Show 00 90 9 0 r I 1 I 1 1 1 a goil LIVERPOOL boetter arm elder S W IP 6 editor sept 30 EXTRACTS elder armstrong and marietta Alar getts arrived sept SO 30 in m good health elders richards Richard sj gates spencer young wheelock Who elock and clawson will no BO doubt leave in january or february and if elberg alderd sufficient artive arrive from the valley so as to justify elders haight harmon and campbell would like to accompany them many presidents president of conferences will be leaving the ensuing winter I 1 do dont aalt know of one that would stay if they were re released leaked to go so great are their desires to go home to zion the church at present in the british isles is is in a very healthy condition igind I 1 find a good 0 d f feeling eel wherever I 1 go among them the h deadly d ge d y influence in fil lince that went through the country last winter with the judges report put an end to many of the gasping ones who kicked and groaned for the last time and y yielded i mod up t the hp ghost a host this has haa afforded a wo wonderful ne derf ul re relief af lef to 0 the church and they are now breathing free and easy which indicates a healthy condition of the lungs and vital organs the meetings in liverpool were never better attended than now by strangers include including alg priests 8 ts as well as people our large chapel is is I 1 well e filled and hundreds of strangers visit us such is the case in man many ather her parts where I 1 have been in fact I 1 benom senom seldom preach in a hall of a sabbath evening zd that is sufficiently large to accommodate the congregation I 1 have made it an object to visit as many of the conferences as my business would allo allow w the past sea season since ir bro 0 franklin left I 1 have visited some 12 or 15 conferences in different portions of the country going out from the office on saturday and returning generally on monday or tuesday this has multiplied my business and given me employment considerable by night as well as by day writing for the star and attending to home and foreign correspondence pon dence e this course coarse I 1 have deemed wise in order to inform myself more intimately of the condition of the church and at the same time it has been a great satisfaction to the saints to most of whom I 1 was war a str stranger strammer anmer these visits have resulted I 1 in in great good and afforded me an opportunity of giving such immediate counsel as seemed requisite by the wants of the churches and it has been a source seli of great reat pleasure ole asure and spiritual strength 0 to myself 1 I 1 my time will now be almost altogether devoted I 1 to the office preparing for the ernia emigration ration of the saints making myself acquainted acquaints acqua inte a with the new ACT which has been passed by parliament I 1 in relation to shipping ac which requires I 1 eui r es quite a chants change in that department of I 1 business 1 iness and I 1 anticipate will be attended with more expense with this I 1 will mail the liverpool journal to thomas bullock containing I 1 the leading features of the new ACT of arli parliament upon that sub subject hect which will no doubt come under your notice not received A general anxiety prevails among those who have have the means barely enough to go out next winter and many who have m oney money to spare are also the danish mission is flourishing wonderfully T persecution and is waxing hot in addition to the news relating to ahat that mission contained in no 32 of the present vol of the STAR I 1 have been informed that elder johnson while under arrest at stockholm Stock hohn dent demanded a t trial rial but was the police that his papers from cepla were enough to send him on ile he was ther therefore afore transported in chains part of the way between two thieves overland averia nd a distance of baj about t six hundred miles to malina falina N here hefe he was thrust into an old prison hungry and weak havin haying 9 suffered exposures and insult and lived on about two cents worth of course bread a day for about a month after remaining there for a length of 0 time a lutheran priest called upon him and during the inte interview arview his bis irebe came so aroused that ire ife decreed bro johnson should not remain in the country the police therefore brought him over and delivered him police alloe in in copenhagen on OB the ath of sept elder alanson johnson anson is a native born subject I 1 of swed en enand and has neither been tried nor condemned by any judicial courto just about this time eljer elder snow received intelli intelligence gance from norway that elders and Fulk fulkman nian had been arrested and were vere in in prison at boavy this appe appeared ared to be at the instigation instigation of a priest who had become enraged at the success which attended their labors and the influence they were getting over the people the brethren however who went beia over with prest larson arrived there on the arid they were liberated A council was wd by them the same day and they dispersed abroad preaching the word the ex cit ement gave tm them more influence than the they 7 had before thus the work is continuing to take deep root M in those these countries truly it is a pleasing thing to contemplate the great work of god as he 1 is 8 causing it to roll forth