Show SUMMARY the english miser nield just died having bequeathed thed 1000 to his relatives lela iela tives and to queete victoria and her heirs late census of iowa shows an increase of since ince 1850 the sultans yacht for abbas pasha of egypt building at Glasgow scotland dp is to be the most magnificent vessel ever seen men have been engaged in it for some time lime feet keel 20 beam engine horse power for the nile men are trading and shaping wives in the states by mutual consent of all parties par lies so say the papers eight cases of murder homicide or deadly assa assault nit in new york city by knives pistols or brutal violence 1 1 in one week charles E bacon of Baff buffalo alo has invented a machine for cutting a facsimile fac simile of any desired article in wood salaries of mail route agents have been raised from to 1000 per annum latest attraction female whirligig adlle e angeline whirled round on 0 one ne leg aw an indefinite number of times to please the paris folks what next 21 steam boat accidents and deaths thereby in 14 1852 mr maillefert Muil lefert efert has visited the atlantic in ilia his new diving dress feet below the surface of lake erie 1 without inconvenience and his next descent he ha expects will be crowned with success braig up the boat 7 george F nesbitt of now new york has the contract for supplying post office stamps and envelopes several elii emigrants pt a crossed the plains the past season from missouri river to california wah vi hand carts and wheel barrows cannot saints sainta come thus far ath the same I 1 tannin or tan bark is recommended for the improvement pro nent of strawberry and gooseberry beds I 1 the cincinnati female college conferred the degree of mistress of arts on seven yulu young ng ladles ladies the war debts of the nations of europe amount to duke of wellington died tuesday september I 1 stewart the great gibat new york merchant allows women but on one e cent a piece for making sheets the ex exports p orts of new york average about 1500 and the imports about per week the exports of new orleans for the year 1852 amount to arrests are daily made in havana cuba in consequence of cf revolutionary movements amongst the cre ole oles a and americans any person found with an am american newspaper in his possession is fined and imprisoned louis napoleon is trying to get married if he can got get a princess to have him an attempt has been made to assassinate him he still continues to shackle the iress gress by issuing de cress and suppress every obnoxious paper printed in france earthquake in ramazan turkey by which many have ave lost their lives and much damage done the kallias at the capo cape of good hope still covalin ue their depredations on the british settlements sett lemens the pot atoe rot has done considerable damage axi in Mar maryland viand 11 1 1 the news from mexico medico looks like if another revolution i and probable dismemberment is near at ha hand n d in appearance 1 11 arrangements have been made by the commissioner of indian affairs affers with billy bowlegs for the lemov al of th the e remnant of the seminoles Semi noles now in florida florid a to lh fhe mississippi issIs sippi river emigration to commence bithis spring this is the fulfillment of the treaty made twenty years since and I 1 which caused rida war I 1 the movements in tho the united states for th the revolution of cuba ba are gaining ground and much more formidable than when general lopez was alive A mr mi Bro brown uon k in england proposes to build vessels on a new plan and place machinery of his bis own construe eon construction tion in themi them to enable them to io erces cress the atlantic in iii 48 hours and go to W india 11 and back in a f 1 fortnight I 1 I 1 1 arr arrangements 10 gemenis are being made to extend the telegraph now in operation between london J and paris to alexandria I 1 and carier b by which fi ach means the east indies will be brought 16 W within A 8 days day s communication with england an earthquake in wurtemburg Wurt emburg houses destroyed and 17 lives lost 1 71 falling I 1 kai stars were ere seen I 1 at berne bern and I 1 bru Brus brussells adaso I 1 lately 1 s t I 1 the cholera was as raging throughout the no northern p part art of europe the last accounts at z dantzic aj cases per day 1 in n warsaw arsaw poland I 1 upwards of 20 have died from the ath to ao the of august 1662 jews were buried in that town I 1 I 1 I 1 it is that louis napoleon is by this time declared emperor 0 of f france franc although the bourbons have been using all their their influence I 1 ce to