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Show 1 PONTIAC (Vv thV I'mler CADILLAC b, act of June For GOODWILL USED CARS Work Wanted Sale Delicious fend FOR SALE Ba- nana. Mackintosh apples. North Main. Phone - THESE NEW LOW PRICES! SEE 1952 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, Loaded with extras. Low mileage. One local owner. AST T $1995 $1345 $1245 and PICS FOR SALE If interested contact Floyd Jensen or Owen Westenskow. Lost and Found Brown sleeping bag between Brigham and StrevelL Friday evening. Call 425 any evening. Reward. Central Chevrolet Co. 021-23-c- h PHONE 935 rvr 3(545 j All Used Cars Now Winterized Guaranteed FOR SALE 8 piece dining room set. In good condition. Call 653. 86 north Second east. ! FOR SALE $235 Down $31 per month & For Sale For Sale Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 21, 0198-J- 4 1953 North third East. $40 per month. 1951 PONTIAC 15 beet man S. Hunsaker, Honeyville, Utah. ,1950 Car Washing Lubrication Specializing In Gasoline Tank Welding Complete 24 Hr. Service OK CHEVROLET ber. Radio and heater. REMEMBER You for your money at Central Chevrolet Co. PHONE 935 CLOTHESLINE POLES. Built to Lovely spool maple double bed, maple dresser, upholstered chair and end table. Mrs. Moskowitz. Phone 650. $1295 ..OK REMEMBER You get more for your money at 1949 CHEVROLET Central Chevrolet Co. ton truck PHONE 935 5995 Reconditioned May$49.95. guaranteed, Thompson Hardware, 41 So. h Main. FOR SALE tag, REMEMBER get more for your money at You Central Chevrolet Co. FOR SALE Story and Clark up- Priced to sell. right piano. 217-- PHONE 835 Terms. Call 021-23-- milk Good apartment Call unfurnished. RENT FOR Heated. 905. Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT FOR RENT 3 room furnished apt 228 north Second west. Phone 845-J- . . room ' basement 'apartment with bath. Partly furnished. 505 south Sixth 021 pd west. Phone 866-- FOR RENT SUPERIOR DAIRY Phone 504 ' 4 Three room apartment. Furnished or unfurnished. Inquire Henry Bird, 28 north Third east FOR RENT Too Busy To Wash? 021-23-p- d c Let Us Wash and Dry 11 Lbs. for $1.00 Furnished apartments. Marie apartments, Ph. 450 W or 807-- FOR RENT J. 2 Hour Service Cash and Carry Phone 62 Wanted Man with machine to top 18 acres beets. , mile south Chase beet dump. Steven McRae., WANTED MALE HELP WANTED ONE PHONE BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE Ad- dress advertising - postcards. Must have good handwriting. National Write Engraving, Watertown, Mass. HelD Wanted WINTER WANTED HOUSEWIVES Brigham Laundry and Meservy Dry Cleaners BE SAFE & COMFORTABLE NEXT Reliable man or woman to call on farmers in Box Elder County. Part or full time. No lay. offs. $10 to $25 in a day. NA experience or capital required. Give references. Write FURST McNESS COMPANY, Dept B, P. O. Box 14, Bayshore Sta., Oakland 23, California. PULP WANTED, RIGHTS Highest prices paid for pulp rights. Draw money any time. Dee Selman, Tremonton, Ph. 3024. 0-2- 1 thru This Is Your Brigham City DIRECTORY BUSINESS to A handy reference guide Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Furnace Cleaning Appliances Mens & Boys Wear We vacuum clean all makes and BLOCKS, The Friendly Store for PHILCO Television sets. Radios, sizes heating equipment ImMen Quality merchandise, RefrigeraFreezers, Ranges, mediate service. Phone 420. good service and fair prices Cleaners. Vacuum Hoover Metal tors, Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Phone 53 North Main Furniture Co. Ph. Works 250. Auto Repairs Repairs. Auto Paint And Body AUTO PAINTING, body and fender work. Burts Body Shop, 604 North Main, phone 83-- Cleaners , CLEANERS Specialze In Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. MODERN CLEANERS. AND SELLERS MEET! Expert watch, SHEFFIELDS IGA U. S. Choice clock and Jewelry repair. Work beef sold, custom cut and guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph. 868 wrapped for your home freezer or locker. 120 So. Main Ph 69 SIMONSENS BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 36 years friendly service. Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto REEVES RELIABLE WHERE BUYERS Markets Jewelers Laundry & Dry Cleaners Meet Mr. Good food at Its very best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 THRIfT-T-MAR- DRY MESERVY LAUNDRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. Ph. 62. Free pick and delivery. Lumber & Hardware Merrells, Inc Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon Coal Benjamin Moore Paints and Varnishes , Norge Electrical Appllameee . and farms. .nB.WniLMAM O Service Offered 1949 Clean. Radio and heater. - f SEWING MACHINE O ATTENTION! United Bids or hie sale or Anyone wishing to pay their account with Arthur Moffit please call at L. V. 95 Bowden residence, at North Second west. Thank You. Rental May Be Applied Toward Down Payment. CHASE-FIRESTON- E PHONE 63 HGK7 Q)CI ' MSPH.ft'ST Beautiful New 1954 PLYMODTHS SEE THEM IN OUR SHOWROOM o LIBERAL TRADE-IN- S , ' WE HAVE OTHERS We have other EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS on homes Call for an appointment. h order. 511 south First east, Brigham City. FOR SALE Mahogany upright piano. Excellent condition. 