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Show f fMMf fT?f MMM T- - Takes Ogden Job Frank Troxell Takes Insurance HowToBuildFlat-Toppe- Takes Ogden Job Agency Over Here Frank Troxell, 627 north Second west, Brigham City, will leave Simnsen Jewelry company here this week to take a post with Kaybee Clothiers, Ogden, It was learned. After two months training with the company, Troxell will become manager of the Ogden store. has been with S(mon-sen- s f Troxell for the past seven years. He plans on living In Brigham Bill Higginbotham, Brigham City, has taken over the State Farm Insurance company agency for this area from Edwin Baird, he revealed today. His company handles life, auto and fire insuraqge' Mr. tHigginlbotham has lived here for the last three years. For the first two years he was a teacher at Intermountain school and for the past year he has sold insurance, Before coming to Brigham City he was a district agent for an Insurance company in Arizona. City. 'Frank Is a graduate of Box Elder high school and has stud- ied under the Utah State cultural college extension t Jrs ns Agri- LOW RATES ON : AUTOjNSURANCE itfithltate Frank Troxell , will live here Farm Mutual! ' Bill Higginbotham I 571 So. 2nd Phone l067Wrrt 5 J ) Tome Repair In Patio Grill HOMES GUIDE k 2 4 METAL BRILL SIZE WITH SUPPLIER ! VERIFY Toll Story CHICAGO One of (UP) Permits for the pheasant hunt in the Tremonton Third ward area will go on sale to the public on Oct. 20 and may be purchased from Howard Fuller, Myron Giles or Carl Rhodes, Jt was learned today. All of the men mentioned above live In Tremonton, Route ' 2. the TOP Midwest 1848 and FIREBRICK 2 CONC. SLAB was built of planks in covered the BO miles between Chicago and Riverside, 111. Ac cording to the American Public Works Association, the charge for a horse and rider was 12A cents. The road oet only But the builder may not have regained their money be cause the road wore out In 15 years. 4 V 4 RODS S" O.C. EA.WAY CONC. CAP-1- zz ARRIVING DAILY AT NORTH FRONT MAIN Elder NEWS I Box Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 21, 1953 Phone your news to 1000. Special motor 10-- 30 oil eon save up to 34 gallon of joe in every 5jallons v- - . -- you buy S Now, a motor oil so superior it serves all cars, old or new, in all seasons, all climates! RPM Special Motor Oil can boost gas mileage up to 15 o in driving; gives easier, battery-savinstarts; can cut oil consumption as much as 33 in many cars; tops for hydraulic valve lubrication; designed for both older and new cars; gives stepped-u- p motor protection? power; provides money-savin- g covers all car manufacturers motor oil t 0 recommendations. Try new RPM Special Motor Oil today! 10-3- 0 g stop-and-g- . 10-3- For more information about Standard Oil Company your local Standard man of Californio products, call V. REEDER REYNOLDS Telephone 588 or 68 Brigham City 1 PROVIDE ADEQUATE F'D'N . Movie Specially. BURTON-DIXI- E Adapted for Children Planned New modern lounge in gay attractive Plaid Denim. Inner ' New RPM Nearly two of every three home owners here will makfe some expenditure during the year to Improve their property, according to the report, Painting of either the exterior of in, terior will be the most common repair, with work on roofs sec ond and replacing or repairing heating equipment third. One of every 11 homes In the S. has wateT pipes repaired, bathroom tiled or a shower Installed in. an average year, the report revealed. Six of every 100 have carpentry work done. The kitchen Is the area most families want to Improve first. The resulting demand for new major equipment, clay tile for counter tops and dralnboards, and kitchen cabinets means prosperity In the community for many concerns and for skilled workmen, the report points out. Home expenditures repair $16,-00- Exciting Hew Furniture 8 work. Box Elder county home owners will spend an estimated $495,000 during 1953 on repairing and modernizing non-fardwellings. Aa the great postwar home building boom begins to slacken, home repair and reconditioning will assume major importance to the building trades in every community," said Robert Bailey, chairman of the residential construction committee of the Tile Council of America, which released the estimate. . . . Go on Sale in Tremonton early toll roads In the throughout the nation win total almost $4 billion In 1953, the Tile Council report estimated. This will be one of the heaviest outlays in U. S. history for such ounty in 1953 A patio grill adds much to a outdoor pleaiure in the family lummer. The sketch at right and detailed drawings below, aU from Small Home Guide, show how to construct a concrete-blocpatio gnU with concrete cap. The shallow burning area la primarily for charcoal fires. Storage area for charcoal and kindling la provided at the right surance to contact him in regards to claims, rates, 'service and questions. His office is located at 571 south Second east, Brigham City, phone 1067-IW- . Pheasant Permits Will -- f d Mr. Higginbotham invites all policy holders of State Farm In- for remarkably ; Concrete-Bloc-k ' from SAAALL Estimate $445, spring construction. 