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Show vw A Tablecloth Champ A NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UP) man moved in on feminine competition at the Tennessee Stale Fair to win first prize for a crocheted taiblecloth. E. 0. Moon. 64, a post office employee, said his wife taught him the art 39 years ago. News Of Intermountain School Mrs. LelaS. Weir Hills Drive P. O. Box 2695 2805 Arbor Mississippi What parents don't know about comic books YAZZIE HONG KONG DPI If you set foot in Nationalist Taiwan or Communist China, dont call the man carrying your luggage at least not within coolie earshot of a cop. It might land A?' YARNS ! That old so and Constance Dickman tion. Dr. Frederic Wertham gives his findings in the November Ladies Home Journal. Student Planned Festivity Thursday is party night at Miss Grissoms school. Miss Eugenia Dean, elementary teacher, gave her 58 students a chance fito plan theij own party. They nanced it, shopped for it, planned the games and dancing, cooked for it, 6et a beautiful tea table and even cleaned up. The hostesses served 150 guests and students. Mr. Fish and Miss Buyer were assisting in the merriment. Mrs. Ormand, home economics teacher, supervised the preparation of refreshments. The Kiwanians from Ogden were visiting the campus. After dinner at the Navajo Coffee shop the gentlemen dropped in to see all the fun at this student-planneparty. Girls' Department Mary May Young is the new reporter for the Girls Advisory staff. On Sunday, Oct. 11, the girls , in Building Mrs. Loris Peshlakai, attendant, enjoyed a picnic at the Box Elder canyon picnic grounds. The girls enjoyed an afternoon of games and softball, followed by a picnic supper. Mrs. Caroline Lomaquahu, at Vbr;e s;c r;i bri o n s 5 CO. THE Jke Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 21, 1953 Chinese, used mostly only south of the Yangtze river. In the cultured north, the word had long been out of mode. It comes from the Chinese characters "ku and vulgar li, meaning bitter power. ' Coolie actually is somada m late ftr dinner. Jtupes-- 1 (Xttta Hie wairfira real baby-sittin- 16-2- Read the shocking facts, based on a investiga- 5 Meaning manual laborer the familiar to all word coolie, westeners who have been to the Orient, is now taboo in the two Chinas. Both governments have ruled it is disrespectful to labor and banned its use. October is a swell party month. This is going to be a "swell get acquainted party for all women of Intermountain. Staff Family Service is sponsoring the party at building 81 at 8 p. m., Oct. 23, 1953. Wives, you are to allow huib'by the pleasure of Bachelor girls, no dates this night. RARELY PHOTOGRAPHED is the Astaire family, but here, (left to right) is daughter, Ava; Fred Himself; Freds mother, Mrs. Ann Astaire; his photographer snatched this and Mrs. Fred Astaire, Our d RAY s you fn jail. Chinas Outlaw Of Word "Coolie" By l have been wonderfully blessed in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and oher forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful relief. 7. "ST b ARTHRITIS? Jackson Two Use Four Of A Kind And AH Astaires DRUGGIST Ccutcly The Band family group at the premiere of Freds latest starring vehicle, in Theatre Hollywood. at the Egyptian , tron in Buildings 5 and 6. , returned tendant in 'Mrs. Lyle Wright of Ferron, duty on Tuesday, Oct. 13. Utah, and Mrs. Thomas Jeppson Monday night after the girls and boys in Zone 5 of of LaVan, Utah, visited with the fire drill areas, had a prac- friends here Friday. Mr. Wright tice drill. Mr. iBurt, fire chief, and Mr. Jeppson are former said that he was well pleased teachers in Mrs. Kings school. Class parties and outings are with the way the girls and boys going on apace at Mrs. Kings evacuated their buildings. Mrs. Frieda Three Stars re- school, with trips to Salt Lake turned Friday from Pine Ridge, City, Ogden, the ibird refuge and South Dakota, where she and Box Elder canyon heading the her husband attended her un- list. cles funeral. Mr. Hubert McGrath has joinThe members of the Girls ed Mrs. Kings staff, replacing House Council enjoyed a picnic Joseph Castillo, who returned to on the in supper up canyon his home in New Mexico. Mrs. Wednesday evening. Miss Char- Browning has filled in while lotte Mangseth, their sponsor, for Mr. McGrath. Miss Mary Joyce, Miss Billie waiting Ruth Holder and Miss Barbra Miss Ethel Kent is a new Earl were guests. teacher at Mrs. Kings school. Lenore Three Stars celebrated She took the place of Joe Coher birthday on Wednesday, Oc rona who transferred to Toaci- tober 14. She had 18 little guests lena, New Mexico on the Nava- in for her party.' jo reservation. Miss Kent comes Mrs. King's School to Intermountain from Denver, Miss Betty