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Show TJnivrrsf'l Microfilnlng Box 147 Salt Lake VOLUME 67, POLICE OVER-SPEEDIN- NUMBER 46 BRIGHAM 11 you were driving too last and a trallic cop caught you, would you thank him lor doing you a lavor? Hardly, tout you should, according to Thomas N. Boate, public safety director ol the of Casualty and Surety companies and he ought to know. He was a cop himself once a captain of the Pennsylvania State Police and learned from experience, and from later years of analysis of death and Injury statistics of highway accidents, that the traffic policeman is doing a motorist and his passengers a real favor by stop- - Leah Rees Reeder Leah Rees Reeder, 83, 129 north Second west, Brigham City, died Saturday at 7 p. m at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. O. A. Owens, Ogden, after a lingering illness. She was bom July 25, 1869 in Brigham City, a daughter of John D. and Zellah Mathias Rees. She was reared in Brighami City and attended the Box Elder county 1 t and Brigham Young university. She taught school in Box Elder county for a number of years. On April 8, 1896 She married Wilford Reeder In the Salt Lake LDS. temple. She was an active member of the LDS. church, serving in the Box Elder stake Primary presidency, in the Relief society stake board, and many years as president of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement association in, the Box Elder stake. Mrs. Reeder served on the county welfare board until three years ago. She was a member of the Daughters of Utah Pio-- , neers. Survivors Indude two daughters: Mrs. O. A (Alice) Owens, Ogden; Mrs. M. C. (Lydia) Morris Jr., Salt Lake City; four grandchildren, one and a brother, Robert Reese, Brigham City; a sister, May Horsley, Salt (Lake City. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the Brigham City Third ward chapel. Bishop Eberhart Zundel will officiate. Friends may call at the Harold B. Felt funeral home from 7 to 9 p. m. and Wednesday af ter 11 a. m. until time of ser "Strict enforcement is closely linked with lower accident exMr. Boate declares. perience, "Enforcement, however, cannot do the whole job, because there just arent enough policemen to arrest all violators. It should toe backed up by Intelligent planning, engineering and a broad program of education. Enforcement, however, will get results more promptly than any other method. Any state or community that hopes to lower its accident toll should bear down heavily on motorists who violate traffic laws, and increase the police force to do it, if necessary. Many police forces are woefully un dermanned, and many others are hampered because guilty drivers are frequently released through political Influence, "It is possible for any com munity to get down to lower levels of accident frequency toy using methods that are known, tested and proved. They all re late to full and intelligent en forcement of the traffic laws. Traffic law enforcement is combination of activities carried out by the city, county or state police department In CO' operation with .the other agen cies of government, Including the courts, the prosecutors of license fice, and the drivers bureau or division of the state. These agencies, providing there is a clear understanding of ob jeotives and reasonably conso nant policy among them, can create in, any community, -- coun ty or state an efficient program of traffic law enforcement great-grandchil- d 1 With two vice. Interment will be In the Brig ham City cemetery. Mendelssohn Male Choir Will Sing Here Nov. 17 The colorful Mendelssohn Male chorus will sing for the Sixth ward building fund at 8 p.m., Monday, November 17, through the arrangements of the wards elders quorum, it was learned today. The chorus, directed by Elvis B. Terry, is composed of 50 male voices. It has traveled extensively throughout the nation presenting benefit concerts, raising thousands of dollars for polio, to help build chapels and etc.' This will be their second appearance in Brigham City. When they appeared