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Show 4 Elder NEWS Box BEES CLIMB OUT OF Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 21, 1953 Spots Before Your Byes NT BORDERLINE Local Eleven Take To Air to Score Pair of TD's in Good Game For the first time this season Coach Earl Fergusons Bees had to fight their way out from a deficit to retain their undefeated record in region footiball compe- Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS dueto EXCESS ACID tition. QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Baseball weather greeted the Bees and Grizzlies for their homecoming encounter at the gridiron, Friday. The Logan heat made the (Bees a listless eleven for most of the first half and the Grizzlies were primed. A fumble, a long pass play that Just missed and a slow starting but persistent and ever improving IBee team finally took the measure of Coach Cliff EPEnWJjJs Over five million packages of the Willard Trkatmkmt have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Cicots Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Dasslnass, Heartburn, Slooplossnots, to., due to Excess Add. Ask for ' Willarda Message which fully explains this remark Able home treatment freo at HAMILTON DRUG GLENS MODERN DRUG MACK'S PHARMACY " man can generally put off buying most things until he feels that he REALLY needs them. BUT NOT LIFE INSURA ANCE! You You You cant get it when you're sick! cant get It when youre old! cant get it AFTER the accident! Insurance is like a parachute you gotta have it when you need it or it's too late! that is Get an Insurance Parachute measured to fit your needs. Call 961 J. of . egg-layin- By Mrs. R. G. Barnes, Naf, Idaho A-2- ' 3,966. NeVoy J; Tracy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tracy sailed from San Francisco, September 15. He was on the water 18 days. He arrived at Yokohoma, Japan, then he went to Fusha and sailed from there t Korea. He will be stationed there In the motor 4 ... vehicle squadron. He reports conditions there as fair. njuu , Pvt. Bryce K. Tracy arrived home Friday afternoon, October 9 from Camp Roberts, Califor-nia- , where he has spent five months in basic training after a short furlough he will report back to Camp Stoneman, Calif., where he will await overseas orders. . W) By CLAIR CYD CHARISSE is a springboard Lorelei in this candid camera abot taken while ehe was on location filming Mexico for Sombrero in from Pennsylvania, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Davenport for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnes took their daughter, Dixie Lee, back to Salt Lake City to the Mr. and Mrs. Devern Rasmussen attended Institute over the clinic, Wednesday, Oct. 14. She week-end- . No school was held is making progress and doesnt have to wear braces any longer. Thursday and Friday. ing. EVANS WODBURY'SAYS: ' ( Conn. (UP) J. J. North Brookfield, Mass., doesnt go to the grocery for his eggs, His pen of 13 Rhode Island Red, hens won (he 42nd contest at annual the university by laying 3,742 in one year. Four years ago, his hens set a world record with INCIDENTS Pooles charges. Good For 80 Yards was received by The kick-of- f Logan on its own 20 yard line and on a reverse the hand-of- f was fumbled and in their eagerness to recover the Bees found themselves out of position and recover to unable quickly enough to catch the fleet Logan ball carrier. was good for 80 The kick-of- f yards and put Logan out in front . A perfect kick for extra point gave the Grizzlies a big seven point lead. The Bees picked up three first downs in their first offensive outing but were held and forced to kick. A golden opportunity to even the score came to the Bees when Logan fumbled on their own line. A stubborn defense set up by Logan held the Bees one foot away from scor- ! STORRS, Warren HOLE TO WHIP LOGAN FRIDAY - Egg Winner Lorelei Took To Air With time running out in the to look first half, the Bees took to the Luella Tracy accompanied them It wont be necessary air. A pass was intercepted by 'A dance was held in Naf, Sat- on the serwe mountain to for a Salt Lake City. when, trip Logan but the officials ruled ' I urday.