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Show Halloween Dance Slated By 2nd And 5th Wards In Special Childrens Mo vie -- V P Costumes will toe in order on when Tuesday, October 27, members of the Second and Fifth wards join for Halloween fun at the Fifth ward amusement hall. (Festivities will begin at 8 p. m. with a spook alley, refreshments and dancing for all. ", Prizes for the best boys and best girls costume will be awarded during the evening. 7: s, v ... t r,j ''' s"' I - Mfr Officers of the YMMIA and YWMIA of both wards are making arrangements for the holi. day social. STUFFY SEZ Jean Parker Adopts Mountain Lion Sequoia, remarkable drama of the affinity between ... in human beings and wild animals, which will be show n Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Capitol theater. Filmed on location in Sequoia National Park, the cast also features Russell Hardia, Samuel S. Hinds anl Paul Hurst. 5th Ward Talent Show Termed Highly Successful By Junior Sunday School Officers In Charge a8wl is please? ANP I SAIP muck ALWAYS sleep The Fifth ward annual Talent op Evans Woodbury show, Thursday, Oct. 15, was Meacham. betitr on mv upholsterepbeo. Comfort - Quality Materials All go Expert Service into the completed article See us for the BEST in upcar holstery, mattresses seat covers. EVERTON 24 highly successful according to Mrs. P. R. Parker and Mrs. Jay Hansen, Junior Sunday School leaders in charge of the event. were numbers presented by ward talent. All, including the master of ceremonies, Omer Call, were presented beautiful books. Participants ranged from age three to seventy four. MATTRESS CO. E. 1 So. Ph. 27 - z x CaipiMl LAST TIMES TODAY Double Bill "RIDE VAQUERO" and "CRY OF THE HUNTED" r -- - Twenty-tw- o The George Craghead amplifying system was used in program presentation. - Talent included: piano selections by: Alan Davis, Mayone Woodbury, Janice Bartschi, Rita Roxa-lenPalmer, Lynette Pierce, iRidd and Portia Reeves; piano accordion numbers by Sher-lleJensen and Darwin Reeves; songs: Kathleen Parker, Jufie Bartschi and Lorraine Woodbury, Josephine Johnson, Hamilton; the Kimber girls and Jean Parker; Readings, Kent Seely, Kathrine Siggard and Janice Ohman; instrumental, Joseph A. Stokes; violin duet, Karen Bell and Beth Bunnell; violin solo, Derral Siggard, and song and dance, Diane Mea-chae e .- - Prayers were offered by Bish- - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. A PICTURE EVERY CHILD MUST SEE! EXCITING FOREST-GIR- L The truth about comicbooks! LEADS ANIMAL REVOLT AGAINST MAN! seer j FIGHT TO DEATH BETWEEN ' BEAST AND MAN! : SEQGflODA (pfMMind Sm y and Leo Mrs Marg Lish and Mrs. Rhea Neilson Rader A seven pound 10 ounce son was born Saturday, Oct. 17, to Bill and Rhea Nielsen Rader at the Ft. Lawton hospital in Seattle, Washington, where Mr. Rader is stationed With the U. S navy. Grandparents for the first time are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rader of Corinne. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and (Mrs. Wilford Nielsen of Honeyville. Fort Brigham Camp To Meet Friday Eve ters of Utah Pioneers will hold regular monthly meeting on Friday, October 23, beginning at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs, Anna Jeppson, 321 north First west. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs Marjorie Petersen, Mrs. Korma Korth, Mrs. Anna Jeppson and Mrs. (Blanche Crossman AHospital Notes at (Wayne Kotter, 4, son of Mr. and (Mrs Jay Kotter, underwent a major operation on Friday, October 16. He is reported to be doing fine. Lloyd Perry, 138 north Third Willow Creek Camp of west is recuperating following DUP Plans Thurs. Meet a major operation performed October 20 at Cooley Memorial The Willow Creek camp of hospital. the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold opening social ThursCULL PULLETS NOW, day, Oct. 22, at 1.30 p. m. in the Willard ward classrooms. IS AGENT'S ADVICE Lunch will be served first. Good poultrymen have been r cullcontinuously on an DUP Will ing program. However, now that Oak Camp of to are produce Meet Thursday Evening pullets starting and are being put in the laying house, give them the culling that The Oak camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet really county. There may be some birds In Thursday evening, Oct. 22, at the flock that have developed 7:30 p. m at the home of Mrs. undesirable characteristics re Nola Kimber, 646 south Third cently. Get rid of them, say west, IBrlgham City. county farm agents. If you missed some undesirable birds at previous cullings catch them now. Dont leave them in the flock. If youre new to the poul try business and arent sure what to look for Stop in at, call, or write your county agents of- cftEGD&ft? fdkf JEAN PARKER fice ENDS TONIGHT ALSO 'ROMAN Have you ever picked up a hitch-hike- r ? HOLIDAY" THUR. - FRI. - SAT. THREE