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Show . i 22': Box Wednesday, Nov 12, 19S2 Brigham City, Utah Just About AwitluHa weekly newspaper, established In 1896, pub-llshed at Brigham City, Utah. Published every Wednesday and entered as Second Class Matter at the post office In Brigham . City, Utah, under the act of March 8. 1879. A Subscription rate In Bo Elder County: $2.25 per year payable In advancer In combination with the Box Elder News, published Wednesdays) $4.00 , , per year; $2.00 for 6 months; single copy 5 cents; i Outside Box Elder County, $3.00 per year, com-- 4 bination rate $5.00. Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher - Robert P. Crompton, Managing Editor Gladys Johnson, Advertising Manager Member United Press, Audit Bureau of Circulations. Utah State Press Association. National Editorial Association. Advertising Representative: National Advertising Service. A - ... J ? Ticket For Life A great deal has been said and written in recent weeks about how our country can put an end to its annual national catastrophe of death, injury and property destruction on the streets and highways. Too much cant be said or done until the purpose sought is accomplished. A recent statement by a safety specialist of national reputation, how. Aver, reached the core of the problem in these few words: ELECTION WEEK OBSERVATIONS Elma Klitgaard wore the broadest smile in Box Elder county after the Democratic fiasco victory last week. and the GOPs to grin for she was She deserved the right the hardest working county chairlady in the st&tc As one se put it: Co-Pil- ,1 She takes her politics seriously." Mrs. Klitgaard bought an arm load of newspapers day after election to send the governor and show him what we did in Box Elder county. Norm For Watkins, there have been better days. But, though they were a bit out of practice in taking a whipping with a smile, the Democrats were very gracious in their demise. Norm commented Wednesday Well I hope a new administration helps the country. Now that theyre in were behind them. Norm, the Democratic chairman, didnt buy one newspaper. Its tough to lose, but Harold Reese knows how to take the sting out of it. He said last week now hes going to take a long over-du- e vacation this winter. It is interesting to note that the Garland school house constructed in 1916 cost $34r 019 and the recent addition, with roughly the same floor space, cost $224,415, or just too. The figures, released by Hervin Bunderson, and published in THE GARLAND TIMES, also pointed out that in the last 30 years Box Elder countys population has increased five percent but the school enrollment has ' ' decreased nine percent. Perhaps were just living longer, or are we raising smaller families? Bear River high schools million dollar s gymnasium and unit is nearly complete and its one of the finest buildings in the county. Principal Frank Stevens reports it will be opened during the coming basketball season. With a studentbody of 700, it will accommodate 2300 townspeople for a total of 3,000. They need the room for tjie people in that area really boost their teams win or lose. school-room- seven-year-ol- When the new gym is all done, hope the school board can scrape up enough cash to put a sound proof ceiling in the Central school , - H ' d z Yvonne Hess To Become Bride of Burke Petersen TWO BIG FEATURES Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Hess of Garland this week announced the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Yvonne, to Burke Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Petersen THE RING ' with GERALD MOHR-RIT- of Tremonton. Mrs. Lloyd Hust, Grant Prisbrey, secretary. After meeting luncheon was served by the following committee: Mrs. Dale' Rasmussen, chairman; Mrs. Lloyd Hust, Mrs. Sam Gordon, Mrs. Raymond Payne, Mrs. Grant Prisbrey, Mrs. Elmer Jeppsoft, Miss Norma Jensen and Miss Beryl Clark. co-h- it psoiHENREID uzabethSCOTTI Plus Shorts, Cartoons. News a w! 'f any my pi) f P0C T s-izz- SICJV BWC NEW zr' MOO0. Mhnro"K iwWww.- - r, X owe item on most anyones list musts is power the Efe and lift of your going. t this Buick Special you get a vtd re Fireball 8 Engine that can pour out a wealth of the thrillingest power you ever held rein on more power per dollar than youll find elsewhere. Number Two is ride the way you go the comfort and steadiness and luxury of your travel. Then theres style, theres room, theres visibility, theres handling ease all part of your travel all helping to make the difference between good going and great going. t t But price is very much part of the picture; too what you pay for what you gee So when you add in the big horsepower rating you get in a Buick, plus the extra thrill and thrift of its Fireball performance . . . Every Brack has big soft cod springs on each wheel to cushion your way and an unyieldthat firms and steadies your ing torque-tub- e ride. Yet these are fust two of the fifteen When you measure the inches of room, count up the many hours of comfort through