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Show B ARE FACTS From or Rivtr City BEAR RIVER CITY ior Gleaner girls held at the home of P. Holmgren on The their JunCom-rader- y Mrs. John eve- Tuesday ning. Those present were Joyce Leonard, Donnell Mortensen, La Wanna Jensen, Margretta Stan-deAddie Christensen, Luella Peterson, Patsy Huggins, Audrey Anna Mae Wankier Nelson, Kirkham, Deanna Iverson. The mothers of these girls were also present. The program consisted of the history of the J. Gleaners plan and instructions on how to Bind their Sheaf, by their leader, Mrs. Mabel H. Strong. The Jr. Gleaner Sheaf was formed. Two choruses, I Think 'When I Read That Sweet Story of Old," and "Lullabye and Good Night by the Jr. Gleaners, a playlet A Gleaner of the Latter Day" was given by Joyce Leonard and Donnell Morteneen; a duet entitled was My' Testimony," sung by Joyce Leonard and Don nell Mortensen. Seven Gleaner pins were presented toy their leader. Light refreshments were serv ed. Wanda Johnsen accompanied the musical numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Andersen motored to Provo Friday where they visited their daughter, who is a student at the B, r, Better See motorola TV evening lit honor'd OTrend Mrs. Robert Gilbert. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waddoups of Bear River City and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gilbert of Corlnne. Robert will report for overseas duty soon. The Relief society held a very successful conference Sunday evening. President Gertrude Jensen conducted and the following program was presented: Two songs by the Relief society chorus. Mrs. LaMar Iversen and Gertrude Jensen and Bishop Vernon Johnsen gave talks; Mrs. Joyce Checketts and Mrs. Andrea H. Huggins read the call and "answer." Prayers were given toy Zina Hansen and Mae Christensen. Mrs. Reeder and Mrs. Beecher of the Relief society stake board were present. President Elbert Beecher and two children accompanied the ladies. The P.T.A. Carnival held Friday evening in the school house was a decided success and the ladies in charge should be congratulated on their work. A large crowd enjoyed the eats," bingo, fish pond, spook alley, and other concession games. IT fK t merry- had been there you would have thought you were attending a county fair. Mrs. Paul Kimball (Audreinne) of Grand View, 111., is visting her mother, Mrs. Albert L. Holmgren and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huggins attended the wedding reception of Mr. Dewey Cottle and Miss Lee Ann Hamilton Saturday in the Fifth ward in Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs Ellis Arbon were hosts to a very lovely Halloween party at their new home. Guests came in costume which added to the evenings festivities. A delicious lunch was served and games were played. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Arbon were Ogden visitors Sunday. Miss Geniel Jensen and friend of Ogden were week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jensen.. The girls are stu-- , dent nurses at the Dee hospital. The sympathy of the town goes out to Mr. Lincoln. Jensen and family In their bereavement of the death of their wife and mother. FNostings From Berry Perry Nswt By Mza. Lymaa Wight Mr. and Mrs. Vitale Trippodi of Fort Worth, Texas, Mrs. John Forsgren and son, Toby, and Mrs. Mary A. Wight of Corlnne, visited last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Wight in Perry. Mrs. Trippodi was formerly Miss Marie Forsgren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Forsgren of Corlnne. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Larsen returned last Tuesday from San Diego, Calif., where they were called on account of the death of the infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. George Dicks. Mr, Dicks is son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dicks, Sr. of Brigham City and a former resident of Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Reeve of Texas visited last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland iPERRY Thorns. They are also 'visiting with relatives in Brigham City and Hooper. Mr. Reeve is stationed in Texas with the U. S. army. Mrs. Reeve Is the former Miss Beverly Weaver of Perry. The following babies were blessed at the fast meeting in Perry last Sunday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams was blessed and given the name of Calvin Scott Williams, j with the grandfather, Calvin D. Corbridge officiating. Julie Davis was the name given to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis with Counselor Douglas Oyler giving the name and blessing. The baby daughter of Mr. and Mns. Merlin Nelson was blessed by her father and given the name of Carlene, marking a red letter date in the Nelson family as it was the birthday anniversary of her father. 5 Box cut, mas Elder NEWS Wednendav. November 12. 