BIG HITS You won't ever... after you utah rouir Z Y our : UTAH 1 POULTRY , . JACK KELLY. Manager p: u i Come in and visit us 2 at your neighborhood Utah Poultry Branch . . . Let us show you how we can save you money and give you more convenience in o3 marketing eggs and UTAHiPMlTRZ BELL'S now ;4- - gfo'O the casual look in a versatile coat dress flock. When culling consider the par ticular strain of birds, know the composition of the ration used feeds how much supplemental have been used, and weather parasites or diseases have been present in the birds. Your old hens should have been culled according to char aeterlstics last year, so this year cull them out as they stop lay' ing. A hen eats as much feed when she is out of production as she does when shes In. Put the feed in a laying bird, rather than the cull. Dollar for dollar, feature for feature, Motorola TV outvalues them all! Brings you television', most powerful, most dependable picture! Come ini See it today, for sure! 5.99 GET DOUBLE PICTURE DETAIL DOUBLE A fashion so useful its bound to be the backbone of your wardrobe An outstanding f 4, k la A, V"-- t .JV, K . i, "double-value- VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY! New, Exclusive Doubefower Pt ctorel Exclusive Distance Select a SwitoAt Built In Tuning Ophonolt 1 dress, created by Mode O Days designers. Double-valu- e and a in fabric and workmanship double guarantee. Mode O Day and Good Housekeeping. Trimly tailored , coat dress is rayon, sizes N- .- FuH l.OC lYeor Warranty on AH Parts! MODEL 17T13 For As Little As top-flig- 14-2- AUTO-VDRIVE-I- N U THEATRE 60-gau- Wednesday - Thursday DECISION BEFORE tarring EDMOND O'BRIEN FRANKLOYEIOT - with Richard Basehart and Gary Merrill Plus Serial Shorts Cartoon - News X 7 Special! Sheer, nylons in DAWN WILLIAM TALMAH high-twis- JJgO Ml to viiuta iaimi uitt PARKER. PATTON. NEAL.FORD Ueeeeei LOVE NEST . with June Haver and Marilyn Monroe nylons 1.00 gc t. snag-resista- Guaranteed perfect. MERRELIL'S, BIUGHAM CITY, UTAH WALK A O 3 cffXRpfafla 4? 3 3 poultry. What does mining mean to Utah? In payrolls, it means 7 of of the state's total the third highest percentage of the nation. And for each Utahn on a mining payroll, four others a total are employed in related industries based directly on mining of 35! A healthy mining industry means a healthy Utah mining in trouble means Utah in trouble. d 0 Manager S Says S 1 Desirable birds will have broad pelvic measurement, deep pelvic keel measurement, deep body, and a full head with a full comb and iwattles. Keep the birds with prominent eyes and relatively short beaks. Consider feathering; rapid feathering is a sign of early maturity. Cull out the birds. Look for small bodied birds, Keep on culling while the birds are in the laying house too. Eliminate poor layers from the crow-heade- see this picture! 1953 - all-yea- In theNovember Ladies Home Journal, a noted psychiatrist reveals the shocking facts! Read What Parents Dont Know About Comic Books". by Dr. Frederic Wertham. Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 21, AN0 Son Born to Bill and -- e Box Elder NEWS 3 bride and Lovely home nuptials at the with a miniature May Balls along with committee home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin bridegroom. members for the delightfully Christian united their daughter, For the wedding and reception planned evening In charge of Miss Mary Lou Christian, and Mrs Christian chose a pink and the table decorations were: Mrs Robert L. Ahrensbach, son of black model, Mrs Ahrensbach rial home. Eugene Price, 'Mrs. Clyde Lar- Mrs. Bemeice Ahrensbach, on chose blue wool Both wore corThe lovely table decorations sen, (Mrs. Ronald Ballinghom, October 9. sages of rosebuds and carnaThe rites were performed by tions Included colorful arrangements Mrs Earl Slager and Mrs. Harthe Hanline grooms grandfather. Judge Out of town guests Included: of fruits and vegetables, bou- ry Get Acquainted Mixers led by C. J Christensen of Hyrum, in Judge and Mrs C J Chusten-sen- , quets and chrysanthemums and bounties of the Autumn har- Mrs Bert Reeves concluded the the presence of immediate famMrs Eva (Rose and Mrs vest. Brlgha Virginia Cfteper evening Mrs Wendell Hess ily members. Martha Smith and son, Don, all The bride pinned a beautiful of Hyrum. vines trailed down the centers served as program chairman. New members of the club are: orchid corsage at the shoulder of of the tables at which 97 ladies Mrs in Euia Harris was Mrs. Leo Walker, Mrs. Lowell her blue wool frock. Her gown were seated. of refreshments w ith charge a was Mrs. with Clyde Armstrong, complemented tiny close friends scr 'Following prayer by Mrs. Baron, ing Mrs winter white hat. Myrland Balls, the new mem- Mrs Elbert J. Andersen, Little Lila Ahrensbach was Following the wedding vows bers and members were greeted Edell Butterfield, Mrs. Newell