Show I 1 I 1 destruction OF SELKIRK BY FLOOD A leti ter received at st P minnesota announces ces the utter ruin of the selkirk settlement on i 1 the red river of the north by a freshet fre fresA shet et the flood began on the 2nd and of may and continued to the the colony for twenty two miles in lengl length and from four to six miles in width I 1 tas been inundated and crops barns cattle hor ses dwelling ho houses uses every everything the fruits of i i twenty six years of industry lias has been swept away involving a loss of nearly or quite a million ron of dollars this interesting intelligent inteli intel geat igent i and d exemplary colony was founded by earl selkirk some forty years agoy ago and was composed ased chiefly of scotch the earl expended barge large money on it and it at length 0 be 1 came a thriving settlement 1 |