1952 mmav ma 1 - R OPEN DAILY 12 NOON Le-Ro- y Ralph Nelson, Manager former manager of the Cactus Club in Logan, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matthews recently returned from a weeks trip to Butte, Mont, and Yellow Jf . 4 stone park. They were accompa nied by Mrs, Ollie Parkinson of Salt Lake City. Do-ren- WITH THI NIW Y. U. Standout Picture Three babies were blessed and given names at sacrament meet' ing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ohes ter Stander will call their dauglv ter Jill; Mr. and Mrs. Don Built-i- n provisions for ALL son Thompson named their CHANNEL UHF... right Glade N. and Mr. and Mrs. Claire a now, today! Not just Andersen will call their daugh "somt channels what-- I I svsr ter Deon. happens, wherever you Ellis Dee 'Andersen, son live, your new Motorola of Mr. and Mrs. LaVal Ander "?,iTV can be ready for all 70 sen, left Monday for Camp UHF, aU 12 VHF channels. Stoneman, Calif., where he will be given an overseas assign ment. Mrs. Emma A. Jensen of Salt Lake City recently celebrated her 85th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Reese. Special guests were Mrs. Maggie Andersen, Sophia Jensen and Adeline Andersen. Mrs. Ellery Bickmore Of Hy rum was a week-envisitor at the home of her and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stander. Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Hodges and baby daughter Ogden also visited her parents. Model milW Helen Mar Strong, a student Walnut finish at the B.YJU. at Provo, visited table model her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon inch tube. A M. Strong over the week-end- . includes eral Tax, 1 Year s friend, George Lyman of Rex Warranty burg, Idaho, who is' attending ..... hi. Model ITTlt. $239.95 the University of Utah, was also Ook, Model 17T1 IB ... $249.95 a guest at the Strong home. Mr. Luman recently returned from the Mexican mission. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Braegger BRIGHAM are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Andersen. Mr. Braeg ger has received his overseas as f U' 'U A-2- c for Cream O' Weber Dairy Foods Today's BIGGEST Food Bargains! LJ Government figures prove that milk has gone up far less than all major food groups combined. So Cream O' Weber Milk and other delicious Cream O' Weber Dairy foods are your best food buy today providing 30 of your food needs on just 15 of your food d son-in-la- s budget! And because Cream O' Weber dairy foods taste so good they add so much enjoyment to eating. Shop this advertisement for real food bargains and lots of pleasure for you and your family I $229.95 - P b T f T t - ;rv. TIRE SHOP X 1 signment TIKI IMBQOilTIIl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loveland of Tremonton entertained at W well appointed dinner Tuesday STAKE IN THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY... R in C,B C,eo"0'Wrtww K9 v in ttSfc 'v'sPesY0anderb0 'wo hhhi T creomvoufTbu d9e1 dent 1 . m i0,UvW0 Pitl-u- n TAXES rt-- y . A , Try PRODUCTION COST "Flover-Fres- DIVIDENDS I ITTrf ""O'VVefc,,. COTTAGE CHEESE PAYMENT FOR SUGAR BEETS 0tUGf Maybe you h -- standords . 7,rl5 Pwi''W00d r9irrr)ber thn sfat9 f;mei fstod Quality. help perk up any meal. Concentrated nourishment in its most delicious form. Richest, zestiest cottage cheese you ever tasted! To Per beet sugar industry . . . whether you are a sugar beet grower, a livestock rancher, automobile dealer, a banker, or school teacher. The beet sugar industrys influence and financial status greater purchasing power to the multitudes who are directly or indirectly associated with it. In 1951, for example, the beet sugar industry created some $3,169,000 in new wealth in the Garland factory district. About 52 of this went directly to farmers who grow the beets; the rest went to pay salaries, fuel and power costs, transportation fees, taxes, dividends to stockholders who have invested 'working capital in the sugar beet industry, and' for many other beneficial purposes. All of this wealth for some has a bearing on your prosperity and of the money you receive for your services or goods comes - from the beet sugar industry. farmSugar beets are still the backbone of irrigation ing," and your stake in the beet sugar industry a home industry is real and substantial. one of the finest sugars Always buy U and I Sugar the world and a product of yout own area. Butter's Better-e- nd Cream O'lVeber Is Best! 0 'O -- ! t ( . - r oni M - Weber Butter comet Through with flying colors whenever dairy judges compare it with any other ' brand in the market. !' You can taste the ' difference, too. Hjeajn ft t NlViV !N ) V 1ve tod Creotn o ?.Lv do,1 Because febitttr! Tv. . laslcs Tastes Jtettor ktCMUSt v,f tuocoiy .Vsssfc be'e,a9e ' er eeiT W The quality of Cream O' - t -- - well-bein- ... ani - dont realize it, but you have a stake in the reaches far into your community, helping to bring about 11, ",, SALARIES Bette - s Bette1 U fill vr |