facing the public square where they intend to keep constantly unhand on hand and for sale everything in the above line and will pay cash for fat cattle hogs sheep butter eggs cheese ac ac the utmost pains will be taken to accommodate those hose who may favor us with a call GEORGE B WALLACE wallace deell FREDERICK PALMER book HERE and read 10 reward Es j jmj strayed brayed or stolen about august 1852 from the bottom west of bucklands Buck lands north kanyon ward davis county one yoke of four year old cattle on one e a deep red with a little white on the back andin and in the face horns turn up a little the other a bright bri brindle ridle short bu 1 id l d short head straight horns rather stubbed little white in the flanks were both branded J S on the left thigh probably grown out by this time any one giving information of the above cattle shall have the above named reward and will con confer fer a favor upon the owner JOHN STOKER STOKE R north kanyon ward deell alf davis coun county ty LOST AND STRAYED YOKE of black cattle 5 or 6 years old branded aed A with a mule shoe on the nigh hip whoever will bring the same to wm win henry adams pleasant grove utah valley or the subscriber will be rewarded JOS CAIN post office FOR SALE FEW of vol 2 deseret news for which abbod A wood wheat butter AC will be taken in exchange deell WILLIAM NIXON r respectfully inform the citizens of W WOULD this valley that lie he is prepared to do to order all kinds of small fancy turning turn ng in brass horn bone or hard wood at reasonable charges umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired also h he ehas has on hand a splendid assortment of gold jewelry consisting of finger rings ear rings gents bosom pi pins ns shirt studs ac together with ith a small stock of small wares ware hosiery laces euwings edgings edg ings dress trimmings ac all of which he will sell cheap for cash wheat or flour shop at jacob houtos house on the southeast south east corner of council house and emigration street opposite t to 0 mr orson spencers 1 2 at THE 0 OF F THE ath quorum ot of seventies are hereby notified that a meeting of the quorum will be held every sabbath evening at early candle lighting during the winter in governor youn youngs I 1 s school room situa situated teda a short distance past east of t the he tithing office fora for a more full fall and complete or organization ga iza tion and for instruction in doctrine and principle the members of the quorum living in the valley are specially requested to report themselves at as early a day as possible that their faith and intentions tent ions may be known those yet residing in the states will find it to their interest to report lepor t themselves by letter that their standing may anty be known and they not be deemed as dried and withered branches come then brethren and let fet us commune together that our souls maybe may be refreshed and we be better qualified for future usefulness let all communications be addressed to john pack great get salt lake city utah JOHN PACK sen prest ROBT DICKSON clerk W N B our brethren of other quorums Qu are respectfully feHy fully invited to meet with us whenever convenient veni ent jana iana A FEW MORE LEFT E have still on hand a fine lot of fur silk W WE plush cloth and glazed caps which we will sell cheap also a quantity of rou rough h and ready wool hats also a variety of other goods which 1 ch must be sold without reserve call ani and see at 4 our ur store esth ward JOHN NEEDHAM OST a VICTORENE between 0 F mead L I 1 and aroet hale leave it at the post office anil and j oblige WILLIAM JACKSON t tf NOTICE STRAY cows strayed from little cot lk conwood ton wood ia the latter part of august last one a dark ted red about 8 years old the other a pale red about ayears 5 years old ear mark a crop offlie offne left each one on e has a white spot resembling a heart in the forehead and branded on each horn bom with the letter J about 1 14 1 4 inches long horns of common size size and shape whoever may give information concerning said cows or either of them will be liberally rewarded by the subscriber J M STEWART jans 4 at big cottonwood kanyon HOME manufacture THE ta HE subscriber has opened an establishment 2 12 1 2 blocks south of the council house near String hams butcher shop for the manufacture of carpenters and shoemakers tools from his bis long practical acquaintance with the tha business in sheffield fie A eng and arild this country he hd feels confident that all