Show I 1 I 1 TO TRE THE SAINTS if yo ye are one then 60 are ye mine said the savior to the saints in former days and were he personally present would say ay the same in this day and what bettor better test could he give at tile ti time ine he spoke these words them the world was divid divined led in a multitude of nations kingdoms states and piro provinces vinces different forms of gover government amaat i interspersed u te rs persed with pharisees Pharis ees sadducees Sadducee i and a great multitude of sees co constituting nall all the varieties of religious so called then known and scarce any two agreeing among themselves concerning politics or religion ion philosophy or law only so far as self interest brought them together to oppose tho the truth and how mu much ell have the inhabitants inhabit ans of the earth in improved proved I 1 in sin since cc the days davs of jestis jesusa 1 take le ak the natives of this continent for an example after jesus had declared to his bis followers at jerusalem other sheep I 1 have which are not of this fold th they ey must hear my voice ho he visited those referrer refer reu to on this continent the descendants of nephi and sot act in order liis his cli church will wil apostles and prophets ac for lie he never had a church on the earth without those offices therein and men to fill them and by this any church may know they are not the chu chuch i ell of che christ t i if they have not these officers and also told them co concerning nee rnino their brethren at jerusalem 0 0 at that period we have no account that there were i but faw parties par lies and 1 divisions among the people the inhabitants of th the e laud land generally spoke one bangui langui language age were the descendants of nephi and belonga belon gd to the church of christ or did not belong to it they were believers of the truth or un believers but as the church increased an and d gi gifts ats and blessings were multiplied unto it the enmity and hatred hared of the un believers were made manifest more and more as it always is in such like cases and tile the un believers were divided among themselves more and more inventing new systems of divinity new modes of worship some na new w rello religion ion that should please the fancy tickle the ear mako converts and divide the people in f fui a i h b and practice thereby proving that they not the I 1 church of christ while tle tho church continued one the lord blessed them exceedingly in ev every 0 ry ta ii a g t that a at w was as good ex bollent and desirable and they were lifted up in t the h e pride of their hearts on account of their exceeding gre great at riches and many apostatized and sought out oat new low r schemes chemes of aggrandizement new sentiments doctrines doctrine principles and habits bablo which added to those who had continued un believers made a multitude of I 1 parties and in no one thing could they universally agree only to pers persecute the saints and the lord made use efthem of them for this purpose even to chanise cha sise his pe people ople who had become proud and rebellious until the church became efti extinct lica from the face of the land in these persecutions and wars and mobs against the church all the inhabitants of the land were agreed and gathered themselves together at one place even cummorah Cum morth and there fought until they conquered and when the church was extinct and the priesthood removed they had nothing lift left to bind them to together gather as opposition to tha truth had done and they separated by tribes and clans and fa milias and scattered abroad over the whole face of bf tho the continent their language was broken up and lost and tile diff different eremi L clans and tribes sach began to speak a diff different crent dialect or language though only a river or mountain dis idad them until hundreds of different dialects werd wera spoken by 1 a people who once spoke but one lang language ge and 4 their faith and practices and modes of worship became almost as divers diversified ifield as as their language and their quarrels with each other were arc frequent quent and bloody and for their apostasy apo stacy and wick wickedness edue ss md od cursed the them in with darkness of skin and thoy they become a dark loathsome and filthy people as we see them at this day had they continued in the religion of their fathers in the gospel of christ they would have been bean one they would have remained a white and delightsome people have continued to talk one language they would I 1 jp hav ae been christs and no man would now nov have need to say to them know I 1 ye the lord for they aou all know him I 1 I 1 cfall if ail th these ese divisions changes scatterings smatterings scatter ings and multi plying of languages took place on this ibis C continent onti nent all springing from one nation one language in less than 1800 years what might we not noi expect on on the other continent and on the islands of the sea where were I 1 then hundreds I 1 of languages delit relit religions i ons rites ceremonies and forms of worship already existing as the foundation of greater disunion and disagreement but even then in the days d ays odthe apostles apostle and sand their followers at jerusalem all nations aud languages were agreed in iii this oni thine only