gift bearer by Mrs. Dean Bunderson, presi- Call, Mrs Wm. D Hollist, Mrs the a young couple was honored Tlie couple are now at home dent. New members were Intro- Lorin Hunsaker, Mrs. Don John- at reception. The bridein Brigham City a was of Mrs The Clovis home Mrs son, Jordan, profusion duced by Mrs. Dwaln Jacobson, is employed at Hill Air groom blooms. Mrs. Autumn and W. Charles Earl Ludlow, Displayed membership chairman Force base Dinner was served by Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. R. G. Ickston, Mrs. cut during the evening was the Dennis Pimper, Mrs Fred Pier- beautiful three tiered wedding Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren assisted by cake was adorned Wm. K. Benson. Serving girls son, Mrs. Vern Petersen, Mrs. cake. The roses Mrs. Melvin with pink and lattice work were the following daughters of Lynn Richmond, and silver leaves. It was topped club members: Whitaker, Mrs. Adrain Shields, Kindergarten Mrs. Dale Rasmussen. Mrs. Wil-forJudy Larsen, Rose Marie Kaiser, Wendel, Mrs. Clair Hug- Dr. Royal Garff To Be Diane and Patsy Wolky, .Janice, K. Benson, Mrs. Sharon Christensen, Delone Jen- gins, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Drewes Vernon and Verne Speaker at Civic Club sen, Linda Petersen and Joan Sederholm. A special treat is in store for Long. Civic Improvement club memImmediately following the delicious meal Mrs. Ella Long, as Birth of Baby Daughter bers and guests on Thursday, mistress of ceremonies, intro- Told October 22, beginning at 4 p. m. by Grant Nelsons QUALITY MEDn WINNER duced Mischa Pozananski, who, in the War Memorial home. IN CALIFORNIA It was announced today by accompanied by Mrs. Arthur (Mr. and Mrs. Grant Nelson of 4 PROOF Gillespie played four violin se- Corinne announce the arrival of Mrs Earl Madsen, program, that MAM ICHltO IT ctions. Carol Warr entertained their sixth child, a daughter Dr. Royal Garff, speech InstruclASMiot wiNtar toot cai aonia with two readings and Mrs. Jeap born October 14 at Cooley Me- tor at the University of Utah, is to be guest speaker. Dr. Garff Is Madsen, accompanied by Mrs. morial hospital. Cliss Davis, sang two vocal as a The little Miss weighed six very much in demand numbers. A toast to the new pounds, 4 ounces, at birth. speaker all over the United members was given by (Mrs. R. Mrs. Nelson is the former Jean States, she continued. He will N. Price, Mrs. Clyde Armstrong, speak Thursday on human reWaddoups. new member, toasted Kindergarlationships in connection with ten club members. the general program theme of Doris Whitaker Weds the year. Let Us Therefore Seek Special thank yous went to After Things That Make For Dan Carsen in Elko Peace. Deseret Ladies Hear Mrs. George G. Smith recently Two vocal selections will be announced of her the marriage talented (Mrs. Dale Of European Tour sung to Doris Dan Madsenby Whitaker sister, the program during Car-seson of Mrs. Leone time. Highlight of regular meeting Carsen, of Pleasant Grove. of the 'Deseret camp Daughters The marriage took place Oct. of Utah Pioneers meeting held in Elko, Nevada. (Bishop- Tur Mrs. Ray Adams Bridge last Friday evening, October 16, 10 at the home of Mrs. Elsie Free- ner of the LDS ward performed Club Hostess Thursday man was a most delightful and the ceremony. Mrs. Ray Adams entertained They are now living at 50 at educational talk of Europe. bridge last Thursday eve Mrs. Robert Stewart spoke of South Main, Pleasant Grove. ning, October 15, af. her home. her recent tour abroad. Salad luncheon was served Following the program social First Meeting Slated from small tables followed by hour was enjoyed by the group bridge games. with Mrs. Eleanor Schow, Mrs. For Sego Lily Camp High score went to Mrs. Wm Marilla Spencer and Mrs. Emily First meeting of the fall sea D Hollist, Mrs Knowlton Brown Fillmore as hostesses. son will be held for members of drew cut and Mrs A. J. Hall took the Sego Lily camp Daughters home traveling prize of Utah Pioneers on Thursday, Members attending Included: Beehive Camp of DUP October 22, beginning at 7:30 Mrs. Kent Jensen, Mrs. LaVerd Plans Meeting Friday John, Mrs. Glenn Compton, Mrs. p. m. Mrs Annie Lamonts home at A. J. Hall, Mrs. Winston P. Nel(Beehive camp of the Daugh- 809 West Forest will toe the son, Mrs. Wm. D. Hollist and ters of Utah Pioneers will hold scene of the pioneer meeting. Mrs. Knowlton Brown. their meeting Friday, Oct. 23, at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Virgia Harding, 137 east First north, It was learned today. new Kindergarten club members were entertained last Wednesday evening, October 14, at annual membership banquet held at the War MemoTwenty-fiv- W: Quiet Home Nuptials United Miss Mary Lou Christian and Robert L. Ahrensbach October 9 Twenty Fire Hew Kindergarten Club Members Entertained at Annual Membership Banquet BLOCK AND SAVE Inc |