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Show J t r 1 yMm Box Elder NEWS 8 Brigham City. Utah ' Wednesday, November 12, 1952 i There is a fire in a school house every six hours in the United States, according to Commissioner of Education Earl J. l. f 'f WMAT TK2V Scott Air Force Base Illinois, November 4, 1952. Hello Everybody! Here we are clear back in the thickly populated area of these United States, and we want to tell you how much we enjoy hearing about the hometown folks. Receiving the News and Journal twice a week really makes our trip to the mailbox a profitable one Oh, yes. They have newspapers back here, more widely circulated and much bigger, but certainly not better! The columns are full of knifings, murders, thefts, accidents, fires, etc. But they dont mention P.T.A. meetings, family reunions, Peach Days, or which friends are getting married, or who had a baby. We want you all to know how much we really appreciate the paper and the contacts we have with our friends because of it! We have moved from 'Belleville to a new address which is the reason for this letter. And, of course, wed like our addresses switched. Thanks for a wonderful newspaper, and we send our best wishes to you, the staff, and all our other friends there at home. Sincerely, (LaNae and Dhn Wheatley. Anyone under 75 years of age who is receiving monthly social security payments is required to notify the Social Security Administration whenever they work in a job covered by social security and earn over $75 in any month," Wesley F. Watson of the Ogden social security office said today. This report must Ibe made promptly, iMr. Watson said. If the report is not made before the beneficiary accepts his check for the second month following the month in which he earns over $75, penalties may be imposed amounting to the loss of one or more months social security WATE 3 quick sudsing tuft war for tatiar diihwathmg, whitar wathai, gloriowt thampoos, delightful bathing Gatcampleta details an this amox lag new eufomoHc water softener. checks." PERMUTIT This report is necessary because social security is retirement insurance and a person earning over $75 a month is not considered to toe retired" Mr. Watson said. (Mr. Watson will toe In Brigham City at the Utah State Employment office Thursday, November 6, between 2 and 4 p. m. OfatofflaXco SOFTENER WATER Costs 43 than pre-w- ess ar No Laughing Matter SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UP) 'Hubert Eslinger, 16, who sufferComes Big ed a fractured nose, probably Tapestry COVENTRY, ngland wont chuckle in church automatic models Xsk for FREE heme - A trial A NEWS i BSS7 SOFT (UP) When Coventry Cathedral, destroyed during German air raids in 1941, is rebuilt, one ot the most imposing sights will be the "Great Tapestry." It is being woven by Ean Edinburgh firm and will take between three and four years to complete. It will meaOld Golf Course Doomed sure 62 toy 40 feet. TUXEDO PARK, N. Y. (UP) One of the countrys oldest links, Laid out in 1889, the course is a the Tuxedo park golf course, casualty of the New York State soon will pass Into oblivion. Thruway, a section of which will again. Eslinger said he was standing on a corner after church when a man who had been sitting beside him earlier approached, asked him "Whats so funny? and punched him on the nose. A BEEHIVE Coal and Appliance PHONE ONE A ACCORDING TO KSL-T- AND V KDYL-T- Mrs. George Wintle HONEYVILLE . Hallowe'en misfit dance slated for Honey, ville was held Nov, 1 in the ward recreation hall. This is the third North iBox Elder fun night activity.' The Serenades from Fielding furnished the mu&c for the dance. Prizes were awarded Mr. for the best misfit couple and Mrs. LaVan Hunsaker were in charge. Chili, pie, cake and Ice cream were sold to , Jefray cost of the dance. A large crowd was out to enjoy the evening. The Honeyville Primary held their annual Halloween party and bazaar on Thursday evening in the ward recreational hill for the children and their parents. They entertained the children with side shows and fish ponds, sold ice cream, 'cakes, popcorn and candy. Mr. and Mrs. DeVere - Winfle were in Ogden on Wednesday evening to attend the first Ogden community concert series of the year. Charles Kullman, Metropolitan opera star leading tenor with John Campbell, Alfred Kum, , Roger White and Enmond Karorud presented the program.- - ' H , - A Mrs. Reed Bingham and ,v v Chil- dren have returned home after spending three weeks in Dallas, Texas, visiting relatives and . friends. Mrs. Toiman Burke is in the hospital where she underwent a major1 surgery a few days ago. At this writing She is recovering in fine shape. Mr. and Mrs. (Don Coburn and children of Logan spent Sunday in Honeyville visiting with Mrs. Coburns mother, (Mrs. Paulie T. Mr. and Mrs. (L. I. Layton and sons, Jim and Bud from Layton, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and (Mrs. (DeVere Wintle, YOULL WANT A 1 sweep-aroun- d e SEE 160 H. P. FIRE DOME Y i i J GREAT POWER FEATURES! The DeSoto 160 h.p. Fire Dome V-- 8 has Americas most powerful engine design. Power Steering makes parking and turning easy as dialing a phone. Power Braking t assures faster, easier, safer stops. one-pie- one-piec- v ... BRAND NEW VIEW! Greater glass area all around . . . huge new windshield and curved narrow comer posts . . . big windows, slender center posts . . . new rear window! Hun-Bake- FRIDAY orSATURDAY Of This Week! BRAND NEW INTERIORS! New, handsome upholstery . . . distinctive new door panels . . . new, lovely all grained instrument panel harmonizing with body colors. ' BRAND NEW STYLING! Lower and longer . . . glamorous new chrome fender mouldings . . . new, wider, lovelier front grille . . . beaurear fenders tiful new swept-bac- k . . . new, lower, wider rear deck! Boothe. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunsaker and children of (Brigham City spent Sunday visiting Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hunsaker. iMr. and Mrs. June Christensen of Perry were calling on friends and relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Petersen and daughter, (Joyce, have returned home after visiting their Mr. and daughter, and Mrs. Ace I Herzog in Geneva, Idaho. While there they attended the funeral of Mrs. Petersens V WILL BE HERE TELEVISION y HONEYVILLE THINK (McGrath. Hov i V-- 8 and POWERMASTER l T SIX! CASE MOTOR COMPANY son-in-la- 333 NORTH MAIN STREET, BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH - uncle. The Honeyville Relief society their ward conference Sunday evening, Nov. 2, with Mrs. Ruth O. Hunsaker in charge. Eleane Hunsaker, Alton Bingham and Norma Johnson furnished the singing for the conference. . Mrs. Mary Ellis, Mrs. Mrs. Estella Arvilla Orme, Hughes, and Mrs. (Winn Hunsa-ger- , gave very interesting talks on Relief society work. Bishop Varsel Chlarson talked to the sisters. Mrs. Millie Hunsaker gave the closing prayer. The Honeyville P.T.A. held their first meeting Monday evening in the school house. Dr. Noble of the U.S.A.C. at Logan gave a talk on parents, teachers and the child. A large crowd of parents enjoyed the program. Lunch was served to-- all pres ent. held IN YOUR HOME TODAY! HERE'S WHY: Only Philco Has These 0 utstanding Features: V You'll Receive GOLDEN GRID TUNER! CYLINDRICAL-FAC- FINEST - GLASS E TUBE TO ELIMINATE GLARE! SERVICE NEW POWER PACKED PHILCO CHASSIS! from North Main's OWN i ff ALL DAY TOMORROW Thursday, November 13, Starting 8 A.M. TV Technician All work guaranteed ! UP TO 50 DETAIL! ! f i AERIAL FOR BOTH UHF AND VHF! Factory-Traine- d I - In MORE PICTURE Ttuif i i s i See The New 1953 TABLEMODEL TEST PATTERN PERFECT TV SETS The test pattern sent out Monday from Salt Lake City was received in excellent detail! as low as $199.95 YOULL WANT A PHILCO FOR FINEST PICTURE PERFORMANCE! gofimUSJ enm:m:3w -- A Beautiful New 1953 Philco IT CONSOLE MODEL I. 150 square inch rectangu- Enjoy THRU BUS Service on main lina trips ... lar screen in a beautiful rich mahogany cabinet. Industries highest standard of value for 17 picture. convenient service on All Greyhound trips. Check Greyhounds Service to jour destination youll, find it always convenient, frequently 'through, and to- JUST ARRIVED! BUY ON OUR EASY CREDIT BUY A PHILCO! V TERMS days best travel bargain. Los Angeles San Francisco ... Denver Chicago ... $14.43 ..... 11.38 29.13 Portland Phoenix 14.90 14.63 Hut Tax. far m mm extra 10 SACK WAT with m KeunU Trio Ticket. CLYDE B. STRATFORD, Manager r-- 7 " HOWARD HOTElT PHONE 175 FREE! COFFEE AND DONUJYS DOME BALLOONS FREE! FIRE parents .v'wwcF0R all children fr SPG DOOR PRIZES! accompanied y things in highway travel. 1953 TV SETS BUY THE BEST i The name "Greyhound has become the standard by which we measure all the good ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF NEW 21 , ; by -- EVERYONE WELCOME f . . 1 |