the years, check off things like durability and solid satisfaction and high trade-i- n value . . . heed high-compressi- Two great television events; The I Like Buick ride features that coat, literally, more than a million dollars to engineer. XN of automobile TV Football Como of the Week every Saturday and c And when you put this total agaimt the price of a Buick youre going to say, Mao! Thats great going all the way! Come in and see us today or tomorrow, Phone 272 thing to have something in reserve for the future. Money is much the same , and a bank account that keeps growing is a mighty smart thing to have. Puts you in the position of being able to tide over the rough spots or to take advantage of opportunities to increase or improve your holdings. Why not put part of this years harvest away in your bank account? i M Year Savings Goal Saa How Fast Waakly Deposits Grow Pirn Interest Buick Circus Hour every fourth Tuesday. UHDY MOTOR CO, 550 South Main Street a few bushels of grain, or a few tons of hay, Its a good wooty'i? Equipment, accessories, to change without notice. I Crigham City, Utah A MORENO ft -- . - auditorium. As it is now, with the rafters open, you state and that has Every city, county hear a speaker about three times once when Democrat must be a Les Lowe prehe about substantial a and brought continuing he speaks and once each as the sound thumps reduction in traffic accidents included law dicted last week before the election returns back and forth between the metal beams. enforecement in its program. When enforce--- J started pouring in that ifa the Republicans soon. line win all be well soup standing'in ment is consistent, honest, thorough and He I asked who Oliver Cromwell was and was at least partly joking I think. Eveline Foster, whose father, Harry Foster cooperative, it never fails to do the job. Later in the evening after it was obvious said we need a man like Cromwell for presiThis simply means that engineering and the Republicans were "in, someone at the education should be included in a traffic News and Journals coffee and doughnut dent, answered me. (This was all before at the election party commented election).' safety program, but until laws are respected line-u- p burden of Lightening was so my ignoance With we wont and enforced get anywhere. we might as well get used to standing in pleasant from reading the short profile, figthat statement we are in full agreement. A line for our food. ured it might be nice to pass on. few more policemen and a lot more penalties One Democrat, who wasnt a candidate, to fit the crime will bring reckless motorists admitted day after election, I feel like Ive TO THE BOX ELDER NEWS: to boot faster than all of the other remedies been kicked in the stomach. It seems from all reports that there is a combined. Quite a few people, you probably noticed, lack of knowledge concerning someone called Sure, 99 out of 100 motorists will say: admitted after it was all over that they knew You bet; Im for that. But when the all the time who was going to win and by Forsgrens tn Ida. Falls Ladies BEHS Faculty whistle blows and the policeman writes a how much. Tell of 2nd Son's Birth Dr. S. L. Moskowitz, though, did have an ticket for those same motorists, it is a difHold Meeting Announcement of the birth of League ferent story with far too many of them. inside clue and he may make me pay-u- p with their comes Mr. second from and Find the motorist who admits he was wrong one milkshake yet. Before election he pre- Mrs. Harvey Forsgren of Idaho The Box Eldei high school Ladies Faculty league held reguin an accident and you have discovered a dicted Eisenhower would win by 6,000,000 Falls, Idaho. lar Monday afternoon at miracle. votes. I bet him a milkshake and last time The youngster was born Nov- the meeting school cafeteria. high ember 4, Election Day and on Policemen dont relish issuing traffic I read, Eisenhower, with vote still incom the mothers birthday. Definite Beryl Clark, president, introodd. some and was ahead 5,900,000 plete tickets. It just means more work and abuse decision for his name has not duced Marie Jeppsen- who anfor them. - When more motorists realize been made. He has an older nounced the program. that law enforcement must apply to everyone. Corinne Pheasant Hunting area checkers brother R. V. who is a year and It included: Becky Burnett, a half old. We Will begin to get somewhere in our efsolo; Catherine Nelson, solo, acalways make me squirm. Mrs. Forsgren is the former companied by Verna Johnson. forts to clean up this shocking mess called Checking out with one bird last Saturday, Joleen Call, of Mr. and Colored slides were shown by the traffic problem. Always remember the checker commented only one! why in Mrs. Joe Calldaughter of Idaho Falls. Johnson and Mrs. Oneta tha a traffic ticket may well be a ticket for the last half hour 14 guys have gone out o:: Paternal grandparents are Mr. Ruth Schurtz of their European trip. life some other persons life, or maybe here with