among the nations and while zions prospects are thus daily aright brightening en none need s say that her glory shall not soon cover the earth for r truly the arm of the lord is her support elder in germany maintains his po siti sitio nyk at M Ham hamburgh bargh notwithstanding the senate tried so long to get him away he has been before them several times once with the american consul who told them in in the presence of F elder az cairn that he had as aa much right to stay ih fe Ham hamburgh bargh as he had himself and that they could not force him away legally and with that tha t they left the senate they iio wever soon cited elder caiti to api pear before them again and asked him if he had cometo come to any conclusion upon the subject when he promptly replied that certainly he had by al all I 1 means he had concluded to stay and he did not want any more of their talk about it either if they wanted him to leave they must show it ip black iliad and white with reasons for it so that he could lay it before his government that the american n government did not recognize him as a missionary nafy there tere but he held a high office under berthe the Amei american ican government he knew what his rights were and he meant to have them or know the reasons wily suffice it to say he expects pacts to sta stay there as long as he chooses although they may silence lis is preaching aching as he is ia aware aw are there are priests at the bottom of it he is pow now both preaching and baptizing with good prospects iti p acts danghas Daniel has not fought so many mor morn 1 battles to be seared scared at a dutch senate I 1 though q urged on by esti I 1 the french mission needs needa help very much ih ave at a distance cf endeavoured to stay the c thunder and the lightning so that no great n oise ehouse be heard or sights seen liro bro bolton would woud like to see all things 0 go straight if he knew lust just how bow that was wag 1 I 1 think no he will be able to ao maintain his position until he is relieved by someone from the valley talley this thi 3 fall the missions mia generally abroad are in a flourishing state eland land many are being added by letters in the star you yon will learn from time to time how ho matters are moving this side gide of the world together with much correspondence whish you are no doubt from pill all parts of the earth I 1 avill will there therefore foi let this hasty sketch suffice as it is already longer than I 1 antici abbit when I 1 begun I 1 fed though 1 I apt as much jeaa ae ae I 1 uld under but I 1 will try and keep up until you are pl pleaded ed to send a more responsible kerfees per fees n frota the STAV STAR y of j battel impal eller willard sew I 1 I 1 sept 2nd and 1853 brother broter 8 W richards Kic harila As some gonie I 1 things have transpired among us since mince I 1 wroten which I 1 consider worthy of notice I 1 resu memy IV II I 1 ibi I 1 I 1 6 ift in j 1 I 1 pen and offer some so me urther further f reflections relative to the work of the lord in this land and shall continue to do so from time to time as the progress of events open up new scenes before me ine soon after I 1 closed my communication of july we received a letter from elder 0 Christians cn president of tile the aalborg conf conference or atif informing arming us that persecution was wag rife in I 1 that quarter and that some twelve or fifteen of our brethren and sisters had been driven out of i Ser lium and had fled into aalborg for protection I 1 seeking it a place of safety from their per 1 some of them have since taken i refuge in copenhagen among whom are E elder ider Christian sens father and mother it appears that neither ao age c nor sex sek were spared from abuse and vO violence lInce durin during 0 the excitement I 1 elder anderson andersen was forcibly taken and transported to an iela iid where abere lie he baddo had to remain alone day and night for some time till providence seemed to favor his deliverance when the water fell so that lie he was able to make his escape upon receiving this information at the strong solicitation of elder I 1 det determined determine ermide d to visit aalborg and attend their conference jon ference held on the first of august partly for the encouragement coura coara gement of the bre brethren alren and partly tor for the purpose of taking the sea breeze and brea breathing thiam the fresh air in the country for the improve i merove ment of my iny health and did so accordingly in company with brother forss forssgren n ren I 1 the da day before the conference commenced elder 11 II P jensen arrived houie home from norway where he had been la laboring borino fur for the two months previous in in conn exio n with elders and fulkman having c built up two flourishing branches there one 0 of f eighteen members oe the other of e eight ig lit the brethren there have since baptized some fifteen more and organized a third branch in another new place so that there are between forty and fifty latter day saints now in norway and nd new fields opening up in many places the conference continued three days during daring durl darl which time good order prevailed prevail L d mu much ell good instruct instruction i on was given several were called to the priesthood all seemed to feel refreshed and revived the spirit rested down upon