351 south First west 1'A FOR SALE Studebaker REAL ESTATE pickup truck. Mileage 25,800. CACHE VALLEY BREEDING As140 South Main Street best 11 sociation the East Mrs. Clarence Smith. provides Holstein. Jersey, and Gurasey Fourth south. sires for artificial inseminaFor Rent or Lease tion service. Phone Carroll OK Hall, 92 north Fourth west. FOR RENT Comfortable, small house. Available Oct 8. Want Ph. 1163. 1952 CHEVROLET ellerly couple. No dogs. Phone 1058-J- . Vi TON PICKUP 30 south Third west j FOR SALE get more IDEAL FOR COUPLE This white stucco home has attractive, carpeted living room; modern kitchen with elec, stove and refrigerator. Oil space heater and elec, water heater. This home has Just been redecorated. Owners will take $4500 to settle estate. PHONE 935 498 South Main Phone 186 or 471-- Well located on down. Balance at about TWO BEDROOM BRICK Central Chevrolet Co. Bill's Associated Sprvirp door, very clean. New rub- 2 S2250 This neat brick home is available for immediate occupancy. There are two bedrooms finished in the basement. This place is only eight years old and is priced to sell NOW. REMEMBER You get more for your money at Body and Fender Requires This place Is located in popular NE location. Possible to subdivide Into eight lots. Two bedroom older home Is modern except central heat Stable, coop and shop. $1495 AUTO REPAIRS Heavy duty 8 It by Norrack. Ph. 0199-R3- . 640 acres. No part of this land will be old separately Land will be sold with, a reservation of oil and gas to the' A Brand New NOTICE HOME AND TWO ACBES sedan. Hydramatic. Radio and heater. Low mileage. O For Sale FOR SALE Real Estate 23-3- R E NT- S4500 IS FULL PRICE For this large home with upstairs apartment 4 door Red potatoes. Phone after 6 p. m. FOR SALE 9 1 SAVE UP TO Box FOR PUBLICATION United States Department af the Interior Bureau of Land Manatement LAND & SURVEY OFFICE, Salt Lake ' claim ERNEST E HOUSE, Manager. of any adverse State may be made by the principal! agent, either personally at thej by mail. Bide sent by mail will be considered only If received at this ofice prior to the hour fixed for the sale Bids must be In sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post otfice money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts be of the bide The envelopes must Date of first publication Oct. 7th, A. marked in the lower left hand comer No U Serial sale 04122, Public bid, 1953 D. Sale 10 A M, Nov 6, 1933 " Omer J Call, The highest bidder will be required 26 First Security Bank Bldg, to pay Immediately the amount thereAttorney for Administratrix 21-- 2 of. Any adverse claimants of the above FIVE UNIT APARTMENT OK 7 preference right mutt assert such right within 30 daye from the above aale .date. The Bureau of Land Management Box has not searched the records of Elder County to ascertain the existence completely furnished with practically new furniture. Total price is $20,000 will accept $5000 down. This property will pay 12 net on investment. Everything in A-- condition. 12 . : U. ft All apartments Automatic gauge shot gun. Walt' Elisson. Brigham RFD 2, Phone 1082-R- INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of HAROLD RICH VAN DYKE, elso known as Harold R. Van Dyke, Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undcretened at 106 North 4th Fast bt . City. Brigham Utah, on or before the 7th day of Feb ruary, A D. 1954. ELIZABETH K. VAN DYKE, Administratrix of Evtate of Harold Rich Van Dyke, De- - LOST REMEMBER You get more lor your money at THIS WEEK 62 door. Radio heater. Hydramatic. Livestock WEINER $795 THIS WEEK 1 48 OLDS For Sale rlrrriK'f lnnJ etoiuM flV tlielf elafmft, on or before the time 2455, tt or Sio loiitt)Ui lo of a Anv eorvtifruoue owner claiming Slat, 12 74, 14 Probat and Guardianship , on the 6th day of November Consult Clerk o! District A194)M next, at this office, the following Court Brigham City Utah or trade of land respective signers lot All Sec. 26 T 12 N, R 9W.SLM WORK ,oi any kind private home, cals, etc. needed temporarily by lady. Mrs. Ruby Cbablno. Howard Hotel. Sedan. Radio and heater. Very clean. One owner. $2045 1950 Pontiac Deluxe 2 Door, Radio,, heater, hydramatic. $450 down. $45 per month 355-- OK 1948 CHEVROLET THIS WEEK yvffk 705 Legal Notices 2fl by sttfkm 1934 (4A C, 1171), and pursuant to the application of Holmgren Land and livestock Co. of Bear River Citv, Utah Serial No U 04122, there will be offered to the hichewt bidder, but at not less than $4 00 per acre, at a IU o clock t public sale to be held 43 COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY ff, let?, eh ttmemle-- l t. Office Supplies TYPEWRITERS, Adding Madh tnee Cash and Registers rented, bought sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. Paint and Glass GLASS AND PAINTS Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line of General paints lor Inside and out. Andersens Glass and Paints, 83 No. Main. Ph. 480. In a community the size theres a demand for nearly everything offered for sale. The catch is, how to find the or seller aa the buyer of Brigham City, ... case maj; be. Thats where the wanfad column comes in. For as little as fifty cents you can turn the trick. Yes, the want ad page is the place where buyers and , sellers meet. Give it a trial, wont you PHONE 1000 lU&J-L- .i INSURANCE ii Your Chrysler O- Plymouth Dealer ; si - |