the same asoli as oli on this continent to persecute und martyr the saints 1 there is this difference between the martyrs of jesus and those who martyred marty red them the martyrs maroone wa were roone one in EM eal things i consee consequently bently were berc the lords I 1 while those who in artye d them were one only so f far ar as the destruction of the saints were concerned in ether other things they arc as various I 1 as I 1 they were I 1 ilian numberless berless arid alid when the last saint was aled when the ell church was extinct wb when on the manchur was i taken up into 6 heaven there renia remained ined no ow otle on the ear earth ai to bind the people together coli consequently every in man an went hi his own 40 road followed his own inclinations gratified his own on lusts iuga anda appetites i sought out his own aggrandizement and I 1 I 1 tried tiled to make a heaven for himself the best beat way b he poll could I 1 d I 1 false false prophets and false teachers sought to to build build 1 aija 1 0 kingdoms kinga unto themselves and bany succeeded largely and many vere dee dec tiMed W by them but whether tat I 1 deception I 1 will I 1 eventually prove 1 a loss i oj or gain ainis is ye IJ 1 V j told fo for where i the 1 true J light i liev was a s not men I 1 it could it ot follow and ohp the 11 next ext 1 biot thing I 1 aou I 1 d I 1 be the best whether it camerom came jom aup cwi own imagination or resource or fro fraai M a false prophet or teacher for even false prophets so called in general may have many man y odd ad ideas and views and principles and so far 49 i i men follow ollow taa these ese good things having I 1 bothi nothing ng ba better ater it may do bothern thern good I 1 I 1 if be being edg 0 one tie was w as a mark by which the SAINTS might be known in the days of the savior baw much more I 1 I 1 emphatic the signification at the present day see seeing that the nations governments tongues tongue sects and parties that then ested have since become divided subdivided di i V aided and multiplied to that extent that an age would be too short to read their history and all disagreeing the one with the ot other herin in all allf things bings in church and in state from one side of the earth to the other on the continent alid and on the wands islands on the land and water it mat matt ereth not not even two individuals u upon pon the face of tile the whole earth have we ever found w who ho were agreed in their political or religious belief out ot of the church of christ and the only one ona great prominent agreement in the and sects exists as in days of old bo one to persecute the saints and banish truth from the earth if ye are one then are yo ye mine is just as true now as when first spoken and the world knows it and u understands der stands it and fees it the ungodly feel and fear the union they have seen in inthe t he church of C christ and i it t i is s this thing which caused causes dread and terror in all nations where they are known to see a people gathered from a multitude of nations indiscriminately gathered only in accordance with tho the pleasure of the people gathering the proclamation of salvation being unto all alike alika and all ac cep tanea or rejection a free will offering and those who gather being one in faith fellowship feeling and acts is an anomaly on the earth I 1 what is the xe reverse verse by contra comparison suppose proclamation be made wall to all gold in california and australia free to tile the inhabitants of the earth for going after and digg digging Dg millio millions ws run millions dig are they one onea one only in discord strife and confusion ione one in quarreling relin g contention and murder one bue to get 1 what they can calf and keep what they get if they can butare but are they ones one to love their neighbor as themselves Is there any thing in their acts to show that they are followers of jesus that they belong to his fold that they are laboring to build up his kingdom Is there th that oneness and union among them in california and australia that it attracts the attention and excites I 1 the fears of the world if there is not there is not enough for jesus to say to them ye aie mine but let us take this subject neuer nearer home and look at it among ourselves independent of what the world may think of us we have traced the subject abroad far enough to discover the wine wide difference ference If there is between any body of people being one and being divided so that we can discover a good reason for jesus establishing a rule by which his followers might be known from tho the world saints are one the world many and without number how is it then with the saints who have gathered from the various nations speaking diff different rent languages po possessed assessed of different habits filled with their native pre prejudices prejudice judic es imbibed in child childhood hod I 1 and riper liper years not w wholly holly divested of native pride if they had any and lies a pretty good man who never knew pride with all au the other various variety of commodities of customs lia habits bits ignorance superstitions credulity ar w which we will not stop to men mention flon how is it with all these when they arrive in the valleys of ephraim Ephr aini are I 1 thoy they all banished so that