all orders entrusted to him shall bado bedone n e in a workmanlike manner JAMES N B knives seis scissors sors and razors groi ground saws shai sharpened bened carpenters tools repaired ac 0 old id files and steel bought ot exchanged e for cutlery ac jana 4 W I 1 1 I HAIR HAIR 1 r BUSHELS HAIR danied wanted immediately at the public works tile the brethren who are killing their hogs will confer a favor by saving all the hair and bristles and bring the same to the public works for which th they ey will be allowed a fair price on their tithing feba D if WELLS supt bupt P W HERIP HEMP HEMP r dihe p fl E subscriber offers four dollars per bushel for JL J good hemp seed and ald twenty cents per ib for good clean or flax in store pay at 0 H Cog swells or by the subscriber in in the lath ward bring all you can whether in in large or very small quantities nova ORRIN P D FARLIN HERDING ahe HE subscriber wishes to give notice to athe JL the citizens generally that lie hf is is prepared to keep a heri herd of cattle on the west side of utah lake and on the finest range rane in in tf tl country he will be responsible for all cattle placed in in his charge should they h be lost or stolen terms 2 cents per head per dae da auak PHILANDER BELL HOUSE SIGN PAINTER T THE HE 4 undersigned undersigner under signed respectfully informs the citi zens of great salt lake city that he has commenced in in the above line of business bi b siness and is is now ready to take work and finish it in in the best eng lish style on the most reasonable terms shop next door to J E reeses keeses store lumber produce ac taken in in pay WILLIAM K BARTON TAILORING HE subscriber wishes to inform the citizens of THE TG G S L city and vicinity that he has re commenced business in in the above line and is is now prepared to fill all orders committed to his charge at moderate prices cutting done at the shortest notice and warranted to fit if made up correctly shop in in the ward on first north temple street THOMAS COLLISTER WM JACKSON TAILOR W WISHES to inform the public that his he is prepared to enter fully into the above business and will execute all orders put in in ins his charge with neatness and despatch N B gloves made to order also cutting done on the shortest notice work done for public hands lor for church orders workshop at the house of 0 F mead in in the ward having a boot and shoe sign on the roof no nov 27 1 tf HERDING ahe HE subscribe is wish to give notice to rr J the citizens generally that they are prepared to keep a herd for cattle on the south side of the the salt lake boele valley ani and on the finest range in the country we will be responsible for all cattle if branded placed in our charge should they be lost or stolen TERMS li cents per head bead per day dav ELIZA WILSON JOSEPH WOODWARD JOHN BARNES oct 1852 if california GOLD would inform the citizens of utah that we WE have effected an arrangement with the banking in r house of page bacon co by which they are authorized to draw on us from either san san francisco frani I 1 or sacramento cities persons having friends in california from whom they expect money will do well to inform them of the lie fact as they wll find this a safe and speedy way to make remittances age livingston KINKEAD STRAYED t F ROM cottonwood range one yoke of oxen L the nigh ox a dark red with white line across the side terminates to a point near the back behind the shoulder some white about the flanks and lips hips small white spot in the face branded s slightly i glibly on the nigh shoulder with the letter J the other a red ox white face red spot on the left jaw black speck on the upper lip long horns standing nearly straight up some white about tile flanks and hip and ana branded like the other one has ear narks not recollected the other has none any information respecting said oxen given to J C wright south cottonwood ward will be thank full fully y received octa MRS JOHN BROWN OLD SOLDIERS WAR W AR 1812 and 1813 and 1814 you are entitled to land or money call and I 1 will assist you to get it pension is due all who have in the least been disabled inthe service or by the service of the united states aylo istl S M BLAIR SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP EP THE subscriber wishes to take a herd of one X thousand sheep on the shares or such other conditions as may be agreed on having had fifteen years experience in england in ill herding sheep and considering tooele thoele county the best place for that