Show I 1 I 1 LOCAL GORRE 1 I 1 SAN PETE I 1 MASTI CITY dec 31 1852 EDITOR NEWS we have no communication commini cation with any other settlement owing to the great depth of tiie the snow on the divide below this and nephi which is from 4 to 6 fee deep so it is reported by dodge frink evetett Averet fc and lewis who arrived here on the dinst having been out six days from nephi the snow here is only about 12 inches deep and is now going off very rapi rapidly so rapidly that I 1 think alie there re will billbe be an ex express press sent out to nephi nest week we are doing well welb I 1 in ha manti all is peace land and plenty 60 ao sickness si oness and death has not visited our ur camp since sinca june we have plenty of fire wood teburn to burn anda and a plenty to jeanc the products 1 of sanpete san pete valley we have not had amail a mail in a mon month thor or more but we hope for better things in the spring aprin 9 1 we are troubled but little with the bed men I 1 yours A L SILER F from born the same source runder under date of ja jaa jaah A 2nd and we have a 4 long report deport of a sleigh ride I 1 orta aricy 1 dance I 1 fe feast t speeches songs ggs 1 and 1 music I 1 ty by 1 h he I 1 I 1 1 S severities in san pete which came off on no new w I 1 yeat years s attended with eva evary ayery I 1 of pleasure usual to ain saints i a on it occasions A but bli t well we have ave not room for the re report t ort entire I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 R ON I 1 I 1 f r Paro carowan parowan Pa rowan jan ard 3rd 1853 I 1 I 1 ron hon G A smith sir in iron county the weather has been extremely cold for thelast the last three or four we weeks until within three or four days it has hag beyn been so I 1 I 1 cold and froze so hard that it took wo or three it hands ands one halt half of each day to out cut the ice away from the wheels and andea coun et the to rup running ning and some days we could nut oven even do that for it was so cold that it would freeze ice to the wheels so that they would not run the wea I 1 ther is now fine as mummer summer and the mills are doing a good gabd business the grist mill grinds brinds ten or twelve bushels per hour ilour but bu does doea not have one half enough grain to keep her run 1 ning during the night we run the saw mill in the da day time brother lee informs me that the I 1 snow now 8 has hy as been two feet deep at harmony for several days at a time brother steele and othi I 1 ers started spiked to go to the thebie rio virgen for iron and had bad to turn back when they got within about I 1 1 twenty miles of the santa clara for the snow which brother steele says was three feet deep I 1 I 1 but we have not had near as much snow here I 1 PP peace U 0 41 and ad prosperity attend the saints here day I 1 by day and I 1 have never seen the saints in iron i 1 I 1 county as well wel 1 united as at t the present time 1 1 father morse is yet alive although ver very y I 1 low 0 w IVri write teto to me concerning your tour business here yours with respect J 0 L SMITH |