the people their persecutions seemed to stir them up in remembrance of their duty before the lord and served to unite them stronger in the bonds of union and fellow fellowship thip in th the e new and everlasting covenant as is usual in s uch such cases after formin forming 0 acquaintance with many of the jutland saints axia and spending over a week among them very agreeably to all especially to myself captain larson a man who had just embraced braced d the work in norway and had purchased a small sailing vessel and brou brought n ht brother jeri jen son sen home took about thirty of hs all saints on board and gave us a free passage back to copenhagen to attend our general conference Oon ference on the of august he also took the elders to fredericia Frede ricia to attend the Conference held there on the of the same month and this morning left here for norway with six brethren who have been sent there to labor this vessel which captain larson calls zions lion constitute sti tute the entire mormon fleet upon these wafers naters at present our general conference at copenhagen was 4 well attended and continued four days during which time good order prevailed much anxiety was manifested much instruction and counsel were given g iven A full representation of all the branches showing show ing 0 a gradual increase by this representation it appears that the church now numbers nine hundred and thiry thirty four members in good standing ninety ordained whilst many have turned away others fallen asleep and some emigrated twenty were cal led to the priesthood priesthood we also reorganized organized re the church or rather extended its organization brother E snow left it organized sed into three conferences viz Copen copenhagen hageli fredericia Frede ricia and aalborg we have organized four more viz viz bornholm Ven gissel and lalland and one in norway called brevick and appointed presidents over them all and sent pent laborers into them all so that there here are now seven conferences in scandinavia without including sweden the spirit of union arid emulation mu lation seemed to be disseminated semina ted amon r the elders who axe are all anxious anxious to labowitz labo with their might the conference closed to the satisfaction of all I 1 must not forget to tell however that elder ole oc Sv svensen ellsen president of the bornholm conference att attended endea vi N ith a black eye which I 1 may as well explain it appears from his representation that about sixty persons have of late been baptized there which has aroused the in of the priests and also excited the spirit of inquiry to some considerable extent A shot choit t ti time ime previous to his coming away he w with brother 0 fulkman was at a farmers house named Wallen in vester marie bornholm at his hips own wish to talk with him when some stran strangers 0 mrs came in and without speaking commenced pulling their hair rending ng their clothes and beati beating ng them with then their hands and sticks or clubs the man of the house demanded peace and civility but in vain they answered that they had leave from the authorities to kill them they however after some considerable exertion succeeded in getting tin out of the room and hiding khem themselves selves the strangers strange then ransacked the he house and finding brother fulkman in the loft dragged him down and commenced beating beati fig in him again aga in upon the ground when he began io to feel faint as if death had come come upon him and cried cr aed with a loud voice to god for protection which seems have struck strack them with awe and I 1 they left him bleeding and half dead upon the ground outside the gate gae praying pray ing to his heavenly father for his enemies enemies the owner of the house sent for a policeman but he refused to come some other brethren and sisters who were present were also abused A complaint was entered to the head poli police lee of the island filand who called up the case in a legal I 1 way when the trial commenced the people of the town gathered to together oether about the courthouse to catch brother bulkman fulkman the court or the police seem to have been frightened and lot let brother fulkman out through the back door but lie he was soon discovered and received fr a blow upon his mouth which filled it with blood they caught hold bold of him again but he pulled away from them and got ot back into the courthouse court house honse the final result was the police let him over a high wall down into another yard 1 where he re gained till midnight when he he wv wag conducted I 1 safely out by a friend ilo iio others knowing g it this woud wonderful erfal trial is an important sample 0 of danish j jurisprudence we are ully fully f y of the 0 pinion that it is better to trust in god than man I 1 we have just i leee ived a letter from apo m brother I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Forss 11 rons father aud elder johnsoa johnon in ia sweden deno the substance of which is that elder johnson had bad commenced baptizing I 1 for whish ho had been arrested mud and transported to stockholm we are have instructed him that inasmuch as he i was brought before governors rulers judges police or oi magistrates ina ric for the hope of the gospel to do as pauldin paul did appeal to casar baar 1 and never leave the |