12-in- ch wrought iron, legs. Wedge cushion. Idea for TV viewing, comfortable for sleeping. Be smart, get one or more for your living room today at only - M I 7 Central School PT A Membership Reached 414 Fri. Enthusiastic Central P. T. A school membership workers to day reported a total of 414 mem bers in the organization. The number attained on Fri day last week is the highest goal ever to be reached In PTA history in the school. According to official tabula tion by Mrs, Chester Johnson and Mrs. Gordon chairman, One of the most remarkable pictures ever filmed toy Is brought to the Capitol theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with the showing of ISequoia (pronouncwhich un- Rees, ed inter-roofolds a love story blended into contest climaxed with Mrs. a saga of American animal life. Blythe Tingeys fifth grade with 134 percent mem (Nearly two years in the mak- leading Hall bership. (The percent rate is ing, the picture, an of Fame release, was filmed Ip reached by having 100 percent mothers and 100 percent fathers regions of the High Sierras never before photographed by p claiming iPTA membership.) camera and shows such starts close second was Mrs. (Merle Grovers combined third and ling scenes as a mountain lion fourth with grade youngsters and a deer, natures most dead116 receiving membership. ly enemies, playing together . The contest will continue dur like lambs; lions and wolves this week. Membership in stalking animal prey; and Inti- ing mate records of the daily life the organization is encouraged of such wild animals as coyotes, during the entire school year, Mrs. Johnson said today. bears, raccoons, eagles, rattlesnakes, baby fawns and small lion cubs. Chicago Air Traffic Other highlights are scenes In ld which a herd of two hundred Increases deer leap over a windbreak CHICAGO (UP) The number nearly 20 feet high on a mi- of travelers leaving this trans gration into the mountains; a portation hub by air has in mountain lion and deer actual- creased eight-folin the past ly kissing"; more than a dozen decade, the Chicago Association of wild life specimens together, Of Commerce and Industry said. like babies; a being bottle-feAir traffic soared from 633,656 death struggle between giant cleared in 1942 to 5, passengers five-poibucks fighting for 488,549 in 1952. supremacy of their herd, and During the same period, sched other elemental phases of ani- uled airline plane movements mal life rarely seen by human climber from 45,444 to 203,541, eyes. air express shipments rose from Jean Parker and Russell Har-di- e 302,081 to 708,884, and outbound provide a human theme to airmail pieces more than trip the plot as two young people led, increasing from 7,581,355 to who find love amid the breath23,904,597. taking beauty of Sequoia National Park, the worlds largest forest of giant trees. Also In the cast are Samuel S. Hinds, Paul Hurst, Ben Hall, IWillie Fung and Harry Lowe, Jr, Sequoia" Is based on the novel, "Malibu, toy Vance Joseph Hoyt. It was directed by Chester M. Franklin and was produced by John W. Considine, Jr. d d begins wi misHiw QTBr SLIP COVEnS with Zippers and Back Elastic-Actio- n Daveno and Studio Just picture this beautiful set iri your home. Elegantly styled, this lovely Blactone Modem dinette set is feature-packeAll tubular parts have Howells ; new, genuine, gunmetal finish received by applying a special patented process. The result a rich, deep black finish that CANNOT chip or crack.. i Table top in Blactone Modern is smooth-as-glamerely the whisk of a damp cloth cleans it easily and quickly- - highly resistant to stains and wear. You have your choice of many lovely colors. Table top is 30 x 40, extending to 48 With center leaf, Chairs have wraparound baekJRegular $89.95 - d. ss Couch, from $12.95 Chairs, from . . . $7.95 Sofas, from . . $15.95 They're new...gorgeou...thaa cretonne slip coven with the dee-- . orator look! The only reedy-mod- e coven with tipper cloturee end patented beck mode with Leitex yarn. Combine prlnu to your teeu L.ln wine, blue, green, natural fflaxaacuiG Put your harvest dollars to work in a Systematic Savings 4 Mortgage Loans Up CHICAGO (UP) The average mortgage loan outstanding held by the nations savings and loan associations at the close of 1952 amounted to $4,194, according to statistics of the ynited .. States Savings and Loan League. The league said this was an increase of 7 percent from the end .of , . Account at First Security. Here each dollar ' per annum. Add to, your accouht you save earns a big 2Y2 regularly ... its the smart way to get ahead... to have the things you want. Moreover, you share in all the, added benefits when you save at this bank. Come in, open your account . . . having does begin with saving. , , .VS EACH ACCOUNT INSURED TO $10,000 V 1951. jf Select the amount you'll need ream-brighteni- F . AS. -- ait Jrf i tvmltere They tH stylos. Moaturo dwwal arrow wMosl port attack. Da not loclvda o onoo. t- 1 Buy On Easy Credit Terms SOFA COVERS Mi ' CLOSEOUT Discontinued Patterns HIS MUSIC OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY y AAiAAiiAAAiW eA cnv IIAUUQDM WHITE SOFAS ONLY Oft Mwd MwAtr IdMrv SyelMB - |