establish the old line of descent on the throne to the exclusion of louis family general sutherland ollowa of iowa has lately died I 1 if f we recollect right this is I 1 the man who addressed ft 9 long letter to the jdant of indian affers Aff diro drs about twelve mouths since concerning M cormons mormons armons of pottawatomie 1 tawa tomie I 1 claiming all a ii the land I 1 in that region and urging their removal I 1 daniel Web webster stir secretary of state died on the of october 2 at boston I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 the s of cuba have succeeded ia in getting stand of arms into that Isla island ild were seized by the bove government r ament the remainder remainder ar are e hid bid in t h he mountains by the tha people A wool denier dealer was lately robbed in cleveland Clevi elaud ohio of I 1 artesian wells to the depth I 1 af pf I 1 1000 feet are to be e dug in paris pans of malting making warm baths healing heading tho houses by pipes and washing houses honses water at that depth cepi being 90 10 to degrees of heat mount vesuvius is till still vo nu rin g a terrible vol vo ume of flame and has caused much di damage image to th the surrounding towns by the lava I 1 I 1 I 1 irwy I 1 saya 11 I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 it I 1 is unsafe i a to travel the streets of of cincinnati in the night without being armed murder or robbery I 1 nearly every night the gotten cotton crop in the south has been considerably damaged by rot I 1 I 1 billy bowlegs bowie ga the seminole chief when in new york was shown the portraits of generals taylor and scott he recognized them and remarked 1 I licked both these generals in the wars in florida the cholera has become a pertinent permin ent resident in the E eastern astern states rochester Chambers burgh cincinnati ac ae ac are visited by it taking of numbers each day A crystal palace is now erecting or completed in paris cost francs A new fiew paper called the era or heaven opener has been established by the spiritual rappers A convention lias has been called to see who they would support for president A treaty has been made with the apaches which was broke the next day by murdering and robbing white men and women the Pruss prussian iun government has expelled the jesuits from many parts of prussia and forbid any priest to be ansti instituted buted who wha has been educated by the jesuits which is ausing serious difficulty with au austria tri and prussia 1 the condition of ireland is deplorable agitated by internal discord murder ac prevailing in all parts an A n immense emigration from england to autralia australia the tuscan Province shave been united to the roman states ward a stable boy from yorkshire has been appointed R regent eg ent of the duchy of parma in italy and is one of the greatest statesmen in that part iron lead tin copper silver ac have been discovered in greenland I 1 I 1 anabaptists are forbidden to preach or meet to worship with inthe territory of hanover under pen alty of imprisonment I 1 the salaries of the archbishops Arch bishops of canterbury and york and 17 bishops in england amounts to over OCO the bank of england covers five acres of ground employs clerks has a clock in the centre of the bank with 50 dials attached to it capital I 1 servants of every denomination in bologna are required to hava his or her conduct registered in a pass book and masters are not allowed to discharge a servant or hire a new ono one wi hout giving 3 days notice to the police fires railroad accidents murder robbery r rapes ape seductions ac ac continues to fill the papers from all parts pacts of the earth A chine sa proclamation from the great ath lias has appeared in california claiming the supreme power over all the chinese in the land of gold 0 tile tho king of siam has ha a sent nis assurance of fealty fealt y to the french president affairs at cuba are very unsettled an american I 1 I 1 steamer has been prohibited landing her mail and citizens arms and nd ammunition are required to bo be given up by order of the governor the ERICSSON hot air r ship hip is launched moored at williamsburgh Williams burgh and many machinists engaged it in her c completion orn lleti on A mechanic on long island is making a font of steel typo type for tho the asun sun 11 said to cost no more than common type I 1 dr root of pittsfield surprised sur prized a night rogue in his peartree pear tree the rogue absconded without bidding the dr good night but left ilia his gold watch hanging on a twig of the tree A very good root that bears such pears on its twigs |