-. IA good crowd was out car. vice your and Ernie Jensens orchestra pass interference and Box Elder Belief had a much needed first down. furnished the music. A good running play by Vail Clairs Chevron Service JoAnn Teeter met with a slight When new drugs or old fail to help off tackle added 22 years. An your cough or chest cold dodt delay. when on a she fell accident, other pass moved the Bees 20 Creomulsion contains only safe, help Tires Chevron Batteries bucket and cut her nose, which ful, proven ingredients and no naryards nearer to equalizing the It necessitated having to have it cotics to disturb natures process. score. Two passes failed and the Washing Lubrication goes into the bronchial system to aid sewed. Bees were stalled 25 yards out. soothe and heal raw, tender, CompleteAutomotive Last Wednesday Arland nature On the next play Morrison slip inflamed bronchial membranes. GuarRepairs Thompson had the misfortune of anteed to please or your druggist reped behind the Logan safety stood has Creomulsion funds bad back money. man and Vail made the pass receiving a inury, 97 N. Main 477 Phone when his horse got tangled in the test of many millions of users. scrambled the good. Morrison miT-USexouR the wire. Arland tried to throw remaining distance and the Bees himself clear, but the horse nlitm Caught, Cbtst Colds, Acuto Broochitls 6VtQUR KlDS'A'.BRefi added the extra point when Christensen plunged through the lunged and he lit on the ditch bank on his back. It crushed line. That ended the first ralf two vertebrae. Pass Intercepted A birthday party was celebra In the second half the Bees ted on Sunday, Oct. 11, by Paul took opening kick-of- f and start and Judy Tracy. ed moving down field. A pass Brother and sister had a was intercepted to stop the Bee good time and received some march. nice presents from the following .ESTHER WILLIAMS features a leopard bathing suit The second Bee touch'down was little friends that attended their Techniwith other the result of another good pass next outfits her in along aquatic party: Gussie, Pamela and Pacolor musical, Easy To Love,4' filmed at the famous play, Vail to iMorrison, for 40 tricia Oman; Kaylene Oman, yards. The plunge for extra point Cypress Gardens, Florida. Van Johnson and Tony Carma and Steven Fowles, Jo was .not good when Christensen Martin are on hand to help with the proceedings. Ann, Reggie and Carolyn Teefumbled anti a quick whistle ter; Linda, Larry and Brent stopped the play though Holthe ball to move into Halloween Fun Theme Whitaker. lingsworth recovered in the end carrying , Marie Holtman, Cheryl Fehl-mascoring 'position. The touchdown zone. drive Of CSC Meeting Thurs Dixie Lee Barnes, StanA 40 yard drive toy the Bees, came from an Vail which was good for the Halloween fun was the theme ley, Mike and JoAnn Spencer. utilizing only running plays, toy Paul was 9 years old Oct. 10, added their final six pointer. three yards needed. The Bees led of regular meeting of C. S. C. Oct. Vail and Christensen alternated toy a 19 to 7 margin with time members last Thursday evening and Judys birthday was 15. She was six years old running short. The game ended at the home of Mrs. Maggie with the Bees once again threatJesse Tracy, Asael Oman, and Hostess for the evening was Dick Barnes finished have ening. Mrs. Pauline Jensen. X3SHSMn30C23Z3t$ Halloween-moticar- drilling crested wheat grass and was The Held Attack Running ried out during the evening. clover seed on a government The Logan running attack Card games were iplayed with jab up at Rogerson, Idaho. Mrs. Evelyn Smith is workwas held effectively in check by prizes going to Mrs. Don Nelson ing at the Naf store during the the Bees. Their passing attack and Mrs. Bud Rader. netted them more yards than Two ' course luncheon was deer season. Bill Davenport and his sister, did their running game although served to the following memthey completed only six out of bers: (Mrs.