limits." and Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren of New officers installed are Miss even your own. It was the same way last year. Brigham City, Mrs. Beryl Clark, president; V , T about seven times as much. Wouldnt it be fine if we had the money we have now and the prices of 1916 or is that like having your cake and eating ' it , , Co-Pilo- ts ... By Bob Crompton racp-hor- Oliver Cromwell and for your information First Ward Hold Ring Presentation y here are some of the facts of his life work. With Their Mothers In Primary Class He lived during the time of Charles I in Ceremony ' to live class of the Brigham ring reminds England and around 1644 was an ' obscure their entertained right. ward First officer. City cavalry t on Wednesday, Novem! At this period of time' it seemed to many mothers Roger Williams, one member ber 5. of the class, was ill at home and Englshmen that the nobility were living, too well at the expense and suffering of the' orMichael Sheffield offered the the class took refreshments and the project his ring to his home for presendinary man and that they were gaing much opening prayer andi Owen. tation. , , ,, was led by Magaret more power than they should have, to the detriment Of the common man. You see As the group separated for ' M , Englishmen gained much at that conference class work, opening prayer was Card Of Thanks, with King John and they didnt want to lose offered by Reed Beecher. Words cannot express the gra' it. Welcome was given by (Mrs. titude and appreciation we feel ' Consequently Parliament rose up against Karen Wilde, teacher. Mrs. Mary toward those who, by their kindthe King and his noble men, in simple words Lou Olsen Cottle assisted - Mrs. ness and generous assistance,-helpelighten our burden of sorto teach them a lesson and Oliver Crom- Wilde with the social for the row the time of the death of at and mothers well fought on the side of the Parliament. youngsters. mother, Emma J. the our wife and Gods This action resulted in Civil.War and starting During the afternoon Test Jensen. May in the southern counties df .England the group sang several songs and with those who cameblessing to our asthe Bryce Jeppsen explained We wish to Roundheads (as the Parliamentarians were on it. sistance in any way. compass and the thank the bishopric called, because of their dislike of finery such Stephen Gundersonsymbols then gave a especially and Relief society , ,. as the Royalists were noted for and because retold story, The Right Way; of this shaved their heads) drove the King second part of the compass story Lincoln Jensen and Family. and his noble men up' into the northern I Can, I Will, was given by countries. It was during the many battles Kathleen Owen. Harvey Christhe third part of the that were fought, that Oliver Cromwell ex- tensen gave I Will Pray. celled and eventually became the leading story, Also on the program was a cavalry officer in all England. In time the poem by Barbara Buland. MiKing and his followers were well and truly chael Nelson conducted the probeaten and Oliver Cromwell became the ruler gram and announced numbers LAST TIMES TONITE Of England. He was offered the kingship presented by the but refused and after he, came Charles II youngsters. Before the closing prayer by TTCU& and the Royal Family has remained on the Barbara Pella each mother prethrone ever since. sented a compass ring to her However he was responsible for arresting youngster. a trend that would have eventually given full Mothers present were: Mts. control to the King and his noble men and the Rula S. Jeppsen, Mrs. Jarvis Nel common man would have lost his right to son, Mrs. Henry Buland, Mrs. Merle Beecher, Mrs. Ezra Owen, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Mrs. Wynn Christensen and Mrs. Oliver Cromwell did a good job and did Boyd Sheffield. his part in preserving this freedom we hear Each child served refreshso much about these days. We very often ments to his mother following express our gratitude for the freedom enjoy- the program and ring presentaed so much in these United States today, but tion ceremony. The compass maybe it would be well sometimes to look back and see where It came from and consider the people, long ago and from many lands throughout the world, who fought so hard to preserve the principles of free speech, 'representative government and op. portunity for the common man. ' P. S. for your further information, CromPICK O THE PICTURES" well built a house at Mass, so that if the WED. & THURS revolution failed, he would have some place to flee to. This information was given to EXCITING DOUBLE BILL ime by Mr. Noyes who has recently come to live in Utah from Mass. Come If You Dare! THUR.- - FRI. - SAT. BONER OF THE . WEEK In a story about J. Roger Deas, American Can Company, giving a talk to the Chamber of Commerce tonight in last Wednesday's paper we gave Deas . . lim a generous plug that went: s a well known interpreter of the many benefits provided by the states agricultural, cat- -' making industries Elder NEWS ; |