here last year a capacity audience enjoyed their Vocal music. Included on the program is a variety of selections: Hymns, spirituals, and patriotic and folk songs. The importance of enforce ment cannot be disregarded. There Is no substitute for it. Ev ery city, county or state that has brought about a substantial and continuine reduction in street traffic accidents, included law enforcement in its program, When enforcement is consistant, honest, thorough and cooperative it neVer fails to do the job. Safety On Farm Is dean of men at Utah State Agricultural college vill speak on Is Religion Worth Bothering With." Especially urged to attend this meeting are elders and members of the senior Aaronic priesthood Sand their wives, TV Makes Local PERRY FATHER OF FOUR LOSES Debut AVith LIFE IN HUNTING ACCIDENT Strong Signal Highway Safety Is 2:30 p. m.. Dr. Joseph Television arrived In Brigham City Monday morning for the first time. It was only a test from KSL-TV- s new pattern mountain-totransmitter, but people In Box Elder county were thrilled to see it because it foretold of things to come. The first test from KSL-Tcame Into Brigham City with a very good signal. The linearity was Slightly out of focus which made the round circle of the test pattern distorted and out of uniformity. However there will be further testing during the week and it Is presumed that by Saturday or Sunday the station will be thoroughly adjusted and ready to take to the air with regular programs. No one locally has reported but seeing a test from KDYL-TV- , It is possible they may have done some testing during the early morning hours. It was stated some time ago by executives of both stations that they would toe on the air from their mile-higtransmitters with regular programs on Saturday, Nov. 15. Arrives To Handle CHURCH I.I.S. Business FOR NORTH AND SOUTH STAKES Reginald W. Quinn of Sisse-ton- , South Dakota, arrived at the Intermountam Indian school, last week, to accept the position officer in of administrative charge of all business affairs. Mr. Quin transferred here from Fort Bethold at Elbow Woods, North Dakota, where for the past five yeans he has served as superintendent of the agency. Formerly chief clerk of the Crow Creek reservation, South Dakota, and prior to that junior administrative assistant in the Land Division of the Indian Bureau in Washington, D. C., the administrator will at BASKETBALL TO OPEN South Stake To Open Season Tomorrow Night And North Stake Tips-OOn November 19 ff North and South Box Elder stake and Explorers the lid off the 1952-5- 3 basketball season during the next seven days with league play opening, according to the stake directors. First to tip the ball will be the South stake when juniors and seniors open the campaign Thursday, November 13, (tomorrow) at 6:30 p. m. North stake starts playing November 19, Wednesday. All games will be played in the Box Elder high school gyms except for the South stake league which will have the final round of the first half in each league played at the Willard hall. j In the North stake all. junior teams will play., at 6;30 n supetvi-siooverall have of fiscal, personal, procure- unless Harper ward enters a team, in which case one contest ment, plant operation, mainten- will be held at 7 :30. and launance, Following are the schedules: Harold B. 145th Field Artillery To Reunite November 15 Annual Reunion of the 145th Field Artillery association of Utah will be held Nov. 15, at the Newhouse hotel. Registration will begin at 4 oclock and the will be served at 7 p. m. banquet h Central School P.T.A. Outlines Series Of Top Programs For 1952-5- 3 Year - Felt A 27 year-olPerry father of four was killed almost instantly Saturday at 2 p m. when struck by pellets from another hunt ers gun. Accidentally killed was Ellis Neal Whitaker, 27, Perry. The accident occured when two hunting parties, each of three members, were advancing toward each other near the railroad tracks west of Perry. A dog chased a pheasant out of tall vegetation between the two parties. One member in each party shot almost immediately, and a third fired after the pheasant was about 25 feet in the air. It was impossible to tell who fired the fatal shot. Whitaker was caught in the chest by the shotgun pattern. He was rushed to the Cooley Memorial hospital, but was dead on arrival. In the victims party were hla brother, Ted, 22, and Dean Ames, Ogden. In the other party were three Ogdenites, William 49, Norval G. Taylor, 47, and his son, Claire, 18. d Ellis Neal Whitaker, 27, Was bom January 18, 1925 at Ogden, a son of William E. and Emily Palmer Whitaker. He was reared in Park Valley and was a graduate of (Box Elder high school. He married Doris Davenport June 16, 1944 In Brigham City, They made their home in Perry. Mr. Whitaker has worked as a plasterer for the past eight years. He was a member of the LiDS. church and at the time of his death was a teacher in the Perry ward, . r..r Survivors Include his widow and the following sons and daughters: Emily Rae 7, Edward Neal 6, Linda Mae 4, and Kim 1; his mother, Brigham City; eight brothers and sisters: Ted O. Whitaker, Brigham, City; Dale B. Whitaker, Fall River Mills, Calif.; Elmer Whitaker, Roy; Merle Whitaker, Rupert, Idaho; Mrs. Josie Taylor, Elmo, Idaho; Mrs. Lila Stokes, Salmon, Idaho; Mrs. Elva Rae, Hayfork, Calif.; Mrs. Lois Butterfield, Salt Lake Opening with a program fea-- ' turlng Civil Defense at the first Interrmountan Indian school as meeting last Monday, the Cen- speaker and on March 9, Finan s as- clng and Budgeting Schools in tral school sociation has scheduled five fop Box Elder county will be the Kenschool subject of Superintendent programs for the 1952-5year, acoording to Mr. and Mrs. neth E. Weight. On April 13 Professor L, H. Norwood J. Hyer, program chair- , Kirkpatrick, librarian at the men. , The next meeting, slated Jan- 'University of Utah will speak on and the World of TV." uary 12 will be focused on the "Parents At all of the meetings music theme Youth Faces a Chalbe presented by students in with Cleon Skousen, will kitchen-dininlenge the various classes under direcalumBrigham Young University North Stoke Juniors & Seniors South Stake Juniors & Seniors dry operations. ni association secretary as prin- tion of their teachers. Mr. Quin was graduated from November 19 November 13 Officers and committees of the speaker. cipal Central Baptist college, Kansas 7.30 Fourth vs. Corinne. 6:30 Sixth to. Second. P.T.A. for the year include: World be the will Friendship" 1935. in 8 30 Seventh vs. Bear River. City, Missouri, 7:30 First vs. Perry. meeting subject on February 9 Officers: Mrs. L. A Bundy, 9:30 Third vs. Honeyville. Residing on campus with him 8.30 Fifth to. Mantua. with Paul Bramlet, principal at president; Mrs Owen IWesten-skois Mrs. Quin and theisr three , Eighth, bye. 20 November first vice president; J. D. November 26 daughters and one son. 6.30 Fifth vs. First. Gunderson, second vice presi7:30 Fourth vs. Seventh. 7:30 .Mantua vs. Second. dent; Mrs. Wayne Loveland secIs 8.30 Honeyville vs. Bear Rlv. 8:30 Sixth vs. Willard. retary; Mrs. Roy Harlow, treas9:30 Third vs. Eighth. November 27 urer and Mrs. Lloyd Eastley, hisCivil Corinne, bye. 6 30 Sixth vs. Mantua. torian. City. December 3 Girl 7.30 Second vs. Willard. Committees 7.30 Honeyville vs. Seventh. Funeral services will be held 8:30 Perry vs. Fifth. Program committee: Mr. and 8:30 Fourth vs. Bear River. Joe Ann Forsgren, Corinne, has Mrs. Norwood J. Hyer, chairmen; Wednesday at 2 p. m. In the 4 December 9:30 Eighth vs. Corinne. been chosen as a candidate for Mr. and Mns. C. F. Epley, Mr. Perry LDS. ward chapel. Bish6:30 Perry to. Willard. Third, bye. , The U. S. Civil Service com mis Dream Girl of Delta Phi, re' and Mrs. C. M. Hill and Mrs. op Rulon HIrschi will officiate 7.30 Sixth vs. Fifth. Friends may call at the Harsion today announced examlna December 10 turned 8:30 vs. First Second. missionary fraternity at Mary P. Owens 7 30 Eighth vs. Bear River. old B. Felt Funeral home Tuestions in a variety of government Utah State Room Mr. Agricultural 11 and college. December representatives: 8.30 Third vs. Corinne. 9 'positions. The new Dream Girl will be Mrs. Melvin F. Bartschl, chair day evening between 7 and lto 6 30 First vs. Mantua. 9:30 Fourth vs. Honeyville. p. m. and Wednesday prior Complete information and apdinner-dancat a formal presented 7:30 Sixth vs. Perry. men; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne John' services. Seventh, bye. plication forms may he secured on November 15. son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seegmll 8:30 Fifth vs. Willard. Interment will be In the Brigfrom the Brigham City post of- December 17 Miss Forsgren, daughter of Mr. ler. 18 vs. 7:30 December Third. Fourth ham City cemetery. , NelS. to Glenn fice, acoording Mrs. Ralph Forsgren, Is a and Mr. committee: and Magazine 8.30 'Honeyville vs. Corinne. 6:30 'Fifth to. Second. son, local secretary. freshman student participating Mrs. Maurirce Burtchef. 9:30 Seventh vs. Eighth. 7.30 First vs. Willard. In the orientation program. They include: engineer, $3,410 Safety: Mr. and Mrs, Dee vs. Back 8:30 Bear . Mantua. River, bye. Perry and $4,205; Engineer trainee, ; Glenn Smith. 24 22 December December and $3,175; photoengraver, $2,950 Mrs. Mr. and Memibershlp: Invited To 7.30 vs. Bear River Attend Tour Third. (At Willard Only) 3.04 an hour. ' Lloyd Whitworth, Mr. and Mrs, U. S. 8:30 Corinne vs. Seventh. 6:30 Mantua to. Willard. Of Geologist, $3,410 and $4,205; Leon Carver, Halogeton 9.30 Fourth vs. Eighth. 7:30 Perry vs. Second. Testing Radio and TV: Mr. and Mrs, veterinary trainee positions, 8:30 Sixth vs. First. Farmers and ranchers of Utah Honeyville, bye. high grade engineer, $7040 December Richard Hansen. Two Box Elder men arrived 31 are 30 December to invited a attend halogeto $10,800; engineer draftsmen, Albert back in the U. S. aboard the Mrs. Mr. and Publicity: 7:30 vs. ton Third Field Seventh. Willard. Explorers Only) Day, Wednesday, Nov. (At electronic scientist, $5060 to $10,-808 30 Eighth vs. Honeyville. 6:30 Mantua vs. Willards 12, in western Box Elder county. Stoner and Mr. and Mis. Grant battleship USS Iowa after sevlaboratory electronic mechaen months In the Far East, ac9:30 7:30 Perry vs. Second, The days program gets under- Wixom. Corinne vs. Bear River. 0 nic positions; and physicist, Summer Round-up- : Mrs. Leon cording to the navy. 11 a. m. when field 8:30 Sixth vs. First at Fourth, way bye. day to $10,800. They are Daniel R. Baty, seavisitors will meet at the Junction Rees and Mrs. Jesse Jepperson. Mr. and Mrs. man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hospitality: of the Park Valley road on U. S. Anderson, chairmen; Mr. Daniel JC. Baty, Route 1, Brigham Lithuanian Recounts Box highway 30, 18 miles west of Floyd LDS and Mrs. Owen Westenskow and City; and Donald E. Peters, seaSnowville. Terror Under Reds , Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mason. man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sponsors of the event are the Halloween: Mr. and Mrs. Glen William E. Peters of Corinne. CLEVELAND, O. (UP) A thin, Utah State Agricultural college, Lithuanian DP here At square-faceThe battleship has been operIts Extension Service and agri- Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra B. Owens. shudders every time he hears his ating with Carrier Task Force 77 cultural experiment station. Civil Defense: Mr. and Mrs, off the east coast of Korea. brothers name mentioned. Six students from Box Elderi-counties He is Joseph Snieckus, 55, Carroll Williams and Mr. and There she participated In gun recently. Delta Lambda pledged Mrs. Richard Alston. whose brother is Antonas Sneic-kus- , Sigma at Utah State AgriculturInitiation ceremonies into the Lee Morris Wight At strikes and coordinated air-guCommunist boss over the al college in pledging ceremon- - fraternity, which is sponsored by Northwestern "U" Study Group: Mr. and Mrs, strikes against Communist supthe L.D.S. church, will toe held Owen Westenskow. captive Baltic state that once ply lines and centers, transporLee Morris Wight, 428 North was his familys home. Mrs. Evans Wood tation facilities and enemy troop during December. Typist: concentrations. Students from Box Elder who 5th west, Is a student of the bury. Joseph and his family escaped G. Northwestern University dental Washington Only from Lithuania with not much pledged the organization in school at Evanston, Illinois actime to spare, after Antonas be- Unanimous Choice elude: Charlene Benson, da ugh came boss. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra P. Ben cording to the university. In Of WASHINGTON (UP) My brother became a ComGeorge son. Miss Benson is a freshman ' 4 ' , munist during the first world Washington was the only presi- who is participating infheorien Girls Whim Sends Youth war when as a high school stu tation program. te who, in effect, was elected Vacation dent he lived for four yeans In denta unanimous Anna Kyle, daughter of Mr. On elecvote of the by Neto. (UP) LINCOLN, When Mrs. Harley Kyle, Howell, and District Russia,. Joseph said. Cutler News of 'Box Elder servicemen ler, Corinne. Corpora) Russia took over my country in toral college. , who is a freshman majoring in Judge John L. Polk abruptly votes 69 He received electoral ended an impromptu 1941 Antonas was made head of va- poured in from across the na- has served as an engineer draftsanimal husbandry. 132 1789 later. in four years and tion this week as some were man. And Pfc. Dan C. Hamblin; the government and chief of the Carol Ann Roundy, daughter cation for Carl Summers, 24. Those were the maximum possi- of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Roundy. Summers was sentenced to 18 promoted, others discharged and son of Mrs. Ora M. Hamblin, secret police. Soon thousands of innocent ble votes in tooth elections. She is a sophomore majoring in months in the Nebraska Reform- still others arrived home from Brigham City, who has served as a camouflage specialist. James Monroe received 231 out home economics. combat duty. atory. people were deported. Many were He rented a car from a Lincoln of a possible 232 electoral votes From the navy comes word executed for no reason at all. At Fort Riley, Kansas, five Box Jo Ann Forsgren. daughter of I went to the capital to beg in 1820 after the Federalists Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Forsgren. garage to take his girl to a pic- Elder men were being discharg- that Lee J. Simonsen has been my brother to stop the killing. party fell apart and had no can- She is a freshman registered in nic. En route, he said, she told ed. They Include Sgt. Isamu En- advanced to rate of seaman. He him she had never been in Chi- dow, Route 1, son of Mr. and is son of Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy SiWe talked for a while but he didate. According to a legend, the orientation program. said he could do nothing. When the holdout elector did not think Elaine Carter, daughter of Mr. cago, so they decided to go. They Mrs. K. Endow who entered the monsen, 424 west Sixth south, some of our own, family were de- Monroe should toe allowed to and Mrs. Floyd Carter. She is a also went to New York, Wash- army in November 1950 and Pfc. Brigham City. He-- Is serving ported to Siberia I went to see match Washingtons unanimous freshman in the orientation pra ington, D. C., and New Jersey Victor C. Fontana, whose wife, aboard the destroyer tender USS where he wrecked the car. him again. This time he refused vote. Historians have said, how gram. Evelyn, lives at 450 Main St. Piedmont. Also Sgt. Richard N. Petersen, Also Bruce T. Keyes, 34 east to see me. Roland Jeppson, son of Mr. ever, that the elector was just son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Peter- First south, Brigham City, watt SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UP) 'In 1944 we escaped to Ger- opposed to Monroe. and Mrs. Ralph Jeppson, Brig, Franklin D. Rooevelt polled the ham. He is a sophomore major Harold Charles Bates, a member sen, Fielding, Utah. They were advanced to seaman while servmany when there were threats at a nudist camp, was arrested all members of the 47th Engi- ing aboard the USS Landing that we, too, would be deported largest electoral vote in 1936. ing in civil engineering. to Siberia. There our Ship Medium No. 226 Which reWayne Sims, son of Mr. and for Indecent exposure when po- neer camouflage Battalion. Losing only Maine and Vermont, Also CpI. Robert W. Cutler, cently from elgjit returned mother died ,in a DP camp, vic- he received 523 votes of a possi Mrs. Arch Sims. He i$ a fresh- lice found him unclothed on a . son of Mr. and Mis. Joseph Cut months duty in the Far East tole 53L man majoring in education. public beach. " tim of her own sons terror." Inter-mountai- Parent-Teacher- 3 n g Corinne Coed Service Job 1 Dream Examinations Told 4 FFA Class Subject Carrying out an education pro gram in farm safety, members of the Box Elder Future Farmers of America Chapter have viewed variety of films on the subject ranging from Screw Driver and Screw Joys to Safety Our Number One Crop. The chapter this year plans to enter the National Farm Safety campaign which they won two years ago. Most farm accidents, it was pointed out, could be prevented if a little caution were used. In recent years a campaign has been held In the FFA to eliminate farm hazards and accidents, with prizes given to the boys who rid their places of Sunflower Camp Will Meet Thursday Evening The Sunflower camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet at the home of Mrs Mabel Holland, 45 South Third East on 7.30 at Thursday evening oclock. Principals In Mendelssohn Chorus e On Sailors n Battleship $3,-41- $8,-36- d Elder Students Pledge Frat Utah State Agricultural College n News Servicemen Pours From Many Places; Some Promoted, Discharged 14-Sta- e " Elvis B. Terry . director " - "Unable To Determine Who Fired The Fatal Blast safety, Promoting highway members of Box Elder Future Farmers of America chapter wrote short articles on the privileges and obligations of a drivers license recently. They produced several pointed phrases that placed the responsibility of driving on the car behind the one In front of you. Some of the statements were "Watch all pedestrians as if they were about to walk in front of your car and it takes you and all others, keeping your mind on your driving at all times, to make the highways safe for everyone." M-m- en will blow Symons, though everyone FFA Essay Subject p dinner-bazaar-progra- m interested la invited to attend. General sessions will be held at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Music for the conference will be furnished by the South Box Elder choir under direction of and one scheduled, South Box Elder stake quarterly conference will be held Sunday, November 16 in the stake tabernacle, according to President Glen M. Bennlon. At the special meeting at general 1 Mrs. Ira Packer, Mrs. J. L. Roberts and Mrs. Hyrum Ward . . . examining many of the lovely items the First ward Relief society will sell at a evening next Friday beginning at 5:30 with supper. In the First ward chapel, the activities outlined calls for sale at 7 p. xn. and program following, about 8 p. m. 53 Three Meetings Planned For South Box Elder Stake Conference ;Sunday s p e c al meetings Where Bargains Will Be The Ordinary ping him with a ticket or a warning, 'before an accident does happen. of traffic laws Violations cause nearly nine out of ten deaths, and offenders of speed regulations are responsible for the majority of them, Mr. Boate points out. Seven out of 10 traffic violators quizzed on the subject said they were more careful about obeying the law after getting a ticket. If they continued to Obey the traffic laws, they had the best chance of stajing out of the death and injury statistics, the records show. Funeral Wed. For schools 8 PAGES DOING A FAVOR G Responsible For Nine Out Of Ten Accidents ' NOV. 12, 1952 CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, WHO STOP YOU FOR Traffic Violations Are ' KIM J an Ctty, tftrh Eula Norton ( . , accompanist';,'.' " |