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Show pn T 2 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, October 21, 1953 A weekly newspaper, established in 1896 nun 'Ished every Wednesday and entered as Second Class Matter at the post office in Brigham City, Utah, tinder the act of March 8 1879 , Subscription rate In Box Elder County: $2 25 per year payable In advance; in combination with the Box Elder Journal (published Fridays) $4.00 .per year; $2.00 for 6 months; single copy 5 cents Outside Box Elder County, $3.00 per year, rate S5 00 Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Utah State National Editorial AssociPress '"Association ation and United Press. Advertising Representative i Utah State Press Association. Salt Lake City. n Taxes, School Enrollment Up Going up is not a term restricted to use ny elevator operators. We noticed this week as the news passed over our desk two significant figures going up. They are taxes and school enrollment. Neither one could be helped. Kids are here to stay and, we suspect, taxes are too. Kids we love, but taxes are better de- -' scribed another way. But there is a connection between the two. Children are ab- T , solutely necessary and taxes are absolutely jp necessary evil. It was good news to note an increase of 151, students in Box Elder county schools; I V. Ripley should hear about this: Two identical maroon 1947 Plymouth coupes traveled from home bases within 50 miles of each other near Denver, Colorado to smack into each other in remote western Box Elder county. FARMALL The accident happened last Saturday ning at 6:25 p. m. west of Snowville when the maroon auto driven by Ysedro Sanchez Torres, Gilcres, Colorado, smashed into the maroon auto driven by Mrs. Ruby G. Denver, Colorado. They were far enough into the desert as one party put it that to ask a Brigham City wrecker truck to come out and pick up the wrecks, Patrolman T. Wayne Woodland radioed to Strevell who radoied to Pocatello who radioed to Logan who sent the message, finally, to Brigham City. When the wreckers arrived on the scene they found each of the maroon 1947 Plymouth coupes with Identically smashed left front ends. Elder county towns and cities. To raise the children, though, in the clean atmosphere of tidy little cities and towns and to educate them for the long, pleasant pull in life ahead, taxes must be levied to pay the tools FAST-HITC- H Maternity Ward Empty For. nine hours last Saturday, October 17, the maternity ward at Cooley Memorial hospital was absolutely empty. The stork was either waylaid by deer hunters, or got caught in a goose blind to cause such an unusual situation at the local hospital. Mrs. Annie Tingev reports that it has been very few times in her nursing experience that the nursery and maternity wards have been , without patients. Mrs. Grant Nelson left Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. for home with their new daughter, and Mrs. Gordon Andreason presented her husband with a son at 11 p. m. the same, night. . Births announced from the local hospital since last .Wednesday are: A girl was born October 14 to William and Ada Woodward Dickey of (Brigham City. Grant and Jean Waddouips Nelson of Corinne are the parents of a girl born October 14. Clive and Venna (Burton Waters of Brigham City announce the arrival of their first son born October 14 The 'Waters have three daughters. Gordon and Ann Hall Andreason of Bear River are the parents of a boy born October 17. First Child Arrives Mr. and (Mrs. Garth Chambers announce the arrival .of their first child, a daughter, born October 18. The little six pound 9 ounce Miss is the second grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Noble (L. Chambers of Smithfield and Mr. and Mrs. J. Delos Thompson of Brigham City. Mrs. Chambers is the former (De Ann Thompson. As yet a name has not been decided upon. Mr. Chambers is serving with the armed forces in Tokyo, Japan. I. t i You're paying . i BOURBON GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY LOUISVILLE, KY TRIPLE-ACTIO- N 115 Hoover About the Cleaning Toole The ideal cleaner for the modern housewife. Lightweight, compact, eaaieat to use and to store but every For all above-the-flocleaning. Help cut your cleaning tune in half. Set includes inch a Hoover. Has Hoovers famous JvvV , j 1 cleaning it sweeps, as principle down the Gets ent deans. it deep that other cleaner leave imbedded in the pile. Its gentle gives greater life to your floor coverings, keeps colors fresh and Triple-Actio- U Us n beats, as g k. fuS C new looking much longer. Clean, ing tool easily attad A I - v 2 3 4 Converter for quick, easy at tachment of hose and tools. Long lightweight, flexible hoses Extension tube. Brush for cleaning and dust ing upholstery, drape, wallas bare floors. Crevice tool for furnitures radiators, eto. t; Jolly Friar Tuck (Maurice Holtz) call9 out encouragingly as the Greenwood men subdue a kicked Knight in the Uare Tree Major production of Robin Hood, wh ich will play at the Box Elder high school auditorium on Saturday, October 31 at 3 p. m. The play is being sponsored by - the American Association of University Women. Tickets will be on sale at Lincoln,1 Central and Box Elder high school on Thursday nd. Friday, October 22 and 23. Charge for adults will be 75 cents and children 40 cents. ; , ; r : . . . . Northern District Tea Slated for Saturday I to accepting the position ginia. David Brown Has Fifth Birthday Anniversary David Brown, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs Knowlton Brown, enjoyed birthday festivities recently at the Brown home. The children joining in the were: Susan Call, Kathy and Steven Nielsen, Barbara Jean Jensen, Renny Bott, Carol Compton, Kathleen Bobby and Douglas Adams, Karen and Marilee Walker, Craig and Steven Brown, Denise Orchard and Tammy and Andrea Brown. i Games Were played, refresh-- 1 ments served and many nice gifts presented to the guest of