- - Cleon Olsen, (Mrs. Leona, and his small son, Gary, 22 passes. ; Bud (Rader, Mrs. Don Nelson, Mrs. Glen (Reeder, Mrs. Albert The Bees completed eight out Fillmore, Mrs. Ray Miller and a SEWING INSTRUCTION of 17 (XPERT REPAIRS for of two them passes, special guest, Mrs. Darrell Jen SINGER DRESS touchdowns. SEWINO NOTIONS sen. HElPFUt FINISHING SERVICES BetterCough - k : m CREOMUUSION GET YOUR WmufmH NOW . . . AND AVOID THE RUSH! e Ip-se- YOUR TIDES ITITII DIIUECtP !f.n8H0OTREDS Youre safer on ice and packed snow with this amazing B.F. Goodrich winter tractioa tread. Tiny abrasive particles in tread rubber make a rough surface that digs in and holds. Less slip . . less slide on packed snow and ice. Tires grip and keep going. treads Stop in see for safety and freedom from worry. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 00(3110 O 0Co tlkiOG FORM SUCH The name DURE-CA- P is your assurance of top quality treadcertimaterials ing fied workmanship. AS BUTTON MAKING COVERING BEU AND BUTTONHOUNG. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 2456 Wash. Blvd, Ogden or see PHIL HOLMES 312 West 4th South s 768-N- ffME SDH!? Locust Camp of DUP Eaglo to Follow Aux. Holds Meeting Thursday Officers ' Meeting Thurs. Officers of the Eagles Auxilwere reminded of iary ters of Utah Pioneers met at the executive meeting to betoday held on home of Mrs. Eva Burrows on Thursday, October 22, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15 at 8 p. m. at 7;30 p. m. at the Eagles' home. Captain Wanda Richards preFollowing the meeting, Eaglo sided and conducted. will be enjoyed. A good turnout Opening song was by the con- Is anticipated. gregation and was followed by opening prayer by Hazel NorThe Locust camp of the Daugh- , v HAMILTON DRUGS . W long-tim- 146 South Main AMERICA'S best bu y rk FIRST in RUDDER ) tewing sen. Refreshments were served &''' by Eva Burrows and Hazel Norton. a little luxury is good for every man , . . so enjoy 111 ixv TIME FOR FARM IMPROVEMENTS 01 ls has all the materials and the advice youll need to do a swell job. AND PRICED TO PLEASE .lltep PSOOf . BflMOHJ Dismiwc lAWStNCLBURS, WANT TERMS mss xmiMIffllnf J T7T NOTHING DOWN ON THE SPOT ADVISORY SERVICE! "WALK A BLOC KW SAVE" ttf WD. MAIN iirmurTiWiff LIBERAL TRADE-I- N ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD WASHER Your old washer may make PART or ALL of the down payment. Balance only $10 a month. t Come in or phone 8 for free estimate. 6 years old K REGULARLY SELLS FOR SALE . $249.95 Would you like to increase your farm production? Would you like to increase your profits. Then repair and remodel run down, worn out farm buildings. Mer-rel- STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ft ej ... FEATURES " ton. More Taka low than 25 lndw floor tpaco. (IVIN RINSII the most thorough rinsing known I Clothes wash brighter, iron whiter. AOIFIOW ACTION its yet so genUe with all the modem fabrics. lets you COMFIITIIY FLIXIILI OFIRATION skip or repeat any part of any cycle. TOF LOADING just drop in the level. clothes at convenient waist-hig-h IXCIUSIVI (optional) the top economy feature in automatic washing! MUS Big Family-Siz- e Capacity lustrous Life-CoFinish and Beauty of Design Automatic Filling Warranty on Transmission. THESE congregational singing was followed by a history of Charles Robert Bradbury, read PHONE by his daughter, Beatrice HanFOR YOUR PROTECTION sen. A few instances from an old Singer Sewing Machine Co. e continues its policy lesson, was 'Pioneer Humor only read d selling its machines Cenby Hazel Norton. through Singer Sewing The lesson, "They Came in ters identified by the famous 1953 was given by Vera MarRed S" trade-mawiedow eever through ble. Closing song was followed deportment storee or other by benediction by Margaret Jenmochiee deoien. or Phone 548 ' rift We Invite You To Come In FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION |