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Show Salt I'J'n Cl$, ut.t BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1953 Schools Better Now Than in History of State - - Bishop 8 Wounded inLegin In spite ol wide publicity to out that several boards didn't with the teachers, attempt to force Governor Lee to call a spethe contrary, Utah schools and spend any money for new i eon-Bo- cial session of the legislature. Elder county schools in par- - struetion. We had one of the lowest tax "We felt the people would be ticular are in better shape now than at any time in the history rates in the state, Bishop add-o- f Without representation if we did the state. ed, "but our school buildings this, Bishop commented, "so we were deteriorating. followed the precedent of many That was the contention of we hadnt constructed new years and sent our contracts. jf Leonard L. Bishop, president of buildings .and if Central school (Subsequently, the teachers the Box Elder school board, in hadnt burned, everything would did not return the contracts and an address to the Brigham City bave been smooth. We wouldnt are now employed on a Junior Chamber of Commerce have had any troubleS-.- . basis.) Thursday evening. Similar Move President Bishop revealed that ox Elder school board had He told of a similiar move by Students are better housed And better situated than at any successfully resisted efforts of the association of members of both the Box Elder Education education boards of Utah at tjme in the history of the dis- - an state association of state meeting. At the Salt Lake trlct said Bishop, though we there was a do have some serious problems. boards of education to form coal- City gathering, Brac- move to have all boards in the to J. Governor itions "force ' Board's Problem state unanimously ask the govschools ken Lee's hand." He listed ernor to call a special session. 2EHS Offered Proposal and in Brigham City, Tremonton He said the Box Elder EducaFirst man at the meeting to salaries Garland and teachers of tion composed association, against the proposed speak as the major difficulties now district teachers and principals, coalition was President Bishop facing the board. asked the board to withhold and after it was discussed voted Avoiding discussion of the contracts from the teachers and, down by the state organization, Box Elder high school funds in vestigation because "personali the board ties are involved, Brings Back A Beauty president declared "we believe of three in the gov departments ernment. The affair is now in 1 the hands of the court and be lieve we should let them work it out ifs in good hands. IPerhaps it should have been there sooner, he added. j Smaller Enrollment Bishop pointed out that the is countys school enrollment but less now than in 1925-26- , since that time facilities have been greatly improved. Think and of the schools in 1925-2the vast improvements since then, he continued. The board president pointed out that crowded conditions at and Brigham City, Tremonton Garland elementary schools is the result of consolidation and a shift of population within the county, not because of more children in,the district. He indicated . that extensive work on the Lincoln school in Brigham City is being studied when he said a board commit tee has been giving the situa tion mttch consideration, month-to-mont- ie I d h PAGES 2nd Warders Will Turn Merchants For Building Fund Tremonton Girl Is Twenty-fivmembers of the ward Brigham City Second will become merchants Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23 and 24, e Grouse Crk. Hunt Fram corporation can now to Brigham City. Since then Brigham City Fram has rented the property definitely call "home. at about $500 a month. The huge filter manufacturing President Call pointed out company notified the Brigham that Fram had an option to buy City Industrial Development cor- the property within five years, poration Tuesday they will ex- but closed the deal after only ercise their option to purchase three years. the land and buildings they Looking to the future Call said have rented from them the past that all indications are that Fram will build a factory that three years. W. Vosco Call, president of should be a very large building, iBCHDC, made the announcement. joining on the warehouse on the For the 60 stockholders of the north and extending 300 feet it in the "very near future. corporation, development Would Employ 125 to 200 means that all of their $50,000 Call estimated that 125 to 200 stock in the building and land will be bought up by Fram with people would be employed by five percent interest paid on the company when the first factheir investment. tory addition is built," and there will probably be more later. Organized Three Years Ago The development corporation Three years ago the Brigham Industrial City Development president said Fram has reportcorporation was organized to ed to him they are well pleased buy the land and construct the with IBrigham City, the cooperalarge warehouse to bring Fram tion of officials and citizens and when they man 10 grocery stores in town to push sales oi a nationally known cake mix for a commission on the sales. Every time the cash register rings in the store for the it also will ring for Taken to the Valley hospital cake-miin Tremonton with a seriously the Second ward building damaged knee joint Was Kenna fund. In each store there will be Harriet Daily. She is reported two members of the ward and in good condition. they will point out the cake-miDeputy Sheriff Paul Johnson to likely looking said the accident occurred when (Devere the girls brother, Abel, about 18, was crossing a ravine in search of a wounded buck. Youngster The young hunter told the dep uty he looked back to the hill and thought he could see all members of the hunting party and then fired into the brush when be heard a noise. The wounded girl was rushed over a hundred miles by the hunting party to the Tremonton ' hospital. Tremonton girl A was wounded in the leg iate Saturday afternoon when her brother fired at a moving object in brush, in the Grouse Creek, Box Elder county mountains. x x 54 Fram Uses Option to Buy Warehouse, Land In B. C. is Mu VOLUME 58, NUMBER 42 J'n the labor situation here and that they are anxious to have a factory built and in operation, but have not mentioned a specific time yet. . Call reported that negotiations on the sale have been underway for several weeks. Officers of the Brigham City Industrial Development corporation besides President Call are ILes Bundy, vice president; and Leon Packer, Clyde Stratford and Orson Christensen, board members. CarlusL. Jensen Dies of Heart Ailment on Hunt Prevented Fire From Growing The only Box Elder county casualty of the deer hunt so' far memreported was a ber of the Bear River ward bishopric who was apparently the victim of a heart ailment. . . The body of Carlos L. Jensen was found in Isolated .Blacksmith Fork canyon country east of Hyrum, Monday afternoon by a party of hunters. : . , Apparently Mr. Jensen was hunting alone when he suffered a heart attack. The body- was found by Dean L. Richards, Brigham City; Curtis B. Hunsa-ke- r, Devils Slide; Paul D. Brigham City and J, Ross Wright, RlFID, Brigham City, J ' Carius Lorenzo Jensen, was born in Bear River City Novem-he- r 10, 1902, a son of Lorenzo A Riverside, Box Elder county Hyde Jensen and Esther Doroman suffered a fractured neck thy Ipson Hyde. He was reared and educated and leg lacerations Monday colin Bear River City where he a beet truck morning when lided with his 1951 sedan in has spent most of his life. He front of the Elwood school. fulfilled a mission to the LD6 Northern States mission field. In fair condition at the ValHe has been first counselor ot ley hospital in Tremonton, is Karl G. Welling, 52. the Bear River ward since AuTrooper T. Wayne Woodland, gust 26, 1945. He is a member of the Bear River Town Board and Utah state highway patrol, said Mr. Welling southbound car director of the Acme Water was attempting to pass a south , company. ,4 He married Pearl May Smith, bound beet truck driven by Tremonton. June 17, Valencia. 10, 0930, at Pocatello, Ida. Philip Leslie W. Bowden Home As Smoke Poured Out The beet truck - tamed left, He Is survived his widow , SpeakiaBenonaH and after the collision, the sedan and the' following by home the Bowden saved J. . last Saturday morning. perhaps ferry Bishop over Mr. twice. rolled Welling Speaking personally Raymond S. Holtry, Balt 'Lake when he calmly phoned the operator and told her to send the fire department down. was thrown out and the car casaid he ran for the board nine City; Milton E Koltry, Spring-fiel--o reened into a ditch and came to years ago "for an experience, Ohio; Dale W. Holtry, Called On Mission rest in a canal. and what, an experience Ive Richmond, California; Mrs. Reese I The beet truck overturned, and had. (Katharine) Ward, logan; Mrs.' Level-TerrJ. y its driver was unhurt. The mis"I went into office when the Joseph (Clementine) Wright, has it and fire U. S. under occured was on : board highway Kennewick, Wash. hap 30. s never let up. Also his mother, IBrigham City; Home--Saturdhe ay said, Day-a- nd When he took office, eight grandchildren and. the fola $500,000 bond issue was about lowing brothers and sisters: Mis. Vernon (Doris) Hansen, and Mrs. to be j)ut to a public vote, one of the principal administrators his grandparents and his broth- Merle (Verlyn) Jensen and StanA Frank Coppin, Coppin Motor Company his of the school district was replacremembered er, Jays clothing was destroyed ley D. Jensen, all of Bear River who grandfathweeksix buck down he last shows the brought advice to keep calm and and the living room was exten- City; Mrs. Vernon L. (Loretta) ers ed, and shortly after Central end on a deer hunt point in the UintatBasin area. Frank didnt if sively damaged. school burned down. Hansen, Tremonton; Mrs. Ottis phone the fire department ruin a pound of choice meat scoring a neck shot.- - Many , were sure (Elaine) Wood, Phoenix, Ariz.; we ever have a fire But, said Terry, Money from the original bond probably Rivhunters from Brigham City and area brought home the saved the Leslie William Bow- lucky to have a house left to Mrs. Shlrle (lElelda) - Williams, issue, raised for a new Bear er high school gymnasium had meat--. Many didnt. den home, 95 north Second west, sleep in anyway. Brigham City. to be used for the hew Central from destruction last Saturday Funeral services will be held bond another school and later morning. Thursday at 1 p. m. in the Bear OctoLions Willard and Saturday Sunday, vote, River ward chapel with Bishop issue presented for Will Terry J. Bowden, son of Newel Bruce Robinette Spent ber 24 and 25, will be the dates As a result of spending your Vernon L. Johnson officiating.-- ; Sell Will J. Bowden, who is living with 12 Hours in Willard conference of the ward Brigham Friends may call at the fammoney weve had some un Mrs. Mr. his and grandparents, in the ward. Permits Pheasant home Wednesday evening ily W. the pleasantness that 18 only na Leslie Bowden, spotted son Bruce Mr. of A special leadership Robinette, Oct., 22 meeting and tural but we have dohe our s. a in fire closet. clothes Thursday until time of large Mrs. Asel Robinette, spent and Pheasant permits for the will be held Saturday evening ' best.. He scooted for the back yard 12 hours in Brigham City on offiwaTd 7:30 m. all for at area will sold from Willard be p. Didn't . Spend Some Boards Aaronic Senior Interment will be in the Bear priesthood to tell his grandmother who was Sunday enroute to Chattanooga, f River City cemetery under diThe board president pointed members will be host to the Saturday, Oct. 24 through the cers, teachers, Aaronic and ran clothes. he When Tennessee where will washing they spend leaders, priesthood t rection of the Harold B. Felt Aaronic priesthood members of following Saturday by the back in and his grandmother the next 25 days. ward teachers, and Relief socie; funeral home. the Willard ward, and their Willard Lions club, It Was anwas smolderMr. was recent Robinette excitedly jerking just nounced today. ty block teachers. The stake a barbecue banquet, fathers at TerU. from the clothes S. naval closet, Legion ing ly released from the They will be on sale at the Ward Teaching committee will on ry calmly called the operator hospital in Bremerton, WashingThe banquet which will be Willard grocery and Mont present a demonstration and told her to "hurry and send ton, where he has been confined Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7:30 p. m. Zundels service station, both ward teaching at this meeting. the fire department, and gave for the past six weeks. Meet will be held on the tennis court, Vleria H. Stokes Sunday sessions of conferthe correct address. He lrft by plane for Tennes H the weather is bad it will be Chicken Pox and Mumps ence will begin with ward teach- . formerly of Brigham City He may have saved the day, see from Hill Air Force base on - held ih the church house, 9:115 a. m., ers at Amerreport of the meeting cases Two of chicken and meeting pox Regular for firemen said a few more Sunday. He will report back to Victim A good meal and a program one case of mumps were report- priesthood meeting at 9:30 will lean Legion . auxiliary, post 10, H. minutes might have given the Seattle, Wash, upon expiration Mon-hav- e divided into be three groups, eve been for held the counwill be ed contracted in Box Elder prepared Brigham City, a fire enough of start to burn of his leave. There will be a charge of ty during the week ending Oct. Aaronic, Senior Aaronic, and day, Oct. 26, at 8 p. m. at the ning. Lilly Day Molgard, 35,' Riverthe house to the ground. His wife is the former Dorris 50 cents for each person attend 9, priesthood groups. War Memorial home. ton, Wyoming, formerly ot South by the Utah State department Melohizedekschool of Terry6 clothes, Wall of Chattanooga. all To Mission Nearly commence will Sunday of health. An Interesting program hasing. Willard, died at Lander, Wyoat 10:30 and a Sunday school been arranged under the direc ming, Friday, Oct 16, 1953 at leadership meeting will be held A farewell and testimonial tlon of Mrs. Mabel Forsgren Lander, Wyoming following a sacraschool. The after LINCOLN be will HALLOWEEN Sunday There will be held in honor of Vleria program chairman. gun shot accident. 7:30. at ment start will Lincoln meeting the H. Stokes, formerly of Brigham a dance number by Mrs. Molgard was born April school dance group, directed by 19, 1918 in Brigham City, a City, now of Ogden, dn the Og den Second ward, 26th street Mrs. Kay Freeman. daughter of Edgar and Emma HALLOWEEN Auditions For MIA Sandra Knudsen and Janice and Grant Avenue, October 25 Rasmussen Day. She was rearat 7 p. m. Jensen will report on girls state ed and educated In Brigham in Logan Orchestra Gala annual Halloween Car- Pop corn sales will be under the City. and Mrs. Ruth IBott, department Miss Stokes has been called The spirit of Halloween has made chili and barbecue will be Child Welfare chairman, will overtaken She married Lynn Molgard, Auditions for the June confer to fulfill a mission in the North nival time for Lincoln school direction of Mr. and Mrs. Dale students of Central prepared by the cooks at the also speak. and teachers Baron and Dr. and Mrs. Dean April 9, 1936 In Ogden and they school. school. .There will be cake, pie ence Mutual Improvement asso Central states, with headquar children, parents made their home in South Wilsymphony orchestra will ters at Minneapolis, Minn. She will begin at 7 p. m. on Friday, Bunderson. They are already eyeing the and homemade candy to satis elation Candy salesmen will lard until two years ago, when held in Logan, Saturday, will enter the mission home in October 31. be of with Oct. 30, sweet the toothes. anticipation fy day of the affair are be Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rich- they moved to Riverton, Wyofor that is the time the annual The chairmen' report there October 24, according to Elbert Salt Lake City on December 2, R. S. Reeder, Bertha Curtis and Mrs. Russell Fishburn laand Mrs. ardson and Mr. and. Mrs. Pete ming. for of her and field Halloween carnival will be held, will be a variety of games to be depart She was a member ot the LDQ Paul Merrell, of the Lincoln Usatuck. Hot dogs and soda pop bor on Dec. 9. chairmen of the event, said to played in the rooms, as well as YMMIA and YWMIA heads. will be served by Mr. and Mrs. church. It was pointed out that appliPTA. fortune telling, a costume panew is The the day. missionary Chairmen stated today that John Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Don Survivors include her husThe event has developed into rade and, of course, a spook al- cants should be prepared to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. a solo. An accompanist will Chase and Mr. and Mrs. Eric band and four children: Anna play of to the an comthe affair for the members make Halloween specific reason for the carfor Star important Bedford, ley Valley, Temple day if the applicant Stokes, be available In charge of ice Marie, Jimmy, Billy and Ronney, to is con of nival not will the because Promentertain young- Seashore. youngsters, plete. the North Box Elder stake Wyoming and formerly of sters on Halloween and all ac- cream are Mr. and Mrs. Reed her mother, Mrs. Emma Day A doll clothes sale will catch does not bring his own. Utah. be next Thursday, it was an- - templated mischief, but because ontory, In Logan the auditions will be and Mr. and Mrs, Nuttal and the following brothit is wholesome, good entertain the eye of many a little girl and held She is a graduate of Box Elder tivities during the evening will Simonsen nounced today. at the Logan 4th 16th ward, Im- - ment. stu- Clark Hillam. Raffle will be un- ers and sisters: Wayne Day," Ogfor be aimed fun at the chairher Mutual the mother, and the school, predicted high Brigham City Sponsored by First east. Third north. der the' direction of Mr. and den; Mrs. Florence Thompson, Superior School of Beauty Cul- dents. provement association of the- At the meeting held last men. Mrs. Earl Madsen and Mr. and Layton; Mrs. Donna Morgan and Oct. wheels are door be 15, the will Valuable has and attended nook workers especialEach Thursday, and corner of the Mrs. Alfred ture, Ogden, prizes stake, MIA Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Frances Woods,1 both . ot motion were in a for set officers said, both LD5 and Henegars business school will hold surprises in J. D. Merrell Frje. bigger awarded. ly urged to attend, No American Mr and and Mrs. Clearfield. Legion new ever. colleges. cluding: fish ponds, bingo, for- Bob Nielsen are to be cashiers. .They pointed out that - af- - and better carnivalear than Mrs. "All in all, said the chairFuneral services will be held are this She is a former member of the tune tellers, silhouettes, men, "the evening promises to Meeting This Thursday recommends are necessary grab Room mothers will assist with Friday at 2 p. m. in the-- , Wilter October 1. Wayne Loveland and Mrs. M. A. be great fun for the students, Brigham City Second waTd, and bag, sugar plum trees, doll doll clothes sales, fish ponds lard ward chapel with Bishop Burtcher. Under their direction parents and teachers of Central Because of the hunting sea- was employed at the Brigham clothes, cake walk, candy sales, and games. not . Reynolds Reeder will William Kunzler officiating..,,. son of have a been district. committees formed be school will corn salon for three I there balls and apron sales. meeting Beauty years. pop Friends may call at the home Lee wignr Enrolled In parents and teachers who win Main purpose for holding the of American Legion Post show movies. 10, Since moving to Ogden she has Food Will be sold during the of her father-in-laLaurence acare sevThe rooms been employed for the past entire evening. Parents are en Northwestern University direct the many events to take event is to help children enjoy Brigham City, this Thursday, donning holi at couraged to bring their families day attire for the festivities and Molgard, in South Willard, on Halloween in a constructive cording to Commander C. R. en months as a clerk-typis- t A Brigham City man. Lee Place at the carnival Thursday evening and Friday Western Auto Supply company. and enjoy their evening meal at all are invited to attend. Wight, 428 north Fifth west, is It will be a full night out for rather than destructive manner. Jones. , ; prior to services. A is extendHowever the whole Mom can cordial invitation benefit is be school. a All the of family. the affair will secondary enrolled In the Northwestern proceeds ' - relieved of kitchen relaed acand The first friends successful Food duties for oil her the car funds raised from are the chairmen sommittee pipe many stay in the school and will be Everyone to invited to University dental school, was-laiin tives in this area to attend her Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reeves and used to purchase new books to phone cording to a news release from the family can eat supper at nival to purchase school equip' line, four miles long, their society items tor the New 1865. testimonial. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Anderson. enlarge the school library. Ithe carnival.' Delicious home ment. i the school and Journal to 77L Riverside Man - Has Broken Neck Hun-sake- r, In Mon. Accident 6 - Nine-year-o- step-childre- ld d, Bowden Saves The Willard Ward Will level-heade- the nine-year-ol- Hold Conference October 24 and 25 Host Aaronic , Prieshood ser-vice- k I Auxiliary To Monday , Vleria Accident Stokes Serve CENTRAL SCHOOL PTA PLANS CARNIVAL OCT. 30 CARNIVAL AIMED TO ENTERTAIN KIDS 1 |