honor. la CLYDE B. STRATFORD, Manager 7 Vir. FOR Efficiency, Honesty and Economy paisty fun IN CITY GOVERNMENT Val-ber- ROTE FOR THESE REPUBLICANS I Dr. Wynn Fife Now Research Chemist With Dupont Company Dr, Wynn Fife, son of Mr. and Mrs, Basil Fife of this city, has accepted a position as research 4 chemist at the Dupont Textile Laboratories In Waynesboro, Va. Dr. Fife received his bachelor of science and masters degree from the USAC in Logan. He recently completed his Ph D in chemistry at Oklahoma A. and M. at Stillwater, Oklahoma. Ia He, Mrs. Fife, the former Alice Ackroy of McGrath, Can- ada, and their three daughters, Kerry, tLauryl Rae and Wynette, will .make their home at Waynesboro. , Wynn served as two year LDS mission in Canada (so did Mrs. Fife). He served in the U. S. air force for four years. Captain Fife- served three years in Egypt in air communication. He and his family were visiting here in Brigham City prior . is WALLACE V. REEDER . I , ,i a! V Lifetime resident of Brigham City. Son of M. L. Reeder and Ella B. Reeder. He married Opal Wight, they are the parents of three sons and four daughters. He established and owns his own dairy business in Brigham City. In the field of public service he has served as foreign missionary to Australia, Sunday School teacher, Sunday School superintendency, President of the YMMIA, Secretary of the Seventies Quorum, Ward advisor to Senior Aaronic Priest-hoi- d and Ward Genealogical Committee. For top quality, buy Glenmore. It makes completely satisfying drinks. And remember, Glenmore has been made by the same family for three generations. This assures you unmatched uniformity every time. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT CLEARER 5 About Model i . .ElUD Olff. Easy Monthly Terms 1 getting It? i low Down Payment J Brigham City Soroptomists, along with members from Ogden and Salt Lake City, were guests of the Logan club for annual Founders Day program held last Thursday, October 15, at the Bluebird in Logan. Luncheon was served followed by the special program. Those from Brigham City attending were: Elnora Bowcutt, Mary Case, Dorothy Hanlon, Grace Hansen, Rilla Jensen, Carrie Johnson, Verabelle Knudsen,. Louella MoFarlane, Mabel Nielsen, Grace Petersen, Dorothy 'Robbins, Lenore Romer and Annie Tingey. - new Model 115 v HOOVER x f Brigham Soroptomists Guests of Logan Club and IMPLEMENT Do. thi W whiskey.. .are you BRIGHAM TRUCK when you buy f 3 for top qualify t extra charge! ft All Kindergarten and . Civic Improvement club members are cordially Invited to attend the second annual Silver Tea sponsored by Northern District Federated Womens clubs on Saturday, October 24, at 2:30 p. m. in the Bear River high school seminary. The literary tea Is held for all Northern District club members in an effort to raise funds for the district group. (Mrs. Glen Tout, Smithfteld, president of the group, explained today that pieces of silver are accepted following the tea. All proceeds will be turned over to the district treasurer and used (or district projects. (Ladies in this area will recall the delightful Silver Tea held in Logan last year. Professor Moyle Rice was heard along with state officers and musical numbers. Mrs. R. K. Daines of the Civic club invited ladies interested In attending to contact her if transportation is desired. t FREE of 4 1 'Ml a BIRTHS Phone 300 ' Special limited offer... you get this complete set of cleaning bill. So if the tax increase is bitter the many new children is the sweet, we might as well gulp them down. A 1 r bad news to note a 2.37 mill increase in county and school taxes and more for some Box Here 9 how the mew Farmall Fast-Hitc- h works; the farmer Just backs up to the implement . , the two coupling beams on the implement slip into the Fast-Hitc- h sockets on the tractor, and are locked instantly and automatically to uncouple, Just lift two latches. The farmer saves a great deal of time and all of the hard work usually required in hitching. ; r A complete Hoover Cleaning oncomUe for Hie price ef Hie Cleaner clou - -- -- Here's your chance to Cha-bin- o, For The McCormick SUPER C TRACTOR y z J eve- NOW AT BRIGHAM TRUCK - The iwhalo Is the worlds 'I T A 100 foot blue.'Hu:hter than water, while steam, ;est animal. whale Is far bigger than the di- the vapor form, is heavier benosaur and mastodon of prehis- cause both trap air In the toric times. change. Will Perform In "Robin Hood" on October 31 Ripley Should Be Told r ii WRECKER SERVICE DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS - 935-93- 6 S06-874- W v ArtiU 4 C. LEGRANDE HORSLEY Was born in Brigham City, the son of the late Clarence E. and Sarah Harding Horsley. LeGrande and his wife Doril White Horsley are the parents of three children: Brent, Martha Claire and Bill. Mr. Horsley is the owner of one of the pioneer business firms In Brigham City, which was established 67 years ago. LeGrande has been employed for a number of years by the LDS Seminary System. At present he is the principal of the Box Elder Seminary. Public service has been rendered as Supt. of the Mt. Logan Stake Sunday School board in Logan, Utah, and he has served his church as a bishop for more than eight years, six years in the Mai ad Third ward and here in the Brigham City Second Ward. LESLIE A. BUNDY Was bom in Green River, Utah in 1907. For the past seven years he has been owner ' and manager of Bundy Motor Company here In Brigham t City. Mr. Bundy and his wife, Chloe Judd Bundy, are the par- ents of three children, Jerry, Jim and Pauline. Mr. Bundy has held the following civic jobs In Brigham City, director of the Chamber of Comm tree,, director of the Golf and Counof new try Club, industries committee, piesl-de- nt of Kiwanis Club, Area Chairman Utah Auto Dealers, and President of Brigham City Quarterback club. Mr. Bundy owns both his business and his home here and is vitally interested in the and development, welfare success of this community. |