kind of stock he has seen in america he flatters himself of giving general satisfaction to all concerned for further particulars apply to WM A PICKET triple city ty A aug ug 13 1852 21 tf BEAUTY AND ECONOMY Wf WILLIAMS LLIAMS L 0 T 0 J tailor and IPU renovator respectfully informs the citizens of great salt lake city and vicinity that he is ppe prepared pared to clean clothing monday and thursdays are the days for cleaning ay W public hands can have their clothes cleaned for church orders order cutting and making done on the shortest notice S SHOP HOP up stairs over the office TAKE NOTICE from the subscriber on or about the S 0 of october three cows andro heifers heffers hei fers the oldest cow was red and a white spot in her fco forehead white on the flanks and expected to come in about tile the or of nov the next oldest was a giedd cow of the game same size and larger horns borns and the other a three year vear old cow dark speckled sides black nose and teats and very short little crooked horns hoins the heffers heifers are two years old one black with white on the flank and black specks in it and a white spot in the forehead the other is a red line back with a star in the forehead and larger horns than its mate any person giving information at the post office or to the subscriber on little cottonwood where the above cal calale tle can be found shall be liberally rewarded I 1 R W STRONG DAFT HAGUE T LOCK OCK GUNSMITHS and manufacturers of cutlery wish to inform the citizens of salt lake and surrounding country that ibey haye have opened their establishment one block aai and a half soi so south i th of the tithing office and hope through their attention to merit a share of public patronage grinding and repairing executed with despatch ac nov 27 1 am TAKEN UP I 1 IN N pleasant grove utah county utah territory one middling size dark red ox 6 or 7 years old some white on his belly and on the bush of his tail fail with half crop out of each ear and branded F don D on the left hip the owner is is requested to call and prove property pay charges and take him away I 1 nov 27 1 tf GEORGE S CLARK THE LAST CALL abote A LL persons indebted to thomas S williams by jal note or otherwise are requested to settle the same without delay and save expense P C MERRILL JOSEPH CAIN post office nov 27 1 tf LOST THREE YEAR OLD BLACK HEIFER acwith A with a white mark at the root of her tail branded with a mule shoe whoever will bring the same to J cain 7 at the post office or to the subscriber wll will be rewarded JOHN SHERRETT 8 ward I 1 1 7 I 1 exchange on st louis HAVING entered into arrangements with the well known bankers page and bacon of st 81 louis mo we are now prepared to sell sights or time bills of exchange on them in in sums to suit pur purchasers chasers we are also pi prepared spared to pay on presentation en the drafts of page bacon and co bankers of san sail francisco and sacramento baci amento we will hii also purchase cei certificates of deposits of money or bills of exchange on oil the eastern cities or tany any parts part of europe livingston KINKEAD sepa 22 tf I 1 DR D richardson PHYSICIAN P and surgeon would respectfully inform the citizens of this place and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand his celebrated physical vegetable bitters and pills adapted cure cfall of all diseases which arise arise from an impure state odthe of the blood and stomach which imparts lasting strength and vigor to the whole system see handbills hand bills for their utility medical advice given free of charge A also also I 1 have on hand tr trusses asses spinal abdominal and uterine supporters Su p porters AGENTS i J Js 8 lewis parowan carowan city isaac mor ley manti ma city lorin lonn farr ogden city isaac higbee provo city N E corner of W temple and ad south ats ward auga S HOTCHKISS M D E residence west side of ward D Dopp opposite osite sheriff fergusons Fergus ons novle HOLLIDAY WARNER w WILL ILL receive receive and open for sale by wednesday 25 mst their stock of goods for the season reason which consists of a general assortment of staple and domestic goods BOOTS and SHOES PAINTS and OILS GLASS HARDWARE and CUT LERY NAILS ac which added to their present large stock will render their assortment complete thankful for past patronage they solicit a contina ance odthe of the same HOLLADAY WARNER augel 1852 TAKING A HERD HE subscriber will take cattle to herd on reasonable THE Tso terms also cows on shares JACOB HAMBLING tooele |