the savior can look upon ii the saints as the world looks upon them and say ye are mine because ye are ara one in all things jesus 8 as looks more clearly upon tile the actions of men than the world can he scrutinizes rivoire more el closely and what might appear to the world one may appear to the searcher of hearts many A company of men come together in utah gathered per perhaps hips from the extremes of northern and sout southern fiern europe the islands of the sea breadth of north and aW south america and those of like professions assemble in tile the same shop chop in the iron foundry ti the 1 c cabinet or joiners shop iha woollen I 1 or cotton factory ae ac all a ll 11 professed pi masters asters of their business do doss s it ever occur to you that you are a swede or a german or a dane or an englishman or a a scotchman ma n or au all irishman a canadian or yankee that your nation understands their business most perfectly and that you dont like a man of another nation to be foreman over you did suich such thoughts ever epter into your head or 01 still farther did you ever permit such sich thoughts to move inove your feelings or change 11 your actions if I 1 you have so f far ar you have fallen short of the saviors Savi rule you are not one with your bretl brethren iren so far you have hare not proved youself you self christ for of one blood are arc a all 11 the nations that dwell upon the earth and he esthe is the best man who behaves himself the ast best and if you follow the instructions of oe your foreman foi eman or bip employ er and prove yourself one ohe with your bretha brethren en then are you clear and approved even aen although the greatest g good po sible may not have been bro brought hj 1 to pas as by your labors if you QU have talents ard and intelligence which opportunity does not present or 01 you are not called to exercise cherish thoe talents and keep bri bright alit for the ti time in e will com coin when they will be called for but stride not unwisely to lo fo farce r cc yourself you iselE into busia business thereby expecting to raise your name nam ie and fame al and 1 d let not th the blacksmith undertake to build awa a water wheel when a good wheel right is standing idly by waiting for a job 1 if f you vou lo do you may e expect to poll tile W wheel beel and loose more credit than you hoped ta gain ain every man to his trade I 1 I 1 how would it sound to saints to hear a man boasting I 1 am ain a norwegian anti anil I 1 can talk that language better than you I 1 am a dane and it dan danish ish letter better than you or 1 I am an ii isaman and I 1 can talk irish better than you yeu what sense would there be to such nonsense I 1 se about as s much in in out our ear 4 as there would be tor for one lo io rise up in a company of mechanics acs ics and say I 1 an am a an and I 1 understand the foundry better than you I 1 aman am an englishman 11 and I 1 understand spinning cotton better bett than you erlam or I 1 am a yankee and I 1 can invent something you can cant t ot 0 f such vain boasting enough I 1 what have any of you got goi that you did not receive have you any thing more valuable aole atle I 1 iban ban ahe he gospel anything that rost cost more than the blood of the cross 1 und and the labors of the priesthood priest bood to carty carry you salvation if you have not be free to communicate to your brethren irel hren all you know that wu will be of any use to them and help them to do good and thereby show that you love your neighbor as yon do yourself and this is the grea greatest tet kind of true boasting a saint can indulge in in to boast of his godi god and his i elilion eli gion which lead him to do as he would be done unto we have referred to these things to put the saints ull db their glaid and py any root loot of bitterness from pom springing up among them gathered gathea ed from the bur winds no only in in the shops but bui in in neighborhoods where those of different languages re e located it would be strange indeed if among the diffor litell s and difficulties stio uld not arise arise if all are not 0 on n their guard but by watchfulness ess and cate caie all these difficult ties fm may be avoided S and I 1 in process of time not yet will resto restore a pure lancil language and then who will have reason to td e be can talk au an ini impure pare language better belter than I 1 to more fully illuk rale this onen essof the saints by which to borove rove themselves themi eWes such we div oaie inore example ample ek it lias has been reported ill at on off the work left and s setup et mp shop because cause lie thought man I 1 w who h 0 was placed over aei him I 1 as ferb f foreman erb lail did not understand the business so well ils as na himself hims dil did and that eiria effer since since the bio who left has been loosing lodging instead of gaining inthis it this report be true the gr crottier by bs leaving showed his bis pride rather than his hii lohness oneness with his bV brethren ethren the savior did not say althis as this act would go 6 prove if it pros any jy th arone thou art shine M but it if ye who to he be saints are mie oiw thep then are ye mine i s I 1 such Stich pride is not becoming g in an any sa saint irit and he who harbor it will not pro prosper iPer jui hut he who would become |