Begay was honored Colorado, where she was formerat a farewell party before her ly employed. recent departure to attend school The faculty of Mrs. Kings at Brigham Young University in school and members of their Provo. Hostesses were Mrs. Ida families enjoyed an October Kennings, Miss Naomi Bartschi Spree recently In the basement and Miss Eula Batiste. Refresh- of building 327. Games under ments were served and the guest the direction of Guy Ewing were of honor was presented with a lovely set of dishes. Guests included Misses Phoebe and Nona Tobahe, Miss Caroline Holyan, Miss Laure Ricks, IMfcs Reta Reiser, Mrs. Ann Tso, Mrs. Mary Jane Quintana and the hostesses. Miss Beverly Nelson, of Salt Lake City is 'visiting with her mother, Mrs. Elda Nelson, ma 10-2- bed-chec- . agon, the enjoyed by hilariously adults present, with special en tertainment furnished for the youngsters by Mrs. Ewing. The room was decorated with fall flowers and arrangements. Cider served and doughnuts were table. Miss from a candle-li- t Norma Runyan was a special guest. Mrs. Ida Kennings has been on sick leave but has now re turned to work. Mr. and Mrs. Karl C. Klingler and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newman with visited over the week-enMr. and Mrs. Earl Webb and family. Odds are against you in heavy traffic extra cautious in rush hours, on just before and after holidays. week-end- M li U I r,i Ol Inn official public service mossago Tho Advertising Council In cooperation with tho National Safety Council. An $095 the obdom wad t' - li; above all the road stay away from that have coffee instead. . f one more for Sponsored in the Interest of your Fall driving safety by Hi SU THE BOX ELDER lJewd IM fight m HAMILTON - safe Drive Carefully... the life you save may be your own! ! A strong, washable support Rack tee mg adjustable. Snaps up in front Adjust strapi Soft, flat groin pad. Ne steel or leather bands. Unexcelled for comfort Also used as after operation support Fat men, wemen snd ctuldna 4 and Dont gamble with fatigue, stay alert. And prepared by DoubU.4.99 rRight or lift sid so be s, have your car conditioned now for Play Winter. Check tires, chains, brakes, horn, lights and windshield wipers. it RUPTURE-EASE- R t bet your life... You can ournai DRUGS . mrnmi HEALTH AND PRESCRIPTION CENTE & Hes a Mans Man ...and a Bourbon-man- ! w - 'VS! mtfWfp&tt Hes a rugged outdoorsman, the admiration of his fellow men. Excelling in all things, he naturally prefers the e Bourbon that expels in flavor and mildness Old Quaker, Bourbon! the Bourbon-man- s i old-tim- r -in power. &peeial smeihing really TE .worn, picture here a car that keeps our order book pages turning quicker than quick. Sedan Buick Special the bargain value that doesnt stay long on our showroom floor. It is the 1953 ped Buick in the For this is the know somewho by eager buyers up thing really special when they see it. best-sellin- The Bourbon-man- s For your information, we present some Bourbon 6 years g land-snap- SPECIAL facts. Buick Million Dollar Ride. The soft and steady and ever-levride that comes of coil springs el ride. on all four wheels a torque-tub- e frame a solid and drive a massive substantial roadweight poised with meticulous balance on broadly spaced wheels. full-lengt- h amuse But what makes the Buick Special so extra special is the low delivered price it carries. It is a price just an easy step above the e three and a price that gives you more room and power and for your money than you get in any other car, except another Buick. tar for MILTON BERLI in tfw BUICK-BC- "low-pric- ride-comfo- rt old America's top value in Fine Straight Whiskey It has a Fireball 8 Engine with the highest power and compression ratio ever placed in a Buick Special plus, if you wish, the instant getaway response and utter smoothness of e Dynaflow. It has for six adults as much room as youll find in cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Twin-Turbin- at no extra cost. Straight Enjoyment for 75 years Bourbon It has a ride unique among automobiles. The TJ&uldnt you like to see, sit in and drive one of these Buicks look into its its its beauty, luxury, handling ease and judge for yourself how small a price tag it wears? Phone us this week, or drop in. Well be happy great-powere- Tuesday evenings. Also, every Saturday, tune fe Tke TV Football Game of tho Week a WGM" Key Event OLD QUAKER DISTILLING COMPANY, LAWRENCEBURG. INDIANA. THE GREATEST to arrange a demonstration. IN , 50 GREAT YEARS Standard on Roadmaster, optional at extra cost op other Series. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES 550 South Main Street , d ARE BUILT BUICK Will BUNDY MOTOR CO. 6 TEARS OLD. 86 PROOF. BUICK SHOW on TV Phone 272 BUILD THEM Brigham City, Utah |